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Chapter 4. Working with container images

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The Podman tool is designed to work with container images. You can use this tool to pull the image, inspect, tag, save, load, redistribute, and define the image signature.

4.1. Pulling container images using short-name aliases

You can use secure short names to get the image to your local system. The following procedure describes how to pull a fedora or nginx container image.


  • The container-tools module is installed.


  • Pull the container image:

    • Pull the fedora image:

      $ podman pull fedora
      Resolved "fedora" as an alias (/etc/containers/registries.conf.d/000-shortnames.conf)
      Trying to pull…
      Storing signatures

      Alias is found and the image is securely pulled. The unqualified-search-registries list is not used to resolve fedora image name.

    • Pull the nginx image:

      $ podman pull nginx
      ? Please select an image:
      Trying to pull…
      Storing signatures

      If no matching alias is found, you are prompted to choose one of the unqualified-search-registries list. If the selected image is pulled successfully, a new short-name alias is recorded locally, otherwise an error occurs.


  • List all images pulled to your local system:

    $ podman images
    REPOSITORY                                   TAG     IMAGE ID      CREATED        SIZE            latest  28317703decd  12 days ago    184 MB                      latest  08b152afcfae  13 days ago    137 MB

4.2. Listing images

Use the podman images command to list images in your local storage.


  • The container-tools module is installed.
  • A pulled image is available on the local system.


  • List all images in the local storage:

    $ podman images
    REPOSITORY                           TAG     IMAGE ID      CREATED      SIZE  latest  3269c37eae33  6 weeks ago  208 MB

Additional resources

  • podman-images man page on your system

4.3. Inspecting local images

After you pull an image to your local system and run it, you can use the podman inspect command to investigate the image. For example, use it to understand what the image does and check what software is inside the image. The podman inspect command displays information about containers and images identified by name or ID.


  • The container-tools module is installed.
  • A pulled image is available on the local system.


  • Inspect the image:

    $ podman inspect
     "Cmd": [
        "Labels": {
            "architecture": "x86_64",
            "build-date": "2020-12-10T01:59:40.343735",
            "": "",
            "com.redhat.component": "ubi8-container",
            "com.redhat.license_terms": ",
        "description": "The Universal Base Image is ...

    The "Cmd" key specifies a default command to run within a container. You can override this command by specifying a command as an argument to the podman run command. This ubi8/ubi container will execute the bash shell if no other argument is given when you start it with podman run. If an "Entrypoint" key was set, its value would be used instead of the "Cmd" value, and the value of "Cmd" is used as an argument to the Entrypoint command.

Additional resources

  • podman-inspect man page on your system

4.4. Inspecting remote images

Use the skopeo inspect command to display information about an image from a remote container registry before you pull the image to your system.


  • The container-tools module is installed.


  • The container-tools module is installed.
  • Inspect the image:

    # skopeo inspect docker://
        "Name": "",
        "Digest": "sha256:c6d1e50ab...",
        "RepoTags": [
       "Created": "2020-12-10T07:16:37.250312Z",
        "DockerVersion": "1.13.1",
        "Labels": {
            "architecture": "x86_64",
            "build-date": "2020-12-10T07:16:11.378348",
            "": "",
            "com.redhat.component": "ubi8-init-container",
            "com.redhat.license_terms": "",
            "description": "The Universal Base Image Init is designed to run an init system as PID 1 for running multi-services inside a container

Additional resources

  • skopeo-inspect man page on your system

4.5. Copying container images

You can use the skopeo copy command to copy a container image from one registry to another. For example, you can populate an internal repository with images from external registries, or sync image registries in two different locations.


  • The container-tools module is installed.


  • Copy the skopeo container image from docker:// to docker://

    $ skopeo copy docker:// docker://

Additional resources

  • skopeo-copy man page on your system

4.6. Copying image layers to a local directory

You can use the skopeo copy command to copy the layers of a container image to a local directory.


  • The container-tools module is installed.


  1. Create the /var/lib/images/nginx directory:

    $ mkdir -p /var/lib/images/nginx
  2. Copy the layers of the docker:// image to the newly created directory:

    $ skopeo copy docker:// dir:/var/lib/images/nginx


  • Display the content of the /var/lib/images/nginx directory:

    $ ls /var/lib/images/nginx
    4fcb23e29ba19bf305d0d4b35412625fea51e82292ec7312f9be724cb6e31ffd  manifest.json

Additional resources

  • skopeo-copy man page on your system

4.7. Tagging images

Use the podman tag command to add an additional name to a local image. This additional name can consist of several parts: <registryhost>/<username>/<name>:<tag>.


  • The container-tools module is installed.
  • A pulled image is available on the local system.


  1. List all images:

    $ podman images
    REPOSITORY                           TAG     IMAGE ID      CREATED      SIZE          latest  3269c37eae33  7 weeks ago  208 MB
  2. Assign the myubi name to the image using one of the following options:

    • The image name:

      $ podman tag myubi
    • The image ID:

      $ podman tag 3269c37eae33 myubi

      Both commands give you the same result.

  3. List all images:

    $ podman images
    REPOSITORY                           TAG     IMAGE ID      CREATED       SIZE          latest  3269c37eae33  2 months ago  208 MB
    localhost/myubi                      latest  3269c37eae33  2 months ago  208 MB

    Notice that the default tag is latest for both images. You can see all the image names are assigned to the single image ID 3269c37eae33.

  4. Add the 8 tag to the image using either:

    • The image name:

      $ podman tag myubi:8
    • The image ID:

      $ podman tag 3269c37eae33 myubi:8

      Both commands give you the same result.

  5. List all images:

    $ podman images
    REPOSITORY                           TAG     IMAGE ID      CREATED       SIZE          latest  3269c37eae33  2 months ago  208 MB
    localhost/myubi                      latest  3269c37eae33  2 months ago  208 MB
    localhost/myubi                      8     3269c37eae33  2 months ago  208 MB

    Notice that the default tag is latest for both images. You can see all the image names are assigned to the single image ID 3269c37eae33.

After tagging the image, you have three options to run the container:

  • by ID (3269c37eae33)
  • by name (localhost/myubi:latest)
  • by name (localhost/myubi:8)

Additional resources

  • podman-tag man page on your system

4.8. Saving and loading images

Use the podman save command to save an image to a container archive. You can restore it later to another container environment or send it to someone else. You can use --format option to specify the archive format. The supported formats are:

  • docker-archive
  • oci-archive
  • oci-dir (directory with oci manifest type)
  • docker-dir (directory with v2s2 manifest type)

The default format is the docker-dir format.

Use the podman load command to load an image from the container image archive into the container storage.


  • The container-tools module is installed.
  • A pulled image is available on the local system.


  1. Save the image as a tarball:

    • In the default docker-dir format:

      $ podman save -o myrsyslog.tar
    • In the oci-archive format, using the --format option:

      $ podman save -o myrsyslog-oci.tar --format=oci-archive

      The myrsyslog.tar and myrsyslog-oci.tar archives are stored in your current directory. The next steps are performed with the myrsyslog.tar tarball.

  2. Check the file type of myrsyslog.tar:

    $ file myrsyslog.tar
    myrsyslog.tar: POSIX tar archive
  3. To load the image from the myrsyslog.tar:

    $ podman load -i myrsyslog.tar
    Loaded image(s):

Additional resources

  • podman-save man page on your system

4.9. Redistributing UBI images

Use podman push command to push a UBI image to your own, or a third party, registry and share it with others. You can upgrade or add to that image from UBI yum repositories as you like.


  • The container-tools module is installed.
  • A pulled image is available on the local system.


  1. Optional: Add an additional name to the ubi image:

    # podman tag
  2. Push the image from your local storage to a registry:

    # podman push

While there are few restrictions on how you use these images, there are some restrictions about how you can refer to them. For example, you cannot call those images Red Hat certified or Red Hat supported unless you certify it through the Red Hat Partner Connect Program, either with Red Hat Container Certification or Red Hat OpenShift Operator Certification.

4.10. Removing images

Use the podman rmi command to remove locally stored container images. You can remove an image by its ID or name.


  • The container-tools module is installed.


  1. List all images on your local system:

    $ podman images
    REPOSITORY                           TAG     IMAGE ID      CREATED      SIZE     latest  4b32d14201de  7 weeks ago  228 MB          latest  3269c37eae33  7 weeks ago  208 MB
    localhost/myubi                      X.Y     3269c37eae33  7 weeks ago  208 MB
  2. List all containers:

    $ podman ps -a
    CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                    COMMAND          CREATED        STATUS            PORTS   NAMES
    7ccd6001166e  /bin/  6 seconds ago  Up 5 seconds ago          mysyslog

    To remove the image, you have to stop all containers running from this image using the podman stop command. You can stop a container by its ID or name.

  3. Stop the mysyslog container:

    $ podman stop mysyslog
  4. Remove the image:

    $ podman rmi
    • To remove multiple images:

      $ podman rmi
    • To remove all images from your system:

      $ podman rmi -a
    • To remove images that have multiple names (tags) associated with them, add the -f option to remove them:

      $ podman rmi -f 1de7d7b3f531

Additional resources

  • podman-rmi man page on your system
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