
8.3. 关于 pax-transx 项目

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pax-transx 项目在 OSGi 中提供对 JTA/JTS 事务管理的支持,以及 JDBC 和 JMS 的资源池。它将关闭 pax-jdbcpax-jms 之间的差距。

  • Pax-jdbcjavax.sql. (XA) ConnectionFactory 服务添加配置选项和发现,并附带一些 JDBC 池实施
  • Pax-jmsjavax.jms. (XA) ConnectionFactory 服务执行相同的操作,并提供了一些 JMS 池实施
  • Pax-transx 为 javax.transaction.TransactionManager 实施和(最终)为 javax.transaction.TransactionManager 实现添加配置选项和发现,提供基于 JCA 的 JDBC/JMS 连接管理,支持池和交易器。

关于 JDBC 连接池JMS 连接池 的部分仍然有效。使用基于 JCA 的池的唯一更改是在注册 JDBC 数据源和 JMS 连接工厂时使用 pool=transx 属性。

  • Pax-jdbc-pool-transx 使用 org.ops4j.pax.transx.jdbc.ManagedDataSourceBuilder from pax-transx-jdbc
  • Pax-jms-pool-transx 使用 org.ops4j.pax.transx.jms.ManagedConnectionFactoryBuilder from pax-transx-jms

虽然池化数据源/连接工厂是以 构建器样式 创建的(没有 Java™ bean 属性),但 JDBC 支持这些属性:

  • name
  • userName
  • password
  • commitBeforeAutocommit
  • preparedStatementCacheSize
  • transactionIsolationLevel
  • minIdle
  • maxPoolSize
  • aliveBypassWindow
  • houseKeepingPeriod
  • connectionTimeout
  • idleTimeout
  • maxLifetime

JMS 支持这些属性:

  • name
  • userName
  • password
  • clientID
  • minIdle
  • maxPoolSize
  • aliveBypassWindow
  • houseKeepingPeriod
  • connectionTimeout
  • idleTimeout
  • maxLifetime

XA 恢复需要 用户名和密码 属性才能工作(就像使用 aries.xa.usernamearies.xa.password 属性)在 Fuse 6.x 中。

在蓝图中使用此 JDBC 配置(mind pool=transx):

    Database-specific, non-pooling, non-enlisting javax.sql.XADataSource
<bean id="postgresql" class="org.postgresql.xa.PGXADataSource">
    <property name="url" value="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/reportdb" />
    <property name="user" value="fuse" />
    <property name="password" value="fuse" />
    <property name="currentSchema" value="report" />
    <property name="connectTimeout" value="5" />

    Expose database-specific data source with service properties
    No need to expose pooling, enlisting, non database-specific javax.sql.DataSource - it'll be registered
    automatically by pax-jdbc-config with the same properties as this <service>, but with higher service.ranking
<service id="pool" ref="postgresql" interface="javax.sql.XADataSource">
        <!-- "pool" key is needed for pax-jdbc-config to wrap database-specific data source inside connection pool -->
        <entry key="pool" value="transx" />
        <!-- <service>/@id attribute doesn't propagate, but name of the datasource is required using one of: -->
        <entry key="osgi.jndi.service.name" value="jdbc/postgresql" />
        <!-- or: -->
        <!--<entry key="dataSourceName" value="jdbc/postgresql" />-->
        <!-- Other properties, that normally are needed by e.g., pax-jdbc-pool-transx -->
        <entry key="pool.maxPoolSize" value="13" />
        <entry key="pool.userName" value="fuse" />
        <entry key="pool.password" value="fuse" />

使用蓝图中的这个 JMS 配置(mind pool=transx):

    Broker-specific, non-pooling, non-enlisting javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory
<bean id="artemis" class="org.apache.activemq.artemis.jms.client.ActiveMQXAConnectionFactory">
    <argument index="0" value="tcp://localhost:61616" />
    <!-- credentials needed for JCA-based XA-recovery -->
    <argument index="1" value="admin" />
    <argument index="2" value="admin" />
    <property name="callTimeout" value="2000" />
    <property name="initialConnectAttempts" value="3" />

    Expose broker-specific connection factory with service properties
    No need to expose pooling, enlisting, non broker-specific javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory - it'll be registered
    automatically by pax-jms-config with the same properties as this <service>, but with higher service.ranking
<service id="pool" ref="artemis" interface="javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory">
        <!-- "pool" key is needed for pax-jms-config to wrap broker-specific connection factory inside connection pool -->
        <entry key="pool" value="transx" />
        <!-- <service>/@id attribute doesn't propagate, but name of the connection factory is required using one of: -->
        <entry key="osgi.jndi.service.name" value="jms/artemis" />
        <!-- or: -->
        <!--<entry key="name" value="jms/artemis" />-->
        <!-- Other properties, that normally are needed e.g., pax-jms-pool-transx -->
        <entry key="pool.maxPoolSize" value="13" />
        <entry key="pool.userName" value="admin" />
        <entry key="pool.password" value="admin" />

您有一个 JDBC 数据源和 JMS 连接工厂,该工厂利用基于 JCA 的资源管理。基于 transx 的池可以正确地与 pax-transx-tm-narayana 与 XA 恢复有关。


  • pax-jdbc-pool-tranx
  • pax-jms-pool-tranx
  • pax-transx-jdbc
  • pax-transx-jms
  • Pax-jms-artemis (使用 A-MQ 7 时)
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