
Chapter 10. Upgrading your deployment

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You can upgrade your existing Ansible Automation Platform from GCP Marketplace deployment to the newer version. The upgrade process covers upgrading of automation hub and automation controller. The upgrade process takes roughly the same amount of time as a Ansible Automation Platform from GCP Marketplace deployment install.


Ansible Automation Platform from GCP Marketplace supports sequential upgrades. All upgrades should be no more than one major version behind the version you are currently upgrading to. For example, to upgrade to Ansible Automation Platform from GCP Marketplace to 2.3.20230221-00, you must be on version 2.2.20230215-00.


  • Docker must be installed to run the upgrade playbook.
  • The upgrade process requires several volumes to be mounted. Prepare a fresh directory to be used for this process.

The following procedures form the upgrade process:

  1. Backup your Ansible Automation Platform 2.2 stack.

    1. Pull the ansible-on-clouds-ops 2.2 container image
    2. Prepare the environment
    3. Run the ansible-on-clouds-ops 2.2 container to backup the stack
  2. Upgrade Ansible Automation Platform.

    1. Pull the ansible-on-clouds-ops 2.3 container image
    2. Generate data files by running the ansible-on-clouds-ops container
    3. Update the data file
    4. Run the ansible-on-clouds-ops 2.3 container to upgrade your Ansible Automation Platform from GCP Marketplace deployment
  3. (Optional) Restore the stack from backup.

    1. Pull the ansible-on-clouds-ops 2.2 container image
    2. Prepare the environment
    3. Run the ansible-on-clouds-ops 2.2 container to restore the stack

10.1. Backing up before the upgrade

The following procedures backup the deployment before the upgrade process begins.

10.1.1. Pulling the ansible-on-clouds-ops 2.2 container image


  • Pull the ansible-on-clouds-ops 2.2 container image with the same tag version as the foundation deployment.


    Before pulling the docker image, make sure you are logged in to using docker. Use the following command to login to

    $ docker login

    For more information about registry login, see Registry Authentication

    $ export
    $ docker pull $IMAGE --platform=linux/amd64

For EMEA regions (Europe, Middle East, Africa) run the following command instead:

$ export
$ docker pull $IMAGE --platform=linux/amd64

10.1.2. Preparing the backup environment


  • Create the directories used to configure the upgrade process using the following commands:

    # Secrets directory. Store the GCP credentials file.
    $ mkdir secrets
    # Extra vars directory. All the configuration variables for the upgrade process.
    $ mkdir extra_vars

10.1.3. Backing up your Ansible Automation Platform stack


  1. Store your service account credential JSON file in the /secrets directory.


    To create the GCP credentials file, see, Create credentials and Create and delete service account keys

  2. The extra_vars.yml file contains the following input variables within the extra_vars directory:

    • gcp_service_account_credentials_json_path is the service account credential JSON file path for the Google cloud account. This is the path within an ansible-on-clouds-ops container where the credentials JSON file is mounted to the /secrets directory. The path should be /secrets/<service-account-creds-json-filename>.

      Replace <service-account-creds-json-filename> with your Google service account credential filename.

    • gcp_deployment_name is the deployment name that you want to upgrade.
    • gcp_compute_region is the GCP region that you provided when deploying foundation deployment. If you have not provided a region when deploying the foundation, use the default region us-east1 here.
    • gcp_compute_zone is the GCP zone that you provided when deploying foundation deployment. If you have not provided a zone when deploying the foundation, use the default us-east1-b here.


      You can find the region and zone from the filestore instance deployed with the foundation deployment. Look for the filestore with the name <deployment-name>-filestore.

      • Make note of the location field that is your gcp_compute_zone. For example, the filestore instance location might be us-east1-d
      • Remove the last two characters from the location that is your gcp_compute_region. For example, if your gcp_compute_zone location is us-east1-d, your region is us-east1.
      gcp_service_account_credentials_json_path: "/secrets/<service-account-creds-json-filename>"
      gcp_deployment_name: ""
      gcp_compute_region: ""
      gcp_compute_zone: ""
  3. The final result should look similar to the following:

    $ tree
    ├── extra_vars
    │   └── extra_vars.yaml
    └── secrets
        └── gc-ansible-cloud-123434.json

10.1.4. Running the backup playbook as a container


  1. Replace <absolute path to Google application credentials dir> with the path to the service account credential JSON file for the Google cloud.
  2. Replace <absolute path of extra vars dir> with the path to the directory where the extra_vars.yml file you created in step 1 of the backup process.
  3. Use the following command to run the playbook:

    $ docker run --rm \
    -v <absolute path to google application credentials dir>:/secrets:ro \
    -v <absolute path of extra vars dir>:/extra_vars:ro \
    $IMAGE \
    redhat.ansible_on_clouds.gcp_backup_deployment \
    -e @/extra_vars/extra_vars.yaml
  4. Note the output of the playbook.

    The playbook output resembles the following:

    TASK [redhat.ansible_on_clouds.standalone_gcp_backup : [backup_deployment] Print vars required for restore process] ***
    ok: [localhost] => {
        "msg": [
            "AAP on GCP Backup successful. Please note below vars which are required for restore process.",
            "{ gcp_sql_backup_id: 1677552759614 , gcp_sql_backup_db_name: test-bnr-aap-db ,gcp_filestore_backup_name: test-bnr-filestore-iygs }"

    Make a note of the SQL database backup ID, SQL database backup name and the filestore backup name. You will require these for the restore playbook.

10.2. Upgrading Ansible Automation Platform

The following procedures form the upgrading process for Ansible Automation Platform from GCP Marketplace.

10.2.1. Pulling the ansible-on-clouds-ops 2.3 container image


  • Pull the docker image for the ansible-on-clouds-ops 2.3 container with the same tag as the version you want to upgrade to.


    Before pulling the docker image, make sure you are logged in to using docker. Use the following command to login to

    $ docker login

    For more information about registry login, see Registry Authentication


    The ansible-on-clouds-ops container image tag must match the version that you want to upgrade to. For example, if your foundation deployment version is 2.2.20230215-00, pull the ansible-on-clouds-ops image with tag 2.3.20230221 to upgrade to version 2.3.20230221.

    $ export
    $ docker pull $IMAGE --platform=linux/amd64

For EMEA regions (Europe, Middle East, Africa) run the following command instead:

$ export
$ docker pull $IMAGE --platform=linux/amd64

10.2.2. Generating the data file


  1. Run the following commands to generate the required data file. These commands create a directory, and populate it with an empty data template that, when populated, is used during the upgrade.

    # Create a folder to hold the configuration files
    $ mkdir command_generator_data
    # Populate command_generator_data folder with configuration file template
    $ docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/command_generator_data:/data $IMAGE \
    command_generator_vars gcp_upgrade \
    --output-data-file /data/extra_vars.yml
  2. After running the previous commands, a command_generator_data/extra_vars.yml template is created. This template file should resemble:


10.2.3. Updating the data file

You must populate the data file before triggering the upgrade. The following variables are parameters listed in the data file.

  • ansible_config_path (Optional) Only use if overriding with a custom ansible_config.
  • cloud_credentials_path is the path to your GCP credentials file.
  • deployment_name is the name of the foundation deployment. This is the same name you used when you deployed the foundation.
  • gcp_backup_taken is the verification that a manual backup of the current deployment was recently created prior to running this upgrade. Use true here to verify a recent backup was created.
  • gcp_compute_region is the GCP region that you provided when deploying foundation deployment. If you have not provided a region when deploying the foundation, use the default region us-east1 here.
  • gcp_compute_zone is the GCP zone that you provided when deploying foundation deployment. If you have not provided a zone when deploying the foundation, use the default us-east1-b here.

After populating the data file, it should resemble the following.

The following values are provided as examples:

  cloud_credentials_path: ~/secrets/GCP-secrets.json
  deployment_name: AnsibleAutomationPlatform
    gcp_backup_taken: true
    gcp_compute_region: us-east1
    gcp_compute_zone: us-east1-b

10.2.4. Running the upgrade playbook

  1. To run the upgrade, run the command generator to generate the upgrade CLI command:

    $ docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/command_generator_data:/data $IMAGE command_generator --data-file /data/extra_vars.yml

    This generates the following command:

    docker run --rm --env PLATFORM=GCP -v ~/secrets/GCP-secrets.json:/home/runner/.gcp/credentials:ro
    --env ANSIBLE_CONFIG=../gcp-ansible.cfg
    --env DEPLOYMENT_NAME=AnsibleAutomationPlatform
    --env GENERATE_INVENTORY=true  $IMAGE redhat.ansible_on_clouds.gcp_upgrade \
    -e 'gcp_deployment_name=AnsibleAutomationPlatform \
    gcp_service_account_credentials_json_path=/home/runner/.gcp/credentials \
    gcp_compute_region=us-east1 gcp_compute_zone=us-east1-b gcp_backup_taken=True'
  2. Run the given upgrade command to trigger the upgrade.

    $ docker run --rm --env PLATFORM=GCP -v ~/secrets/GCP-secrets.json:/home/runner/.gcp/credentials:ro \
    --env ANSIBLE_CONFIG=../gcp-ansible.cfg \
    --env DEPLOYMENT_NAME=AnsibleAutomationPlatform \
    --env GENERATE_INVENTORY=true  $IMAGE redhat.ansible_on_clouds.gcp_upgrade \
    -e 'gcp_deployment_name=AnsibleAutomationPlatform \
    gcp_service_account_credentials_json_path=/home/runner/.gcp/credentials \
    gcp_compute_region=us-east1 gcp_compute_zone=us-east1-b gcp_backup_taken=True'
  3. The upgrade can take some time to complete, but can take longer depending on the number of extension nodes on the system. A successful upgrade is marked by the log below.

    TASK [redhat.ansible_on_clouds.standalone_gcp_upgrade : [upgrade] Show GCP current version] ***
    ok: [localhost] => {
        "msg": "gcp_current_version: 2.3.20230221-00"
  4. Your Ansible Automation Platform from GCP Marketplace deployment is now upgraded to a newer version and you can log in to Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform automation controller and automation hub using your deployment credentials.

10.3. Restoring the stack from backups

If, for some reason, the upgrade process fails, you can use the backup files from Backing up your Ansible Automation Platform stack to restore your stack.


The following procedures are optional.

If the upgrade process fails, you can use the backup files from Backing up before the upgrade to restore your stack. The restore process installs a new deployment, and restores the filestore and SQL database instance to the specified backup.


The restored filestore instance uses CIDR network range, which is different from the default network filestore network range of the backup deployment.

The following instructions describe how to run the restore playbook.

10.3.1. Pulling the ansible-on-clouds-ops 2.2 container image to restore the stack


  • Pull the ansible-on-clouds-ops 2.2 container image with the same tag version as the foundation deployment.


    Before pulling the docker image, make sure you are logged in to using docker. Use the following command to login to

    $ docker login

    For more information about registry login, see Registry Authentication

    $ export
    $ docker pull $IMAGE --platform=linux/amd64

For EMEA regions (Europe, Middle East, Africa) run the following command instead:

$ export
$ docker pull $IMAGE --platform=linux/amd64

10.3.2. Preparing the backup environment


  • Create the directories used to configure the upgrade process using the following commands:

    # Secrets directory. Store the GCP credentials file.
    $ mkdir secrets
    # Extra vars directory. All the configuration variables for the upgrade process.
    $ mkdir extra_vars

10.3.3. Running the restore playbook as a container


  1. Replace <absolute path to Google application credentials dir> with the path to the service account credential JSON file for the Google cloud.
  2. Replace <absolute path of extra vars dir> with the path to the extra_vars.yml file you created in Preparing the backup environment.
  3. Use the following command to run the playbook.

    $ docker run --rm \
    -v <absolute path to Google application credentials dir>:/secrets:ro \
    -v <absolute path of extra vars dir>:/extra_vars:ro \
    $IMAGE \
    redhat.ansible_on_clouds.gcp_restore_deployment \
    -e @/extra_vars/extra_vars.yaml
  4. When you have run the playbook, a new restored deployment is visible in the GCP deployment. It can take a few minutes for the deployment to finish and for all the containers to run.


    Access to the restored deployment must be configured through either an external load balancer or VPN. When a connection method is configured you can log in to Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform automation controller and automation hub using your old deployment credentials. In addition, all job history, uploaded collections and other records must be in the same state as the restored deployment.

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