
Chapter 2. Installation/Configuration

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2.1. Using RESTEasy in your Application

RESTEasy is deployed as a WAR archive, so it must be deployed inside a Servlet container.
You can obtain the resteasy-jaxrs-war from the enterprise code source. The file is located in the /resteasy folder of the source code archive. Download the archive from the Red Hat Customer Support Portal.
Place your JAX-RS annotated class resources and providers in one or more JARs within /WEB-INF/lib. Alternatively, place your raw class files within /WEB-INF/classes. By default, RESTEasy is configured to scan JARs and classes within these directories for JAX-RS annotated classes, and to deploy and register them within the system.
RESTEasy is implemented as a ServletContextListener and a Servlet, and deployed within a WAR file. The WEB-INF/web.xml file contains the following:
    <display-name>Archetype Created Web Application</display-name>
    <!--Set this if you want Resteasy to scan for JAX-RS classes

    <!-- set this if you map the Resteasy servlet to something other than /*
    <!-- to turn on security



The ResteasyBootstrap listener initializes some of RESTEasy's basic components and scans for annotation classes that exist in your WAR file. It also receives configuration options from <context-param> elements.
These configuration options must be set if the <servlet-mapping> for the RESTEasy Servlet has a URL pattern other than /*. For example, if the URL pattern is:
Then the value of resteasy-servlet.mapping.prefix must be:
The available <param-name> values are outlined below with the <param-value> defaults (or expected patterns) listed for reference.

Available <context-param> Parameter Names

Defines the URL pattern for the RESTEasy servlet-mapping, if not /*.
Scans for @Provider classes and registers them. The default value is false.
Scans for JAX-RS resource classes. The default value is false.
Scans for both @Provider and JAX-RS resource classes (@Path, @GET, @POST, etc.) and registers them.
A comma-delimited list of fully-qualified @Provider class names you want to register.
Determines whether default, built-in @Provider classes are registered. The default value is true.
Comma-delimited list of fully-qualified JAX-RS resource class names you want to register.
A comma-delimited list of JNDI names referencing the objects that you want to register as JAX-RS resources.
Fully-qualified name of the Application class to bootstrap in a spec-portable way.
The ResteasyBootstrap listener configures an instance of the ResteasyProviderFactory and Registry. You can obtain ResteasyProviderFactory and Registry instances from the ServletContext attributes org.jboss.resteasy.spi.ResteasyProviderFactory and org.jboss.resteasy.spi.Registry.
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