

6.5. Web Services

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Table 6.5, “Web Services Enhancements in 6.3.0” lists the enhancements in version 6.3.0.
Table 6.5. Web Services Enhancements in 6.3.0
ENTESB-4135Update to the JMS 2.0 API
ENTESB-4597Review examples shipped in extras directory for camel & cxf
ENTESB-5239Upgrade Xalan bundle to 2.7.2_3
CXF-3344Runtime Exceptions should not be wrapped. Exceptions should not be logged and rethrown in AbstractFaultChainInitiatorObserver
CXF-4242Add exception name to faultstring/detail/stackTrace
CXF-5193Support fixed data type
CXF-5311Support OAuth2 JWT token
CXF-5439Introduce annotations for marking CXF interceptors and features to enable the auto-discovery
CXF-5582Enhance CXF LogBrowser to receive Log events in real time via WebSocket
CXF-5606WADL to Java code generator should translate wadl:doc into Java documentation
CXF-5669Create JAX-RS service for managing 3rd party client registrations
CXF-5674CXF Support in "Audience Restriction" of SAML 2 (SOAP)
CXF-5854Add property "refreshTemplates" to XSLTJaxbProvider
CXF-5891ReadHeadersInterceptor performances improvement
CXF-5902Provide utility support for Jwe composite AesCbcHmac content encryption algorithm
CXF-5908Making Claims clonable
CXF-5914Extend AbstractPolicyProvider.getEffectivePolicy() with optional message parameter
CXF-5922Secure CXF WSDL with standard HTTP Authentication
CXF-5925JEXL Support for STS Claim Mappings
CXF-5926Extend SSL KeyManagers with password callback handler
CXF-5927Claim Mapping Utils
CXF-5929WADL to Java code generator should support mappings to parameterized types
CXF-5932Monitor contention at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.utils.JAXRSUtils.processParameters(OperationResourceInfo, MultivaluedMap, Message)
CXF-5934Make WadlGenerator more easily extensible
CXF-5937CXF Servlets should optionally react to X-Forwarded headers
CXF-5944Get Jwe and Jws code to the stage where it can be documented
CXF-5948wadl2java -inheritResourceParams: put parent param first
CXF-5954Jwe and Jws JAX-RS filters should be able to use JWK stores
CXF-5956wadl2java: support 'repeating' attribute for response param
CXF-5959support to specify instance.id of ManagedBus
CXF-5960Provide a default encrypting OAuth2 provider
CXF-5962Make LogBrowser sample also run in OSGi
CXF-5975SecurityToken::isExpired: add clock skew option
CXF-5979Allow some headers to be returned in WebSocket's streaming responses
CXF-5984Provide a simple way start a decoupled servlet endpoint
CXF-5986wadl2java maven plugin: add support for filename wildcards
CXF-5990Integration custom parser
CXF-6006StreamingOutput in JAXRS client proxies
CXF-6009Monitor contention at org.apache.cxf.transport.http.Headers
CXF-6019WSDLGetUtils: original exception isn't logged by exceptions in WSDL parser
CXF-6042Support certificate constraints in JAX-RS XML Signature
CXF-6043Multi User BaseDN Support for LdapClaimsHandler
CXF-6046Enhance SwaggerFeature to support JAX-RS annotations
CXF-6047Extend the STSTokenValidator to be able to call the issue binding
CXF-6048Support roles in the AuthPolicyValidatingInterceptor
CXF-6051Support sp13:Nonce + sp13:Created in the UsernameTokenInterceptor
CXF-6054Add a property to allow using unsigned saml tokens as principals
CXF-6064Improve WADL Generator Extensibility for ID generation
CXF-6074Add configured XmlAdapters
CXF-6079static-resource-list cache control
CXF-6081Make it easier to control the way AccessTokenService checks the passwords
CXF-6084Critical Header for JWS
CXF-6087Add a way to exclude (multiple) SSL/TLS protocols in the HTTPJ namespace
CXF-6098Use RSA-SHA256 by default when issuing tokens in the STS
CXF-6107Supporting (Un)marshaller aware XML Readers and Writers in jaxb data binding
CXF-6110AbstractSTSClient MEX: download XML schema from Location
CXF-6120Optionally disable the creation of the JMS Security Context for incoming messages
CXF-6124Switch http transport to use HttpService for OSGi
CXF-6131JAX-RS resource spring auto-discovery doesn't work in OSGi
CXF-6133Introduce Jwe and Jws exception classes to make it easier to provide dedicated JAX-RS exception mappers
CXF-6135CXF should be installable in karaf 4 minimal
CXF-6141KeyType information in STS Audit Log
CXF-6142OAuth2 AccessTokenValidator needs to accept more parameters
CXF-6148Adding support for xsd:choice in Javascript generator
CXF-6150Override XSLTJaxbProvider xsl path at runtime
CXF-6157Support storing of OAuth2 redirection state in a session token
CXF-6162Adding support for xsd:group ref in Javascript generator
CXF-6164OAuthClientUtils Consumer class needs to be moved to a standalone class
CXF-6167Add an ability to specify SOAP error parser for Javascript client
CXF-6168Avoid ServletController synchronizing on the destination by default
CXF-6173Unable to configure CXF StAX properties on a per-endpoint/client basis if a JAX-WS handler is configured
CXF-6175STS: warning message is not informative, in case if service doesn't match
CXF-6191Avoid Spring usage by configuration in ClassHelper
CXF-6199Allow scalability for slow services on jms
CXF-6200CXF JAX-RS Model extension should be usable without custom service classes
CXF-6206JAASLoginInterceptor: Return proper unauthorized response when JAAS login with basic auth fails
CXF-6220JWA algorithm representation code needs to be cleaned up
CXF-6223Support message property for encryption certificate
CXF-6227JAX-WS client performance improvements
CXF-6232Refactor CXF's Atmosphere based WebSocket transport for more flexible and extensible handling
CXF-6238Java2WADL : Generating response status attribute
CXF-6244ContentDisposition should support UTF-8 filenames
CXF-6251Allow org.apache.cxf.logging.enabled to have a value of "pretty" for pretty printing
CXF-6255WSS4JInInterceptor: "Security header, but it's a fault"
CXF-6267Refactor issuing and renewing SAML token functionality into utility class
CXF-6268Make cxf-codegen-plugin toolchains aware during maven build
CXF-6277Enhance the X509TokenValidator to also validate X509Data DOM Elements
CXF-6282Add ability to have proxies implement AutoCloseable
CXF-6283Support binary attributes in the LDAPClaimsHandler
CXF-6286Make request logging more Modular
CXF-6308Make WebSocket transport's embedded jetty mode to use atmosphere if available
CXF-6329Allow multiple atmosphere interceptors to be configured for the websocket transport
CXF-6333Support Inclusive C14N via security policy
CXF-6334Add the ability to plug in custom security policy validators for various assertions
CXF-6335Explicitly set HTTPConduit on client inbound message
CXF-6337Support the redirection directly via the injected JAX-RS ServletContext context
CXF-6341Add atmosphere when installing feature cxf-transports-websocket-server
CXF-6344Support system file location for JexlClaimMapper scripts
CXF-6345Support Logging in JexlClaimMapper scripts
CXF-6353provide a not typed way to configure cxf jaxrs clients
CXF-6363Introduce JwsHeaders
CXF-6372Generating distinct claim values for multi-value LDAP attributes
CXF-6381Upgrade to pax exam 4.5.0 and allow to test with karaf 4
CXF-6394Add an option to add the namespace map of the container element in the message
CXF-6399Add attributes transform handling in transform feature
CXF-6400Make ws-security.callback-handler optional for generating a WS-Security signature
CXF-6401Change the order that the set of security results are searched to create a security context
CXF-6404HTTPConduit performance improvements
CXF-6407Use default JVM cipher suites if no filters are specified
CXF-6411Improve NoOsgi Blueprint Integration
CXF-6414Add a way of including TLS protocols in the Jetty server
CXF-6417Investigate how the logging of binary attachment parts can be disabled
CXF-6419Update JMSEndpoint properties using EndpointInfo
CXF-6420Maven cxf-java2ws-plugin copies to the maven repository only the last wsdl of multiple services/executions - overwrites the others
CXF-6421Slim Exchange map down
CXF-6425Check for external transactions in PollingMessageListenerContainer
CXF-6438Optimize ExtensionInvocationHandler
CXF-6440New metrics component doesn't record metrics for Rest resources
CXF-6470Make SimplePrinciple Serializable
CXF-6476Introduce Swagger v1.5 feature (v2.0 specification)
CXF-6478Introduce the option to disable using query parameters to populate the form maps
CXF-6482Old javax.servlet.http version in oauth2 bundle
CXF-6483Sort ConfigurerImpl Matchers by a number of literal characters
CXF-6498Update JAX-RS 2.0 ClientImpl to support CXF features
CXF-6499WADL Generator should optionally ignore path params for the same path method evaluation
CXF-6508JAASLoginInterceptor should allow named Principals
CXF-6509CXF is mysterious about invalid JAX-RS bean classes
CXF-6521RS SAML Out Interceptors should be able to reuse tokens set by STSTokenOutInterceptor
CXF-6525Support for http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/oasis-wss-SwAProfile-1.1#Attachment-Content-Only when using WSS-Policy
CXF-6557Use the default swagger-ui html page in swagger2 sample
CXF-6562ResourceOwnerGrantHandler: doesn't have getter for loginHandler
CXF-6565DOM4JProvider should support suppressing XML declarations
CXF-6566Update WADLGenerator to avoid converting existing resources to DOM
CXF-6568Default WebApplicationExceptionMapper should be optionally made less specific
CXF-6571Adding an option in Swager2Feature to scan non-swagger annotated resources
CXF-6572OAuth2 Hawk Scheme requests
CXF-6586Missing some bean properties in Swagger2Feature
CXF-6610Throttling Interceptors can not abort but only delay overflowing requests
CXF-6623Add support for nested @BeanParam's
CXF-6625Wadl-to-Java should be able to generate custom method annotation classes
CXF-6633Enhance Swagger feature with optional dynamic basePath, tags and Javadocs handling
CXF-6634Move DocumentationProvider interface out of .model.wadl. package
CXF-6643Upgrade Apache HTrace to 4.0
CXF-6644Move Basic JSON parser code into a dedicated module
CXF-6645Introduce a 'jose.debug' property
CXF-6658Make ServletContextResourceResolver optionally ignored
CXF-6661WADLGenerator should optionally include xsi schemaLocation
CXF-6663Scope based authorization support for OAuth2 RS endpoints
CXF-6686Provide AccessTokenValidator RFC7662
CXF-6690WADL2Java should try to split complex XJC parameters
CXF-6695SwaggerFeature: add support for @MatrixParam and @BeanParam
CXF-6712[cxf-java2wadl-plugin] Add parameter encoding to goal parsejavadoc
CXF-6716java2ws should log a warning message for a Holder parameter annoated with WebParam.Mode.IN property
CXF-6722OAuthDataProvider needs to have methods for listing client tokens
CXF-6732Allow SOAPAction to be overwritten via RequestContext property
CXF-6736Support login_hint at OidcClientCodeRequestFilter
CXF-6738Reduce contention on org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapTransportFactory$SoapEndpointInfo
CXF-6739Reduce memory pressure in org.apache.cxf.attachment.AttachmentDeserializer
CXF-6766Option to disable XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING in XSLTJaxbProvider
CXF-6767OSGI ServletImporter should be able to accept extra properties
CXF-6771JAX-RS ContextProvider should be able to support Servlet contexts
CXF-6774Allow ClientImpl to be thread-safe
CXF-6779Swagger Feature should become discoverable
CXF-6786avoid Error log from NamePasswordCallbackHandler
CXF-6789SwaggerFeature default resource package calculation should try to support multiple resource classes better
CXF-6802Decode ContentDisposition filename encoded with codepoints only
CXF-6808Update JWS/JWE utils to load named properties
CXF-6826Cache MediaTypeHeaderProvider.valueOf(String mType) results
CXF-6827OAuthRequestFilter should be able to cache token validation results
CXF-6831should be able to configure the certStore key type
CXF-6837Add cache for MessageBodyReader/Writer
CXF-6840xsd:import without schemaLocation does not get resolved in SchemaHandler
CXF-6861Introduce a typed JAXBElement provider
CXF-6903add a NameDigestPasswordCallbackHandler for JAASLoginInterceptor
CXF-6910don't need setSocketTimeout when create ahc RequestConfig
CXF-5118Create CXF interceptor which will use HTTPS client certificates to create JAAS SecurityContext
CXF-5607Support for CXF OAuth2 endpoints participating in OpenId-Connect flows
CXF-5909TLS Authenticated Handshake and Authentication/Authorization with JAAS by TLS Certificate
CXF-5923Create sample to demonstrate usage of search extension with Lucene and Tika
CXF-5996respect client cache headers
CXF-6028Improved metrics
CXF-6053Support JWS JSON Serialization
CXF-6085JWE JSON Serialization
CXF-6132Provide JAX-RS ServletContainerInitializer
CXF-6215Introduce JAX-RS DefaultMethod extension
CXF-6242Ability to configure the format of the marshalling / unmarshalling exceptions that are thrown by JAXB when schema validation is enabled.
CXF-6264Provide Swagger to CXF UserResource converter
CXF-6360Integration with Apache HTrace
CXF-6477Add "publish" attribute to jaxrs blueprint bean
CXF-6735Enable/Disable SecurityTokenReference with configuration for CXF/.NET interoperability
CXF-6784WS-Notification subscription should support renew
FEDIZ-134Create light-weight OIDC IDP
CXF-5855Introduce support for Server Sent Events
CXF-4780Enhance JAASAuthenticationFilter to support FORM login
CXF-4913Add 'validate' option to WADL to Java generator
CXF-5886Provide a default Ehcache based OAuth2 provider
CXF-5901Investigate how WebSocket Transport can support CORS
CXF-5941Update JAX-RS version to 2.0.1
CXF-5993Update to Jettison 1.3.6
CXF-6052Upgrade the Karaf version to support JDK8
CXF-6121Update to Jettison 1.3.7
CXF-6165Create OIDC OAuth2 demo
CXF-6253Upgrade async-http-client to 1.9.8
CXF-6278Introduce MessageDigestInputStream utility class
CXF-6279Introduce X509 Certificate Path validation utility code
CXF-6280Consider providing a DirectAccessToken JAXRS service
CXF-6391Create JAX-WS and JAX-RS Spring Boot demo
CXF-6397Upgrade atmosphere to 2.3.0
CXF-6449Upgrade Atmosphere to 2.3.2
CXF-6487OIDC RP code needs to pass a verification test
CXF-6490Create OIDC Authentication Only demo
CXF-6503Investigate if WADL JavaDocProvider can report JavaDocs of inherited methods
CXF-6530Add a webapp version of Swagger2Feature sample using spring
CXF-6541Add an OSGi version of Swagger2Feature sample using blueprint
CXF-6725Remove deprecated JOSE configuration properties
CXF-6726Complete JOSE documentation
CXF-6815Upgrade Reflections bundle to version 0.9.10_3
CXF-6818Upgrade to latest Jetty8 8.1.19.v20160209
CXF-6853Support encoded value in @ApplicationPath
ENTESB-4708[6.3] Summary of problems with version alignment
ENTESB-56363rd party alignments - built from source strict alignments
CXF-6070NPE while calling a webservice using a clientproxy
CXF-6129CXF STS basic systests failure
CXF-6130all tests in org.apache.cxf.osgi.itests failed
CXF-6202Create JWS JoseCookBook tests
CXF-6318Execute JAXRS WebSocket systests with and without atmosphere
CXF-6346Unit test failures with JDK8
CXF-6068Make org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.interceptor.ReadHeadersInterceptor compatible with WebSphere 7
CXF-6704Upgrade to httpclient 4.5.x
CXF-6790change accessibility of WadlGenerator.getBaseUri(...) to protected
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