
Chapter 7. Monitoring and logging

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You can send metrics to the Google Cloud Platform monitoring system to be visualized in the Google Cloud Platform UI. Ansible Automation Platform from GCP Marketplace metrics and logging are disabled by default as there is a cost to send these metrics to GCP. Refer to Cloud Monitoring and Cloud Logging respectively for more information.

You can set up GCP monitoring and logging either:

  • At deployment time, or
  • After the deployment

7.1. Setting up monitoring and logging at deployment time


  1. In the GCP UI, navigate to Observability.
  2. Check the Connect Logging and Connect Metrics checkboxes.


    These checkboxes are only available in the foundation deployment.

7.2. Setting up monitoring and logging after deployment

You can start or stop the logging and monitoring after the deployment by using the gcp_setup_logging_monitoring playbook available from

7.2.1. Pulling the ansible-on-clouds-ops container image

Pull the Docker image for the Ansible on Clouds operational container which aligns with the version of your foundation deployment.

For example, if your foundation deployment version is 2.3.20230221-00, you must pull the operational image with tag 2.3.20230221.

Use the following commands:

$ export
$ docker pull $IMAGE --platform=linux/amd64

For EMEA regions (Europe, Middle East, Africa) run the following command instead:

$ export
$ docker pull $IMAGE --platform=linux/amd64

7.2.2. Generating data files by running the ansible-on-clouds-ops container

The following commands generate the required data file. These commands create a directory, and an empty data template that, when populated, is used to generate the playbook.


  1. Create a folder to hold the configuration files.

    $ mkdir command_generator_data
  2. Populate the command_generator_data folder with the configuration file template.

    $ docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/command_generator_data:/data $IMAGE \
    command_generator_vars gcp_setup_logging_monitoring \
    --output-data-file /data/logging-monitoring.yml

    Creates the following command file:

    Playbook: gcp_setup_logging_monitoring
    Description: This playbook setup the logging and monitoring.
    Install monitoring tools and configure them to send data to the Google Cloud Monitoring service.
    Command generator template:
    docker run --rm -v <local_data_file_directory>:/data $IMAGE command_generator \
    gcp_setup_logging_monitoring --data-file /data/logging-monitoring.yml
  3. When you have run these commands, a command_generator_data/logging-monitoring.yml template file is created.


    In the following example file, ansible_config_path is optional.

    This template file resembles the following:-


7.2.3. Updating the data file

If you do not require a parameter, remove that parameter from the configuration file.


  • Edit the command_generator_data/logging-monitoring.yml file and set the following parameters:
  • ansible_config_path is used by default as the standard configuration for the ansible-on-cloud offering but if you have extra requirements in your environment you can specify your own.
  • cloud_credentials_path is the absolute path toward your credentials. This must be an absolute path.
  • deployment_name is the name of the deployment.
  • components is an array containing the type of component where you want to do the setup. The default is [ “controller”, “hub” ] which means that the logging monitoring will be enabled on both automation controller and automation hub.
  • monitoring_enabled is set to true to enable the monitoring, false otherwise. Default = false.
  • logging_enabled is set to true to enable the logging, false otherwise. Default = false.
  • default_collector_interval is the periodicity at which the monitoring data must be send to the Google Cloud. Default = 59s.


    The Google cost of this service depends on that periodicity and so the higher the value of the collector interval, the less it will cost.

    Do not set values less than 59 seconds.


    If monitoring and logging is disabled, the value of 'default_collector_interval' is automatically set to 0.

7.2.4. Generating the playbook

To generate the playbook, run the command generator to generate the CLI command.

docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/command_generator_data:/data $IMAGE command_generator gcp_setup_logging_monitoring \
--data-file /data/logging-monitoring.yml

Provides the following command:

docker run --rm --env PLATFORM=GCP -v </path/to/gcp/service-account.json>:/home/runner/.gcp/credentials:ro \
--env ANSIBLE_CONFIG=../gcp-ansible.cfg --env DEPLOYMENT_NAME=<deployment_name> --env GENERATE_INVENTORY=true  \
$IMAGE redhat.ansible_on_clouds.gcp_setup_logging_monitoring -e 'gcp_deployment_name=<deployment_name> \
gcp_service_account_credentials_json_path=/home/runner/.gcp/credentials  monitoring_enabled=<monitoring_enabled> \
logging_enabled=<logging_enabled> default_collector_interval=<interval>'

Run the supplied command to run the playbook.

$ docker run --rm --env PLATFORM=GCP -v /path/to/credentials:/home/runner/.gcp/credentials:ro \
--env ANSIBLE_CONFIG=../gcp-ansible.cfg --env DEPLOYMENT_NAME=mu-deployment \
--env GENERATE_INVENTORY=true  $IMAGE redhat.ansible_on_clouds.gcp_setup_logging_monitoring \
-e 'gcp_deployment_name=mu-deployment \
gcp_service_account_credentials_json_path=/home/runner/.gcp/credentials  components=["hubs","controllers"]\
monitoring_enabled=True logging_enabled=True default_collector_interval=60s'

The process may take some time, and provides output similar to the following:

TASK [redhat.ansible_on_clouds.setup_logging_monitoring : Update runtime variable logging_enabled] ***
changed: [<user_name> -> localhost]

TASK [redhat.ansible_on_clouds.setup_logging_monitoring : Update runtime variable monitoring_enabled] ***
changed: [<user_name> -> localhost]

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
<user_name>     : ok=20   changed=6    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=2    rescued=0    ignored=0

7.3. Customizing monitoring and logging

Metrics are provided by Ansible, Podman and Google Ops Agent. Ansible metrics is only installed on automation hub, the Google Ops Agent and Podman are also installed on automation controllers.

A configurable process (collector) runs on each automation controller and automation hub to export the collected Ansible and Podman metrics to Google Cloud Platform Monitoring. As the Google Ops Agent is part of the Google Cloud solution, it has its own configuration file.

The Google Ops Agent is also responsible for the logging configuration.

The service APIs and must be respectively enabled for the monitoring and logging capabilities.


Configuration files are located on a disk shared by each automation controller and automation hub. Modify the file /aap/bootstrap/config_file_templates/<controller|hub>/monitoring.yml to configure all exporters and agents.

7.3.1. Ansible and podman configuration

The file /aap/bootstrap/config_file_templates/<controller|hub>/monitoring.yaml on automation controller or automation hub contains the configuration for collecting and sending Ansible and podman metrics to GCP.

The default configuration for automation controller looks like this:

# This value will be set at deployment time.
# Set to zero if monitoringEnabled is false otherwise 59s
# The collection interval for each collector will be the minimum
# between the defaultCollectorInterval and all send Interval
# of a given collector
# NB: The awx exported should not run on controllers as
# it duplicates the number of records sent to GCP Monitoring

defaultCollectorInterval: $DEFAULT_COLLECTOR_INTERVAL
- name: podman
 endpoint: http://localhost:9882/podman/metrics
 enabled: true

# list of metrics to exclude
# excludedMetrics:
# - podman_container_created_seconds

 - name: podman_container_exit_code
   # interval on which the metric must be pushed to gcp
   sendInterval: 59s

The default configuration for automation hub looks like:

# This value will be set at deployment time.
# Set to zero if monitoringEnabled is false otherwise 59s
# The collection interval for each collector will be the minimum
# between the defaultCollectorInterval and all sendInterval
# of a given collector
# NB: The awx exporter should not run on controllers as
# it duplicates the number of records sent to GCP Monitoring

defaultCollectorInterval: 59s
- name: awx
 userName: admin
 endpoint: http://<Controller_LB_IP>/api/v2/metrics/
 enabled: true
 - name: awx_inventories_total
   # interval on which the metric must be pushed to gcp
   sendInterval: 59s
- name: podman
 endpoint: http://localhost:9882/podman/metrics
 enabled: true

# list of metrics to exclude
#  excludedMetrics:
#  - podman_container_created_seconds

 - name: podman_container_exit_code
   # interval on which the metric must be pushed to gcp
   sendInterval: 59s


collectors is a configuration array with one item per collector, that is, awx and podman.

The awx collector requires authentication and so userName must be set to admin. The password is retrieved from the secret-manager.

The endpoint should not be changed.

defaultCollectorInterval specifies the default interval at which the exporter collects the information from the metric end-point and sends it to Google Cloud Platform Monitoring.

Setting this value to 0 or omitting this attribute disables all collectors.

Each collector can be enabled or disabled separately by setting enabled to true or false.

A collector returns all available metrics grouped by families, but you can exclude the families that should not be sent to Google Cloud Platform Monitoring by adding their name in the array excludedMetrics.

For all other family metrics, you can specify the interval at which you want to collect and send them to the Google Cloud Platform Monitoring. The collector interval is the minimum between all family metrics interval and the defaultCollectorInterval. This to ensure that a collection is made for each set of metrics sent to Google Cloud Platform Monitoring.

7.3.2. Google cloud ops agent configuration

The configuration file details can be found here.

The configuration file is located in /etc/google-cloud-ops-agent/config.yml.

This is a symbolic link to the shared disk /aap/bootstrap/config_file_templates/controller/gcp-ops-agent-config.yml or /aap/bootstrap/config_file_templates/hub/gcp-ops-agent-config.yml depending on the component type.

The configuration file contains a number of receivers specifying what should be collected by the ops agent.

Your selection of Connect Logging and Connect Metrics during deployment determines which pipelines are included in the file and therefore which logs and metrics are collected and sent to GCP.

If you need to add more pipelines post-deployment, you can insert them in /aap/bootstrap/config_file_templates/hub|controller/gcp-ops-agent-config.yml.

A crontab job restarts the agent if gcp-ops-agent-config.yml changed in the last 10 minutes. The agent rereads its configuration after a restart.

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