
17.7. Maps of JAXB Objects

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RESTEasy automatically marshals maps of JAXB objects to and from XML, JSON, Fastinfoset, and other JAXB mappers. Your parameter or method return type must be generic, with a String as the key and the JAXB object's type.
@XmlRootElement(namespace = "")
public static class Foo
   private String name;

   public Foo()

   public Foo(String name)
   { = name;

   public String getName()
      return name;

public static class MyResource
   public Map<String, Foo> post(Map<String, Foo> map)
      Assert.assertEquals(2, map.size());
      Assert.assertEquals(map.get("bill").getName(), "bill");
      Assert.assertEquals(map.get("monica").getName(), "monica");
      return map;
This resource publishes and receives JAXB objects within a map. By default, they are wrapped in a map element in the default namespace. Each map element has zero or more entry elements with a key attribute.
<entry key="bill" xmlns="">
    <foo name="bill"/>
<entry key="monica" xmlns="">
    <foo name="monica"/>
You can change the namespace URI, namespace prefix and map, entry, and key element and attribute names by using the @org.jboss.resteasy.annotations.providers.jaxb.WrappedMap annotation on a parameter or method.
 @Target({ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.METHOD})
 public @interface WrappedMap
 * map element name
String map() default "map";

 * entry element name *
String entry() default "entry";

 * entry's key attribute name
String key() default "key";

String namespace() default "";

String prefix() default "";
So, to output the following XML:
<hashentry hashkey="bill" xmlns:foo="">
    <foo:foo name="bill"/>
We would use the @WrappedMap annotation as follows:
public static class MyResource
   @WrappedMap(map="hashmap", entry="hashentry", key="hashkey")
   public Map<String, Foo> get()
      return map;

17.7.1. JSON and JAXB maps

RESTEasy supports the use of maps with JSON. It encloses returned JAXB objects within simple JSON maps. For example:
public static class Foo
   private String test;

   public Foo()

   public Foo(String test)
      this.test = test;

   public String getTest()
      return test;

   public void setTest(String test)
      this.test = test;
This a List or array of this Foo class would be represented in JSON like this:
 { "entry1" : {"foo":{"@test":"bill"}}, "entry2" : {"foo":{"@test":"monica}"}}}
It also expects this format for input
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