6.2. pacemaker 命令
6.2.1. 启动和停止集群
# pcs cluster start -all
# pcs cluster status
# pcs cluster enable --all
- 停止集群。
- 将节点设置为待机。
如需了解更多详细信息,请检查 pcs 集群
# pcs cluster stop --all # pcs cluster help
6.2.2. 将集群设置为 maintenance-mode
如果要进行更改,并且希望避免 pacemaker 集群的干扰,您可以通过将其置于 maintenance-mode
# pcs property set maintenance-mode=true
验证 maintenance-mode
# pcs resource * Clone Set: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-clone [SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02] (unmanaged): * SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02 (ocf:heartbeat:SAPHanaTopology): Started clusternode1 (unmanaged) * SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02 (ocf:heartbeat:SAPHanaTopology): Started clusternode2 (unmanaged) * Clone Set: SAPHana_RH2_02-clone [SAPHana_RH2_02] (promotable, unmanaged): * SAPHana_RH2_02 (ocf:heartbeat:SAPHana): Unpromoted clusternode1 (unmanaged) * SAPHana_RH2_02 (ocf:heartbeat:SAPHana): Promoted clusternode2 (unmanaged) * vip_RH2_02_MASTER (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started clusternode2 (unmanaged)
刷新集群资源以便在集群处于 maintenance-mode
# pcs resource refresh
这将指示任何内容是否尚未正确,并会在不使用 maintenance-mode
运行以下命令来删除 maintenance-mode
# pcs property set maintenance-mode=false
6.2.3. 检查集群状态
# pcs cluster status
# pcs status
# pcs status --full
# pcs resource status --full
历史记录:# pcs stonith history
# pcs constraint location
# pcs status --full Cluster name: cluster1 Status of pacemakerd: 'Pacemaker is running' (last updated 2023-06-22 17:56:01 +02:00) Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: clusternode2 (2) (version 2.1.5-7.el9-a3f44794f94) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Thu Jun 22 17:56:01 2023 * Last change: Thu Jun 22 17:53:34 2023 by root via crm_attribute on clusternode1 * 2 nodes configured * 6 resource instances configured Node List: * Node clusternode1 (1): online, feature set 3.16.2 * Node clusternode2 (2): online, feature set 3.16.2 Full List of Resources: * h7fence (stonith:fence_rhevm): Started clusternode2 * Clone Set: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-clone [SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02]: * SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02 (ocf:heartbeat:SAPHanaTopology): Started clusternode1 * SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02 (ocf:heartbeat:SAPHanaTopology): Started clusternode2 * Clone Set: SAPHana_RH2_02-clone [SAPHana_RH2_02] (promotable): * SAPHana_RH2_02 (ocf:heartbeat:SAPHana): Promoted clusternode1 * SAPHana_RH2_02 (ocf:heartbeat:SAPHana): Unpromoted clusternode2 * vip_RH2_02_MASTER (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started clusternode1 Node Attributes: * Node: clusternode1 (1): * hana_rh2_clone_state : PROMOTED * hana_rh2_op_mode : logreplay * hana_rh2_remoteHost : clusternode2 * hana_rh2_roles : 4:P:master1:master:worker:master * hana_rh2_site : DC1 * hana_rh2_sra : - * hana_rh2_srah : - * hana_rh2_srmode : syncmem * hana_rh2_sync_state : PRIM * hana_rh2_version : * hana_rh2_vhost : clusternode1 * lpa_rh2_lpt : 1687449214 * master-SAPHana_RH2_02 : 150 * Node: clusternode2 (2): * hana_rh2_clone_state : DEMOTED * hana_rh2_op_mode : logreplay * hana_rh2_remoteHost : clusternode1 * hana_rh2_roles : 4:S:master1:master:worker:master * hana_rh2_site : DC2 * hana_rh2_sra : - * hana_rh2_srah : - * hana_rh2_srmode : syncmem * hana_rh2_sync_state : SOK * hana_rh2_version : * hana_rh2_vhost : clusternode2 * lpa_rh2_lpt : 30 * master-SAPHana_RH2_02 : 100 Migration Summary: Tickets: PCSD Status: clusternode1: Online clusternode2: Online Daemon Status: corosync: active/enabled pacemaker: active/enabled pcsd: active/enabled
6.2.4. 检查资源状态
使用 pcs resource
# pcs resource * Clone Set: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-clone [SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02]: * Started: [ clusternode1 clusternode2 ] * Clone Set: SAPHana_RH2_02-clone [SAPHana_RH2_02] (promotable): * Promoted: [ clusternode1 ] * Unpromoted: [ clusternode2 ] * vip_RH2_02_MASTER (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started clusternode1
6.2.5. 检查资源配置
# pcs resource config Resource: vip_RH2_02_MASTER (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2) Attributes: vip_RH2_02_MASTER-instance_attributes ip= Operations: monitor: vip_RH2_02_MASTER-monitor-interval-10s interval=10s timeout=20s start: vip_RH2_02_MASTER-start-interval-0s interval=0s timeout=20s stop: vip_RH2_02_MASTER-stop-interval-0s interval=0s timeout=20s Clone: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-clone Meta Attributes: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-clone-meta_attributes clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 interleave=true Resource: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=SAPHanaTopology) Attributes: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-instance_attributes InstanceNumber=02 SID=RH2 Operations: methods: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-methods-interval-0s interval=0s timeout=5 monitor: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-monitor-interval-10 interval=10 timeout=600 reload: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-reload-interval-0s interval=0s timeout=5 start: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-start-interval-0s interval=0s timeout=600 stop: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-stop-interval-0s interval=0s timeout=600 Clone: SAPHana_RH2_02-clone Meta Attributes: SAPHana_RH2_02-clone-meta_attributes clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 interleave=true notify=true promotable=true Resource: SAPHana_RH2_02 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=SAPHana) Attributes: SAPHana_RH2_02-instance_attributes AUTOMATED_REGISTER=true DUPLICATE_PRIMARY_TIMEOUT=300 HANA_CALL_TIMEOUT=10 InstanceNumber=02 PREFER_SITE_TAKEOVER=true SID=RH2 Operations: demote: SAPHana_RH2_02-demote-interval-0s interval=0s timeout=3600 methods: SAPHana_RH2_02-methods-interval-0s interval=0s timeout=5 monitor: SAPHana_RH2_02-monitor-interval-251 interval=251 timeout=700 role=Unpromoted monitor: SAPHana_RH2_02-monitor-interval-249 interval=249 timeout=700 role=Promoted promote: SAPHana_RH2_02-promote-interval-0s interval=0s timeout=3600 reload: SAPHana_RH2_02-reload-interval-0s interval=0s timeout=5 start: SAPHana_RH2_02-start-interval-0s interval=0s timeout=3200 stop: SAPHana_RH2_02-stop-interval-0s interval=0s timeout=3100
6.2.6. SAPHana 资源选项 AUTOMATED_REGISTER=true
如果在 SAPHana 资源中使用这个选项,则 pacemaker 将自动重新注册二级数据库。
建议您在第一次测试中使用这个选项。使用 AUTOMATED_REGISTER=false
6.2.7. 资源处理
# pcs resource help
# pcs resource config | grep "type=" | awk -F"type=" '{ print $2 }' | sed -e "s/)//g"
IPaddr2 SAPHanaTopology SAPHana
# pcs resource describe <resource agent>
# pcs resource describe IPaddr2
资源代理 IPaddr2
Assumed agent name 'ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2' (deduced from 'IPaddr2') ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 - Manages virtual IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (Linux specific version) This Linux-specific resource manages IP alias IP addresses. It can add an IP alias, or remove one. In addition, it can implement Cluster Alias IP functionality if invoked as a clone resource. If used as a clone, "shared address with a trivial, stateless (autonomous) load-balancing/mutual exclusion on ingress" mode gets applied (as opposed to "assume resource uniqueness" mode otherwise). For that, Linux firewall (kernel and userspace) is assumed, and since recent distributions are ambivalent in plain "iptables" command to particular back-end resolution, "iptables-legacy" (when present) gets prioritized so as to avoid incompatibilities (note that respective ipt_CLUSTERIP firewall extension in use here is, at the same time, marked deprecated, yet said "legacy" layer can make it workable, literally, to this day) with "netfilter" one (as in "iptables-nft"). In that case, you should explicitly set clone-node-max >= 2, and/or clone-max < number of nodes. In case of node failure, clone instances need to be re- allocated on surviving nodes. This would not be possible if there is already an instance on those nodes, and clone-node-max=1 (which is the default). When the specified IP address gets assigned to a respective interface, the resource agent sends unsolicited ARP (Address Resolution Protocol, IPv4) or NA (Neighbor Advertisement, IPv6) packets to inform neighboring machines about the change. This functionality is controlled for both IPv4 and IPv6 by shared 'arp_*' parameters. Resource options: ip (required) (unique): The IPv4 (dotted quad notation) or IPv6 address (colon hexadecimal notation) example IPv4 "". example IPv6 "2001:db8:DC28:0:0:FC57:D4C8:1FFF". nic: The base network interface on which the IP address will be brought online. If left empty, the script will try and determine this from the routing table. Do NOT specify an alias interface in the form eth0:1 or anything here; rather, specify the base interface only. If you want a label, see the iflabel parameter. Prerequisite: There must be at least one static IP address, which is not managed by the cluster, assigned to the network interface. If you can not assign any static IP address on the interface, modify this kernel parameter: sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.promote_secondaries=1 # (or per device) cidr_netmask: The netmask for the interface in CIDR format (e.g., 24 and not If unspecified, the script will also try to determine this from the routing table. broadcast: Broadcast address associated with the IP. It is possible to use the special symbols '+' and '-' instead of the broadcast address. In this case, the broadcast address is derived by setting/resetting the host bits of the interface prefix. iflabel: You can specify an additional label for your IP address here. This label is appended to your interface name. The kernel allows alphanumeric labels up to a maximum length of 15 characters including the interface name and colon (e.g. eth0:foobar1234) A label can be specified in nic parameter but it is deprecated. If a label is specified in nic name, this parameter has no effect. lvs_support: Enable support for LVS Direct Routing configurations. In case a IP address is stopped, only move it to the loopback device to allow the local node to continue to service requests, but no longer advertise it on the network. Notes for IPv6: It is not necessary to enable this option on IPv6. Instead, enable 'lvs_ipv6_addrlabel' option for LVS-DR usage on IPv6. lvs_ipv6_addrlabel: Enable adding IPv6 address label so IPv6 traffic originating from the address's interface does not use this address as the source. This is necessary for LVS-DR health checks to realservers to work. Without it, the most recently added IPv6 address (probably the address added by IPaddr2) will be used as the source address for IPv6 traffic from that interface and since that address exists on loopback on the realservers, the realserver response to pings/connections will never leave its loopback. See RFC3484 for the detail of the source address selection. See also 'lvs_ipv6_addrlabel_value' parameter. lvs_ipv6_addrlabel_value: Specify IPv6 address label value used when 'lvs_ipv6_addrlabel' is enabled. The value should be an unused label in the policy table which is shown by 'ip addrlabel list' command. You would rarely need to change this parameter. mac: Set the interface MAC address explicitly. Currently only used in case of the Cluster IP Alias. Leave empty to chose automatically. clusterip_hash: Specify the hashing algorithm used for the Cluster IP functionality. unique_clone_address: If true, add the clone ID to the supplied value of IP to create a unique address to manage arp_interval: Specify the interval between unsolicited ARP (IPv4) or NA (IPv6) packets in milliseconds. This parameter is deprecated and used for the backward compatibility only. It is effective only for the send_arp binary which is built with libnet, and send_ua for IPv6. It has no effect for other arp_sender. arp_count: Number of unsolicited ARP (IPv4) or NA (IPv6) packets to send at resource initialization. arp_count_refresh: For IPv4, number of unsolicited ARP packets to send during resource monitoring. Doing so helps mitigate issues of stuck ARP caches resulting from split-brain situations. arp_bg: Whether or not to send the ARP (IPv4) or NA (IPv6) packets in the background. The default is true for IPv4 and false for IPv6. arp_sender: For IPv4, the program to send ARP packets with on start. Available options are: - send_arp: default - ipoibarping: default for infiniband interfaces if ipoibarping is available - iputils_arping: use arping in iputils package - libnet_arping: use another variant of arping based on libnet send_arp_opts: For IPv4, extra options to pass to the arp_sender program. Available options are vary depending on which arp_sender is used. A typical use case is specifying '-A' for iputils_arping to use ARP REPLY instead of ARP REQUEST as Gratuitous ARPs. flush_routes: Flush the routing table on stop. This is for applications which use the cluster IP address and which run on the same physical host that the IP address lives on. The Linux kernel may force that application to take a shortcut to the local loopback interface, instead of the interface the address is really bound to. Under those circumstances, an application may, somewhat unexpectedly, continue to use connections for some time even after the IP address is deconfigured. Set this parameter in order to immediately disable said shortcut when the IP address goes away. run_arping: For IPv4, whether or not to run arping for collision detection check. nodad: For IPv6, do not perform Duplicate Address Detection when adding the address. noprefixroute: Use noprefixroute flag (see 'man ip-address'). preferred_lft: For IPv6, set the preferred lifetime of the IP address. This can be used to ensure that the created IP address will not be used as a source address for routing. Expects a value as specified in section 5.5.4 of RFC 4862. network_namespace: Specifies the network namespace to operate within. The namespace must already exist, and the interface to be used must be within the namespace. Default operations: start: interval=0s timeout=20s stop: interval=0s timeout=20s monitor: interval=10s timeout=20s
如果集群停止,则所有资源也会停止;如果集群 处于维护模式
6.2.8. 集群属性处理,用于 maintenance-mode
[root@clusternode1] pcs property Cluster Properties: cluster-infrastructure: corosync cluster-name: cluster1 concurrent-fencing: true dc-version: 2.1.5-7.el9-a3f44794f94 hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1: PRIM hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC2: SFAIL have-watchdog: false last-lrm-refresh: 1688548036 maintenance-mode: true priority-fencing-delay: 10s stonith-enabled: true stonith-timeout: 900
要重新配置数据库,必须指示集群忽略任何更改,直到配置完成为止。您可以使用以下方法将集群 置于维护模式
# pcs property set maintenance-mode=true
检查 maintenance-mode
# pcs resource * Clone Set: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-clone [SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02] (unmanaged): * SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02 (ocf:heartbeat:SAPHanaTopology): Started clusternode1 (unmanaged) * SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02 (ocf:heartbeat:SAPHanaTopology): Started clusternode2 (unmanaged) * Clone Set: SAPHana_RH2_02-clone [SAPHana_RH2_02] (promotable, unmanaged): * SAPHana_RH2_02 (ocf:heartbeat:SAPHana): Promoted clusternode1 (unmanaged) * SAPHana_RH2_02 (ocf:heartbeat:SAPHana): Unpromoted clusternode2 (unmanaged) * vip_RH2_02_MASTER (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started clusternode1 (unmanaged)
验证所有资源都是 "unmanaged":
[root@clusternode1]# pcs status Cluster name: cluster1 Status of pacemakerd: 'Pacemaker is running' (last updated 2023-06-27 16:02:15 +02:00) Cluster Summary: * Stack: corosync * Current DC: clusternode2 (version 2.1.5-7.el9-a3f44794f94) - partition with quorum * Last updated: Tue Jun 27 16:02:16 2023 * Last change: Tue Jun 27 16:02:14 2023 by root via cibadmin on clusternode1 * 2 nodes configured * 6 resource instances configured *** Resource management is DISABLED *** The cluster will not attempt to start, stop or recover services Node List: * Online: [ clusternode1 clusternode2 ] Full List of Resources: * h7fence (stonith:fence_rhevm): Started clusternode2 (unmanaged) * Clone Set: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-clone [SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02] (unmanaged): * SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02 (ocf:heartbeat:SAPHanaTopology): Started clusternode1 (unmanaged) * SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02 (ocf:heartbeat:SAPHanaTopology): Started clusternode2 (unmanaged) * Clone Set: SAPHana_RH2_02-clone [SAPHana_RH2_02] (promotable, unmanaged): * SAPHana_RH2_02 (ocf:heartbeat:SAPHana): Promoted clusternode1 (unmanaged) * SAPHana_RH2_02 (ocf:heartbeat:SAPHana): Unpromoted clusternode2 (unmanaged) * vip_RH2_02_MASTER (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started clusternode1 (unmanaged) Daemon Status: corosync: active/enabled pacemaker: active/enabled pcsd: active/enabled
如果您取消设置 maintenance-mode
# pcs property set maintenance-mode=false
6.2.9. 使用 Move 故障转移 SAPHana 资源
有关如何故障转移 SAP HANA 数据库的简单示例是使用 pcs resource move
# pcs resource move <SAPHana-clone-resource>
在本例中,克隆资源是 SAPHana_RH2_02-clone
[root@clusternode1]# pcs resource * Clone Set: SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02-clone [SAPHanaTopology_RH2_02]: * Started: [ clusternode1 clusternode2 ] * Clone Set: SAPHana_RH2_02-clone [SAPHana_RH2_02] (promotable): * Promoted: [ clusternode1 ] * Unpromoted: [ clusternode2 ] * vip_RH2_02_MASTER (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started clusternode1
# pcs resource move SAPHana_RH2_02-clone Location constraint to move resource 'SAPHana_RH2_02-clone' has been created Waiting for the cluster to apply configuration changes... Location constraint created to move resource 'SAPHana_RH2_02-clone' has been removed Waiting for the cluster to apply configuration changes... resource 'SAPHana_RH2_02-clone' is promoted on node 'clusternode2'; unpromoted on node 'clusternode1'
# pcs constraint location
[root@clusternode1]# pcs resource clear SAPHana_RH2_02-clone
检查 "Migration Summary" 中是否存在剩余的警告或条目:
# pcs status --full
检查 stonith
# pcs stonith history
如果需要,清除 stonith 历史记录:
# pcs stonith history cleanup
如果您使用早于 2.1.5 的 pacemaker 版本,请参阅 运行 pcs resource move 时是否存在管理限制的方法? 并检查剩余的限制。
6.2.10. 监控故障切换和同步状态
所有 pacemaker 活动都记录在集群节点上的 /var/log/messages
文件中。由于还有许多其他消息,有时很难阅读与 SAP 资源代理相关的消息。您可以配置命令别名,仅过滤与 SAP 资源代理相关的消息。
别名 tmsl
# alias tmsl='tail -1000f /var/log/messages | egrep -s "Setting master-rsc_SAPHana_$SAPSYSTEMNAME_HDB${TINSTANCE}|sr_register|WAITING4LPA|PROMOTED|DEMOTED|UNDEFINED|master_walk|SWAIT|WaitforStopped|FAILED|LPT"'
[root@clusternode1]# tmsl Jun 22 13:59:54 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[907482]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK Jun 22 13:59:55 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[907482]: INFO: DEC: secondary with sync status SOK ==> possible takeover node Jun 22 13:59:55 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[907482]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT Jun 22 13:59:55 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[907482]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1 is empty or SWAIT. Take polling attribute: hana_rh2_sync_state=SOK Jun 22 13:59:55 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[907482]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK Jun 22 13:59:55 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[907482]: INFO: DEC: saphana_monitor_secondary: scoring_crm_master(4:S:master1:master:worker:master,SOK) Jun 22 13:59:55 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[907482]: INFO: DEC: scoring_crm_master: sync(SOK) is matching syncPattern (SOK) Jun 22 14:04:06 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT Jun 22 14:04:06 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1 is empty or SWAIT. Take polling attribute: hana_rh2_sync_state=SOK Jun 22 14:04:06 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK Jun 22 14:04:09 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT Jun 22 14:04:09 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1 is empty or SWAIT. Take polling attribute: hana_rh2_sync_state=SOK Jun 22 14:04:09 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK Jun 22 14:04:09 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: secondary with sync status SOK ==> possible takeover node Jun 22 14:04:09 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT Jun 22 14:04:09 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1 is empty or SWAIT. Take polling attribute: hana_rh2_sync_state=SOK Jun 22 14:04:09 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK Jun 22 14:04:09 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: saphana_monitor_secondary: scoring_crm_master(4:S:master1:master:worker:master,SOK) Jun 22 14:04:09 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[914625]: INFO: DEC: scoring_crm_master: sync(SOK) is matching syncPattern (SOK) Jun 22 14:08:21 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT Jun 22 14:08:21 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1 is empty or SWAIT. Take polling attribute: hana_rh2_sync_state=SOK Jun 22 14:08:21 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK Jun 22 14:08:23 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT Jun 22 14:08:23 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1 is empty or SWAIT. Take polling attribute: hana_rh2_sync_state=SOK Jun 22 14:08:23 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK Jun 22 14:08:24 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: secondary with sync status SOK ==> possible takeover node Jun 22 14:08:24 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT Jun 22 14:08:24 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1 is empty or SWAIT. Take polling attribute: hana_rh2_sync_state=SOK Jun 22 14:08:24 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK Jun 22 14:08:24 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: saphana_monitor_secondary: scoring_crm_master(4:S:master1:master:worker:master,SOK) Jun 22 14:08:24 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[922136]: INFO: DEC: scoring_crm_master: sync(SOK) is matching syncPattern (SOK) Jun 22 14:12:35 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT Jun 22 14:12:35 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1 is empty or SWAIT. Take polling attribute: hana_rh2_sync_state=SOK Jun 22 14:12:36 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK Jun 22 14:12:38 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT Jun 22 14:12:38 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1 is empty or SWAIT. Take polling attribute: hana_rh2_sync_state=SOK Jun 22 14:12:38 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK Jun 22 14:12:38 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: secondary with sync status SOK ==> possible takeover node Jun 22 14:12:39 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT Jun 22 14:12:39 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1 is empty or SWAIT. Take polling attribute: hana_rh2_sync_state=SOK Jun 22 14:12:39 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK Jun 22 14:12:39 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: saphana_monitor_secondary: scoring_crm_master(4:S:master1:master:worker:master,SOK) Jun 22 14:12:39 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[929408]: INFO: DEC: scoring_crm_master: sync(SOK) is matching syncPattern (SOK) Jun 22 14:14:01 clusternode1 pacemaker-attrd[10150]: notice: Setting hana_rh2_clone_state[clusternode2]: PROMOTED -> DEMOTED Jun 22 14:14:02 clusternode1 pacemaker-attrd[10150]: notice: Setting hana_rh2_clone_state[clusternode2]: DEMOTED -> UNDEFINED Jun 22 14:14:19 clusternode1 pacemaker-attrd[10150]: notice: Setting hana_rh2_clone_state[clusternode1]: DEMOTED -> PROMOTED Jun 22 14:14:21 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[932762]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT Jun 22 14:14:21 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[932762]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1 is empty or SWAIT. Take polling attribute: hana_rh2_sync_state=SOK Jun 22 14:14:21 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[932762]: INFO: DEC: Finally get_SRHOOK()=SOK Jun 22 14:15:14 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[932762]: INFO: DEC: hana_rh2_site_srHook_DC1=SWAIT Jun 22 14:15:22 clusternode1 pacemaker-attrd[10150]: notice: Setting hana_rh2_sync_state[clusternode1]: SOK -> PRIM Jun 22 14:15:23 clusternode1 pacemaker-attrd[10150]: notice: Setting hana_rh2_sync_state[clusternode2]: PRIM -> SOK Jun 22 14:15:23 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[934810]: INFO: ACT site=DC1, setting SOK for secondary (1) Jun 22 14:15:25 clusternode1 pacemaker-attrd[10150]: notice: Setting hana_rh2_clone_state[clusternode2]: UNDEFINED -> DEMOTED Jun 22 14:15:32 clusternode1 pacemaker-attrd[10150]: notice: Setting hana_rh2_sync_state[clusternode2]: SOK -> SFAIL Jun 22 14:19:36 clusternode1 pacemaker-attrd[10150]: notice: Setting hana_rh2_sync_state[clusternode2]: SFAIL -> SOK Jun 22 14:19:36 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[942693]: INFO: ACT site=DC1, setting SOK for secondary (1) Jun 22 14:23:49 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[950623]: INFO: ACT site=DC1, setting SOK for secondary (1) Jun 22 14:28:02 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[958633]: INFO: ACT site=DC1, setting SOK for secondary (1) Jun 22 14:32:15 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[966683]: INFO: ACT site=DC1, setting SOK for secondary (1) Jun 22 14:36:27 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[974736]: INFO: ACT site=DC1, setting SOK for secondary (1) Jun 22 14:40:40 clusternode1 SAPHana(SAPHana_RH2_02)[982934]: INFO: ACT site=DC1, setting SOK for secondary (1)
6.2.11. 检查集群一致性
在安装过程中,资源有时会在配置最终完成前启动。这可能导致 Cluster Information Base (CIB)中的条目,这可能会导致行为不正确。这可以轻松检查,并在配置完成后手动更正。
如果您启动 SAPHana 资源,则会重新创建缺少的条目。pcs 命令无法解决错误的条目,需要手动删除。
检查 CIB 条目:
# cibadmin --query
DC3 和 SFAIL 是不应存在于 Cluster Information Base、当群集成员为 DC1 和 DC2 以及节点之间的同步状态报告为 SOK 的条目。
# cibadmin --query |grep '"DC3"' # cibadmin --query |grep '"SFAIL"'
该命令可以作为 root 用户在集群中的任何节点上执行。通常,命令的输出为空。如果配置中仍然出现错误,输出可能会类似如下:
<nvpair id="SAPHanaSR-hana_rh1_glob_sec" name="hana_rh1_glob_sec" value="DC3"/>
# cibadmin --delete --xml-text '<...>'
# cibadmin --delete --xml-text ' <nvpair id="SAPHanaSR-hana_rh1_glob_sec" name="hana_rh1_glob_sec" value="DC3"/>'
验证没有删除的 CIB 条目。返回的输出应为空。
# cibadmin --query |grep 'DC3"'
6.2.12. 集群清理
# pcs status --full
如果您在 "Migration Summary" 中看到集群警告或条目,您应该清除并清理资源:
# pcs resource clear SAPHana_RH2_02-clone # pcs resource cleanup SAPHana_RH2_02-clone
Cleaned up SAPHana_RH2_02:0 on clusternode1 Cleaned up SAPHana_RH2_02:1 on clusternode2
# pcs constraint location
# pcs constraint --full
Node: hana08 (score:-INFINITY) (role:Started) (id:cli-ban-SAPHana_RH2_02-clone-on-hana08)
# pcs resource clear SAPHana_RH2_02-clone
验证约束是否已从约束列表中显示。如果保留,则使用其约束 id 显式删除它:
# pcs constraint delete cli-ban-SAPHana_RH2_02-clone-on-hana08
如果您使用隔离运行多个测试,您可能也清除 stonith
# pcs stonith history cleanup
所有 pcs 命令都是以 root 用户身份执行的。另外,请检查 发现左侧。
6.2.13. 其他集群命令
# pcs status --full # crm_mon -1Arf # Provides an overview # pcs resource # Lists all resources and shows if they are running # pcs constraint --full # Lists all constraint ids which should be removed # pcs cluster start --all # This will start the cluster on all nodes # pcs cluster stop --all # This will stop the cluster on all nodes # pcs node attribute # Lists node attributes