

Chapter 7. Vulnerabilities

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You can use the Insights Inventory application to check for vulnerabilities and update systems if necessary to address those vulnerabilities identified by the system.

7.1. Checking a system for vulnerabilities

You can use the Insights Inventory application to check for CVEs or other vulnerabilities in systems you have registered with the Insights Inventory application.


  • You have a Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console account
  • You have a system registered with the Insights Inventory application.


  1. Access Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console platform and log in.
  2. From the dashboard, navigate to Red Hat Insights > RHEL > Inventory > Security > Systems.
  3. Check for vulnerabilities for one of your systems. Click the name of the system, then navigate to the system details page and click the Vulnerability tab.

If there are Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) present in your system, you can address them immediately in the Vulnerability tab. See Addressing vulnerabilities in a system.

7.2. Addressing vulnerabilities in a system

After you check for vulnerabilities, if a CVE is found, you can remediate it by updating the image from the Vulnerabilities tab.


  • You have a Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console account.
  • You have a system registered with the Insights Inventory application.


  1. Access Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console platform and log in.
  2. From the console dashboard, navigate to Red Hat Insights > RHEL > Inventory > Security > Systems.
  3. In the edge management menu, click Inventory > Security > Systems.
  4. Click the name of the system, then click the Vulnerability tab.
  5. Click Update Image and follow the prompts.

    1. Review the details about the update and click Update Image to build an updated image. The build might take a few minutes.
  6. After the update completes, the status column shows that an update is available. You can now send the update to the system.

    1. In the edge management menu, click Inventory > Systems.
    2. Click the name of the system you want to update.
    3. On the system details page, click Vulnerabilities > Update system.
  7. Review the information about the update and then click Update system.


If the update was successful, after your system reboots, it automatically sends confirmation to the Insights Inventory application. Check the system status on the system details page. While the system is updating, the system status is Updating. If the update was successful, the status column for the system is Up to date. If there is an Error status, click Error to check the reason. You can click Retry to attempt to update your system again.

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