
20.8. Output with multipart/form-data

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RESTEasy provides a simple API to output multipart/form-data.
package org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.providers.multipart;

public class MultipartFormDataOutput extends MultipartOutput
   public OutputPart addFormData(String key, Object entity, MediaType mediaType)

   public OutputPart addFormData(String key, Object entity, GenericType type, MediaType mediaType)

   public OutputPart addFormData(String key, Object entity, Class type, Type genericType, MediaType mediaType)

   public Map<String, OutputPart> getFormData()

To output multipart/form-data, create a MultipartFormDataOutput object and call addFormData() methods. RESTEasy automatically locates a MessageBodyWriter to marshal your entity objects. As with MultipartInput, your marshalling may be sensitive to generic type metadata. In this case, use GenericType. The example below returns a multipart/form-data format to a calling client. The parts are JAXB-annotated Customer objects, which will be marshalled into application/xml.
   public class MyService
      public MultipartFormDataOutput get()
         MultipartFormDataOutput output = new MultipartFormDataOutput();
         output.addPart("bill", new Customer("bill"), MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE);
         output.addPart("monica", new Customer("monica"), MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_TYPE);
         return output;

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