13.2. 显示有关失败的 LVM 设备的信息
有关失败逻辑卷管理器(LVM)卷的故障排除信息可帮助您确定失败的原因。您可以检查以下最常见的 LVM 卷失败的示例。
例 13.1. 失败的卷组
在本例中,组成卷组 myvg 的设备之一失败。卷组可用性取决于故障类型。例如,如果还涉及到 RAID 卷,卷组仍可用。您还可以查看有关失败的设备的信息。
# vgs --options +devices
/dev/vdb1: open failed: No such device or address
/dev/vdb1: open failed: No such device or address
WARNING: Couldn't find device with uuid 42B7bu-YCMp-CEVD-CmKH-2rk6-fiO9-z1lf4s.
WARNING: VG myvg is missing PV 42B7bu-YCMp-CEVD-CmKH-2rk6-fiO9-z1lf4s (last written to /dev/sdb1).
WARNING: Couldn't find all devices for LV myvg/mylv while checking used and assumed devices.
VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree Devices
myvg 2 2 0 wz-pn- <3.64t <3.60t [unknown](0)
myvg 2 2 0 wz-pn- <3.64t <3.60t [unknown](5120),/dev/vdb1(0)
例 13.2. 逻辑卷失败
# lvs --all --options +devices
/dev/vdb1: open failed: No such device or address
/dev/vdb1: open failed: No such device or address
WARNING: Couldn't find device with uuid 42B7bu-YCMp-CEVD-CmKH-2rk6-fiO9-z1lf4s.
WARNING: VG myvg is missing PV 42B7bu-YCMp-CEVD-CmKH-2rk6-fiO9-z1lf4s (last written to /dev/sdb1).
WARNING: Couldn't find all devices for LV myvg/mylv while checking used and assumed devices.
LV VG Attr LSize Pool Origin Data% Meta% Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert Devices
mylv myvg -wi-a---p- 20.00g [unknown](0) [unknown](5120),/dev/sdc1(0)
例 13.3. 失败的 RAID 逻辑卷的镜像
下面的例子显示 RAID 逻辑卷的镜像失败时,pvs
和 lvs
# pvs
Error reading device /dev/sdc1 at 0 length 4.
Error reading device /dev/sdc1 at 4096 length 4.
Couldn't find device with uuid b2J8oD-vdjw-tGCA-ema3-iXob-Jc6M-TC07Rn.
WARNING: Couldn't find all devices for LV myvg/my_raid1_rimage_1 while checking used and assumed devices.
WARNING: Couldn't find all devices for LV myvg/my_raid1_rmeta_1 while checking used and assumed devices.
PV VG Fmt Attr PSize PFree
/dev/sda2 rhel_bp-01 lvm2 a-- <464.76g 4.00m
/dev/sdb1 myvg lvm2 a-- <836.69g 736.68g
/dev/sdd1 myvg lvm2 a-- <836.69g <836.69g
/dev/sde1 myvg lvm2 a-- <836.69g <836.69g
[unknown] myvg lvm2 a-m <836.69g 736.68g
# lvs -a --options name,vgname,attr,size,devices myvg
Couldn't find device with uuid b2J8oD-vdjw-tGCA-ema3-iXob-Jc6M-TC07Rn.
WARNING: Couldn't find all devices for LV myvg/my_raid1_rimage_1 while checking used and assumed devices.
WARNING: Couldn't find all devices for LV myvg/my_raid1_rmeta_1 while checking used and assumed devices.
LV VG Attr LSize Devices
my_raid1 myvg rwi-a-r-p- 100.00g my_raid1_rimage_0(0),my_raid1_rimage_1(0)
[my_raid1_rimage_0] myvg iwi-aor--- 100.00g /dev/sdb1(1)
[my_raid1_rimage_1] myvg Iwi-aor-p- 100.00g [unknown](1)
[my_raid1_rmeta_0] myvg ewi-aor--- 4.00m /dev/sdb1(0)
[my_raid1_rmeta_1] myvg ewi-aor-p- 4.00m [unknown](0)