

11.9. Migrating Volumes

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Data can be redistributed across bricks while the trusted storage pool is online and available.Before replacing bricks on the new servers, ensure that the new servers are successfully added to the trusted storage pool.


Before performing a replace-brick operation, review the known issues related to replace-brick operation in the Red Hat Gluster Storage Release Notes.

11.9.1. Replacing a Subvolume on a Distribute or Distribute-replicate Volume

This procedure applies only when at least one brick from the subvolume to be replaced is online. In case of a Distribute volume, the brick that must be replaced must be online. In case of a Distribute-replicate, at least one brick from the subvolume from the replica set that must be replaced must be online.
To replace the entire subvolume with new bricks on a Distribute-replicate volume, follow these steps:
  1. Add the new bricks to the volume.
    # gluster volume add-brick VOLNAME [replica <COUNT>] NEW-BRICK

    Example 11.1. Adding a Brick to a Distribute Volume

    # gluster volume add-brick test-volume server5:/rhgs/brick5
    Add Brick successful
  2. Verify the volume information using the command:
    # gluster volume info
     Volume Name: test-volume
        Type: Distribute
        Status: Started
        Number of Bricks: 5
        Brick1: server1:/rhgs/brick1
        Brick2: server2:/rhgs/brick2
        Brick3: server3:/rhgs/brick3
        Brick4: server4:/rhgs/brick4
        Brick5: server5:/rhgs/brick5


    In case of a Distribute-replicate volume, you must specify the replica count in the add-brick command and provide the same number of bricks as the replica count to the add-brick command.
  3. Remove the bricks to be replaced from the subvolume.
    1. Start the remove-brick operation using the command:
      # gluster volume remove-brick VOLNAME [replica <COUNT>] <BRICK> start

      Example 11.2. Start a remove-brick operation on a distribute volume

      # gluster volume remove-brick test-volume server2:/rhgs/brick2 start
      Remove Brick start successful
    2. View the status of the remove-brick operation using the command:
      # gluster volume remove-brick VOLNAME [replica <COUNT>] BRICK status

      Example 11.3. View the Status of remove-brick Operation

      # gluster volume remove-brick test-volume server2:/rhgs/brick2 status
      Node   Rebalanced-files size   scanned  failures  skipped   status  run-time in
      ----      -------       ----    ----     ------    -----    -----     ------
      server2   10045       204.9MB   73522      0         0     in progress  0:10:34
      Estimated time left for rebalance to complete: 0:10:23
      Keep monitoring the remove-brick operation status by executing the above command. In the above example, the estimated time for rebalance to complete is 10 minutes. When the value of the status field is set to complete in the output of remove-brick status command, proceed further.
    3. Commit the remove-brick operation using the command:
      # gluster volume remove-brick VOLNAME [replica <COUNT>] <BRICK> commit

      Example 11.4. Commit the remove-brick Operation on a Distribute Volume

      # gluster volume remove-brick test-volume server2:/rhgs/brick2 commit
    4. Verify the volume information using the command:
      # gluster volume info
      Volume Name: test-volume
      Type: Distribute
      Status: Started
      Number of Bricks: 4
      Brick1: server1:/rhgs/brick1
      Brick3: server3:/rhgs/brick3
      Brick4: server4:/rhgs/brick4
      Brick5: server5:/rhgs/brick5
    5. Verify the content on the brick after committing the remove-brick operation on the volume. If there are any files leftover, copy it through FUSE or NFS mount.
      1. Verify if there are any pending files on the bricks of the subvolume.
        Along with files, all the application-specific extended attributes must be copied. glusterFS also uses extended attributes to store its internal data. The extended attributes used by glusterFS are of the form trusted.glusterfs.*, trusted.afr.*, and trusted.gfid. Any extended attributes other than ones listed above must also be copied.
        To copy the application-specific extended attributes and to achieve a an effect similar to the one that is described above, use the following shell script:
        # copy.sh <glusterfs-mount-point> <brick>

        Example 11.5. Code Snippet Usage

        If the mount point is /mnt/glusterfs and brick path is /rhgs/brick1, then the script must be run as:
        # copy.sh /mnt/glusterfs /rhgs/brick1
        for file in `find $BRICK ! -type d`; do
            rpath=`echo $file | sed -e "s#$BRICK\(.*\)#\1#g"`
            rdir=`dirname $rpath`
            cp -fv $file $MOUNT/$rdir;
            for xattr in `getfattr -e hex -m. -d $file 2>/dev/null | sed -e '/^#/d' | grep -v -E "trusted.glusterfs.*" | grep -v -E "trusted.afr.*" | grep -v "trusted.gfid"`;
                key=`echo $xattr | cut -d"=" -f 1`
                value=`echo $xattr | cut -d"=" -f 2`
                setfattr $MOUNT/$rpath -n $key -v $value
      2. To identify a list of files that are in a split-brain state, execute the command:
        # gluster volume heal test-volume info split-brain
      3. If there are any files listed in the output of the above command, compare the files across the bricks in a replica set, delete the bad files from the brick and retain the correct copy of the file. Manual intervention by the System Administrator would be required to choose the correct copy of file.

11.9.2. Replacing an Old Brick with a New Brick on a Replicate or Distribute-replicate Volume

A single brick can be replaced during a hardware failure situation, such as a disk failure or a server failure. The brick that must be replaced could either be online or offline. This procedure is applicable for volumes with replication. In case of a Replicate or Distribute-replicate volume types, after replacing the brick, self-heal is automatically triggered to heal the data on the new brick.
Procedure to replace an old brick with a new brick on a Replicate or Distribute-replicate volume:
  1. Ensure that the new brick (server5:/rhgs/brick1) that replaces the old brick (server0:/rhgs/brick1) is empty. Ensure that all the bricks are online. The brick that must be replaced can be in an offline state.
  2. Execute the replace-brick command with the force option:
    # gluster volume replace-brick test-volume server0:/rhgs/brick1 server5:/rhgs/brick1 commit force
    volume replace-brick: success: replace-brick commit successful
  3. Check if the new brick is online.
    # gluster volume status
    Status of volume: test-volume
    Gluster process                    Port    Online    Pid
    Brick server5:/rhgs/brick1            49156    Y    5731
    Brick server1:/rhgs/brick1            49153    Y    5354
    Brick server2:/rhgs/brick1            49154    Y    5365
    Brick server3:/rhgs/brick1            49155    Y    5376
  4. Data on the newly added brick would automatically be healed. It might take time depending upon the amount of data to be healed. It is recommended to check heal information after replacing a brick to make sure all the data has been healed before replacing/removing any other brick.
    # gluster volume heal VOL_NAME info
    For example:
    # gluster volume heal test-volume info
    Brick server5:/rhgs/brick1
    Status: Connected
    Number of entries: 0
    Brick server1:/rhgs/brick1
    Status: Connected
    Number of entries: 0
    Brick server2:/rhgs/brick1
    Status: Connected
    Number of entries: 0
    Brick server3:/rhgs/brick1
    Status: Connected
    Number of entries: 0
    The value of Number of entries field will be displayed as zero if the heal is complete.

11.9.3. Replacing an Old Brick with a New Brick on a Distribute Volume

  1. Before making any changes, check the contents of the brick that you want to remove from the volume.
    # ls /mount/point/OLDBRICK
  2. Add the new brick to the volume.
    # gluster volume add-brick VOLNAME NEWSERVER:NEWBRICK
  3. Start removing the old brick.
    # gluster volume remove-brick VOLNAME OLDSERVER:OLDBRICK start
  4. Wait until the remove-brick status command shows that the removal is complete.
    # gluster volume remove-brick VOLNAME BRICK status
              Rebalanced                                                    run time
    Node      files       size    scanned   failures    skipped   status    in secs
    localhost 5           20Bytes 15        0           0         completed 0.00
  5. Finish removing the old brick.
    # gluster volume remove-brick VOLNAME OLDSERVER:OLDBRICK commit
  6. Verify that all files that were on the removed brick are still present on the volume.

11.9.4. Replacing an Old Brick with a New Brick on a Dispersed or Distributed-dispersed Volume

A single brick can be replaced during a hardware failure situation, such as a disk failure or a server failure. The brick that must be replaced could either be online or offline but all other bricks must be online.
Procedure to replace an old brick with a new brick on a Dispersed or Distributed-dispersed volume:
  1. Ensure that the new brick that replaces the old brick is empty. The brick that must be replaced can be in an offline state but all other bricks must be online.
  2. Execute the replace-brick command with the force option:
    # gluster volume replace-brick VOL_NAME old_brick_path new_brick_path  commit force
    For example:
    # gluster volume replace-brick test-volume server1:/rhgs/brick2 server1:/rhgs/brick2new  commit force
    volume replace-brick: success: replace-brick commit successful
    The new brick you are adding could be from the same server or you can add a new server and then a new brick.
  3. Check if the new brick is online.
    # gluster volume status
    Status of volume: test-volume
    Gluster process                   TCP Port  RDMA Port  Online    Pid
    Brick server1:/rhgs/brick1        49187     0          Y       19927
    Brick server1:/rhgs/brick2new     49188     0          Y       19946
    Brick server2:/rhgs/brick3        49189     0          Y       19965
    Brick server2:/rhgs/brick4        49190     0          Y       19984
    Brick server3:/rhgs/brick5        49191     0          Y       20003
    Brick server3:/rhgs/brick6        49192     0          Y       20022
    NFS Server on localhost             N/A       N/A        N       N/A
    Self-heal Daemon on localhost       N/A       N/A        Y       20043
    Task Status of Volume test-volume
    There are no active volume tasks
  4. Data on the newly added brick would automatically be healed. It might take time depending upon the amount of data to be healed. It is recommended to check heal information after replacing a brick to make sure all the data has been healed before replacing/removing any other brick.
    # gluster volume heal VOL_NAME info
    For example:
    # gluster volume heal test-volume info
    Brick server1:/rhgs/brick1
    Status: Connected
    Number of entries: 0
    Brick server1:/rhgs/brick2new
    Status: Connected
    Number of entries: 0
    Brick server2:/rhgs/brick3
    Status: Connected
    Number of entries: 0
    Brick server2:/rhgs/brick4
    Status: Connected
    Number of entries: 0
    Brick server3:/rhgs/brick5
    Status: Connected
    Number of entries: 0
    Brick server3:/rhgs/brick6
    Status: Connected
    Number of entries: 0
    The value of Number of entries field will be displayed as zero if the heal is complete.
  5. Red Hat Gluster Storage 3.4 introduces the summary option of heal info command. This command displays the statistics of entries pending heal in split-brain and the entries undergoing healing. This command prints only the entry count and not the actual file-names or gfids.
    To get the summary of a volume, run the following command:
    # gluster volume heal VOLNAME info summary
    For example:
    # gluster volume heal test-volume info summary
                Command output: Brick
                Status: Connected
                Total Number of entries: 363
                Number of entries in heal pending: 362
                Number of entries in split-brain: 0
                Number of entries possibly healing: 1


    The ‘summary’ option provides a detailed information about the brick unlike the ‘info’ command. The summary information is obtained in a similar way as the ‘info’ command.
    The --xml parameter provides the output of the summary option in XML format
    # gluster volume heal test-volume info summary --xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
            <brick hostUuid="9105dd4b-eca8-4fdb-85b2-b81cdf77eda3">

11.9.5. Reconfiguring a Brick in a Volume

The reset-brick subcommand is useful when you want to reconfigure a brick rather than replace it. reset-brick lets you replace a brick with another brick of the same location and UUID. For example, if you initially configured bricks so that they were identified with a hostname, but you want to use that hostname somewhere else, you can use reset-brick to stop the brick, reconfigure it so that it is identified by an IP address instead of the hostname, and return the reconfigured brick to the cluster.
To reconfigure a brick (replace a brick with another brick of the same hostname, path, and UUID), perform the following steps:
  1. Ensure that the quorum minimum will still be met when the brick that you want to reset is taken offline.
  2. If possible, Red Hat recommends stopping I/O, and verifying that no heal operations are pending on the volume.
  3. Run the following command to kill the brick that you want to reset.
    # gluster volume reset-brick VOLNAME HOSTNAME:BRICKPATH start
  4. Configure the offline brick according to your needs.
  5. Check that the volume's Volume ID displayed by gluster volume info matches the volume-id (if any) of the offline brick.
    # gluster volume info VOLNAME
    # cat /var/lib/glusterd/vols/VOLNAME/VOLNAME.HOSTNAME.BRICKPATH.vol | grep volume-id
    For example, in the following dispersed volume, the Volume ID and the volume-id are both ab8a981a-a6d9-42f2-b8a5-0b28fe2c4548.
    # gluster volume info vol
    Volume Name: vol
    Type: Disperse
    Volume ID: ab8a981a-a6d9-42f2-b8a5-0b28fe2c4548
    Status: Started
    Snapshot Count: 0
    Number of Bricks: 1 x (4 + 2) = 6
    Transport-type: tcp
    Brick1: myhost:/brick/gluster/vol-1
    # cat /var/lib/glusterd/vols/vol/vol.myhost.brick-gluster-vol-1.vol | grep volume-id
    option volume-id ab8a981a-a6d9-42f2-b8a5-0b28fe2c4548
  6. Bring the reconfigured brick back online. There are two options for this:
    • If your brick did not have a volume-id in the previous step, run:
      # gluster volume reset-brick VOLNAME HOSTNAME:BRICKPATH HOSTNAME:BRICKPATH commit
    • If your brick's volume-id matches your volume's identifier, Red Hat recommends adding the force keyword to ensure that the operation succeeds.
      # gluster volume reset-brick VOLNAME HOSTNAME:BRICKPATH HOSTNAME:BRICKPATH commit force
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