

12.6. Geo-replication Logs

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The following log files are used for a geo-replication session:
  • Master-log-file - log file for the process that monitors the master volume.
  • Slave-log-file - log file for process that initiates changes on a slave.
  • Master-gluster-log-file - log file for the maintenance mount point that the geo-replication module uses to monitor the master volume.
  • Slave-gluster-log-file - If the slave is a Red Hat Gluster Storage Volume, this log file is the slave's counterpart of Master-gluster-log-file.

12.6.1. Viewing the Geo-replication Master Log Files

To view the Master-log-file for geo-replication, use the following command:
# gluster volume geo-replication MASTER_VOL SLAVE_HOST::SLAVE_VOL config log-file
For example:
# gluster volume geo-replication Volume1 example.com::slave-vol config log-file

12.6.2. Viewing the Geo-replication Slave Log Files

To view the log file for geo-replication on a slave, use the following procedure. glusterd must be running on slave machine.
  1. On the master, run the following command to display the session-owner details:
    # gluster volume geo-replication MASTER_VOL SLAVE_HOST::SLAVE_VOL config session-owner
    For example:
    # gluster volume geo-replication Volume1 example.com::slave-vol config session-owner 5f6e5200-756f-11e0-a1f0-0800200c9a66
  2. On the slave, run the following command with the session-owner value from the previous step:
    # gluster volume geo-replication SLAVE_VOL config log-file /var/log/gluster/SESSION_OWNER:remote-mirror.log 
    For example:
    # gluster volume geo-replication slave-vol config log-file /var/log/gluster/5f6e5200-756f-11e0-a1f0-0800200c9a66:remote-mirror.log
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