

E.2. Model Editor

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E.2.1. Model Editor

The Model Editor is comprised of sub-editors which provide multiple views of your data. The Diagram Editor provides a graphical while the Table Editor provides spreadsheet like editing capabilities. This section describes these various sub-editors.

E.2.2. Diagram Editor

The Diagram Editor provides a graphical view of the a set of model components and their relationships.
Several types of diagrams are available depending on model type. They include:
  • Package Diagram
  • Custom Diagram
  • Transformation Diagram
  • Mapping Diagram
  • Mapping Transformation Diagram
You can customize various diagram visual properties via Diagram Preferences.
Each diagram provides actions via the Main toolbar, diagram toolbar and selection based context menus. These actions will be discussed below in detail for each diagram type.
When a Diagram Editor is in focus, a set of common diagram actions is added to the application's main toolbar.
Main Toolbar Diagram Actions

Figure E.3. Main Toolbar Diagram Actions

The actions include:
  • Zoom In
  • Zoom to Level
  • Zoom Out
  • Increase Font Size
  • Decrease Font Size
  • Perform Diagram Layout

E.2.3. Package Diagram

The Package Diagram provides a graphical view of the contents of a model container, be it the model itself, a relational catalog or schema.
Package Diagram Example

Figure E.4. Package Diagram Example

Package Diagram toolbar actions include:
  • Refresh Diagram - Redraws diagram.
  • Show Parent Diagram - Navigates to diagram for parent object (if available).
  • Save Diagram as File - Save the diagram image to file in JPG or BMP format.
Context menus provide a flexible means to edit model data, especially from Package Diagrams. Each Package Diagram represents the contents of some container (i.e. Model, Category, Schema, etc...), so New Child, New Sibling and New Association actions are almost always available in addition to standard Edit actions (Delete, Cut, Copy, Paste, Rename, Clone).

E.2.4. Custom Diagram

The Custom Diagram represents a view of user defined model objects. Unlike Package Diagrams, Custom Diagrams can contain objects that are not only unrelated, but can be from different containers and even models.
Custom Diagram Example

Figure E.5. Custom Diagram Example

Custom Diagram toolbar actions include:
  • Refresh Diagram - Redraws diagram.
  • Show Parent Diagram - Navigates to diagram for parent object (if available).
  • Preview Data - Executes a simple preview query (SELECT * FROM ).
  • Add To Diagram - Add objects selected in Model Explorer to diagram.
  • Remove From Diagram - Removed objects selected in diagram from diagram.
  • Clear Diagram - Remove all objects from diagram.
  • Save Diagram as Image - Save the diagram image to file in JPG or BMP format.
  • Modify Diagram Printing Preferences - Modify page layout information for printing diagrams. Includes margins, orientation, etc...
  • Show/Hide Page Grid - Show current page boundaries as grid in diagram.
Since Custom Diagrams do not represent represents the contents of container objects(i.e. Model, Category, Schema, etc...) its context menus are limited to adding/removing objects from diagram and basic diagram related display options.

E.2.5. Transformation Diagram

The Transformation Diagram represents a view of the relationships defined by the source inputs described in a view table's SQL transformation.
Transformation Diagram Example

Figure E.6. Transformation Diagram Example

Transformation Diagram toolbar actions include:
  • Refresh Diagram - Redraws diagram.
  • Show Parent Diagram - Navigates to diagram for parent object (if available).
  • Add Transformation Sources - Add selected sources to transformation.
  • Add Union Transformation Sources - Add selected sources as union sources.
  • Remove Transformation Sources - Removed sources selected in diagram from transformation.
  • Clear Transformation - Remove all sources from transformation.
  • Open Transformation Reconciler dialog
  • Save Diagram as Image - Save the diagram image to file in JPG or BMP format.

E.2.6. Mapping Diagram

The Mapping Diagram represents a view of the mapping between virtual mapping class columns and XML document elements. This mapping defines how source data is transformed from row based results into XML formatted text.
Mapping Diagram Example

Figure E.7. Mapping Diagram Example

Mapping Diagram toolbar actions include:
  • Refresh Diagram - Redraws diagram.
  • Show Parent Diagram - Navigates to diagram for parent object (if available).
  • Show detailed mapping diagram - Show detailed mapping transformation diagram for selected mapping class.
  • Generate Mapping Classes - Generate mapping classes for the selected XML document root element.
  • New Mapping Class - Insert new mapping class referenced to the selected XML document element or attribute..
  • New Staging Table - Insert new staging table referenced to the selected XML document element or attribute.
  • Merge Mapping Classes - Merge selected mapping classes.
  • Split Mapping Class - Split selected mapping class.
  • Display All Mapping Classes
  • Hide all columns in Mapping Classes
  • Populate diagram with Mapping Class derived from tree selection
Context menus for Mapping Diagrams provide Edit capability to the mapping class in addition to mapping class manipulation actions (i.e. Merge Mapping Classes, Split Mapping Class, etc..)

E.2.7. Mapping Transformation Diagram

The Mapping Transformation Diagram is identical to a Transformation Diagram except for displaying an Input Set and possibly Staging Tables as sources for the Mapping Class's transformation.
Mapping Transformation Diagram Example

Figure E.8. Mapping Transformation Diagram Example

Mapping Transformation Diagram toolbar actions include:
  • Refresh Diagram - Redraws diagram.
  • Show Parent Diagram - Navigates to diagram for parent object (if available).
  • New Mapping Link - Create a mapping link between selected mapping extent (i.e. XML element or attribute) and mapping class column.
  • Remove Mapping Link - Delete mapping link between selected mapping extent (i.e. XML element or attribute) and mapping class column.
  • Add Transformation Sources - Add selected sources to transformation.
  • Add Union Transformation Sources - Add selected sources as union sources.
  • Remove Transformation Sources - Removed sources selected in diagram from transformation.
  • Clear Transformation - Remove all sources from transformation.
  • Open Transformation Reconciler dialog
  • Save Diagram as Image - Save the diagram image to file in JPG or BMP format.
Context menus for Mapping Transformation Diagrams identical capabilities to the Transformation Diagram with the addition of managing and editing Input Sets.
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