
10.2. 使用 RHUI 4 CLI 选项

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Red Hat Update Infrastructure 4 的大多数管理任务都是其安装中。安装后,它会自行运行,定期从红帽 CDN 获取更新的软件包,并自动将那些软件包提供给客户端。

名为 Red Hat Update Infrastructure Management Tool 的命令行界面(使用 rhui-manager运行 )有助于安装。此工具提供了每个 RHUI 组件所需的配置元素的交互式提示:RHUA、CDS 和 load-balancer。该工具还提供了用来获取红帽提供的内容证书,以便在连接到 Red Hat CDN 时使用并生成内部云相关证书,以供客户端用于连接到 RHUI。Red Hat Update Infrastructure Management Tool 允许云供应商生成客户端配置捆绑包,以便在客户端 RHEL 实例中安装。此捆绑包允许客户端从 RHUI 安装中获取更新。

Red Hat Update Infrastructure Management Tool 使用互动 shell ; 一些功能也可以在 shell 提示符中运行。Red Hat Update Infrastructure Management Tool 使用七大命令。对于每个命令的 子命令,如果 子命令需要一个或多个选项 -h--help,则提供一个选项列表。


[root@ip-10-141-150-145 ~]# rhui-manager --help
Usage: rhui-manager [options]

    -h/--help  show this help message and exit
    --debug    enables debug logging
    --noninteractive prevents console input, used for scripting
    --config   absolute path to the configuration file; defaults to /etc/rhui/rhui-tools.conf
    --server   location of the RHUA server (overrides the config file)
    --username if specified, previously saved authentication credentials are ignored and this username is used to login
    --password used in conjunction with --username
    --logout   logout from the active session

    cert      : Red Hat content certificate management
    packages  : package manipulation on repositories
    repo      : repository listing and manipulation
    cds       : CDS listing and manipulation
    migrate : Migrate from {RHUI3}
    haproxy   : Load balancer listing and manipulation
    status    : RHUI status and health information
    client    : Red Hat client management

10.2.1. cert

Red Hat content certificate management
    upload    : uploads a new content certificate
    info      : display information about the current content certificate
# rhui-manager cert upload
upload: uploads a new content certificate
    --cert - full path to the new content certificate (required)
    --key - full path to the new content certificate's key

10.2.2. 软件包

package manipulation on repositories
    list      : lists all packages in a repository
    remove    : removes a package from a custom repository
    upload    : uploads a package or directory of packages to a custom repository
    remote    : uploads RPM content from a remote URL to a custom repository
list: lists all packages in a repository
    --repo_id - id of the repository to list packages for (required)
remove: removes a package from a custom repository
    --repo_id - id of the custom repository to remove a package from (required)
    --package - name of the package to be removed (required)
    --vr - if specified, only the supplied version-release of the package will be removed
    --force - don't ask for confirmation
upload: uploads a package or directory of packages to a custom repository
    --repo_id - id of the custom repository where the packages will be uploaded (required)
    --packages - path to an .rpm file or directory of RPMs that will be uploaded (required)
remote: uploads RPM content from a remote URL to a custom repository
    --repo_id - id of the custom repository where the packages will be uploaded (required)
    --url - remote URL of the package or a web page that will be scraped for RPM content (required)

10.2.3. repo

repository listing and manipulation
    list      : lists all repositories in the RHUI
    info      : displays information on an individual repo
    add       : add a Red Hat repository to the RHUA
    add_by_repo: add Red Hat repositories to the RHUA via repo ID
    add_by_file: add Red Hat repositories to the RHUA using an input file
    add_errata: associate errata metadata with a repository
    delete    : delete a repository
    sync      : sync a repository
    export	  : export a repository to the filesystem
    enable_sync: enable scheduled synchronization of a repository
    disable_sync: disable scheduled synchronization of a repository
    sync_all  : sync all repositories
    metadata : ensure metadata is generated for the latest version of repositories
    enable_autopublish: enable automatic publishing of a new repository version
    disable_autopublish: disable automatic publishing of a new repository version
    create_custom: create a custom repository
    unused    : list of products available but not synced to the RHUA
info: displays information on an individual repo
    --repo_id - identifies the repository to display (required)
add: add a Red Hat repository to the RHUA
    --product_name - product to add the RHUA (required)
add_by_repo: add Red Hat repositories to the RHUA via repo ID
    --repo_ids - repo IDs to add, comma-separated (required)
    --sync-now - Use to sync any repos that are added (optional)
add_by_file: add Red Hat repositories to the RHUA using an input file
    --file - file containing repo IDs to add, one per line (required)
    --sync_now - Use to sync any repos that are added (optional)
add_errata: associate errata metadata with a repository
    --repo_id - repo ID to associate the metadata with (required)
    --updateinfo - updateinfo file to be applied (required)
delete: delete a repository
    --repo_id - identifies the repository to delete (required)
sync: sync a repository
    --repo_id - identifies the repository to sync (required)
export: export a repository to the filesystem
	  --repo_id - identifies the repository to export (required)
metadata : ensure metadata is generated for the latest version of repositories
   --repo_id - explicit repo ID to generate metadata for
enable_sync: enable scheduled synchronization of a repository
    --repo_id - identifies the repository to enable scheduled synchronization for (required)
    --verbose - if present, info on last/next synchronization tasks will be displayed
disable_sync: disable scheduled synchronization of a repository
    --repo_id - identifies the repository to disable scheduled synchronization for (required)
    --verbose - if present, info on last/next synchronization tasks will be displayed
enable_autopublish: enable automatic publishing of a new repository version
    --repo_id - identifies the repository to enable automatic publishing for (required)
disable_autopublish: disable automatic publishing of a new repository version
    --repo_id - identifies the repository to disable automatic publishing for (required)
create_custom: create a custom repository
    --repo_id - identifies the repository to add (required)
    --path - path to the content being served by CDS; defaults to repo_id
    --display_name - display name for the custom repository
    --entitlement - path used in the entitlement certificate; may use yum variable substitutions
    --legacy_md - if present, the repo will use SHA1, otherwise default value is used (SHA256)
    --redhat_content - repository will host Red Hat GPG signed content
    --protected - make the content protected by entitlement certificate
    --gpg_public_keys - comma separated list of public keys used to sign the served content; the filenames must not contain comma
unused: list all unused Red Hat repositories
Loading latest entitled products from Red Hat...
... listings loaded
Available Repositories

10.2.4. cds

CDS listing and manipulation
    list      : lists all cds instances in the RHUI
    add       : register a cds instance to the RHUI
    reinstall : reinstalls an already registered cds instance
    delete    : unregisters cds instances from the RHUI
add: register a cds instance to the RHUI
    --hostname - The hostname of the instance to add. (required)
    --ssh_user - Username with SSH access to the instance and sudo privileges. (required)
    --keyfile_path - Absolute path to an SSH private key to use with the given user. (required)
    --hostfile - Absolute path to a known_hosts file to use to determine the identity of the instance; if this is not provided and the instance hostkey is not in the system-wide known_hosts file, this command will fail.
    --user_supplied_ssl_key - Optional absolute path to the user supplied SSL key file.
    --user_supplied_ssl_crt - Optional absolute path to the user supplied SSL crt file.
    --force - Add the system even if the hostname is already registered.
    --unsafe - Proceed even if the instance host key is not in the known_hosts file. This is not secure!
reinstall: reinstalls an already registered cds instance
    --hostname - The hostname of the instance to reinstall on; this instance must be registered already.
    --all - Reinstall all the registered instances.
delete: unregisters cds instances from the RHUI
    --force - Delete the system, even if it is the last of its kind.
    --hostnames - Comma-separated list of hostnames to delete (unregister) from RHUI. (required)

10.2.5. migrate

Migrate from {RHUI3}
   --hostname : the {RHUI3} hostname
   --password  : <your_password>
   --keyfile_path : ~/.ssh/id_rsa_rhua*

10.2.6. hapoxy

Load balancer listing and manipulation
    list      : lists all haproxy instances in the RHUI
    add       : register a haproxy instance to the RHUI
    reinstall : reinstalls an already registered haproxy instance
    delete    : unregisters haproxy instances from the RHUI
add: register a haproxy instance to the RHUI
    --hostname - The hostname of the instance to add. (required)
    --ssh_user - Username with SSH access to the instance and sudo privileges. (required)
    --keyfile_path - Absolute path to an SSH private key to use with the given user. (required)
    --hostfile - Absolute path to a known_hosts file to use to determine the identity of the instance; if this is not provided and the instance hostkey is not in the system-wide known_hosts file, this command will fail.
    --config - Optional absolute path to a user supplied HAProxy config file.
    --force - Add the system even if the hostname is already registered.
    --unsafe - Proceed even if the instance host key is not in the known_hosts file. This is not secure!
reinstall: reinstalls an already registered haproxy instance
    --hostname - The hostname of the instance to reinstall on; this instance must be registered already.
    --all - Reinstall all the registered instances.
delete: unregisters haproxy instances from the RHUI
    --force - Delete the system, even if it is the last of its kind.
    --hostnames - Comma-separated list of hostnames to delete (unregister) from RHUI. (required)

10.2.7. status

status: RHUI status and health information
    --code - if specified, only a numeric code for the result will be displayed
    --repo_json - Name of the JSON file for a repo status

10.2.8. 客户端

Red Hat client management
    labels    : list the labels required for client certificate creation
    cert      : create a content certificate for a rhui client
    rpm       : create a client config rpm
    content_source: create an alternate source config rpm
    acs_config: output a JSON representation of the alternate source config
cert: create a content certificate for a rhui client
    --repo_label - identifies the repositories to add. Comma delimited string of repo labels (required)
    --name - identifies the certificate name (required)
    --days - number of days cert will be valid (required)
    --dir - directory where the certificate will be stored (required)
rpm: create a client config rpm
    --private_key - entitlement private key
    --entitlement_cert - entitlement certificate
    --rpm_version - version number of the client config rpm
    --rpm_release - release of rpm package. Default is 1
    --rpm_name - name of the client config rpm (required)
    --dir - directory where the rpm will be created (required)
    --unprotected_repos - comma-separated list of unprotected repos to include
    --cert - generate certificate also before building client config rpm if given
    --ca_cert - full path to the certificate authority of CDS servers
    --repo_label - identifies the repositories to add. Comma delimited string of repo labels
    --name - identifies the certificate name if it is different from rpm name
    --days - number of days cert will be valid
    --proxy - url/string in case proxy option is necessary in yum repo file
content_source: create an alternate source config rpm
    --private_key - entitlement private key
    --entitlement_cert - entitlement certificate
    --rpm_version - version number of the client config rpm
    --rpm_name - name of the client config rpm (required)
    --dir - directory where the rpm will be created (required)
    --unprotected_repos - comma-separated list of unprotected repos to include
    --cert - generate certificate also before building client config rpm if given
    --ca_cert - full path to the certificate authority of CDS servers
    --repo_label - identifies the repositories to add. Comma delimited string of repo labels
    --name - identifies the certificate name if it is different from rpm name
    --days - number of days cert will be valid
acs_config: output a JSON representation of the alternate source config
    --dir - directory where the JSON representation will be stored (required)
    --private_key - entitlement private key
    --entitlement_cert - entitlement certificate
    --cert - generate certificate based on the the repos supplied via --repo_label
    --ssl_ca_cert - full path to the certificate authority of CDS servers (defaults to ssl_ca_crt specified in rhui-tools.conf)
    --repo_label - identifies the repositories to add. Comma delimited string of repo labels
    --days - number of days cert will be valid if new cert is generated
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