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After you create your OSTree images, install the RHEL for Edge images on your devices, and register these systems with the Red Hat Insights application, you can organize systems into groups. With that, you can manage multiple systems simultaneously, and perform various tasks, such as vulnerability assessment. You can also check for vulnerabilities. If Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) are identified, you can use the Insights Inventory application to update the image and simultaneously deploy the update to multiple systems.

  • If you are using Edge management:

    • To be able to edit, delete, or to display host’s details, you must have the Inventory Hosts Administrator role assigned to your account.
    • If you just want to be able to display host’s details, but no access to actions you must have at least the Inventory Hosts Viewer role assigned to your account.
  • If you are using Inventory under Red Hat Insights:

    • If you want to use Inventory groups access, see the User access to inventory groups documentation to learn more on how to manage groups access.
    • If you do not want to use granular Inventory groups access, you must have at least the Inventory Hosts Administrator and the Inventory Groups Administrator roles assigned to your account.

If you want your non-org administrator users to be able to see or manage their Inventory groups, you must add one of the Inventory Groups roles to the Default Access RBAC group. Otherwise, non-org administrator users will not be able to see or manage the Inventory Groups.

Inventory groups support role-based access (RBAC). By using RBAC, you can set custom permissions on inventory groups according to the user role. See User access to inventory groups for more details.

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