

5.6. Web Services

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Table 5.6, “Web Services Issues Resolved in 6.3.0” lists the issues resolved in version 6.3.0.
Table 5.6. Web Services Issues Resolved in 6.3.0
COLLECTIONS-580[COLLECTIONS-580] Arbitrary remote code execution with InvokerTransformer
CXF-1194Schema Validation & MTOM fails
CXF-4109UriInfo getHost caches first request's host and always returns that on subsequent calls
CXF-4817JAX-RS AsyncResponse implementation needs to call AsyncContext.complete after the request is done
CXF-5348Exception mappers implementing ExceptionMapper through an abstract class are not mapped to the declared exception
CXF-5640CXF bundle is not compatible with new spring features from Karaf
CXF-5688Problem Parsing FIQL Involving Enums
CXF-5744@XmlTransient behavior change in WSDL fault content
CXF-5788JMS replyToDestination doesn't work
CXF-5795Reading the entity from a Response with 202 - Accepted causes NullPointerException
CXF-5844Annotations inherited from interface not merged with annotations from implementing method
CXF-5846ClassCastException in org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.provider.BinaryDataProvider & SourceProvider
CXF-5862NullPointerException in class CustomizationParser
CXF-5878Disabling policy engine causes NPE
CXF-5897Relax setter method name restriction for @context injection
CXF-5898Feature wss4j should be updated after saaj-impl version change
CXF-5899JAX-RS 2.0 Configuration injection is not supported if DynamicFeature is not registered
CXF-5900websocket destination in osgi fails to start after being stopped
CXF-5904wadl2java -inheritResourceParams don't generate parent parameter
CXF-5906Claim Manager only parses first claim value
CXF-5910Filters registered by DynamicFeatures match on overloaded resource methods.
CXF-5911SoapFault's lang property is not set in case of SOAP 1.1 faults
CXF-5913logStacktrace Property Not Implemented in MapEventLogger
CXF-5916WADL contains wrong parameter name for parameter beans
CXF-5917SAMLP Response Validator does not decrypt if EncryptedKey is the assertion element child
CXF-5920JAX-RS Link implementation (LinkBuilder) looses context path
CXF-5938LuceneQueryVisitor is not reusable / not thread-safe
CXF-5943Throw error in exceptionmapper
CXF-5946ensure unregister cxf http transport Servlet OSGi service before we re-register it
CXF-5949LogBrowser not working
CXF-5952wadl2java: process representation params
CXF-5953wadl2java: generate full class name for representation parameter
CXF-5958incorrect OSGi header in cxf-core bundle
CXF-5961wadl2java: 'required = false' don't generated for @Multipart argument
CXF-5963LuceneQueryVisitor should use analyzer to create query properly
CXF-5964JAX-RS Contexts are injected into Application class too late
CXF-5966NPE in MessageContextImpl when setting ResponseBuilder entity in an ExceptionMapper
CXF-5968Setting use.async.http.conduit property causes IllegalArgumentException
CXF-5969CXF does not pass a generic type to ParamConverterProvider
CXF-5970review org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.provider.ProviderFactory.Message*ReaderComparator
CXF-5972Fix all karaf features definitions
CXF-5974WADLGenerator sets representation media type to application/octet-stream by default
CXF-5976incompatible with javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement error when using List<JAXBElement<Book>> as resource method param
CXF-5978Incomplete dependencies in archetype cxf-jaxrs-service
CXF-5980JAX-RS 2.0 client: response.readEntity(new GenericType<...>{}) fails with "unexpected element" UnmarshalException
CXF-5988Provide support for a pluggable parameter conversion mechanism for JAX-RS client side proxies
CXF-5989Query Params not showing up in WADL when declared using @BeanParam
CXF-5992Cannot set org.apache.cxf.stax.maxAttributeCount
CXF-5995ClientProxyImpl problem with handling @BeanParams with null headers/cookies.
CXF-5999Moving JiBX related systests into its own module.
CXF-6000Wrong default algorithm is used for TrustManagerFactory instantiation
CXF-6003jaxrs:server "basePackages" attribute doesn't initialize REST services properly
CXF-6007WebClient does not resend request in Digest authentication for HTTP methods GET, HEAD, DELETE, OPTIONS (with no body).
CXF-6010NPE in MessageModeOutInterceptor.validateFaultDetail for faults with no <detail>
CXF-6015Path parameters containing semicolon are truncated due to missing encoding
CXF-6020UrilInfo.getAbsolutePath() missing path separator between servlet url and relative url
CXF-6021WebClient has Accept defaulted to application/xml
CXF-6027oauth2 client redirect uris are never valid
CXF-6030javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: Fault string, and possibly fault code, not set for cxf.
CXF-6032NullPointerException while validating cert for SAML HOK
CXF-6034Wrong schemaLocation if jax-ws-catalog is used
CXF-6037in JAX-RS search there is no support for java.sql.Time in fiql
CXF-6038Repeatedly invoking setHandlerChain() can cause a build up of handler interceptors on the chain
CXF-6040need use servicemix wrapped opensaml 2.6.1_2
CXF-6041Corba Binding is throwing a ObjectNotActive Corba exception being thrown back to application code on endpoint/bus shutdown
CXF-6045Setting an entity from ClientRequestFilter has no effect if no entity is already set
CXF-6057WADL to Java code generator does not support the documented "encoding" flag
CXF-6058NPE in cxf-rt-transports-http org.apache.cxf.transport.http.Headers line 280
CXF-6059wsdl:fault wsdl2java fails with IllegalArgumentException
CXF-6060Calling readEntity() on Response created by Response.build() causes NullPointerException
CXF-6061The publish attribute on jaxws:endpoint doesn't support placeholder in spring configuration
CXF-6062Interceptors added in Spring Bus configuration are ignored
CXF-6066JAX-RS 2.0 Client implementation is OOM prone due to its strongly referencing WebTargets
CXF-6067ProviderFactory fails to analyze generic types correctly with some class hierachies
CXF-6071CXF's WSDL2Java tool can generate impl classes that jdk compiler will refuse to compile
CXF-6072jaxrs securityContext.getUserPrincipal is broken if login is done during the request
CXF-6073cxf-wsn installation in Karaf fails
CXF-6075NPE may occur at websocket destination under high load
CXF-6076MediaType parameter not parsed correctly
CXF-6077In OSGi, the wsdl extensor loaders may not be able to generate their special ExtensibilityELements
CXF-6078AnnotationUtils.getAnnotatedMethod for abstract classes not inherit from interface
CXF-6089XmlAccessorOrder.ALPHABETICAL, Exception.getMessage() duplicate WSDL elements generated
CXF-6090java.lang.NullPointerException when running wsdl2java
CXF-6091Server is not properly stopped with MultipleEndpointObserver
CXF-6092When there is bad connection/timeout, ClientImpl throws NullPointerException
CXF-6094wsdl2java - Default key managers cannot be initialized
CXF-6096http components transport is missing a dependency on commons-logging
CXF-6101Accept Header not Respected with Response from Custom MessageReader
CXF-6103Nillable field, in a json payload, was sent as "@nil":"true" instead of an empty string
CXF-6105CXF 3.x does not use the older WS-SecurityPolicy 1.1 namespace
CXF-6106ClientResponseFilterInterceptor wraps client response exchange message into ClientRequestContextImpl - as a result code can't access client request context
CXF-6109Incorrect TrustException constructor in AbstractSTSClient
CXF-6111JavascriptGetInterceptor.isRecognizedQuery is always false
CXF-6112org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.impl.ResourceContextImpl#getResource should support a custom ResourceProvider
CXF-6115Transferable.transferTo can cause infinite loop or stack overflow
CXF-6118Schema Validation refinements
CXF-6122JAX-RS proxy client with @QueryParam is not encoding the parameter value
CXF-6127Check thrown Exception's cause for SOAPFaultException
CXF-6137WADL generation does not correctly support query parameters
CXF-6138JAXB unmarshaller Properties can't be configured
CXF-6139WADLGenerator may produce a schema invalid resource id
CXF-6143SSL/TLS hostname verification does not strictly follow HTTPS RFC2818
CXF-6145WS-RM demo server throws exception
CXF-6146Demo wsdl_first_xmlbeans fails to build
CXF-6147Part of demo wsdl_first_soap12 doesnt work
CXF-6149ContainerRequestContextImpl hasEntity() always returns true for non-GET requests. Similar for ClientResponseContextImpl
CXF-6151Apache-cxf wsdlvalidator returns error in mime:part
CXF-6152WSDLValidator may throw ClassCastException under verbose mode
CXF-6153OAuthRequestFilter throws NullPointerException when "Authorization" header is missing
CXF-6155Exceptions thrown from ParamConverter generate 500 response
CXF-6160AsyncResponse infinite loops
CXF-6163WSDL Javascript generator for xsd:any elements is not correct when any is optional
CXF-6166Parsing Bug in org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.provider.json.JsonMapObjectReaderWriter
CXF-6172WS-Discovery should work also in IPv6 only environment
CXF-6176org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.bus.providers property is not taken in account in cxf bus
CXF-6178Missing io.netty.util.Version
CXF-6184HTTPConduit "transport.retransmit.url" property may have side-effects in case of non-redirect retransmits
CXF-6187JMS sample fails "connectionFactory may not be null"
CXF-6188Authorization loop using "CurrentWindowsCredentials"
CXF-6189Improve memory usage of UrlUtils
CXF-6192Cxf Clustering Blueprint handler doesn't create the distribute feature rightly
CXF-6194[multipart] Server handle Collection argument as single element
CXF-6198No SOAPFault for HTTP error code 400
CXF-6204JAX-RS Set-Cookie parser uses case-sensitive keys
CXF-6209Bug in processing Signed/Encrypted Elements policies with multiple XPaths
CXF-6210XPath evaluation failure on the client side causes all subsequent evaluations to fail
CXF-6211JAX-RS client runtime ignores Content-Type set directly from MessageBodyWriter
CXF-6217JmsPullPoint does not protect against external entities
CXF-6221CDI integration extension does not detect annotations on Karaf
CXF-6222Password can end up in log file
CXF-6228Using XSLTFeature with large messages creates unremovable temporary files
CXF-6229EndpointReferenceUtils.getSchema does NOT cache negative schema parsing
CXF-6233STS client only sends AppliesTo on first RST call
CXF-6234Invalid ?wsdl response with relative imports/includes when using jaxws-catalog.xml
CXF-6235wsdl2java behaves differently from cxf-codegen-plugin
CXF-6236proxyAuthSupplier not used in HTTPConduit.setHeadersByAuthorizationPolicy
CXF-6241WS-RM doesn't work with WS-Security configured with @EndpointProperties
CXF-6245Loading non-existent class org.apache.cxf.xmlbeans.XmlBeansWrapperHelper in WrapperClassOutInterceptor is causing performance issues
CXF-6246missing osgi import of javax.jws
CXF-6250WebSocket conduit fails to process String based responses and throws NPE
CXF-6252JAXRS Async Client hangs in case of Connection errors
CXF-6256Unexpected response code
CXF-6257Creating and Endpoint using JAX-WS API, getting the binding and then publishing causes a NullPointerException
CXF-6260JAXRS Async Client can not handle InvocationCallback TypeVariable
CXF-6272SCT Renew in Secure Conversation
CXF-6274NullPointerException in DestinationSequence because of RMCaptureInInterceptor not in interceptor chain
CXF-6284JAX-RS servlet run-time leaks additional strong references
CXF-6285NPE in SwaggerFeature.calculateDefaultResourcePackage
CXF-6294Cannot activate TLSv1.2 cipher suites on client on Java7
CXF-6295String cannot be cast to org.apache.ws.security.validate.Validator
CXF-6297JAX-RS BeanValidation feature fails with NPE in JAXRSBeanValidationOutInterceptor on sub-resource call
CXF-6300cipherSuite configuration does not work with HTTPJ servers
CXF-6302JAXRS endpoints with URL encoded addresses can not be located
CXF-6304AuthorizationCodeGrantHandler sets the approved scopes as the requested ones
CXF-6306AuthorizationCodeGrantService does not record a single pre-registered redirect uri in a session if current request has no redirect uri set
CXF-6307Wrong select the message body reader
CXF-6309Client processing exception has its cause set to the original exception wrapped in Fault
CXF-6313SamlHeaderOutInterceptor does not set headers on the message if it had none
CXF-6314WebSocket transport should not require dependency to jetty
CXF-6315Optional WS-Addressing policy doesn't return required soap headers
CXF-6317Authorization not possible with multiple service beans
CXF-6319Regression: failing namespace resolution after CXF-5891
CXF-6320Zero-length entity should throw 400 on pre-packaged provider
CXF-6321Make sure global JAX-RS filters are applied once per request even if made to sub-resource
CXF-6322AbstractSearchConditionParser not working with UUID fields
CXF-6327Invalid Policy exception for EndorsingSupportingTokens with more than one token assertions
CXF-6331Wrap exceptions in JAXRSBeanValidationInvoker into Fault so that these exceptions are exposed to ExceptionMapper-s
CXF-6332Wadl Genertion: @Description cannot be bound to field
CXF-6336Client ParamConverterProvider may be lost if Client runs in the server scope
CXF-6338Reversed logic in AbstractJwtHandler#validateSignature
CXF-6340Return value of AsyncResponseImpl.cancel() not follow JAXRS 2.0 javadoc
CXF-6343EncryptedHeader not properly processed or generated
CXF-6347CXF bundle activators not called in Eclipse/Equinox
CXF-6352ContainerResponseContext.getLinks() loses links if they have no 'rel' parameter
CXF-6356NPE when calling ServiceUnavailableException.getRetryTime()
CXF-6359NullPointerException when certAlias specified but no keyManagers are configured
CXF-6361HttpCondiut is not detecting the redirect loop properly
CXF-6366JAX-RS Client runtime does not encode forward slashes in Matrix parameters
CXF-6367JAX-RS Client runtime does not check BeanParam bean fields
CXF-6368Unexpected response code
CXF-6369org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.impl.ConfigurationImpl does not comply with SPEC
CXF-6370wrong usages for System.arraycopy in org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.impl.AsyncResponseImpl
CXF-6371WADL Generator does not always correctly deal with generic types
CXF-6373CompletionCallback can not get the Throwable if error occurs in other interceptor (no serviceinvokerInterceptor)
CXF-6375Providers.getMessageBodyReader throws NPE
CXF-6377Wrong media type of response
CXF-6378LinkBuilderImpl does not resolve relative links against baseUri
CXF-6379Separate HTTP headers for multiple header values not possible - bug in CXF-3714 fix
CXF-6380Context provider not working
CXF-6388NPE has been swallowed in org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.impl.AsyncResponseImpl
CXF-6389set initialSuspend=true incorrectly when resume the asyncresponse
CXF-6390JAXRS Async Client does not always wrap the client side exceptions into ProcessingException
CXF-6392Schema imports are not handled correctly in generated WSDL and XSD files
CXF-6393JAXRS Async Client unwraps a parameterized type given to InvocationCallback
CXF-6395Call setTimeout() in a second request cause illegalStateException from web container.
CXF-6398AlgorithmSuitePolicyValidator rejects enveloped-signature Transform
CXF-6402JettyHTTPServerEngine cannot set a provided Jetty Server
CXF-6403Potential memory leak in PolicyBasedWSS4JInInterceptor and AbstractWSS4JStaxInterceptor
CXF-6406WS-RM persistence with RMTxStore does not work with JNDI Lookup
CXF-6408HTTP Conduit throws NPE exception for "invalid" 401 HTTP response
CXF-6415WS-RM client persistent tests are failing
CXF-6429Provider matching when nested generic type
CXF-6431Attachment serialization does not conform to the relevant specs
CXF-6434SOAPAction value may not be extracted correctly for SOAP 1.2 with Attachments
CXF-6435Support base64 for attachment encoding in CXF
CXF-6436NPE in DefaultLogEventMapper when running on cameltransport
CXF-6442Possible uses contraint violation because of different servlet API versions
CXF-6444CrossOriginResourceSharingFilter.java should not set Origin=* when Credentials=true
CXF-6446WADL JavaDocProvider misses operation markers for the docs built with Java 8
CXF-6450Bad handling of JAX-RS generic interfaces
CXF-6451Set-Cookie Header incorrectly parsed
CXF-6458CXF 3.1.0 memory leak (Tomcat)
CXF-6464The derived key versions of sign/encrypt in SymmetricBindingHandler don't support attachments
CXF-6466Closing JAX-RS clients from finalize affects clients sharing the same conduit
CXF-6467Jaxrs client handles array type property in a form object as a single element
CXF-6468Secure Conversation Renew is missing Instance creation
CXF-6469schemaLocation in xsd import is not rewritten correctly in Java 8
CXF-6472Cannot create ContextResolver for class extending HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, etc.
CXF-6473Double signatures while using AsymmetricBindingHandler
CXF-6474UriTemplate should not always ignore an empty/null group value
CXF-6475problems using CXF as a JAX-RS 2.0 client
CXF-6479Denial of Service: Regular Expression in StringUtils
CXF-6480InjectionUtils createThreadLocalServletApiContext better error message for invalid @Context classes
CXF-6481Jetty HTTPJ session manager Blueprint configuration is not effective
CXF-6484Regression in Content-id format
CXF-6488Binding style vs part type R2203 And R2204 problems in wsdl document
CXF-6489Cannot set ClientSecretVerifier in AbstractTokenService
CXF-6491wadl2java produces incorrect Consumes annotation for multiple representations on POST methods
CXF-6492AbstractHTTPDestination class incorrectly assume only one empty space after "Basic" in Authorization header value.
CXF-6493cxf-rt-transports-http-3.1.1.jar contains OSGi interface classes
CXF-6495Inconsistent RMAsserion may be built for 3.0.x
CXF-6502JAXRSInInterceptor throw java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException if content-type header is empty
CXF-6506Client-side message context value HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS is not shared between SOAP handlers
CXF-6507WSRM 3.0 may store corrupted message
CXF-6512The host property is missing in Swagger2 feature's configuration properties
CXF-6513CXF Using async WebClient with load distribution failover strategy leads to memory leak
CXF-6515provider sorting not right
CXF-6517Regression in 3.1.2 attachment handling
CXF-6519WS-RM - Invalid response for CloseSequence
CXF-6522ThreadLocalInvocationHandler doesn't handle InvocationTargetException
CXF-6527WSDLRefValidator reject valid target reference URI/IRI
CXF-6528JAX-RS "lastModified" generates timestamp with non-standard format
CXF-6534Kerberos delegation not possible if Authorization given
CXF-6535Swagger2Feature's properties cannot be set when using Blueprint
CXF-6536XML pretty printing produces double line spacing if incoming XML contains linefeeds
CXF-6542Setting the signature digest algorithm on the SAMLCallback does not work for WS-Security
CXF-6543It's not possible to specify the signature + digest algorithms for self-signed SAML Assertions with JAX-RS
CXF-6547HTTPTransportActivator Does Not Propagate Servlet Init Parameters
CXF-6548LoggingOutInterceptor logs the wrong Content-Type for some scenarios
CXF-6550AsyncConduitHTTPFactory will throw NPE if passed properties are null
CXF-6551Digest authentication to intermediate HTTP proxy fails with 407 without retry
CXF-6552Multiple chained schema imports not handled correctly
CXF-6553Unable to override Content-Type on GET requests
CXF-6558DefaultEncryptingOAuthDataProvider.getAccessToken throws SecurityException on invalid accessToken format
CXF-6559AbstractOAuthDataProvider.refreshAccessToken method can't handle an invalid refresh token
CXF-6561ResourceOwnerGrantHandler: ResourceOwnerLoginHandler can't return null or throw exception
CXF-6570FormattedServiceListWriter - meta http-equiv value not quoted
CXF-6574Issue with Digest Authentication
CXF-6575WS-A Action generation defect
CXF-6577MessageContextImpl needs to get a property from a current message first
CXF-6579Inflated tokens can be corrupted if compression ratio is greater than 2:1
CXF-6580wsdl2java - Issue with import to default namespace
CXF-6582Support newer symmetric signature algorithms with WS-SecurityPolicy
CXF-6583MessageListenerTest#testLocalTransaction fails intermittently
CXF-6584EncryptSignature is ignored
CXF-6585Possible to send invalid Soap 1.2 faults
CXF-6588NPE in providers.getMessageBodyReader
CXF-6590MAPCodec: memory leak with sync client when soapfaults returned from endpoint
CXF-6591Aegis DataSourceType.getBytes fails to close the InputStream fetched from DataSource, which prevents the underlying file to be deleted on Windows
CXF-6592Maven[cxf-java2wadl-plugin] when stylesheetReference are set,package ended with Nullpoint Error
CXF-6593Some thread-local contexts may get lost on the client side after a refresh
CXF-6595CXF Karaf feature file: set dependency = true in the jta bundle for CXF
CXF-6599CXF ProxyHelper might cause OOM like conditions
CXF-6600Sudden repeating NPE on token request by STSClient
CXF-6601Swagger2Feature can hit a NPE when running in localtransport
CXF-6602Digest algorithms are not set properly when derived keys are used
CXF-6606Encoded characters in URI are decoded multiple times during preprocess
CXF-6607Cached STS-issued tokens are not renewed on expiry in delegation scenario
CXF-6609Data Race in org/apache/cxf/transport/http/HTTPConduit.prepare
CXF-6614"Comparison method violates its general contract" in DestinationRegistryImpl.getSortedDestinations
CXF-6615the order of attributes in SubjectDN of certificate shouldn't be significant
CXF-6616need always close the CipherOutputStream when the encryption is done to get the complete content
CXF-6621Schema imports are not handled correctly in generated WSDL and XSD files when using catalog rewrites
CXF-6629ConcurrentModificationException at AbstractResourceInfo.clearProxies()
CXF-6630Cannot call setAttribute with a null name
CXF-6632Memory leak due to literal keys in WSDLDefinition map
CXF-6637@GZIP and similar CXF annotations are not recognized if set on super classes
CXF-6638AsyncHTTPConduit does not allow body payloads with "PATCH" method
CXF-6640[Locale Issue] HTTP header Issue for IOS 9 + Chinese Language user
CXF-6641JWE elliptic curve error
CXF-6642Memory Leak in ResponseImpl.readEntity()
CXF-6648Wildcard Content-Type is set for GET
CXF-6653NPE may result while generating a SequenceFault in WS-RM 1.1
CXF-6655Error Invalid address. Endpoint address cannot be null
CXF-6657CXF Failover using JAXRS prevents header retrieval from ResponseExceptionMappers
CXF-6664NullpointerException in LinkBuilderImpl#getResolvedUri when linkheader url has a matrix parameter
CXF-6667Closing a source sequence in WS-RM may lead to inconsistent sequence status
CXF-6668[wadl2java] @Multipart annotation generated, @QueryParam expected
CXF-6670Problem with casting ParamConverter responses to primitive types
CXF-6671Ambiguous JAXRSServerFactoryBean.setApplication() breaks Spring injection
CXF-6673StaticService setEndpoints(List<String>) doesn't work correctly
CXF-6675Update commons-collections from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2
CXF-6676Incorrect Interface Method Name Generation
CXF-6677Content-Type is empty on POST request with empty body
CXF-6679@Context HttpServletRequest request.getParameterMap() can't contain post parameters by application/x-www-form-urlencoded
CXF-6682NullpointerException in LinkBuilderImpl#getResolvedUri when only baseUri is set
CXF-6688ClientProxyImpl does not populate class-level path params if BeanParam holds the values
CXF-6693CXF fails to parse Cookie header when it contains $ character
CXF-6694SpringResourceFactory does not work with constructor-autowired beans
CXF-6699DefaultAddress not set in HTTPConduit class
CXF-6701JAXRS Proxy impl does not check field JAXRS annotations on BeanParam super classes
CXF-6705Incorrect version in Import-Package for javax.validation for CXF Core
CXF-6706Bean validation seems to not be working in OSGi
CXF-6709HttpServletRequest.getInputStream is empty
CXF-6711Aegis Databinding Deserialization Vulnerability
CXF-6720AbstractHTTPDestination#WrappedOutputStream.close() calls flush after close
CXF-6721NullPointerException for some responses containing SoapFault.
CXF-6729Version 1 NewCookie is not compliant with RFC 2109
CXF-6730ClassCastException TransportBinding cannot be cast to AbstractSymmetricAsymmetricBinding in AbstractBindingBuilder
CXF-6743Inconsistent versions of jax-rs specs can lead to OSGi pain
CXF-6744Exceptions thrown from methods annotated with @Suspended result in no response at all
CXF-6748the qop,nc,algorithm parameter in http auth header must not be enclosed between doble quotation
CXF-6749Classloader leak on FileUtils.createTmpDir()
CXF-6753OAuth2 audience support is incomplete
CXF-6754Determin Media Type in Response
CXF-6759WADL2JAVA Tools Generated Source has Duplicate Method Name
CXF-6761JAX-RS ClientImpl does not set TLSClientParameters on HTTPConduit when only HostnameVerifier is configured
CXF-6763STS requires ClaimHandler even in ClaimMapping only scenarios
CXF-6764Should add RI JAXB Namespacemapper support
CXF-6768WS-Discovery missing schema when internet connection not present
CXF-6769Underscores in values of FIQL search expressions are incorrectly escaped
CXF-6770PrettyLoggingFilter not working well when using camel-cxf-transport
CXF-6772HttpClientPolicy browserType is reported as BrowserType header
CXF-6783ReflectionServiceFactoryBean generates invalid WSDL if anonymousWrapperTypes==true
CXF-6785AbstractHTTPDestination should handle the case when pathInfo of HttpServletRequest is null
CXF-6787not sufficient WadlGenerator presence detection
CXF-6793InvocationCallback doesn't try to get response class type
CXF-6795WS-Discovery add support for discovery on localhost
CXF-6799java.lang.ClassCastException: sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects.ParameterizedTypeImpl cannot be cast to java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable
CXF-6805cxf-rt-transports-http adds Content-Type header to GET request
CXF-6806don't mark the optional "encoding" parameter as required for cxf-java2wadl-plugin
CXF-6809SAMLRequest ID must not start with a Number
CXF-6810JAX-RS Client one way requests do not work with jms-transport
CXF-6812WebTargetImpl should always check if client is closed first
CXF-6813MediaTypeHeaderProvider doesn't check the illegal media type string like "s//tt;type=text/plain"
CXF-6814ClientRequestFilter should be added with descending order of priority
CXF-6819ConfigurationImp returns wrong value for isRegistered(Object obj)
CXF-6820LinkBuilderImpl#link() doesn't throw exception for invalid input
CXF-6823Duplicate injectedProviders in ProviderFactory impacting throughput by ~30%
CXF-6828[OAuth] AbstractGrant set wrong value(scope) for audience
CXF-6832Attachment content-disposition modification-date not parsed correctly
CXF-6836Swagger2 tests need to be updated to do a more robust JSON or YAML comparison
CXF-6838AsyncResponse doesn't use 204 when body is empty
CXF-6842Unwrap exception nested with WebApplicationException
CXF-6845Some methods in MessageUtils prone to NPE
CXF-6849Form parameter names including '%' are not decoded properly
CXF-6850javax.ws.rs.core.Request implementation doesn't match Accept-Encoding: * for any encoding value
CXF-6867Envelope and Body element prefixes changed when processing messages without headers
CXF-6887http-hc: NPE and incorrept assumption that there is only one bus
CXF-6939can't install cxf-http-async feature
CXF-7008Regression: CXF-5788 - JMS replyToDestination doesn't work
CXF-7026o.a.c.transport.http.osgi.HttpServiceTrackerCust service leak
CXF-7034should close HttpServiceTracker in HTTPTransportActivator
ENTESB-4398Arbitrary remote code execution with InvokerTransformer
ENTESB-4933When cxf service is deployed to child container SwaggerFeature uses root container port instead
ENTESB-4942missing requirements for features:install cxf-jaxrs-cdi
ENTESB-4957missing package org.apache.geronimo.osgi.locator for features:install pax-*-tomcat
ENTESB-5008quiet a few test failure on cxf 3.1.x.redhat-6-3-x-patch branch with JAVA8
ENTESB-5410please fix duplicate javax.mail in fuse
ENTESB-5442Swagger2Feature throws an exception
ENTESB-5460CXF and Camel need olingo version alignment in Fuse
ENTESB-5589NCDFE when using JAX-WS schema validation on IBM java
ENTESB-5647Need to add MRRC earlyaccess repo
ENTESB-5700[fabric:create] Error executing command: Unable to create zookeeper server configuration
ENTESB-5777can't install cxf-databinding-jibx
ENTESB-5907CXF's JMSConfiguration replyToDestination does not have any effect
ENTESB-5935intermittent ServerModel LinkageError when connecting to ssh container
ENTESB-5938After Multiple Profile Deployments Fabric Container Runs Out of PermGen Space
FEDIZ-156SAMLRequest ID must not start with a Number
WSS-549Don't write out a ReferenceList if there are no elements to encrypt
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