
4.4. 扩展 rh-perl524 Software Collection

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本节论述了通过构建您自己的依赖软件集合来扩展 rh-perl524 Software Collection。
本节中描述的示例只适用于使用以下软件包扩展 rh-perl524 Software Collection 时按预期工作:
  • 不要提供任何 Perl 模块,以及
  • 仅依赖于 rh-perl524 Software Collection 提供的 Perl 模块。

4.4.1. h2m144 Software Collection

本节包含依赖 Software Collection 的 metapackage 的注释示例。依赖软件包名为 h2m144,包含 help2man Perl 软件包版本 1.44.1。h2m144 Software Collection 依赖于 rh-perl524 Software Collection。
请注意,h2m144 Software Collection metapackage 中的以下内容:
  • h2m144 Software Collection metapackage 设置了以下构建依赖项:
    BuildRequires: %{scl_prefix_perl}scldevel
    这会扩展到 rh-perl524-scldevel
    rh-perl524-scldevel 子软件包包含两个重要的宏 %scl_perl%scl_prefix_perl,并提供 Perl 依赖项生成器。请注意,宏在 metapackage spec 文件的顶部定义。虽然定义不是必需的,但它们提供了一个可视化提示,但 h2m144 Software Collection 已设计为基于 rh-perl524 Software Collection 构建。它们也充当回退值。
  • h2m144-build 子软件包设置了以下依赖项:
    Requires: %{scl_prefix_perl}scldevel
    这会扩展到 rh-perl524-scldevel。此依赖项的目的是确保在为 h2m144 软件集合构建软件包时始终存在宏和依赖项生成器。
  • h2m144 Software Collection 的 enable scriptlet 包含以下行:
    . scl_source enable %{scl_perl}
    请注意行开头的点。当 h2m144 Software Collection 启动时,此行使 Perl Software Collection 会隐式启动,以便用户只能键入 scl enable h2m144 命令而不是 scl enable rh-perl524 h2m144 命令在 Software Collection 环境中运行命令。
  • 宏文件 macros.h2m144-config 调用 Perl 依赖项生成器,以及其它软件包规格文件中使用的特定于 Perl 的宏。
%global scl h2m144
%scl_package %scl

# Default values for the rh-perl524 Software Collection. These
# will be used when rh-perl524-scldevel is not in the build root.
%{!?scl_perl:%global scl_perl rh-perl524}
%{!?scl_prefix_perl:%global scl_prefix_perl %{scl_perl}-}

# Only for this build, override __perl_requires for the automatic dependency
# generator.
%global __perl_requires /usr/lib/rpm/perl.req.stack

Summary: Package that installs %scl
Name:    %scl_name
Version: 1
Release: 1%{?dist}
License: GPLv2+
BuildRequires: scl-utils-build
# Always make sure that there is the rh-perl524-scldevel
# package in the build root.
BuildRequires: %{scl_prefix_perl}scldevel
# Require rh-perl524-perl-macros; you will need macros from that package.
BuildRequires: %{scl_prefix_perl}perl-macros
Requires: %{scl_prefix}help2man

This is the main package for %scl Software Collection.

%package runtime
Summary: Package that handles %scl Software Collection.
Requires: scl-utils
Requires: %{scl_prefix_perl}runtime

%description runtime
Package shipping essential scripts to work with %scl Software Collection.

%package build
Summary: Package shipping basic build configuration
Requires: scl-utils-build
# Require rh-perl524-scldevel so that there is always access to the %%scl_perl
# and %%scl_prefix_perl macros in builds for this Software Collection.
Requires: %{scl_prefix_perl}scldevel

%description build
Package shipping essential configuration macros to build %scl Software Collection.

%setup -c -T



# Create the enable scriptlet that:
# - Adds an additional load path for the Perl interpreter.
# - Runs scl_source so that you can run:
#     scl enable h2m144 'bash'
#   instead of:
#     scl enable rh-perl524 h2m144 'bash'

cat >> %{buildroot}%{_scl_scripts}/enable << EOF
. scl_source enable %{scl_perl}
export PATH="%{_bindir}:%{_sbindir}\${PATH:+:\${PATH}}"
export MANPATH="%{_mandir}:\${MANPATH:-}"

cat >> %{buildroot}%{_root_sysconfdir}/rpm/macros.%{scl}-config << EOF
%%scl_package_override() %%{expand:%%global __perl_requires /usr/lib/rpm/perl.req.stack
%%global __perl_provides /usr/lib/rpm/perl.prov.stack
%%global __perl %{_scl_prefix}/%{scl_perl}/root/usr/bin/perl


%files runtime -f filelist

%files build

* Tue Apr 22 2014 John Doe <jdoe@example.com> - 1-1
- Initial package.

4.4.2. help2man 软件包

以下是 help2man 软件包 spec 文件的注释示例。在 spec 文件中记录以下内容:
  • BuildRequires 标签前缀为 %{?scl_prefix_perl} 而不是 %{scl_prefix}
%{?scl:%scl_package help2man}
%{!?scl:%global pkg_name %{name}}

# Supported build option:
# --with nls ... build this package with --enable-nls 
%bcond_with nls

Name:           %{?scl_prefix}help2man
Summary:        Create simple man pages from --help output
Version:        1.44.1
Release:        1%{?dist}
Group:          Development/Tools
License:        GPLv3+
URL:            http://www.gnu.org/software/help2man
Source:         ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/help2man/help2man-%{version}.tar.xz
%{!?with_nls:BuildArch: noarch}

BuildRequires:  %{?scl_prefix_perl}perl(Getopt::Long)
BuildRequires:  %{?scl_prefix_perl}perl(POSIX)
BuildRequires:  %{?scl_prefix_perl}perl(Text::ParseWords)
BuildRequires:  %{?scl_prefix_perl}perl(Text::Tabs)
BuildRequires:  %{?scl_prefix_perl}perl(strict)
%{?with_nls:BuildRequires: %{?scl_prefix_perl}perl(Locale::gettext) /usr/bin/msgfmt}
%{?with_nls:BuildRequires: %{?scl_prefix_perl}perl(Encode)}
%{?with_nls:BuildRequires: %{?scl_prefix_perl}perl(I18N::Langinfo)}
Requires:   %{?scl_prefix_perl}perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(%{?scl:scl enable %{scl_perl} '}eval "`perl -V:version`"; echo $version%{?scl:'}))

Requires(post): /sbin/install-info
Requires(preun): /sbin/install-info

help2man is a script to create simple man pages from the --help and
--version output of programs.

Since most GNU documentation is now in info format, this provides a
way to generate a placeholder man page pointing to that resource while
still providing some useful information.

%setup -q -n help2man-%{version}

%configure --%{!?with_nls:disable}%{?with_nls:enable}-nls --libdir=%{_libdir}/help2man
%{?scl:scl enable %{scl} "}
make %{?_smp_mflags}

%{?scl:scl enable %{scl} "}
make install_l10n DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
%{?scl:scl enable %{scl} "}
%find_lang %pkg_name --with-man

/sbin/install-info %{_infodir}/help2man.info %{_infodir}/dir 2>/dev/null || :

if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
  /sbin/install-info --delete %{_infodir}/help2man.info \
    %{_infodir}/dir 2>/dev/null || :

%files -f %pkg_name.lang

%if %{with nls}

* Tue Apr 22 2014 John Doe <jdoe@example.com> - 1.44.1-1
- Built for h2m144 SCL.

4.4.3. 构建 h2m144 Software Collection

构建 h2m144 Software Collection:
  1. 安装作为 perl524 Software Collection 一部分的 rh-perl524-scldevelrh-perl524-perl-macros 软件包。
  2. 构建 h2m144.spec 并安装 h2m144-runtimeh2m144-build 软件包。
  3. 安装 rh-perl524-perl,rh-perl524-perl-Text-ParseWordsrh-perl524-perl-Getopt-Long 软件包,这是 help2man 的构建要求。
  4. 构建 help2man.spec

4.4.4. 测试 h2m144 Software Collection

测试 h2m144 Software Collection:
  1. 安装 h2m144-help2man 软件包。
  2. 运行以下命令:
    $ scl enable h2m144 'help2man bash'
  3. 验证输出是否类似于以下行:
    .\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE!  It was generated by help2man 1.44.1.
    .TH BASH, "1" "April 2014" "bash, version 4.1.2(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)" "User Commands"
    .SH NAME
    bash, \- manual page for bash, version 4.1.2(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)
    .B bash
    [\fIGNU long option\fR] [\fIoption\fR] ...
    GNU bash, version 4.1.2(1)\-release\-(x86_64\-redhat\-linux\-gnu)
    bash [GNU long option] [option] script\-file ...
    .SS "GNU long options:"
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