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Chapter 14. Porting containers to systemd using Podman

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Podman (Pod Manager) is a simple daemonless tool fully featured container engine. Podman provides a Docker-CLI comparable command line that makes the transition from other container engines easier and enables the management of pods, containers, and images.

Originally, Podman was not designed to provide an entire Linux system or manage services, such as start-up order, dependency checking, and failed service recovery. systemd was responsible for a complete system initialization. Due to Red Hat integrating containers with systemd, you can manage OCI and Docker-formatted containers built by Podman in the same way as other services and features are managed in a Linux system. You can use the systemd initialization service to work with pods and containers.

With systemd unit files, you can:

  • Set up a container or pod to start as a systemd service.
  • Define the order in which the containerized service runs and check for dependencies (for example making sure another service is running, a file is available or a resource is mounted).
  • Control the state of the systemd system using the systemctl command.

You can generate portable descriptions of containers and pods by using systemd unit files.

14.1. Auto-generating a systemd unit file using Quadlets

With Quadlet, you describe how to run a container in a format that is very similar to regular systemd unit files. The container descriptions focus on the relevant container details and hide technical details of running containers under systemd. Create the <CTRNAME>.container unit file in one of the following directories:

  • For root users: /usr/share/containers/systemd/ or /etc/containers/systemd/
  • For rootless users: $HOME/.config/containers/systemd/, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/containers/systemd/, /etc/containers/systemd/users/$(UID), or /etc/containers/systemd/users/

Quadlet is available beginning with Podman v4.6.


  • The container-tools module is installed.


  1. Create the mysleep.container unit file:

    $ cat $HOME/.config/containers/systemd/mysleep.container
    Description=The sleep container
    Exec=sleep 1000
    # Start by default on boot

    In the [Container] section you must specify:

    • Image - container mage you want to tun
    • Exec - the command you want to run inside the container

      This enables you to use all other fields specified in a systemd unit file.

  2. Create the mysleep.service based on the mysleep.container file:

    $ systemctl --user daemon-reload
  3. Optional: Check the status of the mysleep.service:

    $ systemctl --user status mysleep.service
    ○ mysleep.service - The sleep container
    	 Loaded: loaded (/home/username/.config/containers/systemd/mysleep.container; generated)
    	 Active: inactive (dead)
  4. Start the mysleep.service:

    $ systemctl --user start mysleep.service


  1. Check the status of the mysleep.service:

    $ systemctl --user status mysleep.service
    ● mysleep.service - The sleep container
    	 Loaded: loaded (/home/username/.config/containers/systemd/mysleep.container; generated)
    	 Active: active (running) since Thu 2023-02-09 18:07:23 EST; 2s ago
       Main PID: 265651 (conmon)
          Tasks: 3 (limit: 76815)
    	 Memory: 1.6M
       	 CPU: 94ms
    	 CGroup: ...
  2. List all containers:

    $ podman ps -a
    CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                            COMMAND               CREATED            STATUS                          PORTS   NAMES
    421c8293fc1b               sleep 1000  30 seconds ago   Up 10 seconds ago systemd-mysleep

    Note that the name of the created container consists of the following elements:

    • a systemd- prefix
    • a name of the systemd unit, that is systemd-mysleep

      This naming helps to distinguish common containers from containers running in systemd units. It also helps to determine which unit a container runs in. If you want to change the name of the container, use the ContainerName field in the [Container] section.

14.2. Enabling systemd services

When enabling the service, you have different options.


  • Enable the service:

    • To enable a service at system start, no matter if user is logged in or not, enter:

      # systemctl enable <service>

      You have to copy the systemd unit files to the /etc/systemd/system directory.

    • To start a service at user login and stop it at user logout, enter:

      $ systemctl --user enable <service>

      You have to copy the systemd unit files to the $HOME/.config/systemd/user directory.

    • To enable users to start a service at system start and persist over logouts, enter:

      # loginctl enable-linger <username>

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14.3. Auto-starting containers using systemd

You can control the state of the systemd system and service manager using the systemctl command. You can enable, start, stop the service as a non-root user. To install the service as a root user, omit the --user option.


  • The container-tools module is installed.


  1. Reload systemd manager configuration:

    # systemctl --user daemon-reload
  2. Enable the service container.service and start it at boot time:

    # systemctl --user enable container.service
  3. Start the service immediately:

    # systemctl --user start container.service
  4. Check the status of the service:

    $ systemctl --user status container.service
    ● container.service - Podman container.service
       Loaded: loaded (/home/user/.config/systemd/user/container.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
       Active: active (running) since Wed 2020-09-16 11:56:57 CEST; 8s ago
         Docs: man:podman-generate-systemd(1)
      Process: 80602 ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman run --conmon-pidfile //run/user/1000/container.service-pid --cidfile //run/user/1000/container.service-cid -d ubi8-minimal:>
      Process: 80601 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/rm -f //run/user/1000/container.service-pid //run/user/1000/container.service-cid (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
     Main PID: 80617 (conmon)
       CGroup: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/container.service
               ├─ 2870 /usr/bin/podman
               ├─80612 /usr/bin/slirp4netns --disable-host-loopback --mtu 65520 --enable-sandbox --enable-seccomp -c -e 3 -r 4 --netns-type=path /run/user/1000/netns/cni->
               ├─80614 /usr/bin/fuse-overlayfs -o lowerdir=/home/user/.local/share/containers/storage/overlay/l/YJSPGXM2OCDZPLMLXJOW3NRF6Q:/home/user/.local/share/contain>
               ├─80617 /usr/bin/conmon --api-version 1 -c cbc75d6031508dfd3d78a74a03e4ace1732b51223e72a2ce4aa3bfe10a78e4fa -u cbc75d6031508dfd3d78a74a03e4ace1732b51223e72>
                 └─80626 /usr/bin/coreutils --coreutils-prog-shebang=sleep /usr/bin/sleep 1d

    You can check if the service is enabled using the systemctl is-enabled container.service command.


  • List containers that are running or have exited:

    # podman ps
    CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                            COMMAND  CREATED         STATUS             PORTS  NAMES
    f20988d59920  top      12 seconds ago  Up 11 seconds ago         funny_zhukovsky

To stop container.service, enter:

# systemctl --user stop container.service

14.4. Advantages of using Quadlets over the podman generate systemd command

You can use the Quadlets tool, which describes how to run a container in a format similar to regular systemd unit files.


Quadlet is available beginning with Podman v4.6.

Quadlets have many advantages over generating unit files using the podman generate systemd command, such as:

  • Easy to maintain: The container descriptions focus on the relevant container details and hide technical details of running containers under systemd.
  • Automatically updated: Quadlets do not require manually regenerating unit files after an update. If a newer version of Podman is released, your service is automatically updated when the systemclt daemon-reload command is executed, for example, at boot time.
  • Simplified workflow: Thanks to the simplified syntax, you can create Quadlet files from scratch and deploy them anywhere.
  • Support standard systemd options: Quadlet extends the existing systemd-unit syntax with new tables, for example, a table to configure a container.

Quadlet supports a subset of Kubernetes YAML capabilities. For more information, see the support matrix of supported YAML fields. You can generate the YAML files by using one of the following tools:

  • Podman: podman generate kube command
  • OpenShift: oc generate command with the --dry-run option
  • Kubernetes: kubectl create command with the --dry-run option

Quadlet supports these unit file types:

  • Container units: Used to manage containers by running the podman run command.

    • File extension: .container
    • Section name: [Container]
    • Required fields: Image describing the container image the service runs
  • Kube units: Used to manage containers defined in Kubernetes YAML files by running the podman kube play command.

    • File extension: .kube
    • Section name: [Kube]
    • Required fields: Yaml defining the path to the Kubernetes YAML file
  • Network units: Used to create Podman networks that may be referenced in .container or .kube files.

    • File extension: .network
    • Section name: [Network]
    • Required fields: None
  • Volume units: Used to create Podman volumes that may be referenced in .container files.

    • File extension: .volume
    • Section name: [Volume]
    • Required fields: None

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14.5. Generating a systemd unit file using Podman

Podman allows systemd to control and manage container processes. You can generate a systemd unit file for the existing containers and pods using podman generate systemd command. It is recommended to use podman generate systemd because the generated units files change frequently (via updates to Podman) and the podman generate systemd ensures that you get the latest version of unit files.


Starting with Podman v4.6, you can use the Quadlets that describe how to run a container in a format similar to regular systemd unit files and hides the complexity of running containers under systemd.


  • The container-tools module is installed.


  1. Create a container (for example myubi):

    $ podman create --name myubi sleep infinity
  2. Use the container name or ID to generate the systemd unit file and direct it into the ~/.config/systemd/user/container-myubi.service file:

    $ podman generate systemd --name myubi > ~/.config/systemd/user/container-myubi.service


  • Display the content of generated systemd unit file:

    $ cat ~/.config/systemd/user/container-myubi.service
    # container-myubi.service
    # autogenerated by Podman 3.3.1
    # Wed Sep  8 20:34:46 CEST 2021
    Description=Podman container-myubi.service
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman start myubi
    ExecStop=/usr/bin/podman stop -t 10 myubi
    ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/podman stop -t 10 myubi
    • The Restart=on-failure line sets the restart policy and instructs systemd to restart when the service cannot be started or stopped cleanly, or when the process exits non-zero.
    • The ExecStart line describes how we start the container.
    • The ExecStop line describes how we stop and remove the container.

14.6. Automatically generating a systemd unit file using Podman

By default, Podman generates a unit file for existing containers or pods. You can generate more portable systemd unit files using the podman generate systemd --new. The --new flag instructs Podman to generate unit files that create, start and remove containers.


Starting with Podman v4.6, you can use the Quadlets that describe how to run a container in a format similar to regular systemd unit files and hides the complexity of running containers under systemd.


  • The container-tools module is installed.


  1. Pull the image you want to use on your system. For example, to pull the httpd-24 image:

    # podman pull
  2. Optional: List all images available on your system:

    # podman images
    REPOSITORY                                TAG                  IMAGE ID      CREATED        SIZE  latest               8594be0a0b57  2 weeks ago    462 MB
  3. Create the httpd container:

    # podman create --name httpd -p 8080:8080
  4. Optional: Verify the container has been created:

    # podman ps -a
    CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                            COMMAND               CREATED        STATUS      PORTS                   NAMES
    cdb9f981cf14  /usr/bin/run-http...  5 minutes ago  Created>8080/tcp  httpd
  5. Generate a systemd unit file for the httpd container:

    # podman generate systemd --new --files --name httpd
  6. Display the content of the generated container-httpd.service systemd unit file:

    # cat /root/container-httpd.service
    # container-httpd.service
    # autogenerated by Podman 3.3.1
    # Wed Sep  8 20:41:44 CEST 2021
    Description=Podman container-httpd.service
    ExecStartPre=/bin/rm -f %t/%n.ctr-id
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman run --cidfile=%t/%n.ctr-id --sdnotify=conmon --cgroups=no-conmon --rm -d --replace --name httpd -p 8080:8080
    ExecStop=/usr/bin/podman stop --ignore --cidfile=%t/%n.ctr-id
    ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/podman rm -f --ignore --cidfile=%t/%n.ctr-id

Unit files generated using the --new option do not expect containers and pods to exist. Therefore, they perform the podman run command when starting the service (see the ExecStart line) instead of the podman start command. For example, see section Generating a systemd unit file using Podman.

  • The podman run command uses the following command-line options:

    • The --conmon-pidfile option points to a path to store the process ID for the conmon process running on the host. The conmon process terminates with the same exit status as the container, which allows systemd to report the correct service status and restart the container if needed.
    • The --cidfile option points to the path that stores the container ID.
    • The %t is the path to the run time directory root, for example /run/user/$UserID.
    • The %n is the full name of the service.

      1. Copy unit files to /etc/systemd/system for installing them as a root user:

        # cp -Z container-httpd.service /etc/systemd/system
      2. Enable and start the container-httpd.service:

        # systemctl daemon-reload
        # systemctl enable --now container-httpd.service
        Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/  /etc/systemd/system/container-httpd.service.
        Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/  /etc/systemd/system/container-httpd.service.


  • Check the status of the container-httpd.service:

    # systemctl status container-httpd.service
        ● container-httpd.service - Podman container-httpd.service
           Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/container-httpd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
           Active: active (running) since Tue 2021-08-24 09:53:40 EDT; 1min 5s ago
             Docs: man:podman-generate-systemd(1)
          Process: 493317 ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman run --conmon-pidfile /run/ --cidfile /run/container-httpd.ctr-id --cgroups=no-conmon -d --repla>
          Process: 493315 ExecStartPre=/bin/rm -f /run/ /run/container-httpd.ctr-id (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
         Main PID: 493435 (conmon)

14.7. Automatically starting pods using systemd

You can start multiple containers as systemd services. Note that the systemctl command should only be used on the pod and you should not start or stop containers individually via systemctl, as they are managed by the pod service along with the internal infra-container.


Starting with Podman v4.6, you can use the Quadlets that describe how to run a container in a format similar to regular systemd unit files and hides the complexity of running containers under systemd.


  • The container-tools module is installed.


  1. Create an empty pod, for example named systemd-pod:

    $ podman pod create --name systemd-pod
  2. Optional: List all pods:

    $ podman pod ps
    11d4646ba41b  systemd-pod  Created  40 seconds ago  1                8a428b257111
  3. Create two containers in the empty pod. For example, to create container0 and container1 in systemd-pod:

    $ podman create --pod systemd-pod --name container0 top
    $ podman create --pod systemd-pod --name container1 top
  4. Optional: List all pods and containers associated with them:

    $ podman ps -a --pod
    CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                   COMMAND  CREATED        STATUS         PORTS   NAMES               POD ID        PODNAME
    24666f47d9b2  top      3 minutes ago  Created                container0          3130f724e229  systemd-pod
    56eb1bf0cdfe                             4 minutes ago  Created                3130f724e229-infra  3130f724e229  systemd-pod
    62118d170e43  top      3 seconds ago  Created                container1          3130f724e229  systemd-pod
  5. Generate the systemd unit file for the new pod:

    $ podman generate systemd --files --name systemd-pod

    Note that three systemd unit files are generated, one for the systemd-pod pod and two for the containers container0 and container1.

  6. Display pod-systemd-pod.service unit file:

    $ cat pod-systemd-pod.service
    # pod-systemd-pod.service
    # autogenerated by Podman 3.3.1
    # Wed Sep  8 20:49:17 CEST 2021
    Description=Podman pod-systemd-pod.service
    Requires=container-container0.service container-container1.service
    Before=container-container0.service container-container1.service
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman start bcb128965b8e-infra
    ExecStop=/usr/bin/podman stop -t 10 bcb128965b8e-infra
    ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/podman stop -t 10 bcb128965b8e-infra
    • The Requires line in the [Unit] section defines dependencies on container-container0.service and container-container1.service unit files. Both unit files will be activated.
    • The ExecStart and ExecStop lines in the [Service] section start and stop the infra-container, respectively.
  7. Display container-container0.service unit file:

    $ cat container-container0.service
    # container-container0.service
    # autogenerated by Podman 3.3.1
    # Wed Sep  8 20:49:17 CEST 2021
    Description=Podman container-container0.service
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman start container0
    ExecStop=/usr/bin/podman stop -t 10 container0
    ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/podman stop -t 10 container0
    • The BindsTo line line in the [Unit] section defines the dependency on the pod-systemd-pod.service unit file
    • The ExecStart and ExecStop lines in the [Service] section start and stop the container0 respectively.
  8. Display container-container1.service unit file:

    $ cat container-container1.service
  9. Copy all the generated files to $HOME/.config/systemd/user for installing as a non-root user:

    $ cp pod-systemd-pod.service container-container0.service container-container1.service $HOME/.config/systemd/user
  10. Enable the service and start at user login:

    $ systemctl enable --user pod-systemd-pod.service
    Created symlink /home/user1/.config/systemd/user/  /home/user1/.config/systemd/user/pod-systemd-pod.service.
    Created symlink /home/user1/.config/systemd/user/  /home/user1/.config/systemd/user/pod-systemd-pod.service.

    Note that the service stops at user logout.


  • Check if the service is enabled:

    $ systemctl is-enabled pod-systemd-pod.service

Additional resources

14.8. Automatically updating containers using Podman

The podman auto-update command allows you to automatically update containers according to their auto-update policy. The podman auto-update command updates services when the container image is updated on the registry. To use auto-updates, containers must be created with the --label "io.containers.autoupdate=image" label and run in a systemd unit generated by podman generate systemd --new command.

Podman searches for running containers with the "io.containers.autoupdate" label set to "image" and communicates to the container registry. If the image has changed, Podman restarts the corresponding systemd unit to stop the old container and create a new one with the new image. As a result, the container, its environment, and all dependencies, are restarted.


Starting with Podman v4.6, you can use the Quadlets that describe how to run a container in a format similar to regular systemd unit files and hides the complexity of running containers under systemd.


  • The container-tools module is installed.


  1. Start a myubi container based on the image:

    # podman run --label "io.containers.autoupdate=image" \
    --name myubi -dt top
  2. Optional: List containers that are running or have exited:

    # podman ps -a
    CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                            COMMAND  CREATED         STATUS             PORTS   NAMES
    76465a5e2933  top      24 seconds ago  Up 23 seconds ago          myubi
  3. Generate a systemd unit file for the myubi container:

    # podman generate systemd --new --files --name myubi
  4. Copy unit files to /usr/lib/systemd/system for installing it as a root user:

    # cp -Z ~/container-myubi.service /usr/lib/systemd/system
  5. Reload systemd manager configuration:

    # systemctl daemon-reload
  6. Start and check the status of a container:

    # systemctl start container-myubi.service
    # systemctl status container-myubi.service
  7. Auto-update the container:

    # podman auto-update

14.9. Automatically updating containers using systemd

As mentioned in section Automatically updating containers using Podman,

you can update the container using the podman auto-update command. It integrates into custom scripts and can be invoked when needed. Another way to auto update the containers is to use the pre-installed podman-auto-update.timer and podman-auto-update.service systemd service. The podman-auto-update.timer can be configured to trigger auto updates at a specific date or time. The podman-auto-update.service can further be started by the systemctl command or be used as a dependency by other systemd services. As a result, auto updates based on time and events can be triggered in various ways to meet individual needs and use cases.


Starting with Podman v4.6, you can use the Quadlets that describe how to run a container in a format similar to regular systemd unit files and hides the complexity of running containers under systemd.


  • The container-tools module is installed.


  1. Display the podman-auto-update.service unit file:

    # cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/podman-auto-update.service
    Description=Podman auto-update service
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman auto-update
  2. Display the podman-auto-update.timer unit file:

    # cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/podman-auto-update.timer
    Description=Podman auto-update timer

    In this example, the podman auto-update command is launched daily at midnight.

  3. Enable the podman-auto-update.timer service at system start:

    # systemctl enable podman-auto-update.timer
  4. Start the systemd service:

    # systemctl start podman-auto-update.timer
  5. Optional: List all timers:

    # systemctl list-timers --all
    NEXT                         LEFT      LAST                         PASSED       UNIT                         ACTIVATES
    Wed 2020-12-09 00:00:00 CET  9h left   n/a                          n/a          podman-auto-update.timer     podman-auto-update.service

    You can see that podman-auto-update.timer activates the podman-auto-update.service.

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