
OpenShift Container Platform 4.6

OpenShift Serverless installation, usage, and release notes

Red Hat OpenShift Documentation Team


This document provides information on how to use OpenShift Serverless in OpenShift Container Platform.

Chapter 1. Release notes

Release notes contain information about new and deprecated features, breaking changes, and known issues. The following release notes apply for the most recent OpenShift Serverless releases on OpenShift Container Platform.

For an overview of OpenShift Serverless functionality, see About OpenShift Serverless.


OpenShift Serverless is based on the open source Knative project.

For details about the latest Knative component releases, see the Knative blog.

1.1. About API versions

API versions are an important measure of the development status of certain features and custom resources in OpenShift Serverless. Creating resources on your cluster that do not use the correct API version can cause issues in your deployment.

The OpenShift Serverless Operator automatically upgrades older resources that use deprecated versions of APIs to use the latest version. For example, if you have created resources on your cluster that use older versions of the ApiServerSource API, such as v1beta1, the OpenShift Serverless Operator automatically updates these resources to use the v1 version of the API when this is available and the v1beta1 version is deprecated.

After they have been deprecated, older versions of APIs might be removed in any upcoming release. Using deprecated versions of APIs does not cause resources to fail. However, if you try to use a version of an API that has been removed, it will cause resources to fail. Ensure that your manifests are updated to use the latest version to avoid issues.

1.2. Generally Available and Technology Preview features

Features which are Generally Available (GA) are fully supported and are suitable for production use. Technology Preview (TP) features are experimental features and are not intended for production use. See the Technology Preview scope of support on the Red Hat Customer Portal for more information about TP features.

The following table provides information about which OpenShift Serverless features are GA and which are TP:

Table 1.1. Generally Available and Technology Preview features tracker

kn func




Service Mesh mTLS




emptyDir volumes




HTTPS redirection




Kafka broker




Kafka sink




Init containers support for Knative services




PVC support for Knative services




TLS for internal traffic




1.3. Deprecated and removed features

Some features that were Generally Available (GA) or a Technology Preview (TP) in previous releases have been deprecated or removed. Deprecated functionality is still included in OpenShift Serverless and continues to be supported; however, it will be removed in a future release of this product and is not recommended for new deployments.

For the most recent list of major functionality deprecated and removed within OpenShift Serverless, refer to the following table:

Table 1.2. Deprecated and removed features tracker
Feature1.201.211.22 to 1.25

KafkaBinding API




kn func emit (kn func invoke in 1.21+)




1.4. Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift Serverless 1.25.0

OpenShift Serverless 1.25.0 is now available. New features, changes, and known issues that pertain to OpenShift Serverless on OpenShift Container Platform are included in this topic.

1.4.1. New features

  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Serving 1.4.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Eventing 1.4.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Kourier 1.4.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative (kn) CLI 1.4.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Kafka 1.4.
  • The kn func CLI plug-in now uses func 1.7.0.
  • Integrated development environment (IDE) plug-ins for creating and deploying functions are now available for Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ.
  • Knative Kafka broker is now GA. Knative Kafka broker is a highly performant implementation of the Knative broker API, directly targeting Apache Kafka.

    It is recommended to not use the MT-Channel-Broker, but the Knative Kafka broker instead.

  • Knative Kafka sink is now GA. A KafkaSink takes a CloudEvent and sends it to an Apache Kafka topic. Events can be specified in either structured or binary content modes.
  • Enabling TLS for internal traffic is now available as a Technology Preview.

1.4.2. Fixed issues

  • Previously, Knative Serving had an issue where the readiness probe failed if the container was restarted after a liveness probe fail. This issue has been fixed.

1.4.3. Known issues

  • The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) mode is disabled for Kafka broker, Kafka source, and Kafka sink.
  • The SinkBinding object does not support custom revision names for services.

Additional resources

1.5. Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift Serverless 1.24.0

OpenShift Serverless 1.24.0 is now available. New features, changes, and known issues that pertain to OpenShift Serverless on OpenShift Container Platform are included in this topic.

1.5.1. New features

  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Serving 1.3.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Eventing 1.3.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Kourier 1.3.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative kn CLI 1.3.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Kafka 1.3.
  • The kn func CLI plug-in now uses func 0.24.
  • Init containers support for Knative services is now generally available (GA).
  • OpenShift Serverless logic is now available as a Developer Preview. It enables defining declarative workflow models for managing serverless applications.
  • You can now use the cost management service with OpenShift Serverless.

1.5.2. Fixed issues

  • Integrating OpenShift Serverless with Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh causes the net-istio-controller pod to run out of memory on startup when too many secrets are present on the cluster.

    It is now possible to enable secret filtering, which causes net-istio-controller to consider only secrets with a label, thus reducing the amount of memory needed.

  • The OpenShift Serverless Functions Technology Preview now uses Cloud Native Buildpacks by default to build container images.

1.5.3. Known issues

  • The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) mode is disabled for Kafka broker, Kafka source, and Kafka sink.
  • In OpenShift Serverless 1.23, support for KafkaBindings and the kafka-binding webhook were removed. However, an existing MutatingWebhookConfiguration might remain, pointing to the kafka-source-webhook service, which no longer exists.

    For certain specifications of KafkaBindings on the cluster, MutatingWebhookConfiguration might be configured to pass any create and update events to various resources, such as Deployments, Knative Services, or Jobs, through the webhook, which would then fail.

    To work around this issue, manually delete MutatingWebhookConfiguration from the cluster after upgrading to OpenShift Serverless 1.23:

    $ oc delete mutatingwebhookconfiguration

1.6. Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift Serverless 1.23.0

OpenShift Serverless 1.23.0 is now available. New features, changes, and known issues that pertain to OpenShift Serverless on OpenShift Container Platform are included in this topic.

1.6.1. New features

  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Serving 1.2.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Eventing 1.2.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Kourier 1.2.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative (kn) CLI 1.2.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Kafka 1.2.
  • The kn func CLI plug-in now uses func 0.24.
  • It is now possible to use the annotation with the Kafka broker. This annotation makes it possible to use an existing externally managed topic instead of the broker creating its own internal topic.
  • The kafka-ch-controller and kafka-webhook Kafka components no longer exist. These components have been replaced by the kafka-webhook-eventing component.
  • The OpenShift Serverless Functions Technology Preview now uses Source-to-Image (S2I) by default to build container images.

1.6.2. Known issues

  • The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) mode is disabled for Kafka broker, Kafka source, and Kafka sink.
  • If you delete a namespace that includes a Kafka broker, the namespace finalizer may fail to be removed if the broker’s secret is deleted before the broker.
  • Running OpenShift Serverless with a large number of Knative services can cause Knative activator pods to run close to their default memory limits of 600MB. These pods might be restarted if memory consumption reaches this limit. Requests and limits for the activator deployment can be configured by modifying the KnativeServing custom resource:

    kind: KnativeServing
      name: knative-serving
      namespace: knative-serving
      - name: activator
        - container: activator
            cpu: 300m
            memory: 60Mi
            cpu: 1000m
            memory: 1000Mi
  • If you are using Cloud Native Buildpacks as the local build strategy for a function, kn func is unable to automatically start podman or use an SSH tunnel to a remote daemon. The workaround for these issues is to have a Docker or podman daemon already running on the local development computer before deploying a function.
  • On-cluster function builds currently fail for Quarkus and Golang runtimes. They work correctly for Node, Typescript, Python, and Springboot runtimes.

Additional resources

1.7. Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift Serverless 1.22.0

OpenShift Serverless 1.22.0 is now available. New features, changes, and known issues that pertain to OpenShift Serverless on OpenShift Container Platform are included in this topic.

1.7.1. New features

  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Serving 1.1.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Eventing 1.1.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Kourier 1.1.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative (kn) CLI 1.1.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Kafka 1.1.
  • The kn func CLI plug-in now uses func 0.23.
  • Init containers support for Knative services is now available as a Technology Preview.
  • Persistent volume claim (PVC) support for Knative services is now available as a Technology Preview.
  • The knative-serving, knative-serving-ingress, knative-eventing and knative-kafka system namespaces now have the "openshift-serverless" label by default.
  • The Knative Eventing - Kafka Broker/Trigger dashboard has been added, which allows visualizing Kafka broker and trigger metrics in the web console.
  • The Knative Eventing - KafkaSink dashboard has been added, which allows visualizing KafkaSink metrics in the web console.
  • The Knative Eventing - Broker/Trigger dashboard is now called Knative Eventing - Channel-based Broker/Trigger.
  • The "openshift-serverless" label has substituted the label.
  • Naming style in Knative Serving YAML configuration files changed from camel case (ExampleName) to hyphen style (example-name). Beginning with this release, use the hyphen style notation when creating or editing Knative Serving YAML configuration files.

1.7.2. Known issues

  • The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) mode is disabled for Kafka broker, Kafka source, and Kafka sink.

1.8. Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift Serverless 1.21.0

OpenShift Serverless 1.21.0 is now available. New features, changes, and known issues that pertain to OpenShift Serverless on OpenShift Container Platform are included in this topic.

1.8.1. New features

  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Serving 1.0
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Eventing 1.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Kourier 1.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative (kn) CLI 1.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Kafka 1.0.
  • The kn func CLI plug-in now uses func 0.21.
  • The Kafka sink is now available as a Technology Preview.
  • The Knative open source project has begun to deprecate camel-cased configuration keys in favor of using kebab-cased keys consistently. As a result, the defaultExternalScheme key, previously mentioned in the OpenShift Serverless 1.18.0 release notes, is now deprecated and replaced by the default-external-scheme key. Usage instructions for the key remain the same.

1.8.2. Fixed issues

  • In OpenShift Serverless 1.20.0, there was an event delivery issue affecting the use of kn event send to send events to a service. This issue is now fixed.
  • In OpenShift Serverless 1.20.0 (func 0.20), TypeScript functions created with the http template failed to deploy on the cluster. This issue is now fixed.
  • In OpenShift Serverless 1.20.0 (func 0.20), deploying a function using the registry failed with an error. This issue is now fixed.
  • In OpenShift Serverless 1.20.0 (func 0.20), creating a Springboot function project directory with the kn func create command and then running the kn func build command failed with an error message. This issue is now fixed.
  • In OpenShift Serverless 1.19.0 (func 0.19), some runtimes were unable to build a function by using podman. This issue is now fixed.

1.8.3. Known issues

  • Currently, the domain mapping controller cannot process the URI of a broker, which contains a path that is currently not supported.

    This means that, if you want to use a DomainMapping custom resource (CR) to map a custom domain to a broker, you must configure the DomainMapping CR with the broker’s ingress service, and append the exact path of the broker to the custom domain:

    Example DomainMapping CR

    kind: DomainMapping
      name: <domain-name>
      namespace: knative-eventing
        name: broker-ingress
        kind: Service
        apiVersion: v1

    The URI for the broker is then <domain-name>/<broker-namespace>/<broker-name>.

1.9. Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift Serverless 1.20.0

OpenShift Serverless 1.20.0 is now available. New features, changes, and known issues that pertain to OpenShift Serverless on OpenShift Container Platform are included in this topic.

1.9.1. New features

  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Serving 0.26.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Eventing 0.26.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Kourier 0.26.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative (kn) CLI 0.26.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Kafka 0.26.
  • The kn func CLI plug-in now uses func 0.20.
  • The Kafka broker is now available as a Technology Preview.


    The Kafka broker, which is currently in Technology Preview, is not supported on FIPS.

  • The kn event plug-in is now available as a Technology Preview.
  • The --min-scale and --max-scale flags for the kn service create command have been deprecated. Use the --scale-min and --scale-max flags instead.

1.9.2. Known issues

  • OpenShift Serverless deploys Knative services with a default address that uses HTTPS. When sending an event to a resource inside the cluster, the sender does not have the cluster certificate authority (CA) configured. This causes event delivery to fail, unless the cluster uses globally accepted certificates.

    For example, an event delivery to a publicly accessible address works:

    $ kn event send --to-url

    On the other hand, this delivery fails if the service uses a public address with an HTTPS certificate issued by a custom CA:

    $ kn event send --to

    Sending an event to other addressable objects, such as brokers or channels, is not affected by this issue and works as expected.

  • The Kafka broker currently does not work on a cluster with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) mode enabled.
  • If you create a Springboot function project directory with the kn func create command, subsequent running of the kn func build command fails with this error message:

    [analyzer] no stack metadata found at path ''
    [analyzer] ERROR: failed to : set API for buildpack 'paketo-buildpacks/ca-certificates@3.0.2': buildpack API version '0.7' is incompatible with the lifecycle

    As a workaround, you can change the builder property to in the function configuration file func.yaml.

  • Deploying a function using the registry fails with this error message:

    Error: failed to get credentials: failed to verify credentials: status code: 404

    As a workaround, use a different registry than, such as or

  • TypeScript functions created with the http template fail to deploy on the cluster.

    As a workaround, in the func.yaml file, replace the following section:

    buildEnvs: []

    with this:

      value: build
  • In func version 0.20, some runtimes might be unable to build a function by using podman. You might see an error message similar to the following:

    ERROR: failed to image: error during connect: Get "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.40/info": EOF
    • The following workaround exists for this issue:

      1. Update the podman service by adding --time=0 to the service ExecStart definition:

        Example service configuration

        ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman $LOGGING system service --time=0

      2. Restart the podman service by running the following commands:

        $ systemctl --user daemon-reload
        $ systemctl restart --user podman.socket
    • Alternatively, you can expose the podman API by using TCP:

      $ podman system service --time=0 tcp: &
      export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://

1.10. Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift Serverless 1.19.0

OpenShift Serverless 1.19.0 is now available. New features, changes, and known issues that pertain to OpenShift Serverless on OpenShift Container Platform are included in this topic.

1.10.1. New features

  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Serving 0.25.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Eventing 0.25.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Kourier 0.25.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative (kn) CLI 0.25.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Kafka 0.25.
  • The kn func CLI plug-in now uses func 0.19.
  • The KafkaBinding API is deprecated in OpenShift Serverless 1.19.0 and will be removed in a future release.
  • HTTPS redirection is now supported and can be configured either globally for a cluster or per each Knative service.

1.10.2. Fixed issues

  • In previous releases, the Kafka channel dispatcher waited only for the local commit to succeed before responding, which might have caused lost events in the case of an Apache Kafka node failure. The Kafka channel dispatcher now waits for all in-sync replicas to commit before responding.

1.10.3. Known issues

  • In func version 0.19, some runtimes might be unable to build a function by using podman. You might see an error message similar to the following:

    ERROR: failed to image: error during connect: Get "http://%2Fvar%2Frun%2Fdocker.sock/v1.40/info": EOF
    • The following workaround exists for this issue:

      1. Update the podman service by adding --time=0 to the service ExecStart definition:

        Example service configuration

        ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman $LOGGING system service --time=0

      2. Restart the podman service by running the following commands:

        $ systemctl --user daemon-reload
        $ systemctl restart --user podman.socket
    • Alternatively, you can expose the podman API by using TCP:

      $ podman system service --time=0 tcp: &
      export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://

1.11. Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift Serverless 1.18.0

OpenShift Serverless 1.18.0 is now available. New features, changes, and known issues that pertain to OpenShift Serverless on OpenShift Container Platform are included in this topic.

1.11.1. New features

  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Serving 0.24.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Eventing 0.24.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Kourier 0.24.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative (kn) CLI 0.24.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Kafka 0.24.7.
  • The kn func CLI plug-in now uses func 0.18.0.
  • In the upcoming OpenShift Serverless 1.19.0 release, the URL scheme of external routes will default to HTTPS for enhanced security.

    If you do not want this change to apply for your workloads, you can override the default setting before upgrading to 1.19.0, by adding the following YAML to your KnativeServing custom resource (CR):

          defaultExternalScheme: "http"

    If you want the change to apply in 1.18.0 already, add the following YAML:

          defaultExternalScheme: "https"
  • In the upcoming OpenShift Serverless 1.19.0 release, the default service type by which the Kourier Gateway is exposed will be ClusterIP and not LoadBalancer.

    If you do not want this change to apply to your workloads, you can override the default setting before upgrading to 1.19.0, by adding the following YAML to your KnativeServing custom resource (CR):

          service-type: LoadBalancer
  • You can now use emptyDir volumes with OpenShift Serverless. See the OpenShift Serverless documentation about Knative Serving for details.
  • Rust templates are now available when you create a function using kn func.

1.11.2. Fixed issues

  • The prior 1.4 version of Camel-K was not compatible with OpenShift Serverless 1.17.0. The issue in Camel-K has been fixed, and Camel-K version 1.4.1 can be used with OpenShift Serverless 1.17.0.
  • Previously, if you created a new subscription for a Kafka channel, or a new Kafka source, a delay was possible in the Kafka data plane becoming ready to dispatch messages after the newly created subscription or sink reported a ready status.

    As a result, messages that were sent during the time when the data plane was not reporting a ready status, might not have been delivered to the subscriber or sink.

    In OpenShift Serverless 1.18.0, the issue is fixed and the initial messages are no longer lost. For more information about the issue, see Knowledgebase Article #6343981.

1.11.3. Known issues

  • Older versions of the Knative kn CLI might use older versions of the Knative Serving and Knative Eventing APIs. For example, version 0.23.2 of the kn CLI uses the v1alpha1 API version.

    On the other hand, newer releases of OpenShift Serverless might no longer support older API versions. For example, OpenShift Serverless 1.18.0 no longer supports version v1alpha1 of the API.

    Consequently, using an older version of the Knative kn CLI with a newer OpenShift Serverless might produce an error because the kn cannot find the outdated API. For example, version 0.23.2 of the kn CLI does not work with OpenShift Serverless 1.18.0.

    To avoid issues, use the latest kn CLI version available for your OpenShift Serverless release. For OpenShift Serverless 1.18.0, use Knative kn CLI 0.24.0.

1.12. Release Notes for Red Hat OpenShift Serverless 1.17.0

OpenShift Serverless 1.17.0 is now available. New features, changes, and known issues that pertain to OpenShift Serverless on OpenShift Container Platform are included in this topic.

1.12.1. New features

  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Serving 0.23.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Eventing 0.23.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Kourier 0.23.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative kn CLI 0.23.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Kafka 0.23.0.
  • The kn func CLI plug-in now uses func 0.17.0.
  • In the upcoming OpenShift Serverless 1.19.0 release, the URL scheme of external routes will default to HTTPS for enhanced security.

    If you do not want this change to apply for your workloads, you can override the default setting before upgrading to 1.19.0, by adding the following YAML to your KnativeServing custom resource (CR):

          defaultExternalScheme: "http"
  • mTLS functionality is now Generally Available (GA).
  • TypeScript templates are now available when you create a function using kn func.
  • Changes to API versions in Knative Eventing 0.23.0:

    • The v1alpha1 version of the KafkaChannel API, which was deprecated in OpenShift Serverless version 1.14.0, has been removed. If the ChannelTemplateSpec parameters of your config maps contain references to this older version, you must update this part of the spec to use the correct API version.

1.12.2. Known issues

  • If you try to use an older version of the Knative kn CLI with a newer OpenShift Serverless release, the API is not found and an error occurs.

    For example, if you use the 1.16.0 release of the kn CLI, which uses version 0.22.0, with the 1.17.0 OpenShift Serverless release, which uses the 0.23.0 versions of the Knative Serving and Knative Eventing APIs, the CLI does not work because it continues to look for the outdated 0.22.0 API versions.

    Ensure that you are using the latest kn CLI version for your OpenShift Serverless release to avoid issues.

  • Kafka channel metrics are not monitored or shown in the corresponding web console dashboard in this release. This is due to a breaking change in the Kafka dispatcher reconciling process.
  • If you create a new subscription for a Kafka channel, or a new Kafka source, there might be a delay in the Kafka data plane becoming ready to dispatch messages after the newly created subscription or sink reports a ready status.

    As a result, messages that are sent during the time when the data plane is not reporting a ready status might not be delivered to the subscriber or sink.

    For more information about this issue and possible workarounds, see Knowledge Article #6343981.

  • The Camel-K 1.4 release is not compatible with OpenShift Serverless version 1.17.0. This is because Camel-K 1.4 uses APIs that were removed in Knative version 0.23.0. There is currently no workaround available for this issue. If you need to use Camel-K 1.4 with OpenShift Serverless, do not upgrade to OpenShift Serverless version 1.17.0.


    The issue has been fixed, and Camel-K version 1.4.1 is compatible with OpenShift Serverless 1.17.0.

1.13. Release Notes for Red Hat OpenShift Serverless 1.16.0

OpenShift Serverless 1.16.0 is now available. New features, changes, and known issues that pertain to OpenShift Serverless on OpenShift Container Platform are included in this topic.

1.13.1. New features

  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Serving 0.22.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Eventing 0.22.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Kourier 0.22.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative kn CLI 0.22.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Kafka 0.22.0.
  • The kn func CLI plug-in now uses func 0.16.0.
  • The kn func emit command has been added to the functions kn plug-in. You can use this command to send events to test locally deployed functions.

1.13.2. Known issues

  • You must upgrade OpenShift Container Platform to version 4.6.30, 4.7.11, or higher before upgrading to OpenShift Serverless 1.16.0.
  • The AMQ Streams Operator might prevent the installation or upgrade of the OpenShift Serverless Operator. If this happens, the following error is thrown by Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM):

    WARNING: found multiple channel heads: [amqstreams.v1.7.2 amqstreams.v1.6.2], please check the `replaces`/`skipRange` fields of the operator bundles.

    You can fix this issue by uninstalling the AMQ Streams Operator before installing or upgrading the OpenShift Serverless Operator. You can then reinstall the AMQ Streams Operator.

  • If Service Mesh is enabled with mTLS, metrics for Knative Serving are disabled by default because Service Mesh prevents Prometheus from scraping metrics. For instructions on enabling Knative Serving metrics for use with Service Mesh and mTLS, see the "Integrating Service Mesh with OpenShift Serverless" section of the Serverless documentation.
  • If you deploy Service Mesh CRs with the Istio ingress enabled, you might see the following warning in the istio-ingressgateway pod:

    2021-05-02T12:56:17.700398Z warning envoy config [external/envoy/source/common/config/] gRPC config for rejected: Error adding/updating listener(s) duplicate listener found

    Your Knative services might also not be accessible.

    You can use the following workaround to fix this issue by recreating the knative-local-gateway service:

    1. Delete the existing knative-local-gateway service in the istio-system namespace:

      $ oc delete services -n istio-system knative-local-gateway
    2. Create and apply a knative-local-gateway service that contains the following YAML:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Service
       name: knative-local-gateway
       namespace: istio-system
       labels: "true"
       type: ClusterIP
         istio: ingressgateway
         - name: http2
           port: 80
           targetPort: 8081
  • If you have 1000 Knative services on a cluster, and then perform a reinstall or upgrade of Knative Serving, there is a delay when you create the first new service after the KnativeServing custom resource (CR) becomes Ready.

    The 3scale-kourier-control service reconciles all previously existing Knative services before processing the creation of a new service, which causes the new service to spend approximately 800 seconds in an IngressNotConfigured or Unknown state before the state updates to Ready.

  • If you create a new subscription for a Kafka channel, or a new Kafka source, there might be a delay in the Kafka data plane becoming ready to dispatch messages after the newly created subscription or sink reports a ready status.

    As a result, messages that are sent during the time when the data plane is not reporting a ready status might not be delivered to the subscriber or sink.

    For more information about this issue and possible workarounds, see Knowledge Article #6343981.

1.14. Release Notes for Red Hat OpenShift Serverless 1.15.0

OpenShift Serverless 1.15.0 is now available. New features, changes, and known issues that pertain to OpenShift Serverless on OpenShift Container Platform are included in this topic.

1.14.1. New features

  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Serving 0.21.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Eventing 0.21.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Kourier 0.21.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative kn CLI 0.21.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Kafka 0.21.1.
  • OpenShift Serverless Functions is now available as a Technology Preview.

The label, which was previously used to create private services, is now deprecated. You must update existing services to use the label instead.

1.14.2. Known issues

  • If you create a new subscription for a Kafka channel, or a new Kafka source, there might be a delay in the Kafka data plane becoming ready to dispatch messages after the newly created subscription or sink reports a ready status.

    As a result, messages that are sent during the time when the data plane is not reporting a ready status might not be delivered to the subscriber or sink.

    For more information about this issue and possible workarounds, see Knowledge Article #6343981.

1.15. Release Notes for Red Hat OpenShift Serverless 1.14.0

OpenShift Serverless 1.14.0 is now available. New features, changes, and known issues that pertain to OpenShift Serverless on OpenShift Container Platform are included in this topic.

1.15.1. New features

  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Serving 0.20.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless uses Knative Eventing 0.20.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Kourier 0.20.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative kn CLI 0.20.0.
  • OpenShift Serverless now uses Knative Kafka 0.20.0.
  • Knative Kafka on OpenShift Serverless is now Generally Available (GA).


    Only the v1beta1 version of the APIs for KafkaChannel and KafkaSource objects on OpenShift Serverless are supported. Do not use the v1alpha1 version of these APIs, as this version is now deprecated.

  • The Operator channel for installing and upgrading OpenShift Serverless has been updated to stable for OpenShift Container Platform 4.6 and newer versions.
  • OpenShift Serverless is now supported on IBM Power Systems, IBM Z, and LinuxONE, except for the following features, which are not yet supported:

    • Knative Kafka functionality.
    • OpenShift Serverless Functions developer preview.

1.15.2. Known issues

  • Subscriptions for the Kafka channel sometimes fail to become marked as READY and remain in the SubscriptionNotMarkedReadyByChannel state. You can fix this by restarting the dispatcher for the Kafka channel.
  • If you create a new subscription for a Kafka channel, or a new Kafka source, there might be a delay in the Kafka data plane becoming ready to dispatch messages after the newly created subscription or sink reports a ready status.

    As a result, messages that are sent during the time when the data plane is not reporting a ready status might not be delivered to the subscriber or sink.

    For more information about this issue and possible workarounds, see Knowledge Article #6343981.

Chapter 2. Discover

2.1. About OpenShift Serverless

OpenShift Serverless provides Kubernetes native building blocks that enable developers to create and deploy serverless, event-driven applications on OpenShift Container Platform. OpenShift Serverless is based on the open source Knative project, which provides portability and consistency for hybrid and multi-cloud environments by enabling an enterprise-grade serverless platform.

2.1.1. Knative Serving

Knative Serving supports developers who want to create, deploy, and manage cloud-native applications. It provides a set of objects as Kubernetes custom resource definitions (CRDs) that define and control the behavior of serverless workloads on an OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

Developers use these CRDs to create custom resource (CR) instances that can be used as building blocks to address complex use cases. For example:

  • Rapidly deploying serverless containers.
  • Automatically scaling pods. Knative Serving resources
The CRD automatically manages the life cycle of your workload to ensure that the application is deployed and reachable through the network. It creates a route, a configuration, and a new revision for each change to a user created service, or custom resource. Most developer interactions in Knative are carried out by modifying services.
The CRD is a point-in-time snapshot of the code and configuration for each modification made to the workload. Revisions are immutable objects and can be retained for as long as necessary.
The CRD maps a network endpoint to one or more revisions. You can manage the traffic in several ways, including fractional traffic and named routes.
The CRD maintains the desired state for your deployment. It provides a clean separation between code and configuration. Modifying a configuration creates a new revision.

2.1.2. Knative Eventing

Knative Eventing on OpenShift Container Platform enables developers to use an event-driven architecture with serverless applications. An event-driven architecture is based on the concept of decoupled relationships between event producers and event consumers.

Event producers create events, and event sinks, or consumers, receive events. Knative Eventing uses standard HTTP POST requests to send and receive events between event producers and sinks. These events conform to the CloudEvents specifications, which enables creating, parsing, sending, and receiving events in any programming language.

Knative Eventing supports the following use cases:

Publish an event without creating a consumer
You can send events to a broker as an HTTP POST, and use binding to decouple the destination configuration from your application that produces events.
Consume an event without creating a publisher
You can use a trigger to consume events from a broker based on event attributes. The application receives events as an HTTP POST.

To enable delivery to multiple types of sinks, Knative Eventing defines the following generic interfaces that can be implemented by multiple Kubernetes resources:

Addressable resources
Able to receive and acknowledge an event delivered over HTTP to an address defined in the status.address.url field of the event. The Kubernetes Service resource also satisfies the addressable interface.
Callable resources
Able to receive an event delivered over HTTP and transform it, returning 0 or 1 new events in the HTTP response payload. These returned events may be further processed in the same way that events from an external event source are processed.

You can propagate an event from an event source to multiple event sinks by using:

2.1.3. Supported configurations

The set of supported features, configurations, and integrations for OpenShift Serverless, current and past versions, are available at the Supported Configurations page.

2.1.4. Scalability and performance

OpenShift Serverless has been tested with a configuration of 3 main nodes and 3 worker nodes, each of which has 64 CPUs, 457 GB of memory, and 394 GB of storage each.

The maximum number of Knative services that can be created using this configuration is 3,000. This corresponds to the OpenShift Container Platform Kubernetes services limit of 10,000, since 1 Knative service creates 3 Kubernetes services.

The average scale from zero response time was approximately 3.4 seconds, with a maximum response time of 8 seconds, and a 99.9th percentile of 4.5 seconds for a simple Quarkus application. These times might vary depending on the application and the runtime of the application.

2.1.5. Additional resources

2.2. About OpenShift Serverless Functions

OpenShift Serverless Functions enables developers to create and deploy stateless, event-driven functions as a Knative service on OpenShift Container Platform. The kn func CLI is provided as a plug-in for the Knative kn CLI. You can use the kn func CLI to create, build, and deploy the container image as a Knative service on the cluster.


OpenShift Serverless Functions is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see

2.2.1. Included runtimes

OpenShift Serverless Functions provides templates that can be used to create basic functions for the following runtimes:

2.2.2. Next steps

2.3. Event sources

A Knative event source can be any Kubernetes object that generates or imports cloud events, and relays those events to another endpoint, known as a sink. Sourcing events is critical to developing a distributed system that reacts to events.

You can create and manage Knative event sources by using the Developer perspective in the OpenShift Container Platform web console, the Knative (kn) CLI, or by applying YAML files.

Currently, OpenShift Serverless supports the following event source types:

API server source
Brings Kubernetes API server events into Knative. The API server source sends a new event each time a Kubernetes resource is created, updated or deleted.
Ping source
Produces events with a fixed payload on a specified cron schedule.
Kafka event source
Connects a Kafka cluster to a sink as an event source.

You can also create a custom event source.

2.4. Brokers

Brokers can be used in combination with triggers to deliver events from an event source to an event sink. Events are sent from an event source to a broker as an HTTP POST request. After events have entered the broker, they can be filtered by CloudEvent attributes using triggers, and sent as an HTTP POST request to an event sink.

Broker event delivery overview

2.4.1. Broker types

Cluster administrators can set the default broker implementation for a cluster. When you create a broker, the default broker implementation is used, unless you provide set configurations in the Broker object. Default broker implementation for development purposes

Knative provides a default, channel-based broker implementation. This channel-based broker can be used for development and testing purposes, but does not provide adequate event delivery guarantees for production environments. The default broker is backed by the InMemoryChannel channel implementation by default.

If you want to use Kafka to reduce network hops, use the Kafka broker implementation. Do not configure the channel-based broker to be backed by the KafkaChannel channel implementation. Production-ready Kafka broker implementation

For production-ready Knative Eventing deployments, Red Hat recommends using the Knative Kafka broker implementation. The Kafka broker is an Apache Kafka native implementation of the Knative broker, which sends CloudEvents directly to the Kafka instance.


The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) mode is disabled for Kafka broker.

The Kafka broker has a native integration with Kafka for storing and routing events. This allows better integration with Kafka for the broker and trigger model over other broker types, and reduces network hops. Other benefits of the Kafka broker implementation include:

  • At-least-once delivery guarantees
  • Ordered delivery of events, based on the CloudEvents partitioning extension
  • Control plane high availability
  • A horizontally scalable data plane

The Knative Kafka broker stores incoming CloudEvents as Kafka records, using the binary content mode. This means that all CloudEvent attributes and extensions are mapped as headers on the Kafka record, while the data spec of the CloudEvent corresponds to the value of the Kafka record.

2.4.2. Next steps

2.5. Channels and subscriptions

Channels are custom resources that define a single event-forwarding and persistence layer. After events have been sent to a channel from an event source or producer, these events can be sent to multiple Knative services or other sinks by using a subscription.

Channel workflow overview

You can create channels by instantiating a supported Channel object, and configure re-delivery attempts by modifying the delivery spec in a Subscription object.

After you create a Channel object, a mutating admission webhook adds a set of spec.channelTemplate properties for the Channel object based on the default channel implementation. For example, for an InMemoryChannel default implementation, the Channel object looks as follows:

kind: Channel
  name: example-channel
  namespace: default
    kind: InMemoryChannel

The channel controller then creates the backing channel instance based on the spec.channelTemplate configuration.


The spec.channelTemplate properties cannot be changed after creation, because they are set by the default channel mechanism rather than by the user.

When this mechanism is used with the preceding example, two objects are created: a generic backing channel and an InMemoryChannel channel. If you are using a different default channel implementation, the InMemoryChannel is replaced with one that is specific to your implementation. For example, with Knative Kafka, the KafkaChannel channel is created.

The backing channel acts as a proxy that copies its subscriptions to the user-created channel object, and sets the user-created channel object status to reflect the status of the backing channel.

2.5.1. Channel implementation types

InMemoryChannel and KafkaChannel channel implementations can be used with OpenShift Serverless for development use.

The following are limitations of InMemoryChannel type channels:

  • No event persistence is available. If a pod goes down, events on that pod are lost.
  • InMemoryChannel channels do not implement event ordering, so two events that are received in the channel at the same time can be delivered to a subscriber in any order.
  • If a subscriber rejects an event, there are no re-delivery attempts by default. You can configure re-delivery attempts by modifying the delivery spec in the Subscription object.

For more information about Kafka channels, see the Knative Kafka documentation.

2.5.2. Next steps

Chapter 3. Install

3.1. Installing the OpenShift Serverless Operator

Installing the OpenShift Serverless Operator enables you to install and use Knative Serving, Knative Eventing, and Knative Kafka on a OpenShift Container Platform cluster. The OpenShift Serverless Operator manages Knative custom resource definitions (CRDs) for your cluster and enables you to configure them without directly modifying individual config maps for each component.

3.1.1. Before you begin

Read the following information about supported configurations and prerequisites before you install OpenShift Serverless.

  • OpenShift Serverless is supported for installation in a restricted network environment.
  • OpenShift Serverless currently cannot be used in a multi-tenant configuration on a single cluster. Defining cluster size requirements

To install and use OpenShift Serverless, the OpenShift Container Platform cluster must be sized correctly. The total size requirements to run OpenShift Serverless are dependent on the components that are installed and the applications that are deployed, and might vary depending on your deployment.


The following requirements relate only to the pool of worker machines of the OpenShift Container Platform cluster. Control plane nodes are not used for general scheduling and are omitted from the requirements.

By default, each pod requests approximately 400m of CPU, so the minimum requirements are based on this value. Lowering the actual CPU request of applications can increase the number of possible replicas.

If you have high availability (HA) enabled on your cluster, this requires between 0.5 - 1.5 cores and between 200MB - 2GB of memory for each replica of the Knative Serving control plane. Scaling your cluster using machine sets

You can use the OpenShift Container Platform MachineSet API to manually scale your cluster up to the desired size. The minimum requirements usually mean that you must scale up one of the default machine sets by two additional machines. See Manually scaling a machine set.

3.1.2. Installing the OpenShift Serverless Operator

You can install the OpenShift Serverless Operator from the OperatorHub by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console. Installing this Operator enables you to install and use Knative components.


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform account with cluster administrator access.
  • You have logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, navigate to the OperatorsOperatorHub page.
  2. Scroll, or type the keyword Serverless into the Filter by keyword box to find the OpenShift Serverless Operator.
  3. Review the information about the Operator and click Install.
  4. On the Install Operator page:

    1. The Installation Mode is All namespaces on the cluster (default). This mode installs the Operator in the default openshift-serverless namespace to watch and be made available to all namespaces in the cluster.
    2. The Installed Namespace is openshift-serverless.
    3. Select the stable channel as the Update Channel. The stable channel will enable installation of the latest stable release of the OpenShift Serverless Operator.
    4. Select Automatic or Manual approval strategy.
  5. Click Install to make the Operator available to the selected namespaces on this OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  6. From the CatalogOperator Management page, you can monitor the OpenShift Serverless Operator subscription’s installation and upgrade progress.

    1. If you selected a Manual approval strategy, the subscription’s upgrade status will remain Upgrading until you review and approve its install plan. After approving on the Install Plan page, the subscription upgrade status moves to Up to date.
    2. If you selected an Automatic approval strategy, the upgrade status should resolve to Up to date without intervention.


After the Subscription’s upgrade status is Up to date, select CatalogInstalled Operators to verify that the OpenShift Serverless Operator eventually shows up and its Status ultimately resolves to InstallSucceeded in the relevant namespace.

If it does not:

  1. Switch to the CatalogOperator Management page and inspect the Operator Subscriptions and Install Plans tabs for any failure or errors under Status.
  2. Check the logs in any pods in the openshift-serverless project on the WorkloadsPods page that are reporting issues to troubleshoot further.

If you want to use Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing with OpenShift Serverless, you must install and configure Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing before you install Knative Serving or Knative Eventing.

3.1.3. Additional resources

3.1.4. Next steps

3.2. Installing Knative Serving

Installing Knative Serving allows you to create Knative services and functions on your cluster. It also allows you to use additional functionality such as autoscaling and networking options for your applications.

After you install the OpenShift Serverless Operator, you can install Knative Serving by using the default settings, or configure more advanced settings in the KnativeServing custom resource (CR). For more information about configuration options for the KnativeServing CR, see Global configuration.


If you want to use Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing with OpenShift Serverless, you must install and configure Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing before you install Knative Serving.

3.2.1. Installing Knative Serving by using the web console

After you install the OpenShift Serverless Operator, install Knative Serving by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console. You can install Knative Serving by using the default settings or configure more advanced settings in the KnativeServing custom resource (CR).


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform account with cluster administrator access.
  • You have logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator.


  1. In the Administrator perspective of the OpenShift Container Platform web console, navigate to OperatorsInstalled Operators.
  2. Check that the Project dropdown at the top of the page is set to Project: knative-serving.
  3. Click Knative Serving in the list of Provided APIs for the OpenShift Serverless Operator to go to the Knative Serving tab.
  4. Click Create Knative Serving.
  5. In the Create Knative Serving page, you can install Knative Serving using the default settings by clicking Create.

    You can also modify settings for the Knative Serving installation by editing the KnativeServing object using either the form provided, or by editing the YAML.

    • Using the form is recommended for simpler configurations that do not require full control of KnativeServing object creation.
    • Editing the YAML is recommended for more complex configurations that require full control of KnativeServing object creation. You can access the YAML by clicking the edit YAML link in the top right of the Create Knative Serving page.

      After you complete the form, or have finished modifying the YAML, click Create.


      For more information about configuration options for the KnativeServing custom resource definition, see the documentation on Advanced installation configuration options.

  6. After you have installed Knative Serving, the KnativeServing object is created, and you are automatically directed to the Knative Serving tab. You will see the knative-serving custom resource in the list of resources.


  1. Click on knative-serving custom resource in the Knative Serving tab.
  2. You will be automatically directed to the Knative Serving Overview page.

    Installed Operators page
  3. Scroll down to look at the list of Conditions.
  4. You should see a list of conditions with a status of True, as shown in the example image.


    It may take a few seconds for the Knative Serving resources to be created. You can check their status in the Resources tab.

  5. If the conditions have a status of Unknown or False, wait a few moments and then check again after you have confirmed that the resources have been created.

3.2.2. Installing Knative Serving by using YAML

After you install the OpenShift Serverless Operator, you can install Knative Serving by using the default settings, or configure more advanced settings in the KnativeServing custom resource (CR). You can use the following procedure to install Knative Serving by using YAML files and the oc CLI.


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform account with cluster administrator access.
  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Create a file named serving.yaml and copy the following example YAML into it:

    kind: KnativeServing
        name: knative-serving
        namespace: knative-serving
  2. Apply the serving.yaml file:

    $ oc apply -f serving.yaml


  1. To verify the installation is complete, enter the following command:

    $ oc get -n knative-serving --template='{{range .status.conditions}}{{printf "%s=%s\n" .type .status}}{{end}}'

    Example output



    It may take a few seconds for the Knative Serving resources to be created.

    If the conditions have a status of Unknown or False, wait a few moments and then check again after you have confirmed that the resources have been created.

  2. Check that the Knative Serving resources have been created:

    $ oc get pods -n knative-serving

    Example output

    NAME                                                        READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    activator-67ddf8c9d7-p7rm5                                  2/2     Running     0          4m
    activator-67ddf8c9d7-q84fz                                  2/2     Running     0          4m
    autoscaler-5d87bc6dbf-6nqc6                                 2/2     Running     0          3m59s
    autoscaler-5d87bc6dbf-h64rl                                 2/2     Running     0          3m59s
    autoscaler-hpa-77f85f5cc4-lrts7                             2/2     Running     0          3m57s
    autoscaler-hpa-77f85f5cc4-zx7hl                             2/2     Running     0          3m56s
    controller-5cfc7cb8db-nlccl                                 2/2     Running     0          3m50s
    controller-5cfc7cb8db-rmv7r                                 2/2     Running     0          3m18s
    domain-mapping-86d84bb6b4-r746m                             2/2     Running     0          3m58s
    domain-mapping-86d84bb6b4-v7nh8                             2/2     Running     0          3m58s
    domainmapping-webhook-769d679d45-bkcnj                      2/2     Running     0          3m58s
    domainmapping-webhook-769d679d45-fff68                      2/2     Running     0          3m58s
    storage-version-migration-serving-serving-0.26.0--1-6qlkb   0/1     Completed   0          3m56s
    webhook-5fb774f8d8-6bqrt                                    2/2     Running     0          3m57s
    webhook-5fb774f8d8-b8lt5                                    2/2     Running     0          3m57s

  3. Check that the necessary networking components have been installed to the automatically created knative-serving-ingress namespace:

    $ oc get pods -n knative-serving-ingress

    Example output

    NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    net-kourier-controller-7d4b6c5d95-62mkf   1/1     Running   0          76s
    net-kourier-controller-7d4b6c5d95-qmgm2   1/1     Running   0          76s
    3scale-kourier-gateway-6688b49568-987qz   1/1     Running   0          75s
    3scale-kourier-gateway-6688b49568-b5tnp   1/1     Running   0          75s

3.2.3. Next steps

3.3. Installing Knative Eventing

To use event-driven architecture on your cluster, install Knative Eventing. You can create Knative components such as event sources, brokers, and channels and then use them to send events to applications or external systems.

After you install the OpenShift Serverless Operator, you can install Knative Eventing by using the default settings, or configure more advanced settings in the KnativeEventing custom resource (CR). For more information about configuration options for the KnativeEventing CR, see Global configuration.


If you want to use Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing with OpenShift Serverless, you must install and configure Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing before you install Knative Eventing.

3.3.1. Installing Knative Eventing by using the web console

After you install the OpenShift Serverless Operator, install Knative Eventing by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console. You can install Knative Eventing by using the default settings or configure more advanced settings in the KnativeEventing custom resource (CR).


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform account with cluster administrator access.
  • You have logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator.


  1. In the Administrator perspective of the OpenShift Container Platform web console, navigate to OperatorsInstalled Operators.
  2. Check that the Project dropdown at the top of the page is set to Project: knative-eventing.
  3. Click Knative Eventing in the list of Provided APIs for the OpenShift Serverless Operator to go to the Knative Eventing tab.
  4. Click Create Knative Eventing.
  5. In the Create Knative Eventing page, you can choose to configure the KnativeEventing object by using either the default form provided, or by editing the YAML.

    • Using the form is recommended for simpler configurations that do not require full control of KnativeEventing object creation.

      Optional. If you are configuring the KnativeEventing object using the form, make any changes that you want to implement for your Knative Eventing deployment.

  6. Click Create.

    • Editing the YAML is recommended for more complex configurations that require full control of KnativeEventing object creation. You can access the YAML by clicking the edit YAML link in the top right of the Create Knative Eventing page.

      Optional. If you are configuring the KnativeEventing object by editing the YAML, make any changes to the YAML that you want to implement for your Knative Eventing deployment.

  7. Click Create.
  8. After you have installed Knative Eventing, the KnativeEventing object is created, and you are automatically directed to the Knative Eventing tab. You will see the knative-eventing custom resource in the list of resources.


  1. Click on the knative-eventing custom resource in the Knative Eventing tab.
  2. You are automatically directed to the Knative Eventing Overview page.

    Knative Eventing Overview page
  3. Scroll down to look at the list of Conditions.
  4. You should see a list of conditions with a status of True, as shown in the example image.


    It may take a few seconds for the Knative Eventing resources to be created. You can check their status in the Resources tab.

  5. If the conditions have a status of Unknown or False, wait a few moments and then check again after you have confirmed that the resources have been created.

3.3.2. Installing Knative Eventing by using YAML

After you install the OpenShift Serverless Operator, you can install Knative Eventing by using the default settings, or configure more advanced settings in the KnativeEventing custom resource (CR). You can use the following procedure to install Knative Eventing by using YAML files and the oc CLI.


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform account with cluster administrator access.
  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Create a file named eventing.yaml.
  2. Copy the following sample YAML into eventing.yaml:

    kind: KnativeEventing
        name: knative-eventing
        namespace: knative-eventing
  3. Optional. Make any changes to the YAML that you want to implement for your Knative Eventing deployment.
  4. Apply the eventing.yaml file by entering:

    $ oc apply -f eventing.yaml


  1. Verify the installation is complete by entering the following command and observing the output:

    $ oc get \
      -n knative-eventing \
      --template='{{range .status.conditions}}{{printf "%s=%s\n" .type .status}}{{end}}'

    Example output



    It may take a few seconds for the Knative Eventing resources to be created.

  2. If the conditions have a status of Unknown or False, wait a few moments and then check again after you have confirmed that the resources have been created.
  3. Check that the Knative Eventing resources have been created by entering:

    $ oc get pods -n knative-eventing

    Example output

    NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    broker-controller-58765d9d49-g9zp6     1/1     Running   0          7m21s
    eventing-controller-65fdd66b54-jw7bh   1/1     Running   0          7m31s
    eventing-webhook-57fd74b5bd-kvhlz      1/1     Running   0          7m31s
    imc-controller-5b75d458fc-ptvm2        1/1     Running   0          7m19s
    imc-dispatcher-64f6d5fccb-kkc4c        1/1     Running   0          7m18s

3.3.3. Next steps

3.4. Removing OpenShift Serverless

If you need to remove OpenShift Serverless from your cluster, you can do so by manually removing the OpenShift Serverless Operator and other OpenShift Serverless components. Before you can remove the OpenShift Serverless Operator, you must remove Knative Serving and Knative Eventing.

3.4.1. Uninstalling Knative Serving

Before you can remove the OpenShift Serverless Operator, you must remove Knative Serving. To uninstall Knative Serving, you must remove the KnativeServing custom resource (CR) and delete the knative-serving namespace.


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform account with cluster administrator access.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Delete the KnativeServing CR:

    $ oc delete knative-serving -n knative-serving
  2. After the command has completed and all pods have been removed from the knative-serving namespace, delete the namespace:

    $ oc delete namespace knative-serving

3.4.2. Uninstalling Knative Eventing

Before you can remove the OpenShift Serverless Operator, you must remove Knative Eventing. To uninstall Knative Eventing, you must remove the KnativeEventing custom resource (CR) and delete the knative-eventing namespace.


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform account with cluster administrator access.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Delete the KnativeEventing CR:

    $ oc delete knative-eventing -n knative-eventing
  2. After the command has completed and all pods have been removed from the knative-eventing namespace, delete the namespace:

    $ oc delete namespace knative-eventing

3.4.3. Removing the OpenShift Serverless Operator

After you have removed Knative Serving and Knative Eventing, you can remove the OpenShift Serverless Operator. You can do this by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console or the oc CLI. Deleting Operators from a cluster using the web console

Cluster administrators can delete installed Operators from a selected namespace by using the web console.


  • Access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster web console using an account with cluster-admin permissions.


  1. From the OperatorsInstalled Operators page, scroll or type a keyword into the Filter by name to find the Operator you want. Then, click on it.
  2. On the right side of the Operator Details page, select Uninstall Operator from the Actions list.

    An Uninstall Operator? dialog box is displayed, reminding you that:

    Removing the Operator will not remove any of its custom resource definitions or managed resources. If your Operator has deployed applications on the cluster or configured off-cluster resources, these will continue to run and need to be cleaned up manually.

    This action removes the Operator as well as the Operator deployments and pods, if any. Any Operands, and resources managed by the Operator, including CRDs and CRs, are not removed. The web console enables dashboards and navigation items for some Operators. To remove these after uninstalling the Operator, you might need to manually delete the Operator CRDs.

  3. Select Uninstall. This Operator stops running and no longer receives updates. Deleting Operators from a cluster using the CLI

Cluster administrators can delete installed Operators from a selected namespace by using the CLI.


  • Access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster using an account with cluster-admin permissions.
  • oc command installed on workstation.


  1. Check the current version of the subscribed Operator (for example, jaeger) in the currentCSV field:

    $ oc get subscription jaeger -n openshift-operators -o yaml | grep currentCSV

    Example output

      currentCSV: jaeger-operator.v1.8.2

  2. Delete the subscription (for example, jaeger):

    $ oc delete subscription jaeger -n openshift-operators

    Example output "jaeger" deleted

  3. Delete the CSV for the Operator in the target namespace using the currentCSV value from the previous step:

    $ oc delete clusterserviceversion jaeger-operator.v1.8.2 -n openshift-operators

    Example output "jaeger-operator.v1.8.2" deleted Refreshing failing subscriptions

In Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM), if you subscribe to an Operator that references images that are not accessible on your network, you can find jobs in the openshift-marketplace namespace that are failing with the following errors:

Example output

ImagePullBackOff for
Back-off pulling image ""

Example output

rpc error: code = Unknown desc = error pinging docker registry Get "": dial tcp: lookup on no such host

As a result, the subscription is stuck in this failing state and the Operator is unable to install or upgrade.

You can refresh a failing subscription by deleting the subscription, cluster service version (CSV), and other related objects. After recreating the subscription, OLM then reinstalls the correct version of the Operator.


  • You have a failing subscription that is unable to pull an inaccessible bundle image.
  • You have confirmed that the correct bundle image is accessible.


  1. Get the names of the Subscription and ClusterServiceVersion objects from the namespace where the Operator is installed:

    $ oc get sub,csv -n <namespace>

    Example output

    NAME                                                       PACKAGE                  SOURCE             CHANNEL   elasticsearch-operator   redhat-operators   5.0
    NAME                                                                         DISPLAY                            VERSION    REPLACES   PHASE   OpenShift Elasticsearch Operator   5.0.0-65              Succeeded

  2. Delete the subscription:

    $ oc delete subscription <subscription_name> -n <namespace>
  3. Delete the cluster service version:

    $ oc delete csv <csv_name> -n <namespace>
  4. Get the names of any failing jobs and related config maps in the openshift-marketplace namespace:

    $ oc get job,configmap -n openshift-marketplace

    Example output

    NAME                                                                        COMPLETIONS   DURATION   AGE
    job.batch/1de9443b6324e629ddf31fed0a853a121275806170e34c926d69e53a7fcbccb   1/1           26s        9m30s
    NAME                                                                        DATA   AGE
    configmap/1de9443b6324e629ddf31fed0a853a121275806170e34c926d69e53a7fcbccb   3      9m30s

  5. Delete the job:

    $ oc delete job <job_name> -n openshift-marketplace

    This ensures pods that try to pull the inaccessible image are not recreated.

  6. Delete the config map:

    $ oc delete configmap <configmap_name> -n openshift-marketplace
  7. Reinstall the Operator using OperatorHub in the web console.


  • Check that the Operator has been reinstalled successfully:

    $ oc get sub,csv,installplan -n <namespace>

3.4.4. Deleting OpenShift Serverless custom resource definitions

After uninstalling the OpenShift Serverless, the Operator and API custom resource definitions (CRDs) remain on the cluster. You can use the following procedure to remove the remaining CRDs.


Removing the Operator and API CRDs also removes all resources that were defined by using them, including Knative services.


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform account with cluster administrator access.
  • You have uninstalled Knative Serving and removed the OpenShift Serverless Operator.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  • To delete the remaining OpenShift Serverless CRDs, enter the following command:

    $ oc get crd -oname | grep '' | xargs oc delete

Chapter 4. Knative CLI

4.1. Installing the Knative CLI

The Knative (kn) CLI does not have its own login mechanism. To log in to the cluster, you must install the OpenShift CLI (oc) and use the oc login command. Installation options for the CLIs may vary depending on your operating system.

For more information on installing the oc CLI for your operating system and logging in with oc, see the OpenShift CLI getting started documentation.

OpenShift Serverless cannot be installed using the Knative (kn) CLI. A cluster administrator must install the OpenShift Serverless Operator and set up the Knative components, as described in the Installing the OpenShift Serverless Operator documentation.


If you try to use an older version of the Knative (kn) CLI with a newer OpenShift Serverless release, the API is not found and an error occurs.

For example, if you use the 1.23.0 release of the Knative (kn) CLI, which uses version 1.2, with the 1.24.0 OpenShift Serverless release, which uses the 1.3 versions of the Knative Serving and Knative Eventing APIs, the CLI does not work because it continues to look for the outdated 1.2 API versions.

Ensure that you are using the latest Knative (kn) CLI version for your OpenShift Serverless release to avoid issues.

4.1.1. Installing the Knative CLI using the OpenShift Container Platform web console

Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console provides a streamlined and intuitive user interface to install the Knative (kn) CLI. After the OpenShift Serverless Operator is installed, you will see a link to download the Knative (kn) CLI for Linux (amd64, s390x, ppc64le), macOS, or Windows from the Command Line Tools page in the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  • You have logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.


    If libc is not available, you might see the following error when you run CLI commands:

    $ kn: No such file or directory
  • If you want to use the verification steps for this procedure, you must install the OpenShift (oc) CLI.


  1. Download the Knative (kn) CLI from the Command Line Tools page. You can access the Command Line Tools page by clicking the question circle icon in the top right corner of the web console and selecting Command Line Tools in the list.
  2. Unpack the archive:

    $ tar -xf <file>
  3. Move the kn binary to a directory on your PATH.
  4. To check your PATH, run:

    $ echo $PATH


  • Run the following commands to check that the correct Knative CLI resources and route have been created:

    $ oc get ConsoleCLIDownload

    Example output

    NAME                  DISPLAY NAME                                             AGE
    kn                    kn - OpenShift Serverless Command Line Interface (CLI)   2022-09-20T08:41:18Z
    oc-cli-downloads      oc - OpenShift Command Line Interface (CLI)              2022-09-20T08:00:20Z

    $ oc get route -n openshift-serverless

    Example output

    NAME   HOST/PORT                                  PATH   SERVICES                      PORT       TERMINATION     WILDCARD
    kn          knative-openshift-metrics-3   http-cli   edge/Redirect   None

4.1.2. Installing the Knative CLI for Linux by using an RPM package manager

For Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), you can install the Knative (kn) CLI as an RPM by using a package manager, such as yum or dnf. This allows the Knative CLI version to be automatically managed by the system. For example, using a command like dnf upgrade upgrades all packages, including kn, if a new version is available.


  • You have an active OpenShift Container Platform subscription on your Red Hat account.


  1. Register with Red Hat Subscription Manager:

    # subscription-manager register
  2. Pull the latest subscription data:

    # subscription-manager refresh
  3. Attach the subscription to the registered system:

    # subscription-manager attach --pool=<pool_id> 1
    Pool ID for an active OpenShift Container Platform subscription
  4. Enable the repositories required by the Knative (kn) CLI:

    • Linux (x86_64, amd64)

      # subscription-manager repos --enable="openshift-serverless-1-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms"
    • Linux on IBM Z and LinuxONE (s390x)

      # subscription-manager repos --enable="openshift-serverless-1-for-rhel-8-s390x-rpms"
    • Linux on IBM Power (ppc64le)

      # subscription-manager repos --enable="openshift-serverless-1-for-rhel-8-ppc64le-rpms"
  5. Install the Knative (kn) CLI as an RPM by using a package manager:

    Example yum command

    # yum install openshift-serverless-clients

4.1.3. Installing the Knative CLI for Linux

If you are using a Linux distribution that does not have RPM or another package manager installed, you can install the Knative (kn) CLI as a binary file. To do this, you must download and unpack a tar.gz archive and add the binary to a directory on your PATH.


  • If you are not using RHEL or Fedora, ensure that libc is installed in a directory on your library path.


    If libc is not available, you might see the following error when you run CLI commands:

    $ kn: No such file or directory


  1. Download the relevant Knative (kn) CLI tar.gz archive:

  2. Unpack the archive:

    $ tar -xf <filename>
  3. Move the kn binary to a directory on your PATH.
  4. To check your PATH, run:

    $ echo $PATH

4.1.4. Installing the Knative CLI for macOS

If you are using macOS, you can install the Knative (kn) CLI as a binary file. To do this, you must download and unpack a tar.gz archive and add the binary to a directory on your PATH.


  1. Download the Knative (kn) CLI tar.gz archive.
  2. Unpack and extract the archive.
  3. Move the kn binary to a directory on your PATH.
  4. To check your PATH, open a terminal window and run:

    $ echo $PATH

4.1.5. Installing the Knative CLI for Windows

If you are using Windows, you can install the Knative (kn) CLI as a binary file. To do this, you must download and unpack a ZIP archive and add the binary to a directory on your PATH.


  1. Download the Knative (kn) CLI ZIP archive.
  2. Extract the archive with a ZIP program.
  3. Move the kn binary to a directory on your PATH.
  4. To check your PATH, open the command prompt and run the command:

    C:\> path

4.2. Configuring the Knative CLI

You can customize your Knative (kn) CLI setup by creating a config.yaml configuration file. You can provide this configuration by using the --config flag, otherwise the configuration is picked up from a default location. The default configuration location conforms to the XDG Base Directory Specification, and is different for UNIX systems and Windows systems.

For UNIX systems:

  • If the XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable is set, the default configuration location that the Knative (kn) CLI looks for is $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/kn.
  • If the XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable is not set, the Knative (kn) CLI looks for the configuration in the home directory of the user at $HOME/.config/kn/config.yaml.

For Windows systems, the default Knative (kn) CLI configuration location is %APPDATA%\kn.

Example configuration file

  path-lookup: true 1
  directory: ~/.config/kn/plugins 2
  sink-mappings: 3
  - prefix: svc 4
    group: core 5
    version: v1 6
    resource: services 7

Specifies whether the Knative (kn) CLI should look for plug-ins in the PATH environment variable. This is a boolean configuration option. The default value is false.
Specifies the directory where the Knative (kn) CLI looks for plug-ins. The default path depends on the operating system, as described previously. This can be any directory that is visible to the user.
The sink-mappings spec defines the Kubernetes addressable resource that is used when you use the --sink flag with a Knative (kn) CLI command.
The prefix you want to use to describe your sink. svc for a service, channel, and broker are predefined prefixes for the Knative (kn) CLI.
The API group of the Kubernetes resource.
The version of the Kubernetes resource.
The plural name of the Kubernetes resource type. For example, services or brokers.

4.3. Knative CLI plug-ins

The Knative (kn) CLI supports the use of plug-ins, which enable you to extend the functionality of your kn installation by adding custom commands and other shared commands that are not part of the core distribution. Knative (kn) CLI plug-ins are used in the same way as the main kn functionality.

Currently, Red Hat supports the kn-source-kafka plug-in and the kn-event plug-in.


The kn-event plug-in is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see

4.3.1. Building events by using the kn-event plug-in

You can use the builder-like interface of the kn event build command to build an event. You can then send that event at a later time or use it in another context.


  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.


  • Build an event:

    $ kn event build --field <field-name>=<value> --type <type-name> --id <id> --output <format>


    • The --field flag adds data to the event as a field-value pair. You can use it multiple times.
    • The --type flag enables you to specify a string that designates the type of the event.
    • The --id flag specifies the ID of the event.
    • You can use the json or yaml arguments with the --output flag to change the output format of the event.

      All of these flags are optional.

      Building a simple event

      $ kn event build -o yaml

      Resultant event in the YAML format

      data: {}
      datacontenttype: application/json
      id: 81a402a2-9c29-4c27-b8ed-246a253c9e58
      source: kn-event/v0.4.0
      specversion: "1.0"
      time: "2021-10-15T10:42:57.713226203Z"
      type: dev.knative.cli.plugin.event.generic

      Building a sample transaction event

      $ kn event build \
          --field operation.type=local-wire-transfer \
          --field operation.amount=2345.40 \
          --field operation.from=87656231 \
          --field \
          --field automated=true \
          --field signature='FGzCPLvYWdEgsdpb3qXkaVp7Da0=' \
          --type \
          --id $(head -c 10 < /dev/urandom | base64 -w 0) \
          --output json

      Resultant event in the JSON format

        "specversion": "1.0",
        "id": "RjtL8UH66X+UJg==",
        "source": "kn-event/v0.4.0",
        "type": "",
        "datacontenttype": "application/json",
        "time": "2021-10-15T10:43:23.113187943Z",
        "data": {
          "automated": true,
          "operation": {
            "amount": "2345.40",
            "from": 87656231,
            "to": 2344121,
            "type": "local-wire-transfer"
          "signature": "FGzCPLvYWdEgsdpb3qXkaVp7Da0="

4.3.2. Sending events by using the kn-event plug-in

You can use the kn event send command to send an event. The events can be sent either to publicly available addresses or to addressable resources inside a cluster, such as Kubernetes services, as well as Knative services, brokers, and channels. The command uses the same builder-like interface as the kn event build command.


  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.


  • Send an event:

    $ kn event send --field <field-name>=<value> --type <type-name> --id <id> --to-url <url> --to <cluster-resource> --namespace <namespace>


    • The --field flag adds data to the event as a field-value pair. You can use it multiple times.
    • The --type flag enables you to specify a string that designates the type of the event.
    • The --id flag specifies the ID of the event.
    • If you are sending the event to a publicly accessible destination, specify the URL using the --to-url flag.
    • If you are sending the event to an in-cluster Kubernetes resource, specify the destination using the --to flag.

      • Specify the Kubernetes resource using the <Kind>:<ApiVersion>:<name> format.
    • The --namespace flag specifies the namespace. If omitted, the namespace is taken from the current context.

      All of these flags are optional, except for the destination specification, for which you need to use either --to-url or --to.

      The following example shows sending an event to a URL:

      Example command

      $ kn event send \
          --field \
          --field \
          --field points=456 \
          --type \

      The following example shows sending an event to an in-cluster resource:

      Example command

      $ kn event send \
          --type \
          --id $(uuidgen) \
          --field event.type=test \
          --field \

4.4. Knative Serving CLI commands

You can use the following Knative (kn) CLI commands to complete Knative Serving tasks on the cluster.

4.4.1. kn service commands

You can use the following commands to create and manage Knative services. Creating serverless applications by using the Knative CLI

Using the Knative (kn) CLI to create serverless applications provides a more streamlined and intuitive user interface over modifying YAML files directly. You can use the kn service create command to create a basic serverless application.


  • OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on your cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  • Create a Knative service:

    $ kn service create <service_name> --image <image> --tag <tag-value>


    • --image is the URI of the image for the application.
    • --tag is an optional flag that can be used to add a tag to the initial revision that is created with the service.

      Example command

      $ kn service create event-display \

      Example output

      Creating service 'event-display' in namespace 'default':
        0.271s The Route is still working to reflect the latest desired specification.
        0.580s Configuration "event-display" is waiting for a Revision to become ready.
        3.857s ...
        3.861s Ingress has not yet been reconciled.
        4.270s Ready to serve.
      Service 'event-display' created with latest revision 'event-display-bxshg-1' and URL:
      http://event-display-default.apps-crc.testing Updating serverless applications by using the Knative CLI

You can use the kn service update command for interactive sessions on the command line as you build up a service incrementally. In contrast to the kn service apply command, when using the kn service update command you only have to specify the changes that you want to update, rather than the full configuration for the Knative service.

Example commands

  • Update a service by adding a new environment variable:

    $ kn service update <service_name> --env <key>=<value>
  • Update a service by adding a new port:

    $ kn service update <service_name> --port 80
  • Update a service by adding new request and limit parameters:

    $ kn service update <service_name> --request cpu=500m --limit memory=1024Mi --limit cpu=1000m
  • Assign the latest tag to a revision:

    $ kn service update <service_name> --tag <revision_name>=latest
  • Update a tag from testing to staging for the latest READY revision of a service:

    $ kn service update <service_name> --untag testing --tag @latest=staging
  • Add the test tag to a revision that receives 10% of traffic, and send the rest of the traffic to the latest READY revision of a service:

    $ kn service update <service_name> --tag <revision_name>=test --traffic test=10,@latest=90 Applying service declarations

You can declaratively configure a Knative service by using the kn service apply command. If the service does not exist it is created, otherwise the existing service is updated with the options that have been changed.

The kn service apply command is especially useful for shell scripts or in a continuous integration pipeline, where users typically want to fully specify the state of the service in a single command to declare the target state.

When using kn service apply you must provide the full configuration for the Knative service. This is different from the kn service update command, which only requires you to specify in the command the options that you want to update.

Example commands

  • Create a service:

    $ kn service apply <service_name> --image <image>
  • Add an environment variable to a service:

    $ kn service apply <service_name> --image <image> --env <key>=<value>
  • Read the service declaration from a JSON or YAML file:

    $ kn service apply <service_name> -f <filename> Describing serverless applications by using the Knative CLI

You can describe a Knative service by using the kn service describe command.

Example commands

  • Describe a service:

    $ kn service describe --verbose <service_name>

    The --verbose flag is optional but can be included to provide a more detailed description. The difference between a regular and verbose output is shown in the following examples:

    Example output without --verbose flag

    Name:       hello
    Namespace:  default
    Age:        2m
      100%  @latest (hello-00001) [1] (2m)
            Image: (pinned to aaea76)
      OK TYPE                   AGE REASON
      ++ Ready                   1m
      ++ ConfigurationsReady     1m
      ++ RoutesReady             1m

    Example output with --verbose flag

    Name:         hello
    Namespace:    default
    Age:          3m
    Cluster:      http://hello.default.svc.cluster.local
      100%  @latest (hello-00001) [1] (3m)
            Image: (pinned to aaea76)
            Env:    RESPONSE=Hello Serverless!
      OK TYPE                   AGE REASON
      ++ Ready                   3m
      ++ ConfigurationsReady     3m
      ++ RoutesReady             3m

  • Describe a service in YAML format:

    $ kn service describe <service_name> -o yaml
  • Describe a service in JSON format:

    $ kn service describe <service_name> -o json
  • Print the service URL only:

    $ kn service describe <service_name> -o url

4.4.2. About the Knative CLI offline mode

When you execute kn service commands, the changes immediately propagate to the cluster. However, as an alternative, you can execute kn service commands in offline mode. When you create a service in offline mode, no changes happen on the cluster, and instead the service descriptor file is created on your local machine.


The offline mode of the Knative CLI is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see

After the descriptor file is created, you can manually modify it and track it in a version control system. You can also propagate changes to the cluster by using the kn service create -f, kn service apply -f, or oc apply -f commands on the descriptor files.

The offline mode has several uses:

  • You can manually modify the descriptor file before using it to make changes on the cluster.
  • You can locally track the descriptor file of a service in a version control system. This enables you to reuse the descriptor file in places other than the target cluster, for example in continuous integration (CI) pipelines, development environments, or demos.
  • You can examine the created descriptor files to learn about Knative services. In particular, you can see how the resulting service is influenced by the different arguments passed to the kn command.

The offline mode has its advantages: it is fast, and does not require a connection to the cluster. However, offline mode lacks server-side validation. Consequently, you cannot, for example, verify that the service name is unique or that the specified image can be pulled. Creating a service using offline mode

You can execute kn service commands in offline mode, so that no changes happen on the cluster, and instead the service descriptor file is created on your local machine. After the descriptor file is created, you can modify the file before propagating changes to the cluster.


The offline mode of the Knative CLI is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see


  • OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on your cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.


  1. In offline mode, create a local Knative service descriptor file:

    $ kn service create event-display \
        --image \
        --target ./ \
        --namespace test

    Example output

    Service 'event-display' created in namespace 'test'.

    • The --target ./ flag enables offline mode and specifies ./ as the directory for storing the new directory tree.

      If you do not specify an existing directory, but use a filename, such as --target my-service.yaml, then no directory tree is created. Instead, only the service descriptor file my-service.yaml is created in the current directory.

      The filename can have the .yaml, .yml, or .json extension. Choosing .json creates the service descriptor file in the JSON format.

    • The --namespace test option places the new service in the test namespace.

      If you do not use --namespace, and you are logged in to an OpenShift cluster, the descriptor file is created in the current namespace. Otherwise, the descriptor file is created in the default namespace.

  2. Examine the created directory structure:

    $ tree ./

    Example output

    └── test
        └── ksvc
            └── event-display.yaml
    2 directories, 1 file

    • The current ./ directory specified with --target contains the new test/ directory that is named after the specified namespace.
    • The test/ directory contains the ksvc directory, named after the resource type.
    • The ksvc directory contains the descriptor file event-display.yaml, named according to the specified service name.
  3. Examine the generated service descriptor file:

    $ cat test/ksvc/event-display.yaml

    Example output

    kind: Service
      creationTimestamp: null
      name: event-display
      namespace: test
          creationTimestamp: null
          - image:
            name: ""
            resources: {}
    status: {}

  4. List information about the new service:

    $ kn service describe event-display --target ./ --namespace test

    Example output

    Name:       event-display
    Namespace:  test

    • The --target ./ option specifies the root directory for the directory structure containing namespace subdirectories.

      Alternatively, you can directly specify a YAML or JSON filename with the --target option. The accepted file extensions are .yaml, .yml, and .json.

    • The --namespace option specifies the namespace, which communicates to kn the subdirectory that contains the necessary service descriptor file.

      If you do not use --namespace, and you are logged in to an OpenShift cluster, kn searches for the service in the subdirectory that is named after the current namespace. Otherwise, kn searches in the default/ subdirectory.

  5. Use the service descriptor file to create the service on the cluster:

    $ kn service create -f test/ksvc/event-display.yaml

    Example output

    Creating service 'event-display' in namespace 'test':
      0.058s The Route is still working to reflect the latest desired specification.
      0.098s ...
      0.168s Configuration "event-display" is waiting for a Revision to become ready.
     23.377s ...
     23.419s Ingress has not yet been reconciled.
     23.534s Waiting for load balancer to be ready
     23.723s Ready to serve.
    Service 'event-display' created to latest revision 'event-display-00001' is available at URL:

4.4.3. kn container commands

You can use the following commands to create and manage multiple containers in a Knative service spec. Knative client multi-container support

You can use the kn container add command to print YAML container spec to standard output. This command is useful for multi-container use cases because it can be used along with other standard kn flags to create definitions.

The kn container add command accepts all container-related flags that are supported for use with the kn service create command. The kn container add command can also be chained by using UNIX pipes (|) to create multiple container definitions at once.

Example commands
  • Add a container from an image and print it to standard output:

    $ kn container add <container_name> --image <image_uri>

    Example command

    $ kn container add sidecar --image

    Example output

    - image:
      name: sidecar
      resources: {}

  • Chain two kn container add commands together, and then pass them to a kn service create command to create a Knative service with two containers:

    $ kn container add <first_container_name> --image <image_uri> | \
    kn container add <second_container_name> --image <image_uri> | \
    kn service create <service_name> --image <image_uri> --extra-containers -

    --extra-containers - specifies a special case where kn reads the pipe input instead of a YAML file.

    Example command

    $ kn container add sidecar --image | \
    kn container add second --image | \
    kn service create my-service --image --extra-containers -

    The --extra-containers flag can also accept a path to a YAML file:

    $ kn service create <service_name> --image <image_uri> --extra-containers <filename>

    Example command

    $ kn service create my-service --image --extra-containers my-extra-containers.yaml

4.4.4. kn domain commands

You can use the following commands to create and manage domain mappings. Creating a custom domain mapping by using the Knative CLI

You can customize the domain for your Knative service by mapping a custom domain name that you own to a Knative service. You can use the Knative (kn) CLI to create a DomainMapping custom resource (CR) that maps to an Addressable target CR, such as a Knative service or a Knative route.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on your cluster.
  • You have created a Knative service or route, and control a custom domain that you want to map to that CR.


    Your custom domain must point to the DNS of the OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  • Map a domain to a CR in the current namespace:

    $ kn domain create <domain_mapping_name> --ref <target_name>

    Example command

    $ kn domain create --ref example-service

    The --ref flag specifies an Addressable target CR for domain mapping.

    If a prefix is not provided when using the --ref flag, it is assumed that the target is a Knative service in the current namespace.

  • Map a domain to a Knative service in a specified namespace:

    $ kn domain create <domain_mapping_name> --ref <ksvc:service_name:service_namespace>

    Example command

    $ kn domain create --ref ksvc:example-service:example-namespace

  • Map a domain to a Knative route:

    $ kn domain create <domain_mapping_name> --ref <kroute:route_name>

    Example command

    $ kn domain create --ref kroute:example-route Managing custom domain mappings by using the Knative CLI

After you have created a DomainMapping custom resource (CR), you can list existing CRs, view information about an existing CR, update CRs, or delete CRs by using the Knative (kn) CLI.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on your cluster.
  • You have created at least one DomainMapping CR.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI tool.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  • List existing DomainMapping CRs:

    $ kn domain list -n <domain_mapping_namespace>
  • View details of an existing DomainMapping CR:

    $ kn domain describe <domain_mapping_name>
  • Update a DomainMapping CR to point to a new target:

    $ kn domain update --ref <target>
  • Delete a DomainMapping CR:

    $ kn domain delete <domain_mapping_name>

4.5. Knative Eventing CLI commands

You can use the following Knative (kn) CLI commands to complete Knative Eventing tasks on the cluster.

4.5.1. kn source commands

You can use the following commands to list, create, and manage Knative event sources. Listing available event source types by using the Knative CLI

Using the Knative (kn) CLI provides a streamlined and intuitive user interface to view available event source types on your cluster. You can list event source types that can be created and used on your cluster by using the kn source list-types CLI command.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.


  1. List the available event source types in the terminal:

    $ kn source list-types

    Example output

    TYPE              NAME                                            DESCRIPTION
    ApiServerSource            Watch and send Kubernetes API events to a sink
    PingSource                 Periodically send ping events to a sink
    SinkBinding                Binding for connecting a PodSpecable to a sink

  2. Optional: You can also list the available event source types in YAML format:

    $ kn source list-types -o yaml Knative CLI sink flag

When you create an event source by using the Knative (kn) CLI, you can specify a sink where events are sent to from that resource by using the --sink flag. The sink can be any addressable or callable resource that can receive incoming events from other resources.

The following example creates a sink binding that uses a service, http://event-display.svc.cluster.local, as the sink:

Example command using the sink flag

$ kn source binding create bind-heartbeat \
  --namespace sinkbinding-example \
  --subject "Job:batch/v1:app=heartbeat-cron" \
  --sink http://event-display.svc.cluster.local \ 1
  --ce-override "sink=bound"

svc in http://event-display.svc.cluster.local determines that the sink is a Knative service. Other default sink prefixes include channel, and broker. Creating and managing container sources by using the Knative CLI

You can use the kn source container commands to create and manage container sources by using the Knative (kn) CLI. Using the Knative CLI to create event sources provides a more streamlined and intuitive user interface than modifying YAML files directly.

Create a container source

$ kn source container create <container_source_name> --image <image_uri> --sink <sink>

Delete a container source

$ kn source container delete <container_source_name>

Describe a container source

$ kn source container describe <container_source_name>

List existing container sources

$ kn source container list

List existing container sources in YAML format

$ kn source container list -o yaml

Update a container source

This command updates the image URI for an existing container source:

$ kn source container update <container_source_name> --image <image_uri> Creating an API server source by using the Knative CLI

You can use the kn source apiserver create command to create an API server source by using the kn CLI. Using the kn CLI to create an API server source provides a more streamlined and intuitive user interface than modifying YAML files directly.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on the cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.

If you want to re-use an existing service account, you can modify your existing ServiceAccount resource to include the required permissions instead of creating a new resource.

  1. Create a service account, role, and role binding for the event source as a YAML file:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: events-sa
      namespace: default 1
    kind: Role
      name: event-watcher
      namespace: default 2
      - apiGroups:
          - ""
          - events
          - get
          - list
          - watch
    kind: RoleBinding
      name: k8s-ra-event-watcher
      namespace: default 3
      kind: Role
      name: event-watcher
      - kind: ServiceAccount
        name: events-sa
        namespace: default 4
    1 2 3 4
    Change this namespace to the namespace that you have selected for installing the event source.
  2. Apply the YAML file:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>
  3. Create an API server source that has an event sink. In the following example, the sink is a broker:

    $ kn source apiserver create <event_source_name> --sink broker:<broker_name> --resource "event:v1" --service-account <service_account_name> --mode Resource
  4. To check that the API server source is set up correctly, create a Knative service that dumps incoming messages to its log:

    $ kn service create <service_name> --image
  5. If you used a broker as an event sink, create a trigger to filter events from the default broker to the service:

    $ kn trigger create <trigger_name> --sink ksvc:<service_name>
  6. Create events by launching a pod in the default namespace:

    $ oc create deployment hello-node --image
  7. Check that the controller is mapped correctly by inspecting the output generated by the following command:

    $ kn source apiserver describe <source_name>

    Example output

    Name:                mysource
    Namespace:           default
    Age:                 3m
    ServiceAccountName:  events-sa
    Mode:                Resource
      Name:       default
      Namespace:  default
      Kind:       Broker (
      Kind:        event (v1)
      Controller:  false
      OK TYPE                     AGE REASON
      ++ Ready                     3m
      ++ Deployed                  3m
      ++ SinkProvided              3m
      ++ SufficientPermissions     3m
      ++ EventTypesProvided        3m


You can verify that the Kubernetes events were sent to Knative by looking at the message dumper function logs.

  1. Get the pods:

    $ oc get pods
  2. View the message dumper function logs for the pods:

    $ oc logs $(oc get pod -o name | grep event-display) -c user-container

    Example output

    ☁️  cloudevents.Event
    Validation: valid
    Context Attributes,
      specversion: 1.0
      type: dev.knative.apiserver.resource.update
      datacontenttype: application/json
        "apiVersion": "v1",
        "involvedObject": {
          "apiVersion": "v1",
          "fieldPath": "spec.containers{hello-node}",
          "kind": "Pod",
          "name": "hello-node",
          "namespace": "default",
        "kind": "Event",
        "message": "Started container",
        "metadata": {
          "name": "hello-node.159d7608e3a3572c",
          "namespace": "default",
        "reason": "Started",

Deleting the API server source

  1. Delete the trigger:

    $ kn trigger delete <trigger_name>
  2. Delete the event source:

    $ kn source apiserver delete <source_name>
  3. Delete the service account, cluster role, and cluster binding:

    $ oc delete -f authentication.yaml Creating a ping source by using the Knative CLI

You can use the kn source ping create command to create a ping source by using the Knative (kn) CLI. Using the Knative CLI to create event sources provides a more streamlined and intuitive user interface than modifying YAML files directly.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Serving and Knative Eventing are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • Optional: If you want to use the verification steps for this procedure, install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. To verify that the ping source is working, create a simple Knative service that dumps incoming messages to the service logs:

    $ kn service create event-display \
  2. For each set of ping events that you want to request, create a ping source in the same namespace as the event consumer:

    $ kn source ping create test-ping-source \
        --schedule "*/2 * * * *" \
        --data '{"message": "Hello world!"}' \
        --sink ksvc:event-display
  3. Check that the controller is mapped correctly by entering the following command and inspecting the output:

    $ kn source ping describe test-ping-source

    Example output

    Name:         test-ping-source
    Namespace:    default
    Age:          15s
    Schedule:     */2 * * * *
    Data:         {"message": "Hello world!"}
      Name:       event-display
      Namespace:  default
      Resource:   Service (
      OK TYPE                 AGE REASON
      ++ Ready                 8s
      ++ Deployed              8s
      ++ SinkProvided         15s
      ++ ValidSchedule        15s
      ++ EventTypeProvided    15s
      ++ ResourcesCorrect     15s


You can verify that the Kubernetes events were sent to the Knative event sink by looking at the logs of the sink pod.

By default, Knative services terminate their pods if no traffic is received within a 60 second period. The example shown in this guide creates a ping source that sends a message every 2 minutes, so each message should be observed in a newly created pod.

  1. Watch for new pods created:

    $ watch oc get pods
  2. Cancel watching the pods using Ctrl+C, then look at the logs of the created pod:

    $ oc logs $(oc get pod -o name | grep event-display) -c user-container

    Example output

    ☁️  cloudevents.Event
    Validation: valid
    Context Attributes,
      specversion: 1.0
      source: /apis/v1/namespaces/default/pingsources/test-ping-source
      id: 99e4f4f6-08ff-4bff-acf1-47f61ded68c9
      time: 2020-04-07T16:16:00.000601161Z
      datacontenttype: application/json
        "message": "Hello world!"

Deleting the ping source

  • Delete the ping source:

    $ kn delete <ping_source_name> Creating a Kafka event source by using the Knative CLI

You can use the kn source kafka create command to create a Kafka source by using the Knative (kn) CLI. Using the Knative CLI to create event sources provides a more streamlined and intuitive user interface than modifying YAML files directly.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Eventing, Knative Serving, and the KnativeKafka custom resource (CR) are installed on your cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have access to a Red Hat AMQ Streams (Kafka) cluster that produces the Kafka messages you want to import.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • Optional: You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc) if you want to use the verification steps in this procedure.


  1. To verify that the Kafka event source is working, create a Knative service that dumps incoming events into the service logs:

    $ kn service create event-display \
  2. Create a KafkaSource CR:

    $ kn source kafka create <kafka_source_name> \
        --servers <cluster_kafka_bootstrap>.kafka.svc:9092 \
        --topics <topic_name> --consumergroup my-consumer-group \
        --sink event-display

    Replace the placeholder values in this command with values for your source name, bootstrap servers, and topics.

    The --servers, --topics, and --consumergroup options specify the connection parameters to the Kafka cluster. The --consumergroup option is optional.

  3. Optional: View details about the KafkaSource CR you created:

    $ kn source kafka describe <kafka_source_name>

    Example output

    Name:              example-kafka-source
    Namespace:         kafka
    Age:               1h
    BootstrapServers:  example-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.kafka.svc:9092
    Topics:            example-topic
    ConsumerGroup:     example-consumer-group
      Name:       event-display
      Namespace:  default
      Resource:   Service (
      OK TYPE            AGE REASON
      ++ Ready            1h
      ++ Deployed         1h
      ++ SinkProvided     1h

Verification steps

  1. Trigger the Kafka instance to send a message to the topic:

    $ oc -n kafka run kafka-producer \
        -ti --rm=true \
        --restart=Never -- bin/ \
        --broker-list <cluster_kafka_bootstrap>:9092 --topic my-topic

    Enter the message in the prompt. This command assumes that:

    • The Kafka cluster is installed in the kafka namespace.
    • The KafkaSource object has been configured to use the my-topic topic.
  2. Verify that the message arrived by viewing the logs:

    $ oc logs $(oc get pod -o name | grep event-display) -c user-container

    Example output

    ☁️  cloudevents.Event
    Validation: valid
    Context Attributes,
      specversion: 1.0
      type: dev.knative.kafka.event
      source: /apis/v1/namespaces/default/kafkasources/example-kafka-source#example-topic
      subject: partition:46#0
      id: partition:46/offset:0
      time: 2021-03-10T11:21:49.4Z
      traceparent: 00-161ff3815727d8755848ec01c866d1cd-7ff3916c44334678-00

4.6. Functions commands

4.6.1. Creating functions

Before you can build and deploy a function, you must create it by using the Knative (kn) CLI. You can specify the path, runtime, template, and image registry as flags on the command line, or use the -c flag to start the interactive experience in the terminal.


OpenShift Serverless Functions is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.


  • Create a function project:

    $ kn func create -r <repository> -l <runtime> -t <template> <path>
    • Accepted runtime values include quarkus, node, typescript, go, python, springboot, and rust.
    • Accepted template values include http and cloudevents.

      Example command

      $ kn func create -l typescript -t cloudevents examplefunc

      Example output

      Created typescript function in /home/user/demo/examplefunc

    • Alternatively, you can specify a repository that contains a custom template.

      Example command

      $ kn func create -r -l node -t hello-world examplefunc

      Example output

      Created node function in /home/user/demo/examplefunc

4.6.2. Running a function locally

You can use the kn func run command to run a function locally in the current directory or in the directory specified by the --path flag. If the function that you are running has never previously been built, or if the project files have been modified since the last time it was built, the kn func run command builds the function before running it by default.

Example command to run a function in the current directory

$ kn func run

Example command to run a function in a directory specified as a path

$ kn func run --path=<directory_path>

You can also force a rebuild of an existing image before running the function, even if there have been no changes to the project files, by using the --build flag:

Example run command using the build flag

$ kn func run --build

If you set the build flag as false, this disables building of the image, and runs the function using the previously built image:

Example run command using the build flag

$ kn func run --build=false

You can use the help command to learn more about kn func run command options:

Build help command

$ kn func help run

4.6.3. Building functions

Before you can run a function, you must build the function project. If you are using the kn func run command, the function is built automatically. However, you can use the kn func build command to build a function without running it, which can be useful for advanced users or debugging scenarios.

The kn func build command creates an OCI container image that can be run locally on your computer or on an OpenShift Container Platform cluster. This command uses the function project name and the image registry name to construct a fully qualified image name for your function. Image container types

By default, kn func build creates a container image by using Red Hat Source-to-Image (S2I) technology.

Example build command using Red Hat Source-to-Image (S2I)

$ kn func build

You can use CNCF Cloud Native Buildpacks technology instead, by adding the --builder flag to the command and specifying the pack strategy:

Example build command using CNCF Cloud Native Buildpacks

$ kn func build --builder pack Image registry types

The OpenShift Container Registry is used by default as the image registry for storing function images.

Example build command using OpenShift Container Registry

$ kn func build

Example output

Building function image
Function image has been built, image:

You can override using OpenShift Container Registry as the default image registry by using the --registry flag:

Example build command overriding OpenShift Container Registry to use

$ kn func build --registry

Example output

Building function image
Function image has been built, image: Push flag

You can add the --push flag to a kn func build command to automatically push the function image after it is successfully built:

Example build command using OpenShift Container Registry

$ kn func build --push Help command

You can use the help command to learn more about kn func build command options:

Build help command

$ kn func help build

4.6.4. Deploying functions

You can deploy a function to your cluster as a Knative service by using the kn func deploy command. If the targeted function is already deployed, it is updated with a new container image that is pushed to a container image registry, and the Knative service is updated.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You must have already created and initialized the function that you want to deploy.


  • Deploy a function:

    $ kn func deploy [-n <namespace> -p <path> -i <image>]

    Example output

    Function deployed at:

    • If no namespace is specified, the function is deployed in the current namespace.
    • The function is deployed from the current directory, unless a path is specified.
    • The Knative service name is derived from the project name, and cannot be changed using this command.

4.6.5. Listing existing functions

You can list existing functions by using kn func list. If you want to list functions that have been deployed as Knative services, you can also use kn service list.


  • List existing functions:

    $ kn func list [-n <namespace> -p <path>]

    Example output

    NAME           NAMESPACE  RUNTIME  URL                                                                                      READY
    example-function  default    node  True

  • List functions deployed as Knative services:

    $ kn service list -n <namespace>

    Example output

    NAME            URL                                                                                       LATEST                AGE   CONDITIONS   READY   REASON
    example-function   example-function-gzl4c   16m   3 OK / 3     True

4.6.6. Describing a function

The kn func info command prints information about a deployed function, such as the function name, image, namespace, Knative service information, route information, and event subscriptions.


  • Describe a function:

    $ kn func info [-f <format> -n <namespace> -p <path>]

    Example command

    $ kn func info -p function/example-function

    Example output

    Function name:
    Function is built in image:
    Function is deployed as Knative Service:
    Function is deployed in namespace:

4.6.7. Invoking a deployed function with a test event

You can use the kn func invoke CLI command to send a test request to invoke a function either locally or on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster. You can use this command to test that a function is working and able to receive events correctly. Invoking a function locally is useful for a quick test during function development. Invoking a function on the cluster is useful for testing that is closer to the production environment.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You must have already deployed the function that you want to invoke.


  • Invoke a function:

    $ kn func invoke
    • The kn func invoke command only works when there is either a local container image currently running, or when there is a function deployed in the cluster.
    • The kn func invoke command executes on the local directory by default, and assumes that this directory is a function project. kn func invoke optional parameters

You can specify optional parameters for the request by using the following kn func invoke CLI command flags.


-t, --target

Specifies the target instance of the invoked function, for example, local or remote or The default target is local.

-f, --format

Specifies the format of the message, for example, cloudevent or http.


Specifies a unique string identifier for the request.

-n, --namespace

Specifies the namespace on the cluster.


Specifies sender name for the request. This corresponds to the CloudEvent source attribute.


Specifies the type of request, for example, boson.fn. This corresponds to the CloudEvent type attribute.


Specifies content for the request. For CloudEvent requests, this is the CloudEvent data attribute.


Specifies path to a local file containing data to be sent.


Specifies the MIME content type for the request.

-p, --path

Specifies path to the project directory.

-c, --confirm

Enables prompting to interactively confirm all options.

-v, --verbose

Enables printing verbose output.

-h, --help

Prints information on usage of kn func invoke. Main parameters

The following parameters define the main properties of the kn func invoke command:

Event target (-t, --target)
The target instance of the invoked function. Accepts the local value for a locally deployed function, the remote value for a remotely deployed function, or a URL for a function deployed to an arbitrary endpoint. If a target is not specified, it defaults to local.
Event message format (-f, --format)
The message format for the event, such as http or cloudevent. This defaults to the format of the template that was used when creating the function.
Event type (--type)
The type of event that is sent. You can find information about the type parameter that is set in the documentation for each event producer. For example, the API server source might set the type parameter of produced events as dev.knative.apiserver.resource.update.
Event source (--source)
The unique event source that produced the event. This might be a URI for the event source, for example, or the name of the event source.
Event ID (--id)
A random, unique ID that is created by the event producer.
Event data (--data)

Allows you to specify a data value for the event sent by the kn func invoke command. For example, you can specify a --data value such as "Hello World" so that the event contains this data string. By default, no data is included in the events created by kn func invoke.


Functions that have been deployed to a cluster can respond to events from an existing event source that provides values for properties such as source and type. These events often have a data value in JSON format, which captures the domain specific context of the event. By using the CLI flags noted in this document, developers can simulate those events for local testing.

You can also send event data using the --file flag to provide a local file containing data for the event. In this case, specify the content type using --content-type.

Data content type (--content-type)
If you are using the --data flag to add data for events, you can use the --content-type flag to specify what type of data is carried by the event. In the previous example, the data is plain text, so you might specify kn func invoke --data "Hello world!" --content-type "text/plain". Example commands

This is the general invocation of the kn func invoke command:

$ kn func invoke --type <event_type> --source <event_source> --data <event_data> --content-type <content_type> --id <event_ID> --format <format> --namespace <namespace>

For example, to send a "Hello world!" event, you can run:

$ kn func invoke --type ping --source example-ping --data "Hello world!" --content-type "text/plain" --id example-ID --format http --namespace my-ns Specifying the file with data

To specify the file on disk that contains the event data, use the --file and --content-type flags:

$ kn func invoke --file <path> --content-type <content-type>

For example, to send JSON data stored in the test.json file, use this command:

$ kn func invoke --file ./test.json --content-type application/json Specifying the function project

You can specify a path to the function project by using the --path flag:

$ kn func invoke --path <path_to_function>

For example, to use the function project located in the ./example/example-function directory, use this command:

$ kn func invoke --path ./example/example-function Specifying where the target function is deployed

By default, kn func invoke targets the local deployment of the function:

$ kn func invoke

To use a different deployment, use the --target flag:

$ kn func invoke --target <target>

For example, to use the function deployed on the cluster, use the --target remote flag:

$ kn func invoke --target remote

To use the function deployed at an arbitrary URL, use the --target <URL> flag:

$ kn func invoke --target ""

You can explicitly target the local deployment. In this case, if the function is not running locally, the command fails:

$ kn func invoke --target local

4.6.8. Deleting a function

You can delete a function by using the kn func delete command. This is useful when a function is no longer required, and can help to save resources on your cluster.


  • Delete a function:

    $ kn func delete [<function_name> -n <namespace> -p <path>]
    • If the name or path of the function to delete is not specified, the current directory is searched for a func.yaml file that is used to determine the function to delete.
    • If the namespace is not specified, it defaults to the namespace value in the func.yaml file.

Chapter 5. Develop

5.1. Serverless applications

Serverless applications are created and deployed as Kubernetes services, defined by a route and a configuration, and contained in a YAML file. To deploy a serverless application using OpenShift Serverless, you must create a Knative Service object.

Example Knative Service object YAML file

kind: Service
  name: hello 1
  namespace: default 2
        - image: 3
            - name: RESPONSE 4
              value: "Hello Serverless!"

The name of the application.
The namespace the application uses.
The image of the application.
The environment variable printed out by the sample application.

You can create a serverless application by using one of the following methods:

  • Create a Knative service from the OpenShift Container Platform web console. See the documentation about Creating applications using the Developer perspective.
  • Create a Knative service by using the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • Create and apply a Knative Service object as a YAML file, by using the oc CLI.

5.1.1. Creating serverless applications by using the Knative CLI

Using the Knative (kn) CLI to create serverless applications provides a more streamlined and intuitive user interface over modifying YAML files directly. You can use the kn service create command to create a basic serverless application.


  • OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on your cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  • Create a Knative service:

    $ kn service create <service_name> --image <image> --tag <tag-value>


    • --image is the URI of the image for the application.
    • --tag is an optional flag that can be used to add a tag to the initial revision that is created with the service.

      Example command

      $ kn service create event-display \

      Example output

      Creating service 'event-display' in namespace 'default':
        0.271s The Route is still working to reflect the latest desired specification.
        0.580s Configuration "event-display" is waiting for a Revision to become ready.
        3.857s ...
        3.861s Ingress has not yet been reconciled.
        4.270s Ready to serve.
      Service 'event-display' created with latest revision 'event-display-bxshg-1' and URL:

5.1.2. Creating a service using offline mode

You can execute kn service commands in offline mode, so that no changes happen on the cluster, and instead the service descriptor file is created on your local machine. After the descriptor file is created, you can modify the file before propagating changes to the cluster.


The offline mode of the Knative CLI is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see


  • OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on your cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.


  1. In offline mode, create a local Knative service descriptor file:

    $ kn service create event-display \
        --image \
        --target ./ \
        --namespace test

    Example output

    Service 'event-display' created in namespace 'test'.

    • The --target ./ flag enables offline mode and specifies ./ as the directory for storing the new directory tree.

      If you do not specify an existing directory, but use a filename, such as --target my-service.yaml, then no directory tree is created. Instead, only the service descriptor file my-service.yaml is created in the current directory.

      The filename can have the .yaml, .yml, or .json extension. Choosing .json creates the service descriptor file in the JSON format.

    • The --namespace test option places the new service in the test namespace.

      If you do not use --namespace, and you are logged in to an OpenShift cluster, the descriptor file is created in the current namespace. Otherwise, the descriptor file is created in the default namespace.

  2. Examine the created directory structure:

    $ tree ./

    Example output

    └── test
        └── ksvc
            └── event-display.yaml
    2 directories, 1 file

    • The current ./ directory specified with --target contains the new test/ directory that is named after the specified namespace.
    • The test/ directory contains the ksvc directory, named after the resource type.
    • The ksvc directory contains the descriptor file event-display.yaml, named according to the specified service name.
  3. Examine the generated service descriptor file:

    $ cat test/ksvc/event-display.yaml

    Example output

    kind: Service
      creationTimestamp: null
      name: event-display
      namespace: test
          creationTimestamp: null
          - image:
            name: ""
            resources: {}
    status: {}

  4. List information about the new service:

    $ kn service describe event-display --target ./ --namespace test

    Example output

    Name:       event-display
    Namespace:  test

    • The --target ./ option specifies the root directory for the directory structure containing namespace subdirectories.

      Alternatively, you can directly specify a YAML or JSON filename with the --target option. The accepted file extensions are .yaml, .yml, and .json.

    • The --namespace option specifies the namespace, which communicates to kn the subdirectory that contains the necessary service descriptor file.

      If you do not use --namespace, and you are logged in to an OpenShift cluster, kn searches for the service in the subdirectory that is named after the current namespace. Otherwise, kn searches in the default/ subdirectory.

  5. Use the service descriptor file to create the service on the cluster:

    $ kn service create -f test/ksvc/event-display.yaml

    Example output

    Creating service 'event-display' in namespace 'test':
      0.058s The Route is still working to reflect the latest desired specification.
      0.098s ...
      0.168s Configuration "event-display" is waiting for a Revision to become ready.
     23.377s ...
     23.419s Ingress has not yet been reconciled.
     23.534s Waiting for load balancer to be ready
     23.723s Ready to serve.
    Service 'event-display' created to latest revision 'event-display-00001' is available at URL:

5.1.3. Creating serverless applications using YAML

Creating Knative resources by using YAML files uses a declarative API, which enables you to describe applications declaratively and in a reproducible manner. To create a serverless application by using YAML, you must create a YAML file that defines a Knative Service object, then apply it by using oc apply.

After the service is created and the application is deployed, Knative creates an immutable revision for this version of the application. Knative also performs network programming to create a route, ingress, service, and load balancer for your application and automatically scales your pods up and down based on traffic.


  • OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on your cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Create a YAML file containing the following sample code:

    kind: Service
      name: event-delivery
      namespace: default
            - image:
                - name: RESPONSE
                  value: "Hello Serverless!"
  2. Navigate to the directory where the YAML file is contained, and deploy the application by applying the YAML file:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>

5.1.4. Verifying your serverless application deployment

To verify that your serverless application has been deployed successfully, you must get the application URL created by Knative, and then send a request to that URL and observe the output. OpenShift Serverless supports the use of both HTTP and HTTPS URLs, however the output from oc get ksvc always prints URLs using the http:// format.


  • OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on your cluster.
  • You have installed the oc CLI.
  • You have created a Knative service.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Find the application URL:

    $ oc get ksvc <service_name>

    Example command

    $ oc get ksvc event-delivery

    Example output

    NAME            URL                                        LATESTCREATED         LATESTREADY           READY   REASON
    event-delivery   event-delivery-4wsd2   event-delivery-4wsd2   True

  2. Make a request to your cluster and observe the output.

    Example HTTP request

    $ curl

    Example HTTPS request

    $ curl

    Example output

    Hello Serverless!

  3. Optional. If you receive an error relating to a self-signed certificate in the certificate chain, you can add the --insecure flag to the curl command to ignore the error:

    $ curl --insecure

    Example output

    Hello Serverless!


    Self-signed certificates must not be used in a production deployment. This method is only for testing purposes.

  4. Optional. If your OpenShift Container Platform cluster is configured with a certificate that is signed by a certificate authority (CA) but not yet globally configured for your system, you can specify this with the curl command. The path to the certificate can be passed to the curl command by using the --cacert flag:

    $ curl --cacert <file>

    Example output

    Hello Serverless!

5.1.5. Interacting with a serverless application using HTTP2 and gRPC

OpenShift Serverless supports only insecure or edge-terminated routes. Insecure or edge-terminated routes do not support HTTP2 on OpenShift Container Platform. These routes also do not support gRPC because gRPC is transported by HTTP2. If you use these protocols in your application, you must call the application using the ingress gateway directly. To do this you must find the ingress gateway’s public address and the application’s specific host.


This method needs to expose Kourier Gateway using the LoadBalancer service type. You can configure this by adding the following YAML to your KnativeServing custom resource definition (CRD):

      service-type: LoadBalancer


  • OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on your cluster.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have created a Knative service.


  1. Find the application host. See the instructions in Verifying your serverless application deployment.
  2. Find the ingress gateway’s public address:

    $ oc -n knative-serving-ingress get svc kourier

    Example output

    NAME                   TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP                                                             PORT(S)                                                                                                                                      AGE
    kourier   LoadBalancer   80:31380/TCP,443:31390/TCP   67m

    The public address is surfaced in the EXTERNAL-IP field, and in this case is

  3. Manually set the host header of your HTTP request to the application’s host, but direct the request itself against the public address of the ingress gateway.

    $ curl -H "Host:"

    Example output

    Hello Serverless!

    You can also make a gRPC request by setting the authority to the application’s host, while directing the request against the ingress gateway directly:


    Ensure that you append the respective port, 80 by default, to both hosts as shown in the previous example.

5.1.6. Enabling communication with Knative applications on a cluster with restrictive network policies

If you are using a cluster that multiple users have access to, your cluster might use network policies to control which pods, services, and namespaces can communicate with each other over the network. If your cluster uses restrictive network policies, it is possible that Knative system pods are not able to access your Knative application. For example, if your namespace has the following network policy, which denies all requests, Knative system pods cannot access your Knative application:

Example NetworkPolicy object that denies all requests to the namespace

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: deny-by-default
  namespace: example-namespace
  ingress: []

To allow access to your applications from Knative system pods, you must add a label to each of the Knative system namespaces, and then create a NetworkPolicy object in your application namespace that allows access to the namespace for other namespaces that have this label.


A network policy that denies requests to non-Knative services on your cluster still prevents access to these services. However, by allowing access from Knative system namespaces to your Knative application, you are allowing access to your Knative application from all namespaces in the cluster.

If you do not want to allow access to your Knative application from all namespaces on the cluster, you might want to use JSON Web Token authentication for Knative services instead. JSON Web Token authentication for Knative services requires Service Mesh.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on your cluster.


  1. Add the label to each Knative system namespace that requires access to your application:

    1. Label the knative-serving namespace:

      $ oc label namespace knative-serving
    2. Label the knative-serving-ingress namespace:

      $ oc label namespace knative-serving-ingress
    3. Label the knative-eventing namespace:

      $ oc label namespace knative-eventing
    4. Label the knative-kafka namespace:

      $ oc label namespace knative-kafka
  2. Create a NetworkPolicy object in your application namespace to allow access from namespaces with the label:

    Example NetworkPolicy object

    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: <network_policy_name> 1
      namespace: <namespace> 2
      - from:
        - namespaceSelector:
      podSelector: {}
      - Ingress

    Provide a name for your network policy.
    The namespace where your application exists.

5.1.7. Configuring init containers

Init containers are specialized containers that are run before application containers in a pod. They are generally used to implement initialization logic for an application, which may include running setup scripts or downloading required configurations.


Init containers may cause longer application start-up times and should be used with caution for serverless applications, which are expected to scale up and down frequently.

Multiple init containers are supported in a single Knative service spec. Knative provides a default, configurable naming template if a template name is not provided. The init containers template can be set by adding an appropriate value in a Knative Service object spec.


  • OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on your cluster.
  • Before you can use init containers for Knative services, an administrator must add the kubernetes.podspec-init-containers flag to the KnativeServing custom resource (CR). See the OpenShift Serverless "Global configuration" documentation for more information.


  • Add the initContainers spec to a Knative Service object:

    Example service spec

    kind: Service
            - imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent 1
              image: <image_uri> 2
              volumeMounts: 3
                - name: data
                  mountPath: /data

    The image pull policy when the image is downloaded.
    The URI for the init container image.
    The location where volumes are mounted within the container file system.

5.1.8. HTTPS redirection per service

You can enable or disable HTTPS redirection for a service by configuring the annotation. The following example shows how you can use this annotation in a Knative Service YAML object:

kind: Service
  name: example
  namespace: default
  annotations: "redirected"

5.1.9. Additional resources

5.2. Autoscaling

Knative Serving provides automatic scaling, or autoscaling, for applications to match incoming demand. For example, if an application is receiving no traffic, and scale-to-zero is enabled, Knative Serving scales the application down to zero replicas. If scale-to-zero is disabled, the application is scaled down to the minimum number of replicas configured for applications on the cluster. Replicas can also be scaled up to meet demand if traffic to the application increases.

Autoscaling settings for Knative services can be global settings that are configured by cluster administrators, or per-revision settings that are configured for individual services. You can modify per-revision settings for your services by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console, by modifying the YAML file for your service, or by using the Knative (kn) CLI.


Any limits or targets that you set for a service are measured against a single instance of your application. For example, setting the target annotation to 50 configures the autoscaler to scale the application so that each revision handles 50 requests at a time.

5.2.1. Scale bounds

Scale bounds determine the minimum and maximum numbers of replicas that can serve an application at any given time. You can set scale bounds for an application to help prevent cold starts or control computing costs. Minimum scale bounds

The minimum number of replicas that can serve an application is determined by the min-scale annotation. If scale to zero is not enabled, the min-scale value defaults to 1.

The min-scale value defaults to 0 replicas if the following conditions are met:

  • The min-scale annotation is not set
  • Scaling to zero is enabled
  • The class KPA is used

Example service spec with min-scale annotation

kind: Service
  name: example-service
  namespace: default
      annotations: "0"
... Setting the min-scale annotation by using the Knative CLI

Using the Knative (kn) CLI to set the min-scale annotation provides a more streamlined and intuitive user interface over modifying YAML files directly. You can use the kn service command with the --scale-min flag to create or modify the min-scale value for a service.


  • Knative Serving is installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.


  • Set the minimum number of replicas for the service by using the --scale-min flag:

    $ kn service create <service_name> --image <image_uri> --scale-min <integer>

    Example command

    $ kn service create example-service --image --scale-min 2 Maximum scale bounds

The maximum number of replicas that can serve an application is determined by the max-scale annotation. If the max-scale annotation is not set, there is no upper limit for the number of replicas created.

Example service spec with max-scale annotation

kind: Service
  name: example-service
  namespace: default
      annotations: "10"
... Setting the max-scale annotation by using the Knative CLI

Using the Knative (kn) CLI to set the max-scale annotation provides a more streamlined and intuitive user interface over modifying YAML files directly. You can use the kn service command with the --scale-max flag to create or modify the max-scale value for a service.


  • Knative Serving is installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.


  • Set the maximum number of replicas for the service by using the --scale-max flag:

    $ kn service create <service_name> --image <image_uri> --scale-max <integer>

    Example command

    $ kn service create example-service --image --scale-max 10

5.2.2. Concurrency

Concurrency determines the number of simultaneous requests that can be processed by each replica of an application at any given time. Concurrency can be configured as a soft limit or a hard limit:

  • A soft limit is a targeted requests limit, rather than a strictly enforced bound. For example, if there is a sudden burst of traffic, the soft limit target can be exceeded.
  • A hard limit is a strictly enforced upper bound requests limit. If concurrency reaches the hard limit, surplus requests are buffered and must wait until there is enough free capacity to execute the requests.


    Using a hard limit configuration is only recommended if there is a clear use case for it with your application. Having a low, hard limit specified may have a negative impact on the throughput and latency of an application, and might cause cold starts.

Adding a soft target and a hard limit means that the autoscaler targets the soft target number of concurrent requests, but imposes a hard limit of the hard limit value for the maximum number of requests.

If the hard limit value is less than the soft limit value, the soft limit value is tuned down, because there is no need to target more requests than the number that can actually be handled. Configuring a soft concurrency target

A soft limit is a targeted requests limit, rather than a strictly enforced bound. For example, if there is a sudden burst of traffic, the soft limit target can be exceeded. You can specify a soft concurrency target for your Knative service by setting the annotation in the spec, or by using the kn service command with the correct flags.


  • Optional: Set the annotation for your Knative service in the spec of the Service custom resource:

    Example service spec

    kind: Service
      name: example-service
      namespace: default

  • Optional: Use the kn service command to specify the --concurrency-target flag:

    $ kn service create <service_name> --image <image_uri> --concurrency-target <integer>

    Example command to create a service with a concurrency target of 50 requests

    $ kn service create example-service --image --concurrency-target 50 Configuring a hard concurrency limit

A hard concurrency limit is a strictly enforced upper bound requests limit. If concurrency reaches the hard limit, surplus requests are buffered and must wait until there is enough free capacity to execute the requests. You can specify a hard concurrency limit for your Knative service by modifying the containerConcurrency spec, or by using the kn service command with the correct flags.


  • Optional: Set the containerConcurrency spec for your Knative service in the spec of the Service custom resource:

    Example service spec

    kind: Service
      name: example-service
      namespace: default
          containerConcurrency: 50

    The default value is 0, which means that there is no limit on the number of simultaneous requests that are permitted to flow into one replica of the service at a time.

    A value greater than 0 specifies the exact number of requests that are permitted to flow into one replica of the service at a time. This example would enable a hard concurrency limit of 50 requests.

  • Optional: Use the kn service command to specify the --concurrency-limit flag:

    $ kn service create <service_name> --image <image_uri> --concurrency-limit <integer>

    Example command to create a service with a concurrency limit of 50 requests

    $ kn service create example-service --image --concurrency-limit 50 Concurrency target utilization

This value specifies the percentage of the concurrency limit that is actually targeted by the autoscaler. This is also known as specifying the hotness at which a replica runs, which enables the autoscaler to scale up before the defined hard limit is reached.

For example, if the containerConcurrency value is set to 10, and the target-utilization-percentage value is set to 70 percent, the autoscaler creates a new replica when the average number of concurrent requests across all existing replicas reaches 7. Requests numbered 7 to 10 are still sent to the existing replicas, but additional replicas are started in anticipation of being required after the containerConcurrency value is reached.

Example service configured using the target-utilization-percentage annotation

kind: Service
  name: example-service
  namespace: default
      annotations: "70"

5.3. Traffic management

In a Knative application, traffic can be managed by creating a traffic split. A traffic split is configured as part of a route, which is managed by a Knative service.

Traffic management for a Knative application

Configuring a route allows requests to be sent to different revisions of a service. This routing is determined by the traffic spec of the Service object.

A traffic spec declaration consists of one or more revisions, each responsible for handling a portion of the overall traffic. The percentages of traffic routed to each revision must add up to 100%, which is ensured by a Knative validation.

The revisions specified in a traffic spec can either be a fixed, named revision, or can point to the “latest” revision, which tracks the head of the list of all revisions for the service. The "latest" revision is a type of floating reference that updates if a new revision is created. Each revision can have a tag attached that creates an additional access URL for that revision.

The traffic spec can be modified by:

  • Editing the YAML of a Service object directly.
  • Using the Knative (kn) CLI --traffic flag.
  • Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

When you create a Knative service, it does not have any default traffic spec settings.

5.3.1. Traffic spec examples

The following example shows a traffic spec where 100% of traffic is routed to the latest revision of the service. Under status, you can see the name of the latest revision that latestRevision resolves to:

kind: Service
  name: example-service
  namespace: default
  - latestRevision: true
    percent: 100
  - percent: 100
    revisionName: example-service

The following example shows a traffic spec where 100% of traffic is routed to the revision tagged as current, and the name of that revision is specified as example-service. The revision tagged as latest is kept available, even though no traffic is routed to it:

kind: Service
  name: example-service
  namespace: default
  - tag: current
    revisionName: example-service
    percent: 100
  - tag: latest
    latestRevision: true
    percent: 0

The following example shows how the list of revisions in the traffic spec can be extended so that traffic is split between multiple revisions. This example sends 50% of traffic to the revision tagged as current, and 50% of traffic to the revision tagged as candidate. The revision tagged as latest is kept available, even though no traffic is routed to it:

kind: Service
  name: example-service
  namespace: default
  - tag: current
    revisionName: example-service-1
    percent: 50
  - tag: candidate
    revisionName: example-service-2
    percent: 50
  - tag: latest
    latestRevision: true
    percent: 0

5.3.2. Knative CLI traffic management flags

The Knative (kn) CLI supports traffic operations on the traffic block of a service as part of the kn service update command.

The following table displays a summary of traffic splitting flags, value formats, and the operation the flag performs. The Repetition column denotes whether repeating the particular value of flag is allowed in a kn service update command.




Gives Percent traffic to RevisionName




Gives Percent traffic to the revision having Tag




Gives Percent traffic to the latest ready revision




Gives Tag to RevisionName




Gives Tag to the latest ready revision




Removes Tag from revision

Yes Multiple flags and order precedence

All traffic-related flags can be specified using a single kn service update command. kn defines the precedence of these flags. The order of the flags specified when using the command is not taken into account.

The precedence of the flags as they are evaluated by kn are:

  1. --untag: All the referenced revisions with this flag are removed from the traffic block.
  2. --tag: Revisions are tagged as specified in the traffic block.
  3. --traffic: The referenced revisions are assigned a portion of the traffic split.

You can add tags to revisions and then split traffic according to the tags you have set. Custom URLs for revisions

Assigning a --tag flag to a service by using the kn service update command creates a custom URL for the revision that is created when you update the service. The custom URL follows the pattern https://<tag>-<service_name>-<namespace>.<domain> or http://<tag>-<service_name>-<namespace>.<domain>.

The --tag and --untag flags use the following syntax:

  • Require one value.
  • Denote a unique tag in the traffic block of the service.
  • Can be specified multiple times in one command. Example: Assign a tag to a revision

The following example assigns the tag latest to a revision named example-revision:

$ kn service update <service_name> --tag @latest=example-tag Example: Remove a tag from a revision

You can remove a tag to remove the custom URL, by using the --untag flag.


If a revision has its tags removed, and it is assigned 0% of the traffic, the revision is removed from the traffic block entirely.

The following command removes all tags from the revision named example-revision:

$ kn service update <service_name> --untag example-tag

5.3.3. Creating a traffic split by using the Knative CLI

Using the Knative (kn) CLI to create traffic splits provides a more streamlined and intuitive user interface over modifying YAML files directly. You can use the kn service update command to split traffic between revisions of a service.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on your cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a Knative service.


  • Specify the revision of your service and what percentage of traffic you want to route to it by using the --traffic tag with a standard kn service update command:

    Example command

    $ kn service update <service_name> --traffic <revision>=<percentage>


    • <service_name> is the name of the Knative service that you are configuring traffic routing for.
    • <revision> is the revision that you want to configure to receive a percentage of traffic. You can either specify the name of the revision, or a tag that you assigned to the revision by using the --tag flag.
    • <percentage> is the percentage of traffic that you want to send to the specified revision.
  • Optional: The --traffic flag can be specified multiple times in one command. For example, if you have a revision tagged as @latest and a revision named stable, you can specify the percentage of traffic that you want to split to each revision as follows:

    Example command

    $ kn service update example-service --traffic @latest=20,stable=80

    If you have multiple revisions and do not specify the percentage of traffic that should be split to the last revision, the --traffic flag can calculate this automatically. For example, if you have a third revision named example, and you use the following command:

    Example command

    $ kn service update example-service --traffic @latest=10,stable=60

    The remaining 30% of traffic is split to the example revision, even though it was not specified.

5.3.4. Managing traffic between revisions by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console

After you create a serverless application, the application is displayed in the Topology view of the Developer perspective in the OpenShift Container Platform web console. The application revision is represented by the node, and the Knative service is indicated by a quadrilateral around the node.

Any new change in the code or the service configuration creates a new revision, which is a snapshot of the code at a given time. For a service, you can manage the traffic between the revisions of the service by splitting and routing it to the different revisions as required.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on your cluster.
  • You have logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


To split traffic between multiple revisions of an application in the Topology view:

  1. Click the Knative service to see its overview in the side panel.
  2. Click the Resources tab, to see a list of Revisions and Routes for the service.

    Figure 5.1. Serverless application

    odc serverless app
  3. Click the service, indicated by the S icon at the top of the side panel, to see an overview of the service details.
  4. Click the YAML tab and modify the service configuration in the YAML editor, and click Save. For example, change the timeoutseconds from 300 to 301 . This change in the configuration triggers a new revision. In the Topology view, the latest revision is displayed and the Resources tab for the service now displays the two revisions.
  5. In the Resources tab, click Set Traffic Distribution to see the traffic distribution dialog box:

    1. Add the split traffic percentage portion for the two revisions in the Splits field.
    2. Add tags to create custom URLs for the two revisions.
    3. Click Save to see two nodes representing the two revisions in the Topology view.

      Figure 5.2. Serverless application revisions

      odc serverless revisions

5.3.5. Routing and managing traffic by using a blue-green deployment strategy

You can safely reroute traffic from a production version of an app to a new version, by using a blue-green deployment strategy.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on the cluster.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Create and deploy an app as a Knative service.
  2. Find the name of the first revision that was created when you deployed the service, by viewing the output from the following command:

    $ oc get ksvc <service_name> -o=jsonpath='{.status.latestCreatedRevisionName}'

    Example command

    $ oc get ksvc example-service -o=jsonpath='{.status.latestCreatedRevisionName}'

    Example output

    $ example-service-00001

  3. Add the following YAML to the service spec to send inbound traffic to the revision:

        - revisionName: <first_revision_name>
          percent: 100 # All traffic goes to this revision
  4. Verify that you can view your app at the URL output you get from running the following command:

    $ oc get ksvc <service_name>
  5. Deploy a second revision of your app by modifying at least one field in the template spec of the service and redeploying it. For example, you can modify the image of the service, or an env environment variable. You can redeploy the service by applying the service YAML file, or by using the kn service update command if you have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  6. Find the name of the second, latest revision that was created when you redeployed the service, by running the command:

    $ oc get ksvc <service_name> -o=jsonpath='{.status.latestCreatedRevisionName}'

    At this point, both the first and second revisions of the service are deployed and running.

  7. Update your existing service to create a new, test endpoint for the second revision, while still sending all other traffic to the first revision:

    Example of updated service spec with test endpoint

        - revisionName: <first_revision_name>
          percent: 100 # All traffic is still being routed to the first revision
        - revisionName: <second_revision_name>
          percent: 0 # No traffic is routed to the second revision
          tag: v2 # A named route

    After you redeploy this service by reapplying the YAML resource, the second revision of the app is now staged. No traffic is routed to the second revision at the main URL, and Knative creates a new service named v2 for testing the newly deployed revision.

  8. Get the URL of the new service for the second revision, by running the following command:

    $ oc get ksvc <service_name> --output jsonpath="{.status.traffic[*].url}"

    You can use this URL to validate that the new version of the app is behaving as expected before you route any traffic to it.

  9. Update your existing service again, so that 50% of traffic is sent to the first revision, and 50% is sent to the second revision:

    Example of updated service spec splitting traffic 50/50 between revisions

        - revisionName: <first_revision_name>
          percent: 50
        - revisionName: <second_revision_name>
          percent: 50
          tag: v2

  10. When you are ready to route all traffic to the new version of the app, update the service again to send 100% of traffic to the second revision:

    Example of updated service spec sending all traffic to the second revision

        - revisionName: <first_revision_name>
          percent: 0
        - revisionName: <second_revision_name>
          percent: 100
          tag: v2


    You can remove the first revision instead of setting it to 0% of traffic if you do not plan to roll back the revision. Non-routeable revision objects are then garbage-collected.

  11. Visit the URL of the first revision to verify that no more traffic is being sent to the old version of the app.

5.4. Routing

Knative leverages OpenShift Container Platform TLS termination to provide routing for Knative services. When a Knative service is created, a OpenShift Container Platform route is automatically created for the service. This route is managed by the OpenShift Serverless Operator. The OpenShift Container Platform route exposes the Knative service through the same domain as the OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

You can disable Operator control of OpenShift Container Platform routing so that you can configure a Knative route to directly use your TLS certificates instead.

Knative routes can also be used alongside the OpenShift Container Platform route to provide additional fine-grained routing capabilities, such as traffic splitting.

5.4.1. Customizing labels and annotations for OpenShift Container Platform routes

OpenShift Container Platform routes support the use of custom labels and annotations, which you can configure by modifying the metadata spec of a Knative service. Custom labels and annotations are propagated from the service to the Knative route, then to the Knative ingress, and finally to the OpenShift Container Platform route.


  • You must have the OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Create a Knative service that contains the label or annotation that you want to propagate to the OpenShift Container Platform route:

    • To create a service by using YAML:

      Example service created by using YAML

      kind: Service
        name: <service_name>
          <label_name>: <label_value>
          <annotation_name>: <annotation_value>

    • To create a service by using the Knative (kn) CLI, enter:

      Example service created by using a kn command

      $ kn service create <service_name> \
        --image=<image> \
        --annotation <annotation_name>=<annotation_value> \
        --label <label_value>=<label_value>

  2. Verify that the OpenShift Container Platform route has been created with the annotation or label that you added by inspecting the output from the following command:

    Example command for verification

    $ oc get \
         -l<service_name> \ 1
         -l<service_namespace> \ 2
         -n knative-serving-ingress -o yaml \
             | grep -e "<label_name>: \"<label_value>\""  -e "<annotation_name>: <annotation_value>" 3

    Use the name of your service.
    Use the namespace where your service was created.
    Use your values for the label and annotation names and values.

5.4.2. Configuring OpenShift Container Platform routes for Knative services

If you want to configure a Knative service to use your TLS certificate on OpenShift Container Platform, you must disable the automatic creation of a route for the service by the OpenShift Serverless Operator and instead manually create a route for the service.


When you complete the following procedure, the default OpenShift Container Platform route in the knative-serving-ingress namespace is not created. However, the Knative route for the application is still created in this namespace.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving component must be installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Create a Knative service that includes the annotation:


    The annotation instructs OpenShift Serverless to not automatically create a route for you. However, the service still shows a URL and reaches a status of Ready. This URL does not work externally until you create your own route with the same hostname as the hostname in the URL.

    1. Create a Knative Service resource:

      Example resource

      kind: Service
        name: <service_name>
            - image: <image>

    2. Apply the Service resource:

      $ oc apply -f <filename>
    3. Optional. Create a Knative service by using the kn service create command:

      Example kn command

      $ kn service create <service_name> \ \

  2. Verify that no OpenShift Container Platform route has been created for the service:

    Example command

    $ $ oc get \
      -l$KSERVICE_NAME \
      -n knative-serving-ingress

    You will see the following output:

    No resources found in knative-serving-ingress namespace.
  3. Create a Route resource in the knative-serving-ingress namespace:

    kind: Route
      annotations: 600s 1
      name: <route_name> 2
      namespace: knative-serving-ingress 3
      host: <service_host> 4
        targetPort: http2
        kind: Service
        name: kourier
        weight: 100
        insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy: Allow
        termination: edge 5
        key: |-
          -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
          -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
        certificate: |-
          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
          -----END CERTIFICATE-----
        caCertificate: |-
          -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
          -----END CERTIFICATE----
      wildcardPolicy: None
    The timeout value for the OpenShift Container Platform route. You must set the same value as the max-revision-timeout-seconds setting (600s by default).
    The name of the OpenShift Container Platform route.
    The namespace for the OpenShift Container Platform route. This must be knative-serving-ingress.
    The hostname for external access. You can set this to <service_name>-<service_namespace>.<domain>.
    The certificates you want to use. Currently, only edge termination is supported.
  4. Apply the Route resource:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>

5.4.3. Setting cluster availability to cluster local

By default, Knative services are published to a public IP address. Being published to a public IP address means that Knative services are public applications, and have a publicly accessible URL.

Publicly accessible URLs are accessible from outside of the cluster. However, developers may need to build back-end services that are only be accessible from inside the cluster, known as private services. Developers can label individual services in the cluster with the label to make them private.


For OpenShift Serverless 1.15.0 and newer versions, the label is no longer available. You must update existing services to use the label instead.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on the cluster.
  • You have created a Knative service.


  • Set the visibility for your service by adding the label:

    $ oc label ksvc <service_name>


  • Check that the URL for your service is now in the format http://<service_name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local, by entering the following command and reviewing the output:

    $ oc get ksvc

    Example output

    NAME            URL                                                                         LATESTCREATED     LATESTREADY       READY   REASON
    hello           http://hello.default.svc.cluster.local                                      hello-tx2g7       hello-tx2g7       True

5.4.4. Additional resources

5.5. Event sinks

When you create an event source, you can specify a sink where events are sent to from the source. A sink is an addressable or a callable resource that can receive incoming events from other resources. Knative services, channels and brokers are all examples of sinks.

Addressable objects receive and acknowledge an event delivered over HTTP to an address defined in their status.address.url field. As a special case, the core Kubernetes Service object also fulfills the addressable interface.

Callable objects are able to receive an event delivered over HTTP and transform the event, returning 0 or 1 new events in the HTTP response. These returned events may be further processed in the same way that events from an external event source are processed.

5.5.1. Knative CLI sink flag

When you create an event source by using the Knative (kn) CLI, you can specify a sink where events are sent to from that resource by using the --sink flag. The sink can be any addressable or callable resource that can receive incoming events from other resources.

The following example creates a sink binding that uses a service, http://event-display.svc.cluster.local, as the sink:

Example command using the sink flag

$ kn source binding create bind-heartbeat \
  --namespace sinkbinding-example \
  --subject "Job:batch/v1:app=heartbeat-cron" \
  --sink http://event-display.svc.cluster.local \ 1
  --ce-override "sink=bound"

svc in http://event-display.svc.cluster.local determines that the sink is a Knative service. Other default sink prefixes include channel, and broker.

You can configure which CRs can be used with the --sink flag for Knative (kn) CLI commands by Customizing kn.

5.5.2. Connect an event source to a sink using the Developer perspective

When you create an event source by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console, you can specify a sink where events are sent to from that resource. The sink can be any addressable or callable resource that can receive incoming events from other resources.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Serving, and Knative Eventing are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have logged in to the web console and are in the Developer perspective.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have created a sink, such as a Knative service, channel or broker.


  1. Create an event source of any type, by navigating to +AddEvent Sources and then selecting the event source type that you want to create.
  2. In the Sink section of the Create Event Source form view, select your sink in the Resource list.
  3. Click Create.


You can verify that the event source was created and is connected to the sink by viewing the Topology page. . In the Developer perspective, navigate to Topology.

  1. View the event source and click on the connected sink to see the sink details in the side panel.

5.5.3. Connecting a trigger to a sink

You can connect a trigger to a sink, so that events from a broker are filtered before they are sent to the sink. A sink that is connected to a trigger is configured as a subscriber in the Trigger object’s resource spec.

Example of a Trigger object connected to a Kafka sink

kind: Trigger
  name: <trigger_name> 1
      kind: KafkaSink
      name: <kafka_sink_name> 2

The name of the trigger being connected to the sink.
The name of a KafkaSink object.

5.6. Event delivery

You can configure event delivery parameters that are applied in cases where an event fails to be delivered to an event sink. Configuring event delivery parameters, including a dead letter sink, ensures that any events that fail to be delivered to an event sink are retried. Otherwise, undelivered events are dropped.

5.6.1. Event delivery behavior patterns for channels and brokers

Different channel and broker types have their own behavior patterns that are followed for event delivery. Knative Kafka channels and brokers

If an event is successfully delivered to a Kafka channel or broker receiver, the receiver responds with a 202 status code, which means that the event has been safely stored inside a Kafka topic and is not lost.

If the receiver responds with any other status code, the event is not safely stored, and steps must be taken by the user to resolve the issue.

5.6.2. Configurable event delivery parameters

The following parameters can be configured for event delivery:

Dead letter sink
You can configure the deadLetterSink delivery parameter so that if an event fails to be delivered, it is stored in the specified event sink. Undelivered events that are not stored in a dead letter sink are dropped. The dead letter sink be any addressable object that conforms to the Knative Eventing sink contract, such as a Knative service, a Kubernetes service, or a URI.
You can set a minimum number of times that the delivery must be retried before the event is sent to the dead letter sink, by configuring the retry delivery parameter with an integer value.
Back off delay
You can set the backoffDelay delivery parameter to specify the time delay before an event delivery retry is attempted after a failure. The duration of the backoffDelay parameter is specified using the ISO 8601 format. For example, PT1S specifies a 1 second delay.
Back off policy
The backoffPolicy delivery parameter can be used to specify the retry back off policy. The policy can be specified as either linear or exponential. When using the linear back off policy, the back off delay is equal to backoffDelay * <numberOfRetries>. When using the exponential backoff policy, the back off delay is equal to backoffDelay*2^<numberOfRetries>.

5.6.3. Examples of configuring event delivery parameters

You can configure event delivery parameters for Broker, Trigger, Channel, and Subscription objects. If you configure event delivery parameters for a broker or channel, these parameters are propagated to triggers or subscriptions created for those objects. You can also set event delivery parameters for triggers or subscriptions to override the settings for the broker or channel.

Example Broker object

kind: Broker
        kind: KafkaSink
        name: <sink_name>
    backoffDelay: <duration>
    backoffPolicy: <policy_type>
    retry: <integer>

Example Trigger object

kind: Trigger
  broker: <broker_name>
        kind: Service
        name: <sink_name>
    backoffDelay: <duration>
    backoffPolicy: <policy_type>
    retry: <integer>

Example Channel object

kind: Channel
        kind: Service
        name: <sink_name>
    backoffDelay: <duration>
    backoffPolicy: <policy_type>
    retry: <integer>

Example Subscription object

kind: Subscription
    kind: Channel
    name: <channel_name>
        kind: Service
        name: <sink_name>
    backoffDelay: <duration>
    backoffPolicy: <policy_type>
    retry: <integer>

5.6.4. Configuring event delivery ordering for triggers

If you are using a Kafka broker, you can configure the delivery order of events from triggers to event sinks.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Eventing, and Knative Kafka are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • Kafka broker is enabled for use on your cluster, and you have created a Kafka broker.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have installed the OpenShift (oc) CLI.


  1. Create or modify a Trigger object and set the annotation:

    kind: Trigger
      name: <trigger_name>
      annotations: ordered

    The supported consumer delivery guarantees are:

    An unordered consumer is a non-blocking consumer that delivers messages unordered, while preserving proper offset management.

    An ordered consumer is a per-partition blocking consumer that waits for a successful response from the CloudEvent subscriber before it delivers the next message of the partition.

    The default ordering guarantee is unordered.

  2. Apply the Trigger object:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>

5.7. Listing event sources and event source types

It is possible to view a list of all event sources or event source types that exist or are available for use on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster. You can use the Knative (kn) CLI or the Developer perspective in the OpenShift Container Platform web console to list available event sources or event source types.

5.7.1. Listing available event source types by using the Knative CLI

Using the Knative (kn) CLI provides a streamlined and intuitive user interface to view available event source types on your cluster. You can list event source types that can be created and used on your cluster by using the kn source list-types CLI command.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.


  1. List the available event source types in the terminal:

    $ kn source list-types

    Example output

    TYPE              NAME                                            DESCRIPTION
    ApiServerSource            Watch and send Kubernetes API events to a sink
    PingSource                 Periodically send ping events to a sink
    SinkBinding                Binding for connecting a PodSpecable to a sink

  2. Optional: You can also list the available event source types in YAML format:

    $ kn source list-types -o yaml

5.7.2. Viewing available event source types within the Developer perspective

It is possible to view a list of all available event source types on your cluster. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console provides a streamlined and intuitive user interface to view available event source types.


  • You have logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. Access the Developer perspective.
  2. Click +Add.
  3. Click Event source.
  4. View the available event source types.

5.7.3. Listing available event sources by using the Knative CLI

Using the Knative (kn) CLI provides a streamlined and intuitive user interface to view existing event sources on your cluster. You can list existing event sources by using the kn source list command.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.


  1. List the existing event sources in the terminal:

    $ kn source list

    Example output

    NAME   TYPE              RESOURCE                               SINK         READY
    a1     ApiServerSource   ksvc:eshow2   True
    b1     SinkBinding       ksvc:eshow3   False
    p1     PingSource        ksvc:eshow1   True

  2. Optional: You can list event sources of a specific type only, by using the --type flag:

    $ kn source list --type <event_source_type>

    Example command

    $ kn source list --type PingSource

    Example output

    NAME   TYPE              RESOURCE                               SINK         READY
    p1     PingSource        ksvc:eshow1   True

5.8. Creating an API server source

The API server source is an event source that can be used to connect an event sink, such as a Knative service, to the Kubernetes API server. The API server source watches for Kubernetes events and forwards them to the Knative Eventing broker.

5.8.1. Creating an API server source by using the web console

After Knative Eventing is installed on your cluster, you can create an API server source by using the web console. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console provides a streamlined and intuitive user interface to create an event source.


  • You have logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on the cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Navigate to the Add page and select Event Source.
  2. In the Event Sources page, select ApiServerSource in the Type section.
  3. Configure the ApiServerSource settings:

    1. Enter v1 as the APIVERSION, and Event as the KIND.
    2. Select the Service Account Name for the service account that you created.
    3. Select the Sink for the event source. A Sink can be either a Resource, such as a channel, broker, or service, or a URI.
  4. Click Create.


  • After you have created the API server source, you will see it connected to the service it is sinked to in the Topology view.

    ApiServerSource Topology view

If a URI sink is used, modify the URI by right-clicking on URI sinkEdit URI.

Deleting the API server source

  1. Navigate to the Topology view.
  2. Right-click the API server source and select Delete ApiServerSource.

    Delete the ApiServerSource

5.8.2. Creating an API server source by using the Knative CLI

You can use the kn source apiserver create command to create an API server source by using the kn CLI. Using the kn CLI to create an API server source provides a more streamlined and intuitive user interface than modifying YAML files directly.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on the cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.

If you want to re-use an existing service account, you can modify your existing ServiceAccount resource to include the required permissions instead of creating a new resource.

  1. Create a service account, role, and role binding for the event source as a YAML file:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: events-sa
      namespace: default 1
    kind: Role
      name: event-watcher
      namespace: default 2
      - apiGroups:
          - ""
          - events
          - get
          - list
          - watch
    kind: RoleBinding
      name: k8s-ra-event-watcher
      namespace: default 3
      kind: Role
      name: event-watcher
      - kind: ServiceAccount
        name: events-sa
        namespace: default 4
    1 2 3 4
    Change this namespace to the namespace that you have selected for installing the event source.
  2. Apply the YAML file:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>
  3. Create an API server source that has an event sink. In the following example, the sink is a broker:

    $ kn source apiserver create <event_source_name> --sink broker:<broker_name> --resource "event:v1" --service-account <service_account_name> --mode Resource
  4. To check that the API server source is set up correctly, create a Knative service that dumps incoming messages to its log:

    $ kn service create <service_name> --image
  5. If you used a broker as an event sink, create a trigger to filter events from the default broker to the service:

    $ kn trigger create <trigger_name> --sink ksvc:<service_name>
  6. Create events by launching a pod in the default namespace:

    $ oc create deployment hello-node --image
  7. Check that the controller is mapped correctly by inspecting the output generated by the following command:

    $ kn source apiserver describe <source_name>

    Example output

    Name:                mysource
    Namespace:           default
    Age:                 3m
    ServiceAccountName:  events-sa
    Mode:                Resource
      Name:       default
      Namespace:  default
      Kind:       Broker (
      Kind:        event (v1)
      Controller:  false
      OK TYPE                     AGE REASON
      ++ Ready                     3m
      ++ Deployed                  3m
      ++ SinkProvided              3m
      ++ SufficientPermissions     3m
      ++ EventTypesProvided        3m


You can verify that the Kubernetes events were sent to Knative by looking at the message dumper function logs.

  1. Get the pods:

    $ oc get pods
  2. View the message dumper function logs for the pods:

    $ oc logs $(oc get pod -o name | grep event-display) -c user-container

    Example output

    ☁️  cloudevents.Event
    Validation: valid
    Context Attributes,
      specversion: 1.0
      type: dev.knative.apiserver.resource.update
      datacontenttype: application/json
        "apiVersion": "v1",
        "involvedObject": {
          "apiVersion": "v1",
          "fieldPath": "spec.containers{hello-node}",
          "kind": "Pod",
          "name": "hello-node",
          "namespace": "default",
        "kind": "Event",
        "message": "Started container",
        "metadata": {
          "name": "hello-node.159d7608e3a3572c",
          "namespace": "default",
        "reason": "Started",

Deleting the API server source

  1. Delete the trigger:

    $ kn trigger delete <trigger_name>
  2. Delete the event source:

    $ kn source apiserver delete <source_name>
  3. Delete the service account, cluster role, and cluster binding:

    $ oc delete -f authentication.yaml Knative CLI sink flag

When you create an event source by using the Knative (kn) CLI, you can specify a sink where events are sent to from that resource by using the --sink flag. The sink can be any addressable or callable resource that can receive incoming events from other resources.

The following example creates a sink binding that uses a service, http://event-display.svc.cluster.local, as the sink:

Example command using the sink flag

$ kn source binding create bind-heartbeat \
  --namespace sinkbinding-example \
  --subject "Job:batch/v1:app=heartbeat-cron" \
  --sink http://event-display.svc.cluster.local \ 1
  --ce-override "sink=bound"

svc in http://event-display.svc.cluster.local determines that the sink is a Knative service. Other default sink prefixes include channel, and broker.

5.8.3. Creating an API server source by using YAML files

Creating Knative resources by using YAML files uses a declarative API, which enables you to describe event sources declaratively and in a reproducible manner. To create an API server source by using YAML, you must create a YAML file that defines an ApiServerSource object, then apply it by using the oc apply command.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on the cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have created the default broker in the same namespace as the one defined in the API server source YAML file.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).

If you want to re-use an existing service account, you can modify your existing ServiceAccount resource to include the required permissions instead of creating a new resource.

  1. Create a service account, role, and role binding for the event source as a YAML file:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
      name: events-sa
      namespace: default 1
    kind: Role
      name: event-watcher
      namespace: default 2
      - apiGroups:
          - ""
          - events
          - get
          - list
          - watch
    kind: RoleBinding
      name: k8s-ra-event-watcher
      namespace: default 3
      kind: Role
      name: event-watcher
      - kind: ServiceAccount
        name: events-sa
        namespace: default 4
    1 2 3 4
    Change this namespace to the namespace that you have selected for installing the event source.
  2. Apply the YAML file:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>
  3. Create an API server source as a YAML file:

    kind: ApiServerSource
      name: testevents
      serviceAccountName: events-sa
      mode: Resource
        - apiVersion: v1
          kind: Event
          kind: Broker
          name: default
  4. Apply the ApiServerSource YAML file:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>
  5. To check that the API server source is set up correctly, create a Knative service as a YAML file that dumps incoming messages to its log:

    kind: Service
      name: event-display
      namespace: default
            - image:
  6. Apply the Service YAML file:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>
  7. Create a Trigger object as a YAML file that filters events from the default broker to the service created in the previous step:

    kind: Trigger
      name: event-display-trigger
      namespace: default
      broker: default
          kind: Service
          name: event-display
  8. Apply the Trigger YAML file:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>
  9. Create events by launching a pod in the default namespace:

    $ oc create deployment hello-node
  10. Check that the controller is mapped correctly, by entering the following command and inspecting the output:

    $ oc get testevents -o yaml

    Example output

    kind: ApiServerSource
      creationTimestamp: "2020-04-07T17:24:54Z"
      generation: 1
      name: testevents
      namespace: default
      resourceVersion: "62868"
      selfLink: /apis/
      uid: 1603d863-bb06-4d1c-b371-f580b4db99fa
      mode: Resource
      - apiVersion: v1
        controller: false
          apiVersion: ""
          kind: ""
          name: ""
          uid: ""
        kind: Event
        labelSelector: {}
      serviceAccountName: events-sa
          kind: Broker
          name: default


To verify that the Kubernetes events were sent to Knative, you can look at the message dumper function logs.

  1. Get the pods by entering the following command:

    $ oc get pods
  2. View the message dumper function logs for the pods by entering the following command:

    $ oc logs $(oc get pod -o name | grep event-display) -c user-container

    Example output

    ☁️  cloudevents.Event
    Validation: valid
    Context Attributes,
      specversion: 1.0
      type: dev.knative.apiserver.resource.update
      datacontenttype: application/json
        "apiVersion": "v1",
        "involvedObject": {
          "apiVersion": "v1",
          "fieldPath": "spec.containers{hello-node}",
          "kind": "Pod",
          "name": "hello-node",
          "namespace": "default",
        "kind": "Event",
        "message": "Started container",
        "metadata": {
          "name": "hello-node.159d7608e3a3572c",
          "namespace": "default",
        "reason": "Started",

Deleting the API server source

  1. Delete the trigger:

    $ oc delete -f trigger.yaml
  2. Delete the event source:

    $ oc delete -f k8s-events.yaml
  3. Delete the service account, cluster role, and cluster binding:

    $ oc delete -f authentication.yaml

5.9. Creating a ping source

A ping source is an event source that can be used to periodically send ping events with a constant payload to an event consumer. A ping source can be used to schedule sending events, similar to a timer.

5.9.1. Creating a ping source by using the web console

After Knative Eventing is installed on your cluster, you can create a ping source by using the web console. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console provides a streamlined and intuitive user interface to create an event source.


  • You have logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Serving and Knative Eventing are installed on the cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. To verify that the ping source is working, create a simple Knative service that dumps incoming messages to the logs of the service.

    1. In the Developer perspective, navigate to +AddYAML.
    2. Copy the example YAML:

      kind: Service
        name: event-display
              - image:
    3. Click Create.
  2. Create a ping source in the same namespace as the service created in the previous step, or any other sink that you want to send events to.

    1. In the Developer perspective, navigate to +AddEvent Source.
    2. Select Ping Source.
    3. Optional: You can enter a value for Data, which is the message payload.
    4. Enter a value for Schedule. In this example, the value is */2 * * * *, which creates a ping source that sends a message every two minutes.
    5. Select a Sink. This can be either a Resource or a URI. In this example, the event-display service created in the previous step is used as the Resource sink.
    6. Click Create.


You can verify that the ping source was created and is connected to the sink by viewing the Topology page.

  1. In the Developer perspective, navigate to Topology.
  2. View the ping source and sink.

    View the ping source and service in the Topology view

Deleting the ping source

  1. Navigate to the Topology view.
  2. Right-click the API server source and select Delete Ping Source.

5.9.2. Creating a ping source by using the Knative CLI

You can use the kn source ping create command to create a ping source by using the Knative (kn) CLI. Using the Knative CLI to create event sources provides a more streamlined and intuitive user interface than modifying YAML files directly.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Serving and Knative Eventing are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • Optional: If you want to use the verification steps for this procedure, install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. To verify that the ping source is working, create a simple Knative service that dumps incoming messages to the service logs:

    $ kn service create event-display \
  2. For each set of ping events that you want to request, create a ping source in the same namespace as the event consumer:

    $ kn source ping create test-ping-source \
        --schedule "*/2 * * * *" \
        --data '{"message": "Hello world!"}' \
        --sink ksvc:event-display
  3. Check that the controller is mapped correctly by entering the following command and inspecting the output:

    $ kn source ping describe test-ping-source

    Example output

    Name:         test-ping-source
    Namespace:    default
    Age:          15s
    Schedule:     */2 * * * *
    Data:         {"message": "Hello world!"}
      Name:       event-display
      Namespace:  default
      Resource:   Service (
      OK TYPE                 AGE REASON
      ++ Ready                 8s
      ++ Deployed              8s
      ++ SinkProvided         15s
      ++ ValidSchedule        15s
      ++ EventTypeProvided    15s
      ++ ResourcesCorrect     15s


You can verify that the Kubernetes events were sent to the Knative event sink by looking at the logs of the sink pod.

By default, Knative services terminate their pods if no traffic is received within a 60 second period. The example shown in this guide creates a ping source that sends a message every 2 minutes, so each message should be observed in a newly created pod.

  1. Watch for new pods created:

    $ watch oc get pods
  2. Cancel watching the pods using Ctrl+C, then look at the logs of the created pod:

    $ oc logs $(oc get pod -o name | grep event-display) -c user-container

    Example output

    ☁️  cloudevents.Event
    Validation: valid
    Context Attributes,
      specversion: 1.0
      source: /apis/v1/namespaces/default/pingsources/test-ping-source
      id: 99e4f4f6-08ff-4bff-acf1-47f61ded68c9
      time: 2020-04-07T16:16:00.000601161Z
      datacontenttype: application/json
        "message": "Hello world!"

Deleting the ping source

  • Delete the ping source:

    $ kn delete <ping_source_name> Knative CLI sink flag

When you create an event source by using the Knative (kn) CLI, you can specify a sink where events are sent to from that resource by using the --sink flag. The sink can be any addressable or callable resource that can receive incoming events from other resources.

The following example creates a sink binding that uses a service, http://event-display.svc.cluster.local, as the sink:

Example command using the sink flag

$ kn source binding create bind-heartbeat \
  --namespace sinkbinding-example \
  --subject "Job:batch/v1:app=heartbeat-cron" \
  --sink http://event-display.svc.cluster.local \ 1
  --ce-override "sink=bound"

svc in http://event-display.svc.cluster.local determines that the sink is a Knative service. Other default sink prefixes include channel, and broker.

5.9.3. Creating a ping source by using YAML

Creating Knative resources by using YAML files uses a declarative API, which enables you to describe event sources declaratively and in a reproducible manner. To create a serverless ping source by using YAML, you must create a YAML file that defines a PingSource object, then apply it by using oc apply.

Example PingSource object

kind: PingSource
  name: test-ping-source
  schedule: "*/2 * * * *" 1
  data: '{"message": "Hello world!"}' 2
  sink: 3
      kind: Service
      name: event-display

The schedule of the event specified using CRON expression.
The event message body expressed as a JSON encoded data string.
These are the details of the event consumer. In this example, we are using a Knative service named event-display.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Serving and Knative Eventing are installed on the cluster.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. To verify that the ping source is working, create a simple Knative service that dumps incoming messages to the service’s logs.

    1. Create a service YAML file:

      kind: Service
        name: event-display
              - image:
    2. Create the service:

      $ oc apply -f <filename>
  2. For each set of ping events that you want to request, create a ping source in the same namespace as the event consumer.

    1. Create a YAML file for the ping source:

      kind: PingSource
        name: test-ping-source
        schedule: "*/2 * * * *"
        data: '{"message": "Hello world!"}'
            kind: Service
            name: event-display
    2. Create the ping source:

      $ oc apply -f <filename>
  3. Check that the controller is mapped correctly by entering the following command:

    $ oc get <ping_source_name> -oyaml

    Example output

    kind: PingSource
      annotations: developer developer
      creationTimestamp: "2020-04-07T16:11:14Z"
      generation: 1
      name: test-ping-source
      namespace: default
      resourceVersion: "55257"
      selfLink: /apis/
      uid: 3d80d50b-f8c7-4c1b-99f7-3ec00e0a8164
      data: '{ value: "hello" }'
      schedule: '*/2 * * * *'
          kind: Service
          name: event-display
          namespace: default


You can verify that the Kubernetes events were sent to the Knative event sink by looking at the sink pod’s logs.

By default, Knative services terminate their pods if no traffic is received within a 60 second period. The example shown in this guide creates a PingSource that sends a message every 2 minutes, so each message should be observed in a newly created pod.

  1. Watch for new pods created:

    $ watch oc get pods
  2. Cancel watching the pods using Ctrl+C, then look at the logs of the created pod:

    $ oc logs $(oc get pod -o name | grep event-display) -c user-container

    Example output

    ☁️  cloudevents.Event
    Validation: valid
    Context Attributes,
      specversion: 1.0
      source: /apis/v1/namespaces/default/pingsources/test-ping-source
      id: 042ff529-240e-45ee-b40c-3a908129853e
      time: 2020-04-07T16:22:00.000791674Z
      datacontenttype: application/json
        "message": "Hello world!"

Deleting the ping source

  • Delete the ping source:

    $ oc delete -f <filename>

    Example command

    $ oc delete -f ping-source.yaml

5.10. Custom event sources

If you need to ingress events from an event producer that is not included in Knative, or from a producer that emits events which are not in the CloudEvent format, you can do this by creating a custom event source. You can create a custom event source by using one of the following methods:

  • Use a PodSpecable object as an event source, by creating a sink binding.
  • Use a container as an event source, by creating a container source.

5.10.1. Sink binding

The SinkBinding object supports decoupling event production from delivery addressing. Sink binding is used to connect event producers to an event consumer, or sink. An event producer is a Kubernetes resource that embeds a PodSpec template and produces events. A sink is an addressable Kubernetes object that can receive events.

The SinkBinding object injects environment variables into the PodTemplateSpec of the sink, which means that the application code does not need to interact directly with the Kubernetes API to locate the event destination. These environment variables are as follows:

The URL of the resolved sink.
A JSON object that specifies overrides to the outbound event.

The SinkBinding object currently does not support custom revision names for services. Creating a sink binding by using YAML

Creating Knative resources by using YAML files uses a declarative API, which enables you to describe event sources declaratively and in a reproducible manner. To create a sink binding by using YAML, you must create a YAML file that defines an SinkBinding object, then apply it by using the oc apply command.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Serving and Knative Eventing are installed on the cluster.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. To check that sink binding is set up correctly, create a Knative event display service, or event sink, that dumps incoming messages to its log.

    1. Create a service YAML file:

      Example service YAML file

      kind: Service
        name: event-display
              - image:

    2. Create the service:

      $ oc apply -f <filename>
  2. Create a sink binding instance that directs events to the service.

    1. Create a sink binding YAML file:

      Example service YAML file

      kind: SinkBinding
        name: bind-heartbeat
          apiVersion: batch/v1
          kind: Job 1
              app: heartbeat-cron
            kind: Service
            name: event-display

      In this example, any Job with the label app: heartbeat-cron will be bound to the event sink.
    2. Create the sink binding:

      $ oc apply -f <filename>
  3. Create a CronJob object.

    1. Create a cron job YAML file:

      Example cron job YAML file

      apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
      kind: CronJob
        name: heartbeat-cron
        # Run every minute
        schedule: "* * * * *"
              app: heartbeat-cron
                restartPolicy: Never
                  - name: single-heartbeat
                      - --period=1
                      - name: ONE_SHOT
                        value: "true"
                      - name: POD_NAME
                      - name: POD_NAMESPACE
                            fieldPath: metadata.namespace


      To use sink binding, you must manually add a label to your Knative resources.

      For example, to add this label to a CronJob resource, add the following lines to the Job resource YAML definition:

              app: heartbeat-cron
    2. Create the cron job:

      $ oc apply -f <filename>
  4. Check that the controller is mapped correctly by entering the following command and inspecting the output:

    $ oc get bind-heartbeat -oyaml

    Example output

          kind: Service
          name: event-display
          namespace: default
        apiVersion: batch/v1
        kind: Job
        namespace: default
            app: heartbeat-cron


You can verify that the Kubernetes events were sent to the Knative event sink by looking at the message dumper function logs.

  1. Enter the command:

    $ oc get pods
  2. Enter the command:

    $ oc logs $(oc get pod -o name | grep event-display) -c user-container

    Example output

    ☁️  cloudevents.Event
    Validation: valid
    Context Attributes,
      specversion: 1.0
      type: dev.knative.eventing.samples.heartbeat
      id: 2b72d7bf-c38f-4a98-a433-608fbcdd2596
      time: 2019-10-18T15:23:20.809775386Z
      contenttype: application/json
      beats: true
      heart: yes
      the: 42
        "id": 1,
        "label": ""
      } Creating a sink binding by using the Knative CLI

You can use the kn source binding create command to create a sink binding by using the Knative (kn) CLI. Using the Knative CLI to create event sources provides a more streamlined and intuitive user interface than modifying YAML files directly.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Serving and Knative Eventing are installed on the cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • Install the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).

The following procedure requires you to create YAML files.

If you change the names of the YAML files from those used in the examples, you must ensure that you also update the corresponding CLI commands.


  1. To check that sink binding is set up correctly, create a Knative event display service, or event sink, that dumps incoming messages to its log:

    $ kn service create event-display --image
  2. Create a sink binding instance that directs events to the service:

    $ kn source binding create bind-heartbeat --subject Job:batch/v1:app=heartbeat-cron --sink ksvc:event-display
  3. Create a CronJob object.

    1. Create a cron job YAML file:

      Example cron job YAML file

      apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
      kind: CronJob
        name: heartbeat-cron
        # Run every minute
        schedule: "* * * * *"
              app: heartbeat-cron
                restartPolicy: Never
                  - name: single-heartbeat
                      - --period=1
                      - name: ONE_SHOT
                        value: "true"
                      - name: POD_NAME
                      - name: POD_NAMESPACE
                            fieldPath: metadata.namespace


      To use sink binding, you must manually add a label to your Knative CRs.

      For example, to add this label to a CronJob CR, add the following lines to the Job CR YAML definition:

              app: heartbeat-cron
    2. Create the cron job:

      $ oc apply -f <filename>
  4. Check that the controller is mapped correctly by entering the following command and inspecting the output:

    $ kn source binding describe bind-heartbeat

    Example output

    Name:         bind-heartbeat
    Namespace:    demo-2
    Annotations:, ...
    Age:          2m
      Resource:   job (batch/v1)
        app:      heartbeat-cron
      Name:       event-display
      Resource:   Service (
      ++ Ready     2m


You can verify that the Kubernetes events were sent to the Knative event sink by looking at the message dumper function logs.

  • View the message dumper function logs by entering the following commands:

    $ oc get pods
    $ oc logs $(oc get pod -o name | grep event-display) -c user-container

    Example output

    ☁️  cloudevents.Event
    Validation: valid
    Context Attributes,
      specversion: 1.0
      type: dev.knative.eventing.samples.heartbeat
      id: 2b72d7bf-c38f-4a98-a433-608fbcdd2596
      time: 2019-10-18T15:23:20.809775386Z
      contenttype: application/json
      beats: true
      heart: yes
      the: 42
        "id": 1,
        "label": ""
      } Knative CLI sink flag

When you create an event source by using the Knative (kn) CLI, you can specify a sink where events are sent to from that resource by using the --sink flag. The sink can be any addressable or callable resource that can receive incoming events from other resources.

The following example creates a sink binding that uses a service, http://event-display.svc.cluster.local, as the sink:

Example command using the sink flag

$ kn source binding create bind-heartbeat \
  --namespace sinkbinding-example \
  --subject "Job:batch/v1:app=heartbeat-cron" \
  --sink http://event-display.svc.cluster.local \ 1
  --ce-override "sink=bound"

svc in http://event-display.svc.cluster.local determines that the sink is a Knative service. Other default sink prefixes include channel, and broker. Creating a sink binding by using the web console

After Knative Eventing is installed on your cluster, you can create a sink binding by using the web console. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console provides a streamlined and intuitive user interface to create an event source.


  • You have logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Serving, and Knative Eventing are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. Create a Knative service to use as a sink:

    1. In the Developer perspective, navigate to +AddYAML.
    2. Copy the example YAML:

      kind: Service
        name: event-display
              - image:
    3. Click Create.
  2. Create a CronJob resource that is used as an event source and sends an event every minute.

    1. In the Developer perspective, navigate to +AddYAML.
    2. Copy the example YAML:

      apiVersion: batch/v1
      kind: CronJob
        name: heartbeat-cron
        # Run every minute
        schedule: "*/1 * * * *"
              app: heartbeat-cron
     true 1
                restartPolicy: Never
                  - name: single-heartbeat
                    - --period=1
                      - name: ONE_SHOT
                        value: "true"
                      - name: POD_NAME
                      - name: POD_NAMESPACE
                            fieldPath: metadata.namespace
      Ensure that you include the true label. The default namespace selection behavior of OpenShift Serverless uses inclusion mode.
    3. Click Create.
  3. Create a sink binding in the same namespace as the service created in the previous step, or any other sink that you want to send events to.

    1. In the Developer perspective, navigate to +AddEvent Source. The Event Sources page is displayed.
    2. Optional: If you have multiple providers for your event sources, select the required provider from the Providers list to filter the available event sources from the provider.
    3. Select Sink Binding and then click Create Event Source. The Create Event Source page is displayed.
    4. In the apiVersion field enter batch/v1.
    5. In the Kind field enter Job.


      The CronJob kind is not supported directly by OpenShift Serverless sink binding, so the Kind field must target the Job objects created by the cron job, rather than the cron job object itself.

    6. Select a Sink. This can be either a Resource or a URI. In this example, the event-display service created in the previous step is used as the Resource sink.
    7. In the Match labels section:

      1. Enter app in the Name field.
      2. Enter heartbeat-cron in the Value field.


        The label selector is required when using cron jobs with sink binding, rather than the resource name. This is because jobs created by a cron job do not have a predictable name, and contain a randomly generated string in their name. For example, hearthbeat-cron-1cc23f.

    8. Click Create.


You can verify that the sink binding, sink, and cron job have been created and are working correctly by viewing the Topology page and pod logs.

  1. In the Developer perspective, navigate to Topology.
  2. View the sink binding, sink, and heartbeats cron job.

    View the sink binding and service in the Topology view
  3. Observe that successful jobs are being registered by the cron job once the sink binding is added. This means that the sink binding is successfully reconfiguring the jobs created by the cron job.
  4. Browse the logs of the event-display service pod to see events produced by the heartbeats cron job. Sink binding reference

You can use a PodSpecable object as an event source by creating a sink binding. You can configure multiple parameters when creating a SinkBinding object.

SinkBinding objects support the following parameters:

FieldDescriptionRequired or optional


Specifies the API version, for example



Identifies this resource object as a SinkBinding object.



Specifies metadata that uniquely identifies the SinkBinding object. For example, a name.



Specifies the configuration information for this SinkBinding object.



A reference to an object that resolves to a URI to use as the sink.



References the resources for which the runtime contract is augmented by binding implementations.



Defines overrides to control the output format and modifications to the event sent to the sink.

Optional Subject parameter

The Subject parameter references the resources for which the runtime contract is augmented by binding implementations. You can configure multiple fields for a Subject definition.

The Subject definition supports the following fields:

FieldDescriptionRequired or optional


API version of the referent.



Kind of the referent.



Namespace of the referent. If omitted, this defaults to the namespace of the object.



Name of the referent.

Do not use if you configure selector.


Selector of the referents.

Do not use if you configure name.


A list of label selector requirements.

Only use one of either matchExpressions or matchLabels.


The label key that the selector applies to.

Required if using matchExpressions.


Represents a key’s relationship to a set of values. Valid operators are In, NotIn, Exists and DoesNotExist.

Required if using matchExpressions.


An array of string values. If the operator parameter value is In or NotIn, the values array must be non-empty. If the operator parameter value is Exists or DoesNotExist, the values array must be empty. This array is replaced during a strategic merge patch.

Required if using matchExpressions.


A map of key-value pairs. Each key-value pair in the matchLabels map is equivalent to an element of matchExpressions, where the key field is matchLabels.<key>, the operator is In, and the values array contains only matchLabels.<value>.

Only use one of either matchExpressions or matchLabels.

Subject parameter examples

Given the following YAML, the Deployment object named mysubject in the default namespace is selected:

kind: SinkBinding
  name: bind-heartbeat
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    namespace: default
    name: mysubject

Given the following YAML, any Job object with the label working=example in the default namespace is selected:

kind: SinkBinding
  name: bind-heartbeat
    apiVersion: batch/v1
    kind: Job
    namespace: default
        working: example

Given the following YAML, any Pod object with the label working=example or working=sample in the default namespace is selected:

kind: SinkBinding
  name: bind-heartbeat
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
    namespace: default
      - matchExpression:
        key: working
        operator: In
          - example
          - sample
  ... CloudEvent overrides

A ceOverrides definition provides overrides that control the CloudEvent’s output format and modifications sent to the sink. You can configure multiple fields for the ceOverrides definition.

A ceOverrides definition supports the following fields:

FieldDescriptionRequired or optional


Specifies which attributes are added or overridden on the outbound event. Each extensions key-value pair is set independently on the event as an attribute extension.



Only valid CloudEvent attribute names are allowed as extensions. You cannot set the spec defined attributes from the extensions override configuration. For example, you can not modify the type attribute.

CloudEvent Overrides example

kind: SinkBinding
  name: bind-heartbeat
      extra: this is an extra attribute
      additional: 42

This sets the K_CE_OVERRIDES environment variable on the subject:

Example output

{ "extensions": { "extra": "this is an extra attribute", "additional": "42" } } The include label

To use a sink binding, you need to do assign the "true" label to either the resource or the namespace that the resource is included in. If the resource definition does not include the label, a cluster administrator can attach it to the namespace by running:

$ oc label namespace <namespace>

5.10.2. Container source

Container sources create a container image that generates events and sends events to a sink. You can use a container source to create a custom event source, by creating a container image and a ContainerSource object that uses your image URI. Guidelines for creating a container image

Two environment variables are injected by the container source controller: K_SINK and K_CE_OVERRIDES. These variables are resolved from the sink and ceOverrides spec, respectively. Events are sent to the sink URI specified in the K_SINK environment variable. The message must be sent as a POST using the CloudEvent HTTP format.

Example container images

The following is an example of a heartbeats container image:

package main

import (

	duckv1 ""

	cloudevents ""

type Heartbeat struct {
	Sequence int    `json:"id"`
	Label    string `json:"label"`

var (
	eventSource string
	eventType   string
	sink        string
	label       string
	periodStr   string

func init() {
	flag.StringVar(&eventSource, "eventSource", "", "the event-source (CloudEvents)")
	flag.StringVar(&eventType, "eventType", "dev.knative.eventing.samples.heartbeat", "the event-type (CloudEvents)")
	flag.StringVar(&sink, "sink", "", "the host url to heartbeat to")
	flag.StringVar(&label, "label", "", "a special label")
	flag.StringVar(&periodStr, "period", "5", "the number of seconds between heartbeats")

type envConfig struct {
	// Sink URL where to send heartbeat cloud events
	Sink string `envconfig:"K_SINK"`

	// CEOverrides are the CloudEvents overrides to be applied to the outbound event.
	CEOverrides string `envconfig:"K_CE_OVERRIDES"`

	// Name of this pod.
	Name string `envconfig:"POD_NAME" required:"true"`

	// Namespace this pod exists in.
	Namespace string `envconfig:"POD_NAMESPACE" required:"true"`

	// Whether to run continuously or exit.
	OneShot bool `envconfig:"ONE_SHOT" default:"false"`

func main() {

	var env envConfig
	if err := envconfig.Process("", &env); err != nil {
		log.Printf("[ERROR] Failed to process env var: %s", err)

	if env.Sink != "" {
		sink = env.Sink

	var ceOverrides *duckv1.CloudEventOverrides
	if len(env.CEOverrides) > 0 {
		overrides := duckv1.CloudEventOverrides{}
		err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(env.CEOverrides), &overrides)
		if err != nil {
			log.Printf("[ERROR] Unparseable CloudEvents overrides %s: %v", env.CEOverrides, err)
		ceOverrides = &overrides

	p, err := cloudevents.NewHTTP(cloudevents.WithTarget(sink))
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create http protocol: %s", err.Error())

	c, err := cloudevents.NewClient(p, cloudevents.WithUUIDs(), cloudevents.WithTimeNow())
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to create client: %s", err.Error())

	var period time.Duration
	if p, err := strconv.Atoi(periodStr); err != nil {
		period = time.Duration(5) * time.Second
	} else {
		period = time.Duration(p) * time.Second

	if eventSource == "" {
		eventSource = fmt.Sprintf("", env.Namespace, env.Name)
		log.Printf("Heartbeats Source: %s", eventSource)

	if len(label) > 0 && label[0] == '"' {
		label, _ = strconv.Unquote(label)
	hb := &Heartbeat{
		Sequence: 0,
		Label:    label,
	ticker := time.NewTicker(period)
	for {

		event := cloudevents.NewEvent("1.0")
		event.SetExtension("the", 42)
		event.SetExtension("heart", "yes")
		event.SetExtension("beats", true)

		if ceOverrides != nil && ceOverrides.Extensions != nil {
			for n, v := range ceOverrides.Extensions {
				event.SetExtension(n, v)

		if err := event.SetData(cloudevents.ApplicationJSON, hb); err != nil {
			log.Printf("failed to set cloudevents data: %s", err.Error())

		log.Printf("sending cloudevent to %s", sink)
		if res := c.Send(context.Background(), event); !cloudevents.IsACK(res) {
			log.Printf("failed to send cloudevent: %v", res)

		if env.OneShot {

		// Wait for next tick

The following is an example of a container source that references the previous heartbeats container image:

kind: ContainerSource
  name: test-heartbeats
        # This corresponds to a heartbeats image URI that you have built and published
        - image:
          name: heartbeats
            - --period=1
            - name: POD_NAME
              value: "example-pod"
            - name: POD_NAMESPACE
              value: "event-test"
      kind: Service
      name: example-service
... Creating and managing container sources by using the Knative CLI

You can use the kn source container commands to create and manage container sources by using the Knative (kn) CLI. Using the Knative CLI to create event sources provides a more streamlined and intuitive user interface than modifying YAML files directly.

Create a container source

$ kn source container create <container_source_name> --image <image_uri> --sink <sink>

Delete a container source

$ kn source container delete <container_source_name>

Describe a container source

$ kn source container describe <container_source_name>

List existing container sources

$ kn source container list

List existing container sources in YAML format

$ kn source container list -o yaml

Update a container source

This command updates the image URI for an existing container source:

$ kn source container update <container_source_name> --image <image_uri> Creating a container source by using the web console

After Knative Eventing is installed on your cluster, you can create a container source by using the web console. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console provides a streamlined and intuitive user interface to create an event source.


  • You have logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Serving, and Knative Eventing are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. In the Developer perspective, navigate to +AddEvent Source. The Event Sources page is displayed.
  2. Select Container Source.
  3. Configure the Container Source settings:

    1. In the Image field, enter the URI of the image that you want to run in the container created by the container source.
    2. In the Name field, enter the name of the image.
    3. Optional: In the Arguments field, enter any arguments to be passed to the container.
    4. Optional: In the Environment variables field, add any environment variables to set in the container.
    5. In the Sink section, add a sink where events from the container source are routed to.

      1. Select Resource to use a channel, broker, or service as a sink for the event source.
      2. Select URI to specify where the events from the container source are routed to.
  4. After you have finished configuring the container source, click Create. Container source reference

You can use a container as an event source, by creating a ContainerSource object. You can configure multiple parameters when creating a ContainerSource object.

ContainerSource objects support the following fields:

FieldDescriptionRequired or optional


Specifies the API version, for example



Identifies this resource object as a ContainerSource object.



Specifies metadata that uniquely identifies the ContainerSource object. For example, a name.



Specifies the configuration information for this ContainerSource object.



A reference to an object that resolves to a URI to use as the sink.



A template spec for the ContainerSource object.



Defines overrides to control the output format and modifications to the event sent to the sink.


Template parameter example

kind: ContainerSource
  name: test-heartbeats
        - image:
          name: heartbeats
            - --period=1
            - name: POD_NAME
              value: "mypod"
            - name: POD_NAMESPACE
              value: "event-test"
  ... CloudEvent overrides

A ceOverrides definition provides overrides that control the CloudEvent’s output format and modifications sent to the sink. You can configure multiple fields for the ceOverrides definition.

A ceOverrides definition supports the following fields:

FieldDescriptionRequired or optional


Specifies which attributes are added or overridden on the outbound event. Each extensions key-value pair is set independently on the event as an attribute extension.



Only valid CloudEvent attribute names are allowed as extensions. You cannot set the spec defined attributes from the extensions override configuration. For example, you can not modify the type attribute.

CloudEvent Overrides example

kind: ContainerSource
  name: test-heartbeats
      extra: this is an extra attribute
      additional: 42

This sets the K_CE_OVERRIDES environment variable on the subject:

Example output

{ "extensions": { "extra": "this is an extra attribute", "additional": "42" } }

5.11. Creating channels

Channels are custom resources that define a single event-forwarding and persistence layer. After events have been sent to a channel from an event source or producer, these events can be sent to multiple Knative services or other sinks by using a subscription.

Channel workflow overview

You can create channels by instantiating a supported Channel object, and configure re-delivery attempts by modifying the delivery spec in a Subscription object.

5.11.1. Creating a channel by using the web console

Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console provides a streamlined and intuitive user interface to create a channel. After Knative Eventing is installed on your cluster, you can create a channel by using the web console.


  • You have logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. In the Developer perspective, navigate to +AddChannel.
  2. Select the type of Channel object that you want to create in the Type list.
  3. Click Create.


  • Confirm that the channel now exists by navigating to the Topology page.

    View the channel in the Topology view

5.11.2. Creating a channel by using the Knative CLI

Using the Knative (kn) CLI to create channels provides a more streamlined and intuitive user interface than modifying YAML files directly. You can use the kn channel create command to create a channel.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  • Create a channel:

    $ kn channel create <channel_name> --type <channel_type>

    The channel type is optional, but where specified, must be given in the format Group:Version:Kind. For example, you can create an InMemoryChannel object:

    $ kn channel create mychannel --type

    Example output

    Channel 'mychannel' created in namespace 'default'.


  • To confirm that the channel now exists, list the existing channels and inspect the output:

    $ kn channel list

    Example output

    kn channel list
    NAME        TYPE              URL                                                     AGE   READY   REASON
    mychannel   InMemoryChannel   http://mychannel-kn-channel.default.svc.cluster.local   93s   True

Deleting a channel

  • Delete a channel:

    $ kn channel delete <channel_name>

5.11.3. Creating a default implementation channel by using YAML

Creating Knative resources by using YAML files uses a declarative API, which enables you to describe channels declaratively and in a reproducible manner. To create a serverless channel by using YAML, you must create a YAML file that defines a Channel object, then apply it by using the oc apply command.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on the cluster.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. Create a Channel object as a YAML file:

    kind: Channel
      name: example-channel
      namespace: default
  2. Apply the YAML file:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>

5.11.4. Creating a Kafka channel by using YAML

Creating Knative resources by using YAML files uses a declarative API, which enables you to describe channels declaratively and in a reproducible manner. You can create a Knative Eventing channel that is backed by Kafka topics by creating a Kafka channel. To create a Kafka channel by using YAML, you must create a YAML file that defines a KafkaChannel object, then apply it by using the oc apply command.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Eventing, and the KnativeKafka custom resource are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. Create a KafkaChannel object as a YAML file:

    kind: KafkaChannel
      name: example-channel
      namespace: default
      numPartitions: 3
      replicationFactor: 1

    Only the v1beta1 version of the API for KafkaChannel objects on OpenShift Serverless is supported. Do not use the v1alpha1 version of this API, as this version is now deprecated.

  2. Apply the KafkaChannel YAML file:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>

5.11.5. Next steps

5.12. Creating and managing subscriptions

After you have created a channel and an event sink, you can create a subscription to enable event delivery. Subscriptions are created by configuring a Subscription object, which specifies the channel and the sink (also known as a subscriber) to deliver events to.

5.12.1. Creating a subscription by using the web console

After you have created a channel and an event sink, you can create a subscription to enable event delivery. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console provides a streamlined and intuitive user interface to create a subscription.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Serving, and Knative Eventing are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have logged in to the web console.
  • You have created an event sink, such as a Knative service, and a channel.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. In the Developer perspective, navigate to the Topology page.
  2. Create a subscription using one of the following methods:

    1. Hover over the channel that you want to create a subscription for, and drag the arrow. The Add Subscription option is displayed.

      Create a subscription for the channel
      1. Select your sink in the Subscriber list.
      2. Click Add.
    2. If the service is available in the Topology view under the same namespace or project as the channel, click on the channel that you want to create a subscription for, and drag the arrow directly to a service to immediately create a subscription from the channel to that service.


  • After the subscription has been created, you can see it represented as a line that connects the channel to the service in the Topology view:

    Subscription in the Topology view

5.12.2. Creating a subscription by using YAML

After you have created a channel and an event sink, you can create a subscription to enable event delivery. Creating Knative resources by using YAML files uses a declarative API, which enables you to describe subscriptions declaratively and in a reproducible manner. To create a subscription by using YAML, you must create a YAML file that defines a Subscription object, then apply it by using the oc apply command.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on the cluster.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  • Create a Subscription object:

    • Create a YAML file and copy the following sample code into it:

      kind: Subscription
        name: my-subscription 1
        namespace: default
        channel: 2
          kind: Channel
          name: example-channel
        delivery: 3
              kind: Service
              name: error-handler
        subscriber: 4
            kind: Service
            name: event-display
      Name of the subscription.
      Configuration settings for the channel that the subscription connects to.
      Configuration settings for event delivery. This tells the subscription what happens to events that cannot be delivered to the subscriber. When this is configured, events that failed to be consumed are sent to the deadLetterSink. The event is dropped, no re-delivery of the event is attempted, and an error is logged in the system. The deadLetterSink value must be a Destination.
      Configuration settings for the subscriber. This is the event sink that events are delivered to from the channel.
    • Apply the YAML file:

      $ oc apply -f <filename>

5.12.3. Creating a subscription by using the Knative CLI

After you have created a channel and an event sink, you can create a subscription to enable event delivery. Using the Knative (kn) CLI to create subscriptions provides a more streamlined and intuitive user interface than modifying YAML files directly. You can use the kn subscription create command with the appropriate flags to create a subscription.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  • Create a subscription to connect a sink to a channel:

    $ kn subscription create <subscription_name> \
      --channel <group:version:kind>:<channel_name> \ 1
      --sink <sink_prefix>:<sink_name> \ 2
      --sink-dead-letter <sink_prefix>:<sink_name> 3
    --channel specifies the source for cloud events that should be processed. You must provide the channel name. If you are not using the default InMemoryChannel channel that is backed by the Channel custom resource, you must prefix the channel name with the <group:version:kind> for the specified channel type. For example, this will be for a Kafka backed channel.
    --sink specifies the target destination to which the event should be delivered. By default, the <sink_name> is interpreted as a Knative service of this name, in the same namespace as the subscription. You can specify the type of the sink by using one of the following prefixes:
    A Knative service.
    A channel that should be used as destination. Only default channel types can be referenced here.
    An Eventing broker.
    Optional: --sink-dead-letter is an optional flag that can be used to specify a sink which events should be sent to in cases where events fail to be delivered. For more information, see the OpenShift Serverless Event delivery documentation.

    Example command

    $ kn subscription create mysubscription --channel mychannel --sink ksvc:event-display

    Example output

    Subscription 'mysubscription' created in namespace 'default'.


  • To confirm that the channel is connected to the event sink, or subscriber, by a subscription, list the existing subscriptions and inspect the output:

    $ kn subscription list

    Example output

    NAME            CHANNEL             SUBSCRIBER           REPLY   DEAD LETTER SINK   READY   REASON
    mysubscription   Channel:mychannel   ksvc:event-display                              True

Deleting a subscription

  • Delete a subscription:

    $ kn subscription delete <subscription_name>

5.12.4. Describing subscriptions by using the Knative CLI

You can use the kn subscription describe command to print information about a subscription in the terminal by using the Knative (kn) CLI. Using the Knative CLI to describe subscriptions provides a more streamlined and intuitive user interface than viewing YAML files directly.


  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a subscription in your cluster.


  • Describe a subscription:

    $ kn subscription describe <subscription_name>

    Example output

    Name:            my-subscription
    Namespace:       default
    Annotations:, ...
    Age:             43s
    Channel:         Channel:my-channel (
      Name:          default
      Resource:      Broker (
      Name:          my-sink
      Resource:      Service (
      OK TYPE                  AGE REASON
      ++ Ready                 43s
      ++ AddedToChannel        43s
      ++ ChannelReady          43s
      ++ ReferencesResolved    43s

5.12.5. Listing subscriptions by using the Knative CLI

You can use the kn subscription list command to list existing subscriptions on your cluster by using the Knative (kn) CLI. Using the Knative CLI to list subscriptions provides a streamlined and intuitive user interface.


  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.


  • List subscriptions on your cluster:

    $ kn subscription list

    Example output

    NAME             CHANNEL             SUBSCRIBER           REPLY   DEAD LETTER SINK   READY   REASON
    mysubscription   Channel:mychannel   ksvc:event-display                              True

5.12.6. Updating subscriptions by using the Knative CLI

You can use the kn subscription update command as well as the appropriate flags to update a subscription from the terminal by using the Knative (kn) CLI. Using the Knative CLI to update subscriptions provides a more streamlined and intuitive user interface than updating YAML files directly.


  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a subscription.


  • Update a subscription:

    $ kn subscription update <subscription_name> \
      --sink <sink_prefix>:<sink_name> \ 1
      --sink-dead-letter <sink_prefix>:<sink_name> 2
    --sink specifies the updated target destination to which the event should be delivered. You can specify the type of the sink by using one of the following prefixes:
    A Knative service.
    A channel that should be used as destination. Only default channel types can be referenced here.
    An Eventing broker.
    Optional: --sink-dead-letter is an optional flag that can be used to specify a sink which events should be sent to in cases where events fail to be delivered. For more information, see the OpenShift Serverless Event delivery documentation.

    Example command

    $ kn subscription update mysubscription --sink ksvc:event-display

5.12.7. Next steps

5.13. Creating brokers

Knative provides a default, channel-based broker implementation. This channel-based broker can be used for development and testing purposes, but does not provide adequate event delivery guarantees for production environments.

If a cluster administrator has configured your OpenShift Serverless deployment to use Kafka as the default broker type, creating a broker by using the default settings creates a Kafka-based broker.

If your OpenShift Serverless deployment is not configured to use Kafka broker as the default broker type, the channel-based broker is created when you use the default settings in the following procedures.

5.13.1. Creating a broker by using the Knative CLI

Brokers can be used in combination with triggers to deliver events from an event source to an event sink. Using the Knative (kn) CLI to create brokers provides a more streamlined and intuitive user interface over modifying YAML files directly. You can use the kn broker create command to create a broker.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  • Create a broker:

    $ kn broker create <broker_name>


  1. Use the kn command to list all existing brokers:

    $ kn broker list

    Example output

    NAME      URL                                                                     AGE   CONDITIONS   READY   REASON
    default   http://broker-ingress.knative-eventing.svc.cluster.local/test/default   45s   5 OK / 5     True

  2. Optional: If you are using the OpenShift Container Platform web console, you can navigate to the Topology view in the Developer perspective, and observe that the broker exists:

    View the broker in the web console Topology view

5.13.2. Creating a broker by annotating a trigger

Brokers can be used in combination with triggers to deliver events from an event source to an event sink. You can create a broker by adding the enabled annotation to a Trigger object.


If you create a broker by using the enabled annotation, you cannot delete this broker without cluster administrator permissions. If you delete the broker without having a cluster administrator remove this annotation first, the broker is created again after deletion.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. Create a Trigger object as a YAML file that has the enabled annotation:

    kind: Trigger
      annotations: enabled
      name: <trigger_name>
      broker: default
      subscriber: 1
          kind: Service
          name: <service_name>
    Specify details about the event sink, or subscriber, that the trigger sends events to.
  2. Apply the Trigger YAML file:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>


You can verify that the broker has been created successfully by using the oc CLI, or by observing it in the Topology view in the web console.

  1. Enter the following oc command to get the broker:

    $ oc -n <namespace> get broker default

    Example output

    NAME      READY     REASON    URL                                                                     AGE
    default   True                http://broker-ingress.knative-eventing.svc.cluster.local/test/default   3m56s

  2. Optional: If you are using the OpenShift Container Platform web console, you can navigate to the Topology view in the Developer perspective, and observe that the broker exists:

    View the broker in the web console Topology view

5.13.3. Creating a broker by labeling a namespace

Brokers can be used in combination with triggers to deliver events from an event source to an event sink. You can create the default broker automatically by labelling a namespace that you own or have write permissions for.


Brokers created using this method are not removed if you remove the label. You must manually delete them.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  • Label a namespace with

    $ oc label namespace <namespace>


You can verify that the broker has been created successfully by using the oc CLI, or by observing it in the Topology view in the web console.

  1. Use the oc command to get the broker:

    $ oc -n <namespace> get broker <broker_name>

    Example command

    $ oc -n default get broker default

    Example output

    NAME      READY     REASON    URL                                                                     AGE
    default   True                http://broker-ingress.knative-eventing.svc.cluster.local/test/default   3m56s

  2. Optional: If you are using the OpenShift Container Platform web console, you can navigate to the Topology view in the Developer perspective, and observe that the broker exists:

    View the broker in the web console Topology view

5.13.4. Deleting a broker that was created by injection

If you create a broker by injection and later want to delete it, you must delete it manually. Brokers created by using a namespace label or trigger annotation are not deleted permanently if you remove the label or annotation.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Remove the label from the namespace:

    $ oc label namespace <namespace>

    Removing the annotation prevents Knative from recreating the broker after you delete it.

  2. Delete the broker from the selected namespace:

    $ oc -n <namespace> delete broker <broker_name>


  • Use the oc command to get the broker:

    $ oc -n <namespace> get broker <broker_name>

    Example command

    $ oc -n default get broker default

    Example output

    No resources found.
    Error from server (NotFound): "default" not found

5.13.5. Creating a Kafka broker when it is not configured as the default broker type

If your OpenShift Serverless deployment is not configured to use Kafka broker as the default broker type, you can use one of the following procedures to create a Kafka-based broker. Creating a Kafka broker by using YAML

Creating Knative resources by using YAML files uses a declarative API, which enables you to describe applications declaratively and in a reproducible manner. To create a Kafka broker by using YAML, you must create a YAML file that defines a Broker object, then apply it by using the oc apply command.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Eventing, and the KnativeKafka custom resource are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Create a Kafka-based broker as a YAML file:

    kind: Broker
      annotations: Kafka 1
      name: example-kafka-broker
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: ConfigMap
        name: kafka-broker-config 2
        namespace: knative-eventing
    The broker class. If not specified, brokers use the default class as configured by cluster administrators. To use the Kafka broker, this value must be Kafka.
    The default config map for Knative Kafka brokers. This config map is created when the Kafka broker functionality is enabled on the cluster by a cluster administrator.
  2. Apply the Kafka-based broker YAML file:

    $ oc apply -f <filename> Creating a Kafka broker that uses an externally managed Kafka topic

If you want to use a Kafka broker without allowing it to create its own internal topic, you can use an externally managed Kafka topic instead. To do this, you must create a Kafka Broker object that uses the annotation.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Eventing, and the KnativeKafka custom resource are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have access to a Kafka instance such as Red Hat AMQ Streams, and have created a Kafka topic.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Create a Kafka-based broker as a YAML file:

    kind: Broker
      annotations: Kafka 1 <topic_name> 2
    The broker class. If not specified, brokers use the default class as configured by cluster administrators. To use the Kafka broker, this value must be Kafka.
    The name of the Kafka topic that you want to use.
  2. Apply the Kafka-based broker YAML file:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>

5.13.6. Managing brokers

The Knative (kn) CLI provides commands that can be used to describe and list existing brokers. Listing existing brokers by using the Knative CLI

Using the Knative (kn) CLI to list brokers provides a streamlined and intuitive user interface. You can use the kn broker list command to list existing brokers in your cluster by using the Knative CLI.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.


  • List all existing brokers:

    $ kn broker list

    Example output

    NAME      URL                                                                     AGE   CONDITIONS   READY   REASON
    default   http://broker-ingress.knative-eventing.svc.cluster.local/test/default   45s   5 OK / 5     True Describing an existing broker by using the Knative CLI

Using the Knative (kn) CLI to describe brokers provides a streamlined and intuitive user interface. You can use the kn broker describe command to print information about existing brokers in your cluster by using the Knative CLI.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.


  • Describe an existing broker:

    $ kn broker describe <broker_name>

    Example command using default broker

    $ kn broker describe default

    Example output

    Name:         default
    Namespace:    default
    Annotations:, ...
    Age:          22s
      URL:    http://broker-ingress.knative-eventing.svc.cluster.local/default/default
      OK TYPE                   AGE REASON
      ++ Ready                  22s
      ++ Addressable            22s
      ++ FilterReady            22s
      ++ IngressReady           22s
      ++ TriggerChannelReady    22s

5.13.7. Next steps

5.13.8. Additional resources

5.14. Triggers

Brokers can be used in combination with triggers to deliver events from an event source to an event sink. Events are sent from an event source to a broker as an HTTP POST request. After events have entered the broker, they can be filtered by CloudEvent attributes using triggers, and sent as an HTTP POST request to an event sink.

Broker event delivery overview

If you are using a Kafka broker, you can configure the delivery order of events from triggers to event sinks. See Configuring event delivery ordering for triggers.

5.14.1. Creating a trigger by using the web console

Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console provides a streamlined and intuitive user interface to create a trigger. After Knative Eventing is installed on your cluster and you have created a broker, you can create a trigger by using the web console.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Serving, and Knative Eventing are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have logged in to the web console.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have created a broker and a Knative service or other event sink to connect to the trigger.


  1. In the Developer perspective, navigate to the Topology page.
  2. Hover over the broker that you want to create a trigger for, and drag the arrow. The Add Trigger option is displayed.
  3. Click Add Trigger.
  4. Select your sink in the Subscriber list.
  5. Click Add.


  • After the subscription has been created, you can view it in the Topology page, where it is represented as a line that connects the broker to the event sink.

Deleting a trigger

  1. In the Developer perspective, navigate to the Topology page.
  2. Click on the trigger that you want to delete.
  3. In the Actions context menu, select Delete Trigger.

5.14.2. Creating a trigger by using the Knative CLI

Using the Knative (kn) CLI to create triggers provides a more streamlined and intuitive user interface over modifying YAML files directly. You can use the kn trigger create command to create a trigger.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  • Create a trigger:

    $ kn trigger create <trigger_name> --broker <broker_name> --filter <key=value> --sink <sink_name>

    Alternatively, you can create a trigger and simultaneously create the default broker using broker injection:

    $ kn trigger create <trigger_name> --inject-broker --filter <key=value> --sink <sink_name>

    By default, triggers forward all events sent to a broker to sinks that are subscribed to that broker. Using the --filter attribute for triggers allows you to filter events from a broker, so that subscribers will only receive a subset of events based on your defined criteria.

5.14.3. Listing triggers by using the Knative CLI

Using the Knative (kn) CLI to list triggers provides a streamlined and intuitive user interface. You can use the kn trigger list command to list existing triggers in your cluster.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.


  1. Print a list of available triggers:

    $ kn trigger list

    Example output

    email   default   ksvc:edisplay   4s    5 OK / 5     True
    ping    default   ksvc:edisplay   32s   5 OK / 5     True

  2. Optional: Print a list of triggers in JSON format:

    $ kn trigger list -o json

5.14.4. Describing a trigger by using the Knative CLI

Using the Knative (kn) CLI to describe triggers provides a streamlined and intuitive user interface. You can use the kn trigger describe command to print information about existing triggers in your cluster by using the Knative CLI.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a trigger.


  • Enter the command:

    $ kn trigger describe <trigger_name>

    Example output

    Name:         ping
    Namespace:    default
    Age:          2m
    Broker:       default
      type:       dev.knative.event
      Name:       edisplay
      Namespace:  default
      Resource:   Service (
      OK TYPE                  AGE REASON
      ++ Ready                  2m
      ++ BrokerReady            2m
      ++ DependencyReady        2m
      ++ Subscribed             2m
      ++ SubscriberResolved     2m

5.14.5. Filtering events with triggers by using the Knative CLI

Using the Knative (kn) CLI to filter events by using triggers provides a streamlined and intuitive user interface. You can use the kn trigger create command, along with the appropriate flags, to filter events by using triggers.

In the following trigger example, only events with the attribute type: dev.knative.samples.helloworld are sent to the event sink:

$ kn trigger create <trigger_name> --broker <broker_name> --filter type=dev.knative.samples.helloworld --sink ksvc:<service_name>

You can also filter events by using multiple attributes. The following example shows how to filter events using the type, source, and extension attributes:

$ kn trigger create <trigger_name> --broker <broker_name> --sink ksvc:<service_name> \
--filter type=dev.knative.samples.helloworld \
--filter source=dev.knative.samples/helloworldsource \
--filter myextension=my-extension-value

5.14.6. Updating a trigger by using the Knative CLI

Using the Knative (kn) CLI to update triggers provides a streamlined and intuitive user interface. You can use the kn trigger update command with certain flags to update attributes for a trigger.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  • Update a trigger:

    $ kn trigger update <trigger_name> --filter <key=value> --sink <sink_name> [flags]
    • You can update a trigger to filter exact event attributes that match incoming events. For example, using the type attribute:

      $ kn trigger update <trigger_name> --filter
    • You can remove a filter attribute from a trigger. For example, you can remove the filter attribute with key type:

      $ kn trigger update <trigger_name> --filter type-
    • You can use the --sink parameter to change the event sink of a trigger:

      $ kn trigger update <trigger_name> --sink ksvc:my-event-sink

5.14.7. Deleting a trigger by using the Knative CLI

Using the Knative (kn) CLI to delete a trigger provides a streamlined and intuitive user interface. You can use the kn trigger delete command to delete a trigger.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  • Delete a trigger:

    $ kn trigger delete <trigger_name>


  1. List existing triggers:

    $ kn trigger list
  2. Verify that the trigger no longer exists:

    Example output

    No triggers found.

5.14.8. Configuring event delivery ordering for triggers

If you are using a Kafka broker, you can configure the delivery order of events from triggers to event sinks.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Eventing, and Knative Kafka are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • Kafka broker is enabled for use on your cluster, and you have created a Kafka broker.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have installed the OpenShift (oc) CLI.


  1. Create or modify a Trigger object and set the annotation:

    kind: Trigger
      name: <trigger_name>
      annotations: ordered

    The supported consumer delivery guarantees are:

    An unordered consumer is a non-blocking consumer that delivers messages unordered, while preserving proper offset management.

    An ordered consumer is a per-partition blocking consumer that waits for a successful response from the CloudEvent subscriber before it delivers the next message of the partition.

    The default ordering guarantee is unordered.

  2. Apply the Trigger object:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>

5.14.9. Next steps

5.15. Using Knative Kafka

Knative Kafka provides integration options for you to use supported versions of the Apache Kafka message streaming platform with OpenShift Serverless. Kafka provides options for event source, channel, broker, and event sink capabilities.

Knative Kafka functionality is available in an OpenShift Serverless installation if a cluster administrator has installed the KnativeKafka custom resource.


Knative Kafka is not currently supported for IBM Z and IBM Power Systems.

Knative Kafka provides additional options, such as:

  • Kafka source
  • Kafka channel
  • Kafka broker
  • Kafka sink

5.15.1. Kafka event delivery and retries

Using Kafka components in an event-driven architecture provides "at least once" event delivery. This means that operations are retried until a return code value is received. This makes applications more resilient to lost events; however, it might result in duplicate events being sent.

For the Kafka event source, there is a fixed number of retries for event delivery by default. For Kafka channels, retries are only performed if they are configured in the Kafka channel Delivery spec.

See the Event delivery documentation for more information about delivery guarantees.

5.15.2. Kafka source

You can create a Kafka source that reads events from an Apache Kafka cluster and passes these events to a sink. You can create a Kafka source by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console, the Knative (kn) CLI, or by creating a KafkaSource object directly as a YAML file and using the OpenShift CLI (oc) to apply it. Creating a Kafka event source by using the web console

After Knative Kafka is installed on your cluster, you can create a Kafka source by using the web console. Using the OpenShift Container Platform web console provides a streamlined and intuitive user interface to create a Kafka source.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Eventing, and the KnativeKafka custom resource are installed on your cluster.
  • You have logged in to the web console.
  • You have access to a Red Hat AMQ Streams (Kafka) cluster that produces the Kafka messages you want to import.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. In the Developer perspective, navigate to the Add page and select Event Source.
  2. In the Event Sources page, select Kafka Source in the Type section.
  3. Configure the Kafka Source settings:

    1. Add a comma-separated list of Bootstrap Servers.
    2. Add a comma-separated list of Topics.
    3. Add a Consumer Group.
    4. Select the Service Account Name for the service account that you created.
    5. Select the Sink for the event source. A Sink can be either a Resource, such as a channel, broker, or service, or a URI.
    6. Enter a Name for the Kafka event source.
  4. Click Create.


You can verify that the Kafka event source was created and is connected to the sink by viewing the Topology page.

  1. In the Developer perspective, navigate to Topology.
  2. View the Kafka event source and sink.

    View the Kafka source and service in the Topology view Creating a Kafka event source by using the Knative CLI

You can use the kn source kafka create command to create a Kafka source by using the Knative (kn) CLI. Using the Knative CLI to create event sources provides a more streamlined and intuitive user interface than modifying YAML files directly.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Eventing, Knative Serving, and the KnativeKafka custom resource (CR) are installed on your cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have access to a Red Hat AMQ Streams (Kafka) cluster that produces the Kafka messages you want to import.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • Optional: You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc) if you want to use the verification steps in this procedure.


  1. To verify that the Kafka event source is working, create a Knative service that dumps incoming events into the service logs:

    $ kn service create event-display \
  2. Create a KafkaSource CR:

    $ kn source kafka create <kafka_source_name> \
        --servers <cluster_kafka_bootstrap>.kafka.svc:9092 \
        --topics <topic_name> --consumergroup my-consumer-group \
        --sink event-display

    Replace the placeholder values in this command with values for your source name, bootstrap servers, and topics.

    The --servers, --topics, and --consumergroup options specify the connection parameters to the Kafka cluster. The --consumergroup option is optional.

  3. Optional: View details about the KafkaSource CR you created:

    $ kn source kafka describe <kafka_source_name>

    Example output

    Name:              example-kafka-source
    Namespace:         kafka
    Age:               1h
    BootstrapServers:  example-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.kafka.svc:9092
    Topics:            example-topic
    ConsumerGroup:     example-consumer-group
      Name:       event-display
      Namespace:  default
      Resource:   Service (
      OK TYPE            AGE REASON
      ++ Ready            1h
      ++ Deployed         1h
      ++ SinkProvided     1h

Verification steps

  1. Trigger the Kafka instance to send a message to the topic:

    $ oc -n kafka run kafka-producer \
        -ti --rm=true \
        --restart=Never -- bin/ \
        --broker-list <cluster_kafka_bootstrap>:9092 --topic my-topic

    Enter the message in the prompt. This command assumes that:

    • The Kafka cluster is installed in the kafka namespace.
    • The KafkaSource object has been configured to use the my-topic topic.
  2. Verify that the message arrived by viewing the logs:

    $ oc logs $(oc get pod -o name | grep event-display) -c user-container

    Example output

    ☁️  cloudevents.Event
    Validation: valid
    Context Attributes,
      specversion: 1.0
      type: dev.knative.kafka.event
      source: /apis/v1/namespaces/default/kafkasources/example-kafka-source#example-topic
      subject: partition:46#0
      id: partition:46/offset:0
      time: 2021-03-10T11:21:49.4Z
      traceparent: 00-161ff3815727d8755848ec01c866d1cd-7ff3916c44334678-00
      Hello! Knative CLI sink flag

When you create an event source by using the Knative (kn) CLI, you can specify a sink where events are sent to from that resource by using the --sink flag. The sink can be any addressable or callable resource that can receive incoming events from other resources.

The following example creates a sink binding that uses a service, http://event-display.svc.cluster.local, as the sink:

Example command using the sink flag

$ kn source binding create bind-heartbeat \
  --namespace sinkbinding-example \
  --subject "Job:batch/v1:app=heartbeat-cron" \
  --sink http://event-display.svc.cluster.local \ 1
  --ce-override "sink=bound"

svc in http://event-display.svc.cluster.local determines that the sink is a Knative service. Other default sink prefixes include channel, and broker. Creating a Kafka event source by using YAML

Creating Knative resources by using YAML files uses a declarative API, which enables you to describe applications declaratively and in a reproducible manner. To create a Kafka source by using YAML, you must create a YAML file that defines a KafkaSource object, then apply it by using the oc apply command.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Eventing, and the KnativeKafka custom resource are installed on your cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have access to a Red Hat AMQ Streams (Kafka) cluster that produces the Kafka messages you want to import.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Create a KafkaSource object as a YAML file:

    kind: KafkaSource
      name: <source_name>
      consumerGroup: <group_name> 1
      - <list_of_bootstrap_servers>
      - <list_of_topics> 2
      - <list_of_sinks> 3
    A consumer group is a group of consumers that use the same group ID, and consume data from a topic.
    A topic provides a destination for the storage of data. Each topic is split into one or more partitions.
    A sink specifies where events are sent to from a source.

    Only the v1beta1 version of the API for KafkaSource objects on OpenShift Serverless is supported. Do not use the v1alpha1 version of this API, as this version is now deprecated.

    Example KafkaSource object

    kind: KafkaSource
      name: kafka-source
      consumerGroup: knative-group
      - my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.kafka:9092
      - knative-demo-topic
          kind: Service
          name: event-display

  2. Apply the KafkaSource YAML file:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>


  • Verify that the Kafka event source was created by entering the following command:

    $ oc get pods

    Example output

    NAME                                    READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    kafkasource-kafka-source-5ca0248f-...   1/1       Running   0          13m

5.15.3. Kafka broker

For production-ready Knative Eventing deployments, Red Hat recommends using the Knative Kafka broker implementation. The Kafka broker is an Apache Kafka native implementation of the Knative broker, which sends CloudEvents directly to the Kafka instance.


The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) mode is disabled for Kafka broker.

The Kafka broker has a native integration with Kafka for storing and routing events. This allows better integration with Kafka for the broker and trigger model over other broker types, and reduces network hops. Other benefits of the Kafka broker implementation include:

  • At-least-once delivery guarantees
  • Ordered delivery of events, based on the CloudEvents partitioning extension
  • Control plane high availability
  • A horizontally scalable data plane

The Knative Kafka broker stores incoming CloudEvents as Kafka records, using the binary content mode. This means that all CloudEvent attributes and extensions are mapped as headers on the Kafka record, while the data spec of the CloudEvent corresponds to the value of the Kafka record.

For information about using Kafka brokers, see Creating brokers.

5.15.4. Creating a Kafka channel by using YAML

Creating Knative resources by using YAML files uses a declarative API, which enables you to describe channels declaratively and in a reproducible manner. You can create a Knative Eventing channel that is backed by Kafka topics by creating a Kafka channel. To create a Kafka channel by using YAML, you must create a YAML file that defines a KafkaChannel object, then apply it by using the oc apply command.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Eventing, and the KnativeKafka custom resource are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. Create a KafkaChannel object as a YAML file:

    kind: KafkaChannel
      name: example-channel
      namespace: default
      numPartitions: 3
      replicationFactor: 1

    Only the v1beta1 version of the API for KafkaChannel objects on OpenShift Serverless is supported. Do not use the v1alpha1 version of this API, as this version is now deprecated.

  2. Apply the KafkaChannel YAML file:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>

5.15.5. Kafka sink

Kafka sinks are a type of event sink that are available if a cluster administrator has enabled Kafka on your cluster. You can send events directly from an event source to a Kafka topic by using a Kafka sink. Using a Kafka sink

You can create an event sink called a Kafka sink that sends events to a Kafka topic. Creating Knative resources by using YAML files uses a declarative API, which enables you to describe applications declaratively and in a reproducible manner. To create a Kafka sink by using YAML, you must create a YAML file that defines a KafkaSink object, then apply it by using the oc apply command.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Eventing, and the KnativeKafka custom resource (CR) are installed on your cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have access to a Red Hat AMQ Streams (Kafka) cluster that produces the Kafka messages you want to import.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Create a KafkaSink object definition as a YAML file:

    Kafka sink YAML

    kind: KafkaSink
      name: <sink-name>
      namespace: <namespace>
      topic: <topic-name>
       - <bootstrap-server>

  2. To create the Kafka sink, apply the KafkaSink YAML file:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>
  3. Configure an event source so that the sink is specified in its spec:

    Example of a Kafka sink connected to an API server source

    kind: ApiServerSource
      name: <source-name> 1
      namespace: <namespace> 2
      serviceAccountName: <service-account-name> 3
      mode: Resource
      - apiVersion: v1
        kind: Event
          kind: KafkaSink
          name: <sink-name> 4

    The name of the event source.
    The namespace of the event source.
    The service account for the event source.
    The Kafka sink name.

5.15.6. Additional resources

Chapter 6. Administer

6.1. Global configuration

The OpenShift Serverless Operator manages the global configuration of a Knative installation, including propagating values from the KnativeServing and KnativeEventing custom resources to system config maps. Any updates to config maps which are applied manually are overwritten by the Operator. However, modifying the Knative custom resources allows you to set values for these config maps.

Knative has multiple config maps that are named with the prefix config-. All Knative config maps are created in the same namespace as the custom resource that they apply to. For example, if the KnativeServing custom resource is created in the knative-serving namespace, all Knative Serving config maps are also created in this namespace.

The spec.config in the Knative custom resources have one <name> entry for each config map, named config-<name>, with a value which is be used for the config map data.

6.1.1. Configuring the default channel implementation

You can use the default-ch-webhook config map to specify the default channel implementation of Knative Eventing. You can specify the default channel implementation for the entire cluster or for one or more namespaces. Currently the InMemoryChannel and KafkaChannel channel types are supported.


  • You have administrator permissions on OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing on your cluster.
  • If you want to use Kafka channels as the default channel implementation, you must also install the KnativeKafka CR on your cluster.


  • Modify the KnativeEventing custom resource to add configuration details for the default-ch-webhook config map:

    kind: KnativeEventing
      name: knative-eventing
      namespace: knative-eventing
      config: 1
        default-ch-webhook: 2
          default-ch-config: |
            clusterDefault: 3
              kind: InMemoryChannel
                  backoffDelay: PT0.5S
                  backoffPolicy: exponential
                  retry: 5
            namespaceDefaults: 4
                kind: KafkaChannel
                  numPartitions: 1
                  replicationFactor: 1
    In spec.config, you can specify the config maps that you want to add modified configurations for.
    The default-ch-webhook config map can be used to specify the default channel implementation for the cluster or for one or more namespaces.
    The cluster-wide default channel type configuration. In this example, the default channel implementation for the cluster is InMemoryChannel.
    The namespace-scoped default channel type configuration. In this example, the default channel implementation for the my-namespace namespace is KafkaChannel.

    Configuring a namespace-specific default overrides any cluster-wide settings.

6.1.2. Configuring the default broker backing channel

If you are using a channel-based broker, you can set the default backing channel type for the broker to either InMemoryChannel or KafkaChannel.


  • You have administrator permissions on OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing on your cluster.
  • You have installed the OpenShift (oc) CLI.
  • If you want to use Kafka channels as the default backing channel type, you must also install the KnativeKafka CR on your cluster.


  1. Modify the KnativeEventing custom resource (CR) to add configuration details for the config-br-default-channel config map:

    kind: KnativeEventing
      name: knative-eventing
      namespace: knative-eventing
      config: 1
          channel-template-spec: |
            kind: KafkaChannel 2
              numPartitions: 6 3
              replicationFactor: 3 4
    In spec.config, you can specify the config maps that you want to add modified configurations for.
    The default backing channel type configuration. In this example, the default channel implementation for the cluster is KafkaChannel.
    The number of partitions for the Kafka channel that backs the broker.
    The replication factor for the Kafka channel that backs the broker.
  2. Apply the updated KnativeEventing CR:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>

6.1.3. Configuring the default broker class

You can use the config-br-defaults config map to specify default broker class settings for Knative Eventing. You can specify the default broker class for the entire cluster or for one or more namespaces. Currently the MTChannelBasedBroker and Kafka broker types are supported.


  • You have administrator permissions on OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing on your cluster.
  • If you want to use Kafka broker as the default broker implementation, you must also install the KnativeKafka CR on your cluster.


  • Modify the KnativeEventing custom resource to add configuration details for the config-br-defaults config map:

    kind: KnativeEventing
      name: knative-eventing
      namespace: knative-eventing
      defaultBrokerClass: Kafka 1
      config: 2
        config-br-defaults: 3
          default-br-config: |
            clusterDefault: 4
              brokerClass: Kafka
              apiVersion: v1
              kind: ConfigMap
              name: kafka-broker-config 5
              namespace: knative-eventing 6
            namespaceDefaults: 7
                brokerClass: MTChannelBasedBroker
                apiVersion: v1
                kind: ConfigMap
                name: config-br-default-channel 8
                namespace: knative-eventing 9
    The default broker class for Knative Eventing.
    In spec.config, you can specify the config maps that you want to add modified configurations for.
    The config-br-defaults config map specifies the default settings for any broker that does not specify spec.config settings or a broker class.
    The cluster-wide default broker class configuration. In this example, the default broker class implementation for the cluster is Kafka.
    The kafka-broker-config config map specifies default settings for the Kafka broker. See "Configuring Kafka broker settings" in the "Additional resources" section.
    The namespace where the kafka-broker-config config map exists.
    The namespace-scoped default broker class configuration. In this example, the default broker class implementation for the my-namespace namespace is MTChannelBasedBroker. You can specify default broker class implementations for multiple namespaces.
    The config-br-default-channel config map specifies the default backing channel for the broker. See "Configuring the default broker backing channel" in the "Additional resources" section.
    The namespace where the config-br-default-channel config map exists.

    Configuring a namespace-specific default overrides any cluster-wide settings.

6.1.4. Enabling scale-to-zero

Knative Serving provides automatic scaling, or autoscaling, for applications to match incoming demand. You can use the enable-scale-to-zero spec to enable or disable scale-to-zero globally for applications on the cluster.


  • You have installed OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving on your cluster.
  • You have cluster administrator permissions.
  • You are using the default Knative Pod Autoscaler. The scale to zero feature is not available if you are using the Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler.


  • Modify the enable-scale-to-zero spec in the KnativeServing custom resource (CR):

    Example KnativeServing CR

    kind: KnativeServing
      name: knative-serving
          enable-scale-to-zero: "false" 1

    The enable-scale-to-zero spec can be either "true" or "false". If set to true, scale-to-zero is enabled. If set to false, applications are scaled down to the configured minimum scale bound. The default value is "true".

6.1.5. Configuring the scale-to-zero grace period

Knative Serving provides automatic scaling down to zero pods for applications. You can use the scale-to-zero-grace-period spec to define an upper bound time limit that Knative waits for scale-to-zero machinery to be in place before the last replica of an application is removed.


  • You have installed OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving on your cluster.
  • You have cluster administrator permissions.
  • You are using the default Knative Pod Autoscaler. The scale to zero feature is not available if you are using the Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler.


  • Modify the scale-to-zero-grace-period spec in the KnativeServing custom resource (CR):

    Example KnativeServing CR

    kind: KnativeServing
      name: knative-serving
          scale-to-zero-grace-period: "30s" 1

    The grace period time in seconds. The default value is 30 seconds.

6.1.6. Overriding system deployment configurations

You can override the default configurations for some specific deployments by modifying the deployments spec in the KnativeServing and KnativeEventing custom resources (CRs). Overriding Knative Serving system deployment configurations

You can override the default configurations for some specific deployments by modifying the deployments spec in the KnativeServing custom resource (CR). Currently, overriding default configuration settings is supported for the resources, replicas, labels, annotations, and nodeSelector fields.

In the following example, a KnativeServing CR overrides the webhook deployment so that:

  • The deployment has specified CPU and memory resource limits.
  • The deployment has 3 replicas.
  • The example-label: label label is added.
  • The example-annotation: annotation annotation is added.
  • The nodeSelector field is set to select nodes with the disktype: hdd label.

The KnativeServing CR label and annotation settings override the deployment’s labels and annotations for both the deployment itself and the resulting pods.

KnativeServing CR example

kind: KnativeServing
  name: ks
  namespace: knative-serving
    replicas: 2
  - name: webhook
    - container: webhook
        cpu: 300m
        memory: 60Mi
        cpu: 1000m
        memory: 1000Mi
    replicas: 3
      example-label: label
      example-annotation: annotation
      disktype: hdd Overriding Knative Eventing system deployment configurations

You can override the default configurations for some specific deployments by modifying the deployments spec in the KnativeEventing custom resource (CR). Currently, overriding default configuration settings is supported for the eventing-controller, eventing-webhook, and imc-controller fields.


The replicas spec cannot override the number of replicas for deployments that use the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), and does not work for the eventing-webhook deployment.

In the following example, a KnativeEventing CR overrides the eventing-controller deployment so that:

  • The deployment has specified CPU and memory resource limits.
  • The deployment has 3 replicas.
  • The example-label: label label is added.
  • The example-annotation: annotation annotation is added.
  • The nodeSelector field is set to select nodes with the disktype: hdd label.

KnativeEventing CR example

kind: KnativeEventing
  name: knative-eventing
  namespace: knative-eventing
  - name: eventing-controller
    - container: eventing-controller
        cpu: 300m
        memory: 100Mi
        cpu: 1000m
        memory: 250Mi
    replicas: 3
      example-label: label
      example-annotation: annotation
      disktype: hdd


The KnativeEventing CR label and annotation settings override the deployment’s labels and annotations for both the deployment itself and the resulting pods.

6.1.7. Configuring the EmptyDir extension

emptyDir volumes are empty volumes that are created when a pod is created, and are used to provide temporary working disk space. emptyDir volumes are deleted when the pod they were created for is deleted.

The kubernetes.podspec-volumes-emptydir extension controls whether emptyDir volumes can be used with Knative Serving. To enable using emptyDir volumes, you must modify the KnativeServing custom resource (CR) to include the following YAML:

Example KnativeServing CR

kind: KnativeServing
  name: knative-serving
      kubernetes.podspec-volumes-emptydir: enabled

6.1.8. HTTPS redirection global settings

HTTPS redirection provides redirection for incoming HTTP requests. These redirected HTTP requests are encrypted. You can enable HTTPS redirection for all services on the cluster by configuring the httpProtocol spec for the KnativeServing custom resource (CR).

Example KnativeServing CR that enables HTTPS redirection

kind: KnativeServing
  name: knative-serving
      httpProtocol: "redirected"

6.1.9. Setting the URL scheme for external routes

The URL scheme of external routes defaults to HTTPS for enhanced security. This scheme is determined by the default-external-scheme key in the KnativeServing custom resource (CR) spec.

Default spec

      default-external-scheme: "https"

You can override the default spec to use HTTP by modifying the default-external-scheme key:

HTTP override spec

      default-external-scheme: "http"

6.1.10. Setting the Kourier Gateway service type

The Kourier Gateway is exposed by default as the ClusterIP service type. This service type is determined by the service-type ingress spec in the KnativeServing custom resource (CR).

Default spec

      service-type: ClusterIP

You can override the default service type to use a load balancer service type instead by modifying the service-type spec:

LoadBalancer override spec

      service-type: LoadBalancer

6.1.11. Enabling PVC support

Some serverless applications need permanent data storage. To achieve this, you can configure persistent volume claims (PVCs) for your Knative services.


PVC support for Knative services is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see


  1. To enable Knative Serving to use PVCs and write to them, modify the KnativeServing custom resource (CR) to include the following YAML:

    Enabling PVCs with write access

          "kubernetes.podspec-persistent-volume-claim": enabled
          "kubernetes.podspec-persistent-volume-write": enabled

    • The kubernetes.podspec-persistent-volume-claim extension controls whether persistent volumes (PVs) can be used with Knative Serving.
    • The kubernetes.podspec-persistent-volume-write extension controls whether PVs are available to Knative Serving with the write access.
  2. To claim a PV, modify your service to include the PV configuration. For example, you might have a persistent volume claim with the following configuration:


    Use the storage class that supports the access mode that you are requesting. For example, you can use the ocs-storagecluster-cephfs class for the ReadWriteMany access mode.

    PersistentVolumeClaim configuration

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
      name: example-pv-claim
      namespace: my-ns
        - ReadWriteMany
      storageClassName: ocs-storagecluster-cephfs
          storage: 1Gi

    In this case, to claim a PV with write access, modify your service as follows:

    Knative service PVC configuration

    kind: Service
      namespace: my-ns
             volumeMounts: 1
               - mountPath: /data
                 name: mydata
                 readOnly: false
           - name: mydata
             persistentVolumeClaim: 2
               claimName: example-pv-claim
               readOnly: false 3

    Volume mount specification.
    Persistent volume claim specification.
    Flag that enables read-only access.

    To successfully use persistent storage in Knative services, you need additional configuration, such as the user permissions for the Knative container user.

6.1.12. Enabling init containers

Init containers are specialized containers that are run before application containers in a pod. They are generally used to implement initialization logic for an application, which may include running setup scripts or downloading required configurations. You can enable the use of init containers for Knative services by modifying the KnativeServing custom resource (CR).


Init containers for Knative services is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see


Init containers may cause longer application start-up times and should be used with caution for serverless applications, which are expected to scale up and down frequently.


  • You have installed OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving on your cluster.
  • You have cluster administrator permissions.


  • Enable the use of init containers by adding the kubernetes.podspec-init-containers flag to the KnativeServing CR:

    Example KnativeServing CR

    kind: KnativeServing
      name: knative-serving
          kubernetes.podspec-init-containers: enabled

6.1.13. Tag-to-digest resolution

If the Knative Serving controller has access to the container registry, Knative Serving resolves image tags to a digest when you create a revision of a service. This is known as tag-to-digest resolution, and helps to provide consistency for deployments.

To give the controller access to the container registry on OpenShift Container Platform, you must create a secret and then configure controller custom certificates. You can configure controller custom certificates by modifying the controller-custom-certs spec in the KnativeServing custom resource (CR). The secret must reside in the same namespace as the KnativeServing CR.

If a secret is not included in the KnativeServing CR, this setting defaults to using public key infrastructure (PKI). When using PKI, the cluster-wide certificates are automatically injected into the Knative Serving controller by using the config-service-sa config map. The OpenShift Serverless Operator populates the config-service-sa config map with cluster-wide certificates and mounts the config map as a volume to the controller. Configuring tag-to-digest resolution by using a secret

If the controller-custom-certs spec uses the Secret type, the secret is mounted as a secret volume. Knative components consume the secret directly, assuming that the secret has the required certificates.


  • You have cluster administrator permissions on OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving on your cluster.


  1. Create a secret:

    Example command

    $ oc -n knative-serving create secret generic custom-secret --from-file=<secret_name>.crt=<path_to_certificate>

  2. Configure the controller-custom-certs spec in the KnativeServing custom resource (CR) to use the Secret type:

    Example KnativeServing CR

    kind: KnativeServing
      name: knative-serving
      namespace: knative-serving
        name: custom-secret
        type: Secret

6.1.14. Additional resources

6.2. Configuring Knative Kafka

Knative Kafka provides integration options for you to use supported versions of the Apache Kafka message streaming platform with OpenShift Serverless. Kafka provides options for event source, channel, broker, and event sink capabilities.

In addition to the Knative Eventing components that are provided as part of a core OpenShift Serverless installation, cluster administrators can install the KnativeKafka custom resource (CR).


Knative Kafka is not currently supported for IBM Z and IBM Power Systems.

The KnativeKafka CR provides users with additional options, such as:

  • Kafka source
  • Kafka channel
  • Kafka broker
  • Kafka sink

6.2.1. Installing Knative Kafka

Knative Kafka provides integration options for you to use supported versions of the Apache Kafka message streaming platform with OpenShift Serverless. Knative Kafka functionality is available in an OpenShift Serverless installation if you have installed the KnativeKafka custom resource.


  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing on your cluster.
  • You have access to a Red Hat AMQ Streams cluster.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc) if you want to use the verification steps.
  • You have cluster administrator permissions on OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You are logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  1. In the Administrator perspective, navigate to OperatorsInstalled Operators.
  2. Check that the Project dropdown at the top of the page is set to Project: knative-eventing.
  3. In the list of Provided APIs for the OpenShift Serverless Operator, find the Knative Kafka box and click Create Instance.
  4. Configure the KnativeKafka object in the Create Knative Kafka page.


    To use the Kafka channel, source, broker, or sink on your cluster, you must toggle the enabled switch for the options you want to use to true. These switches are set to false by default. Additionally, to use the Kafka channel, broker, or sink you must specify the bootstrap servers.

    Example KnativeKafka custom resource

    kind: KnativeKafka
        name: knative-kafka
        namespace: knative-eventing
            enabled: true 1
            bootstrapServers: <bootstrap_servers> 2
            enabled: true 3
            enabled: true 4
                bootstrapServers: <bootstrap_servers> 5
                numPartitions: <num_partitions> 6
                replicationFactor: <replication_factor> 7
            enabled: true 8

    Enables developers to use the KafkaChannel channel type in the cluster.
    A comma-separated list of bootstrap servers from your AMQ Streams cluster.
    Enables developers to use the KafkaSource event source type in the cluster.
    Enables developers to use the Knative Kafka broker implementation in the cluster.
    A comma-separated list of bootstrap servers from your Red Hat AMQ Streams cluster.
    Defines the number of partitions of the Kafka topics, backed by the Broker objects. The default is 10.
    Defines the replication factor of the Kafka topics, backed by the Broker objects. The default is 3.
    Enables developers to use a Kafka sink in the cluster.

    The replicationFactor value must be less than or equal to the number of nodes of your Red Hat AMQ Streams cluster.

    1. Using the form is recommended for simpler configurations that do not require full control of KnativeKafka object creation.
    2. Editing the YAML is recommended for more complex configurations that require full control of KnativeKafka object creation. You can access the YAML by clicking the Edit YAML link in the top right of the Create Knative Kafka page.
  5. Click Create after you have completed any of the optional configurations for Kafka. You are automatically directed to the Knative Kafka tab where knative-kafka is in the list of resources.


  1. Click on the knative-kafka resource in the Knative Kafka tab. You are automatically directed to the Knative Kafka Overview page.
  2. View the list of Conditions for the resource and confirm that they have a status of True.

    Kafka Knative Overview page showing Conditions

    If the conditions have a status of Unknown or False, wait a few moments to refresh the page.

  3. Check that the Knative Kafka resources have been created:

    $ oc get pods -n knative-eventing

    Example output

    NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    kafka-broker-dispatcher-7769fbbcbb-xgffn    2/2     Running   0          44s
    kafka-broker-receiver-5fb56f7656-fhq8d      2/2     Running   0          44s
    kafka-channel-dispatcher-84fd6cb7f9-k2tjv   2/2     Running   0          44s
    kafka-channel-receiver-9b7f795d5-c76xr      2/2     Running   0          44s
    kafka-controller-6f95659bf6-trd6r           2/2     Running   0          44s
    kafka-source-dispatcher-6bf98bdfff-8bcsn    2/2     Running   0          44s
    kafka-webhook-eventing-68dc95d54b-825xs     2/2     Running   0          44s

6.2.2. Security configuration for Knative Kafka

Kafka clusters are generally secured by using the TLS or SASL authentication methods. You can configure a Kafka broker or channel to work against a protected Red Hat AMQ Streams cluster by using TLS or SASL.


Red Hat recommends that you enable both SASL and TLS together. Configuring TLS authentication for Kafka brokers

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is used by Apache Kafka clients and servers to encrypt traffic between Knative and Kafka, as well as for authentication. TLS is the only supported method of traffic encryption for Knative Kafka.


  • You have cluster administrator permissions on OpenShift Container Platform.
  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Eventing, and the KnativeKafka CR are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have a Kafka cluster CA certificate stored as a .pem file.
  • You have a Kafka cluster client certificate and a key stored as .pem files.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Create the certificate files as a secret in the knative-eventing namespace:

    $ oc create secret -n knative-eventing generic <secret_name> \
      --from-literal=protocol=SSL \
      --from-file=ca.crt=caroot.pem \
      --from-file=user.crt=certificate.pem \

    Use the key names ca.crt, user.crt, and user.key. Do not change them.

  2. Edit the KnativeKafka CR and add a reference to your secret in the broker spec:

    kind: KnativeKafka
      namespace: knative-eventing
      name: knative-kafka
        enabled: true
          authSecretName: <secret_name>
    ... Configuring SASL authentication for Kafka brokers

Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) is used by Apache Kafka for authentication. If you use SASL authentication on your cluster, users must provide credentials to Knative for communicating with the Kafka cluster; otherwise events cannot be produced or consumed.


  • You have cluster administrator permissions on OpenShift Container Platform.
  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Eventing, and the KnativeKafka CR are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have a username and password for a Kafka cluster.
  • You have chosen the SASL mechanism to use, for example, PLAIN, SCRAM-SHA-256, or SCRAM-SHA-512.
  • If TLS is enabled, you also need the ca.crt certificate file for the Kafka cluster.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Create the certificate files as a secret in the knative-eventing namespace:

    $ oc create secret -n knative-eventing generic <secret_name> \
      --from-literal=protocol=SASL_SSL \
      --from-literal=sasl.mechanism=<sasl_mechanism> \
      --from-file=ca.crt=caroot.pem \
      --from-literal=password="SecretPassword" \
    • Use the key names ca.crt, password, and sasl.mechanism. Do not change them.
    • If you want to use SASL with public CA certificates, you must use the tls.enabled=true flag, rather than the ca.crt argument, when creating the secret. For example:

      $ oc create secret -n <namespace> generic <kafka_auth_secret> \
        --from-literal=tls.enabled=true \
        --from-literal=password="SecretPassword" \
        --from-literal=saslType="SCRAM-SHA-512" \
  2. Edit the KnativeKafka CR and add a reference to your secret in the broker spec:

    kind: KnativeKafka
      namespace: knative-eventing
      name: knative-kafka
        enabled: true
          authSecretName: <secret_name>
    ... Configuring TLS authentication for Kafka channels

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is used by Apache Kafka clients and servers to encrypt traffic between Knative and Kafka, as well as for authentication. TLS is the only supported method of traffic encryption for Knative Kafka.


  • You have cluster administrator permissions on OpenShift Container Platform.
  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Eventing, and the KnativeKafka CR are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have a Kafka cluster CA certificate stored as a .pem file.
  • You have a Kafka cluster client certificate and a key stored as .pem files.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Create the certificate files as secrets in your chosen namespace:

    $ oc create secret -n <namespace> generic <kafka_auth_secret> \
      --from-file=ca.crt=caroot.pem \
      --from-file=user.crt=certificate.pem \

    Use the key names ca.crt, user.crt, and user.key. Do not change them.

  2. Start editing the KnativeKafka custom resource:

    $ oc edit knativekafka
  3. Reference your secret and the namespace of the secret:

    kind: KnativeKafka
      namespace: knative-eventing
      name: knative-kafka
        authSecretName: <kafka_auth_secret>
        authSecretNamespace: <kafka_auth_secret_namespace>
        bootstrapServers: <bootstrap_servers>
        enabled: true
        enabled: true

    Make sure to specify the matching port in the bootstrap server.

    For example:

    kind: KnativeKafka
      namespace: knative-eventing
      name: knative-kafka
        authSecretName: tls-user
        authSecretNamespace: kafka
        bootstrapServers: eventing-kafka-bootstrap.kafka.svc:9094
        enabled: true
        enabled: true Configuring SASL authentication for Kafka channels

Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) is used by Apache Kafka for authentication. If you use SASL authentication on your cluster, users must provide credentials to Knative for communicating with the Kafka cluster; otherwise events cannot be produced or consumed.


  • You have cluster administrator permissions on OpenShift Container Platform.
  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Eventing, and the KnativeKafka CR are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have a username and password for a Kafka cluster.
  • You have chosen the SASL mechanism to use, for example, PLAIN, SCRAM-SHA-256, or SCRAM-SHA-512.
  • If TLS is enabled, you also need the ca.crt certificate file for the Kafka cluster.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Create the certificate files as secrets in your chosen namespace:

    $ oc create secret -n <namespace> generic <kafka_auth_secret> \
      --from-file=ca.crt=caroot.pem \
      --from-literal=password="SecretPassword" \
      --from-literal=saslType="SCRAM-SHA-512" \
    • Use the key names ca.crt, password, and sasl.mechanism. Do not change them.
    • If you want to use SASL with public CA certificates, you must use the tls.enabled=true flag, rather than the ca.crt argument, when creating the secret. For example:

      $ oc create secret -n <namespace> generic <kafka_auth_secret> \
        --from-literal=tls.enabled=true \
        --from-literal=password="SecretPassword" \
        --from-literal=saslType="SCRAM-SHA-512" \
  2. Start editing the KnativeKafka custom resource:

    $ oc edit knativekafka
  3. Reference your secret and the namespace of the secret:

    kind: KnativeKafka
      namespace: knative-eventing
      name: knative-kafka
        authSecretName: <kafka_auth_secret>
        authSecretNamespace: <kafka_auth_secret_namespace>
        bootstrapServers: <bootstrap_servers>
        enabled: true
        enabled: true

    Make sure to specify the matching port in the bootstrap server.

    For example:

    kind: KnativeKafka
      namespace: knative-eventing
      name: knative-kafka
        authSecretName: scram-user
        authSecretNamespace: kafka
        bootstrapServers: eventing-kafka-bootstrap.kafka.svc:9093
        enabled: true
        enabled: true Configuring SASL authentication for Kafka sources

Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) is used by Apache Kafka for authentication. If you use SASL authentication on your cluster, users must provide credentials to Knative for communicating with the Kafka cluster; otherwise events cannot be produced or consumed.


  • You have cluster or dedicated administrator permissions on OpenShift Container Platform.
  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Eventing, and the KnativeKafka CR are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have a username and password for a Kafka cluster.
  • You have chosen the SASL mechanism to use, for example, PLAIN, SCRAM-SHA-256, or SCRAM-SHA-512.
  • If TLS is enabled, you also need the ca.crt certificate file for the Kafka cluster.
  • You have installed the OpenShift (oc) CLI.


  1. Create the certificate files as secrets in your chosen namespace:

    $ oc create secret -n <namespace> generic <kafka_auth_secret> \
      --from-file=ca.crt=caroot.pem \
      --from-literal=password="SecretPassword" \
      --from-literal=saslType="SCRAM-SHA-512" \ 1
    The SASL type can be PLAIN, SCRAM-SHA-256, or SCRAM-SHA-512.
  2. Create or modify your Kafka source so that it contains the following spec configuration:

    kind: KafkaSource
      name: example-source
          enable: true
              name: <kafka_auth_secret>
              key: user
              name: <kafka_auth_secret>
              key: password
              name: <kafka_auth_secret>
              key: saslType
          enable: true
          caCert: 1
              name: <kafka_auth_secret>
              key: ca.crt
    The caCert spec is not required if you are using a public cloud Kafka service, such as Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka. Configuring security for Kafka sinks

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is used by Apache Kafka clients and servers to encrypt traffic between Knative and Kafka, as well as for authentication. TLS is the only supported method of traffic encryption for Knative Kafka.

Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) is used by Apache Kafka for authentication. If you use SASL authentication on your cluster, users must provide credentials to Knative for communicating with the Kafka cluster; otherwise events cannot be produced or consumed.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Eventing, and the KnativeKafka custom resources (CRs) are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • Kafka sink is enabled in the KnativeKafka CR.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have a Kafka cluster CA certificate stored as a .pem file.
  • You have a Kafka cluster client certificate and a key stored as .pem files.
  • You have installed the OpenShift (oc) CLI.
  • You have chosen the SASL mechanism to use, for example, PLAIN, SCRAM-SHA-256, or SCRAM-SHA-512.


  1. Create the certificate files as a secret in the same namespace as your KafkaSink object:


    Certificates and keys must be in PEM format.

    • For authentication using SASL without encryption:

      $ oc create secret -n <namespace> generic <secret_name> \
        --from-literal=protocol=SASL_PLAINTEXT \
        --from-literal=sasl.mechanism=<sasl_mechanism> \
        --from-literal=user=<username> \
    • For authentication using SASL and encryption using TLS:

      $ oc create secret -n <namespace> generic <secret_name> \
        --from-literal=protocol=SASL_SSL \
        --from-literal=sasl.mechanism=<sasl_mechanism> \
        --from-file=ca.crt=<my_caroot.pem_file_path> \ 1
        --from-literal=user=<username> \
      The ca.crt can be omitted to use the system’s root CA set if you are using a public cloud managed Kafka service, such as Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka.
    • For authentication and encryption using TLS:

      $ oc create secret -n <namespace> generic <secret_name> \
        --from-literal=protocol=SSL \
        --from-file=ca.crt=<my_caroot.pem_file_path> \ 1
        --from-file=user.crt=<my_cert.pem_file_path> \
      The ca.crt can be omitted to use the system’s root CA set if you are using a public cloud managed Kafka service, such as Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka.
  2. Create or modify a KafkaSink object and add a reference to your secret in the auth spec:

    kind: KafkaSink
       name: <sink_name>
       namespace: <namespace>
             name: <secret_name>
  3. Apply the KafkaSink object:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>

6.2.3. Configuring Kafka broker settings

You can configure the replication factor, bootstrap servers, and the number of topic partitions for a Kafka broker, by creating a config map and referencing this config map in the Kafka Broker object.


  • You have cluster or dedicated administrator permissions on OpenShift Container Platform.
  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Eventing, and the KnativeKafka custom resource (CR) are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project that has the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Modify the kafka-broker-config config map, or create your own config map that contains the following configuration:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: <config_map_name> 1
      namespace: <namespace> 2
      default.topic.partitions: <integer> 3
      default.topic.replication.factor: <integer> 4
      bootstrap.servers: <list_of_servers> 5
    The config map name.
    The namespace where the config map exists.
    The number of topic partitions for the Kafka broker. This controls how quickly events can be sent to the broker. A higher number of partitions requires greater compute resources.
    The replication factor of topic messages. This prevents against data loss. A higher replication factor requires greater compute resources and more storage.
    A comma separated list of bootstrap servers. This can be inside or outside of the OpenShift Container Platform cluster, and is a list of Kafka clusters that the broker receives events from and sends events to.

    The default.topic.replication.factor value must be less than or equal to the number of Kafka broker instances in your cluster. For example, if you only have one Kafka broker, the default.topic.replication.factor value should not be more than "1".

    Example Kafka broker config map

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: kafka-broker-config
      namespace: knative-eventing
      default.topic.partitions: "10"
      default.topic.replication.factor: "3"
      bootstrap.servers: "my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.kafka:9092"

  2. Apply the config map:

    $ oc apply -f <config_map_filename>
  3. Specify the config map for the Kafka Broker object:

    Example Broker object

    kind: Broker
      name: <broker_name> 1
      namespace: <namespace> 2
      annotations: Kafka 3
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: ConfigMap
        name: <config_map_name> 4
        namespace: <namespace> 5

    The broker name.
    The namespace where the broker exists.
    The broker class annotation. In this example, the broker is a Kafka broker that uses the class value Kafka.
    The config map name.
    The namespace where the config map exists.
  4. Apply the broker:

    $ oc apply -f <broker_filename>

Additional resources

6.2.4. Additional resources

6.3. Serverless components in the Administrator perspective

If you do not want to switch to the Developer perspective in the OpenShift Container Platform web console or use the Knative (kn) CLI or YAML files, you can create Knative components by using the Administator perspective of the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

6.3.1. Creating serverless applications using the Administrator perspective

Serverless applications are created and deployed as Kubernetes services, defined by a route and a configuration, and contained in a YAML file. To deploy a serverless application using OpenShift Serverless, you must create a Knative Service object.

Example Knative Service object YAML file

kind: Service
  name: hello 1
  namespace: default 2
        - image: 3
            - name: RESPONSE 4
              value: "Hello Serverless!"

The name of the application.
The namespace the application uses.
The image of the application.
The environment variable printed out by the sample application.

After the service is created and the application is deployed, Knative creates an immutable revision for this version of the application. Knative also performs network programming to create a route, ingress, service, and load balancer for your application and automatically scales your pods up and down based on traffic.


To create serverless applications using the Administrator perspective, ensure that you have completed the following steps.

  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed.
  • You have logged in to the web console and are in the Administrator perspective.


  1. Navigate to the ServerlessServing page.
  2. In the Create list, select Service.
  3. Manually enter YAML or JSON definitions, or by dragging and dropping a file into the editor.
  4. Click Create.

6.3.2. Additional resources

6.4. Integrating Service Mesh with OpenShift Serverless

The OpenShift Serverless Operator provides Kourier as the default ingress for Knative. However, you can use Service Mesh with OpenShift Serverless whether Kourier is enabled or not. Integrating with Kourier disabled allows you to configure additional networking and routing options that the Kourier ingress does not support, such as mTLS functionality.


OpenShift Serverless only supports the use of Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh functionality that is explicitly documented in this guide, and does not support other undocumented features.

6.4.1. Prerequisites

  • The examples in the following procedures use the domain The example certificate for this domain is used as a certificate authority (CA) that signs the subdomain certificate.

    To complete and verify these procedures in your deployment, you need either a certificate signed by a widely trusted public CA or a CA provided by your organization. Example commands must be adjusted according to your domain, subdomain, and CA.

  • You must configure the wildcard certificate to match the domain of your OpenShift Container Platform cluster. For example, if your OpenShift Container Platform console address is, you must configure the wildcard certificate so that the domain is * For more information about configuring wildcard certificates, see the following topic about Creating a certificate to encrypt incoming external traffic.
  • If you want to use any domain name, including those which are not subdomains of the default OpenShift Container Platform cluster domain, you must set up domain mapping for those domains. For more information, see the OpenShift Serverless documentation about Creating a custom domain mapping.

6.4.2. Creating a certificate to encrypt incoming external traffic

By default, the Service Mesh mTLS feature only secures traffic inside of the Service Mesh itself, between the ingress gateway and individual pods that have sidecars. To encrypt traffic as it flows into the OpenShift Container Platform cluster, you must generate a certificate before you enable the OpenShift Serverless and Service Mesh integration.


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform account with cluster administrator access.
  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. Create a root certificate and private key that signs the certificates for your Knative services:

    $ openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 \
        -subj '/O=Example Inc./' \
        -keyout root.key \
        -out root.crt
  2. Create a wildcard certificate:

    $ openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 \
        -subj "/CN=* Inc." \
        -keyout wildcard.key \
        -out wildcard.csr
  3. Sign the wildcard certificate:

    $ openssl x509 -req -days 365 -set_serial 0 \
        -CA root.crt \
        -CAkey root.key \
        -in wildcard.csr \
        -out wildcard.crt
  4. Create a secret by using the wildcard certificate:

    $ oc create -n istio-system secret tls wildcard-certs \
        --key=wildcard.key \

    This certificate is picked up by the gateways created when you integrate OpenShift Serverless with Service Mesh, so that the ingress gateway serves traffic with this certificate.

6.4.3. Integrating Service Mesh with OpenShift Serverless

You can integrate Service Mesh with OpenShift Serverless without using Kourier as the default ingress. To do this, do not install the Knative Serving component before completing the following procedure. There are additional steps required when creating the KnativeServing custom resource definition (CRD) to integrate Knative Serving with Service Mesh, which are not covered in the general Knative Serving installation procedure. This procedure might be useful if you want to integrate Service Mesh as the default and only ingress for your OpenShift Serverless installation.


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform account with cluster administrator access.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • Install the Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh Operator and create a ServiceMeshControlPlane resource in the istio-system namespace. If you want to use mTLS functionality, you must also set the field for the ServiceMeshControlPlane resource to true.


    Using OpenShift Serverless with Service Mesh is only supported with Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh version 2.0.5 or later.

  • Install the OpenShift Serverless Operator.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Add the namespaces that you would like to integrate with Service Mesh to the ServiceMeshMemberRoll object as members:

    kind: ServiceMeshMemberRoll
      name: default
      namespace: istio-system
      members: 1
        - knative-serving
        - <namespace>
    A list of namespaces to be integrated with Service Mesh.

    This list of namespaces must include the knative-serving namespace.

  2. Apply the ServiceMeshMemberRoll resource:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>
  3. Create the necessary gateways so that Service Mesh can accept traffic:

    Example knative-local-gateway object using HTTP

    kind: Gateway
      name: knative-ingress-gateway
      namespace: knative-serving
        istio: ingressgateway
        - port:
            number: 443
            name: https
            protocol: HTTPS
            - "*"
            mode: SIMPLE
            credentialName: <wildcard_certs> 1
    kind: Gateway
     name: knative-local-gateway
     namespace: knative-serving
       istio: ingressgateway
       - port:
           number: 8081
           name: http
           protocol: HTTP 2
           - "*"
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
     name: knative-local-gateway
     namespace: istio-system
     labels: "true"
     type: ClusterIP
       istio: ingressgateway
       - name: http2
         port: 80
         targetPort: 8081

    Add the name of the secret that contains the wildcard certificate.
    The knative-local-gateway serves HTTP traffic. Using HTTP means that traffic coming from outside of Service Mesh, but using an internal hostname, such as example.default.svc.cluster.local, is not encrypted. You can set up encryption for this path by creating another wildcard certificate and an additional gateway that uses a different protocol spec.

    Example knative-local-gateway object using HTTPS

    kind: Gateway
      name: knative-local-gateway
      namespace: knative-serving
        istio: ingressgateway
        - port:
            number: 443
            name: https
            protocol: HTTPS
            - "*"
            mode: SIMPLE
            credentialName: <wildcard_certs>

  4. Apply the Gateway resources:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>
  5. Install Knative Serving by creating the following KnativeServing custom resource definition (CRD), which also enables the Istio integration:

    kind: KnativeServing
      name: knative-serving
      namespace: knative-serving
          enabled: true 1
      deployments: 2
      - name: activator
          "": "true"
          "": "true"
      - name: autoscaler
          "": "true"
          "": "true"
    Enables Istio integration.
    Enables sidecar injection for Knative Serving data plane pods.
  6. Apply the KnativeServing resource:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>
  7. Create a Knative Service that has sidecar injection enabled and uses a pass-through route:

    kind: Service
      name: <service_name>
      namespace: <namespace> 1
      annotations: "true" 2
   "true" 3
          - image: <image_url>
    A namespace that is part of the Service Mesh member roll.
    Instructs Knative Serving to generate an OpenShift Container Platform pass-through enabled route, so that the certificates you have generated are served through the ingress gateway directly.
    Injects Service Mesh sidecars into the Knative service pods.
  8. Apply the Service resource:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>


  • Access your serverless application by using a secure connection that is now trusted by the CA:

    $ curl --cacert root.crt <service_url>

    Example command

    $ curl --cacert root.crt

    Example output

    Hello Openshift!

6.4.4. Enabling Knative Serving metrics when using Service Mesh with mTLS

If Service Mesh is enabled with mTLS, metrics for Knative Serving are disabled by default, because Service Mesh prevents Prometheus from scraping metrics. This section shows how to enable Knative Serving metrics when using Service Mesh and mTLS.


  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving on your cluster.
  • You have installed Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh with the mTLS functionality enabled.
  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform account with cluster administrator access.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. Specify prometheus as the metrics.backend-destination in the observability spec of the Knative Serving custom resource (CR):

    kind: KnativeServing
      name: knative-serving
          metrics.backend-destination: "prometheus"

    This step prevents metrics from being disabled by default.

  2. Apply the following network policy to allow traffic from the Prometheus namespace:

    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: allow-from-openshift-monitoring-ns
      namespace: knative-serving
      - from:
        - namespaceSelector:
              name: "openshift-monitoring"
      podSelector: {}
  3. Modify and reapply the default Service Mesh control plane in the istio-system namespace, so that it includes the following spec:

              - 8444

6.4.5. Integrating Service Mesh with OpenShift Serverless when Kourier is enabled

You can use Service Mesh with OpenShift Serverless even if Kourier is already enabled. This procedure might be useful if you have already installed Knative Serving with Kourier enabled, but decide to add a Service Mesh integration later.


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform account with cluster administrator access.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Install the OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving on your cluster.
  • Install Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh. OpenShift Serverless with Service Mesh and Kourier is supported for use with both Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh versions 1.x and 2.x.


  1. Add the namespaces that you would like to integrate with Service Mesh to the ServiceMeshMemberRoll object as members:

    kind: ServiceMeshMemberRoll
      name: default
      namespace: istio-system
        - <namespace> 1
    A list of namespaces to be integrated with Service Mesh.
  2. Apply the ServiceMeshMemberRoll resource:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>
  3. Create a network policy that permits traffic flow from Knative system pods to Knative services:

    1. For each namespace that you want to integrate with Service Mesh, create a NetworkPolicy resource:

      kind: NetworkPolicy
        name: allow-from-serving-system-namespace
        namespace: <namespace> 1
        - from:
          - namespaceSelector:
        podSelector: {}
        - Ingress
      Add the namespace that you want to integrate with Service Mesh.

      The "openshift-serverless" label was added in OpenShift Serverless 1.22.0. If you are using OpenShift Serverless 1.21.1 or earlier, add the label to the knative-serving and knative-serving-ingress namespaces.

      Add the label to the knative-serving namespace:

      $ oc label namespace knative-serving

      Add the label to the knative-serving-ingress namespace:

      $ oc label namespace knative-serving-ingress
    2. Apply the NetworkPolicy resource:

      $ oc apply -f <filename>

6.4.6. Improving memory usage by using secret filtering for Service Mesh

By default, the informers implementation for the Kubernetes client-go library fetches all resources of a particular type. This can lead to a substantial overhead when many resources are available, which can cause the Knative net-istio ingress controller to fail on large clusters due to memory leaking. However, a filtering mechanism is available for the Knative net-istio ingress controller, which enables the controller to only fetch Knative related secrets. You can enable this mechanism by adding an annotation to the KnativeServing custom resource (CR).


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform account with cluster administrator access.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • Install Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh. OpenShift Serverless with Service Mesh only is supported for use with Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh version 2.0.5 or later.
  • Install the OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  • Add the annotation to the KnativeServing CR:

    Example KnativeServing CR

    kind: KnativeServing
      name: knative-serving
      namespace: knative-serving
      annotations: "true" 1
          enabled: true
        - annotations:
          name: activator
        - annotations:
          name: autoscaler

    Adding this annotation injects an environment variable, ENABLE_SECRET_INFORMER_FILTERING_BY_CERT_UID=true, to the net-istio controller pod.

6.5. Serverless administrator metrics

Metrics enable cluster administrators to monitor how OpenShift Serverless cluster components and workloads are performing.

You can view different metrics for OpenShift Serverless by navigating to Dashboards in the OpenShift Container Platform web console Administrator perspective.

6.5.1. Prerequisites

  • See the OpenShift Container Platform documentation on Managing metrics for information about enabling metrics for your cluster.
  • To view metrics for Knative components on OpenShift Container Platform, you need cluster administrator permissions, and access to the web console Administrator perspective.

If Service Mesh is enabled with mTLS, metrics for Knative Serving are disabled by default because Service Mesh prevents Prometheus from scraping metrics.

For information about resolving this issue, see Enabling Knative Serving metrics when using Service Mesh with mTLS.

Scraping the metrics does not affect autoscaling of a Knative service, because scraping requests do not go through the activator. Consequently, no scraping takes place if no pods are running.

6.5.2. Controller metrics

The following metrics are emitted by any component that implements a controller logic. These metrics show details about reconciliation operations and the work queue behavior upon which reconciliation requests are added to the work queue.

Metric nameDescriptionTypeTagsUnit


The depth of the work queue.



Integer (no units)


The number of reconcile operations.


reconciler, success

Integer (no units)


The latency of reconcile operations.


reconciler, success



The total number of add actions handled by the work queue.



Integer (no units)


The length of time an item stays in the work queue before being requested.





The total number of retries that have been handled by the work queue.



Integer (no units)


The length of time it takes to process and item from the work queue.





The length of time that outstanding work queue items have been in progress.





The length of time that the longest outstanding work queue items has been in progress.




6.5.3. Webhook metrics

Webhook metrics report useful information about operations. For example, if a large number of operations fail, this might indicate an issue with a user-created resource.

Metric nameDescriptionTypeTagsUnit


The number of requests that are routed to the webhook.


admission_allowed, kind_group, kind_kind, kind_version, request_operation, resource_group, resource_namespace, resource_resource, resource_version

Integer (no units)


The response time for a webhook request.


admission_allowed, kind_group, kind_kind, kind_version, request_operation, resource_group, resource_namespace, resource_resource, resource_version


6.5.4. Knative Eventing metrics

Cluster administrators can view the following metrics for Knative Eventing components.

By aggregating the metrics from HTTP code, events can be separated into two categories; successful events (2xx) and failed events (5xx). Broker ingress metrics

You can use the following metrics to debug the broker ingress, see how it is performing, and see which events are being dispatched by the ingress component.

Metric nameDescriptionTypeTagsUnit


Number of events received by a broker.


broker_name, event_type, namespace_name, response_code, response_code_class, unique_name

Integer (no units)


The time taken to dispatch an event to a channel.


broker_name, event_type, namespace_name, response_code, response_code_class, unique_name

Milliseconds Broker filter metrics

You can use the following metrics to debug broker filters, see how they are performing, and see which events are being dispatched by the filters. You can also measure the latency of the filtering action on an event.

Metric nameDescriptionTypeTagsUnit


Number of events received by a broker.


broker_name, container_name, filter_type, namespace_name, response_code, response_code_class, trigger_name, unique_name

Integer (no units)


The time taken to dispatch an event to a channel.


broker_name, container_name, filter_type, namespace_name, response_code, response_code_class, trigger_name, unique_name



The time it takes to process an event before it is dispatched to a trigger subscriber.


broker_name, container_name, filter_type, namespace_name, trigger_name, unique_name

Milliseconds InMemoryChannel dispatcher metrics

You can use the following metrics to debug InMemoryChannel channels, see how they are performing, and see which events are being dispatched by the channels.

Metric nameDescriptionTypeTagsUnit


Number of events dispatched by InMemoryChannel channels.


broker_name, container_name, filter_type, namespace_name, response_code, response_code_class, trigger_name, unique_name

Integer (no units)


The time taken to dispatch an event from an InMemoryChannel channel.


broker_name, container_name, filter_type, namespace_name, response_code, response_code_class, trigger_name, unique_name

Milliseconds Event source metrics

You can use the following metrics to verify that events have been delivered from the event source to the connected event sink.

Metric nameDescriptionTypeTagsUnit


Number of events sent by the event source.


broker_name, container_name, filter_type, namespace_name, response_code, response_code_class, trigger_name, unique_name

Integer (no units)


Number of retried events sent by the event source after initially failing to be delivered.


event_source, event_type, name, namespace_name, resource_group, response_code, response_code_class, response_error, response_timeout

Integer (no units)

6.5.5. Knative Serving metrics

Cluster administrators can view the following metrics for Knative Serving components. Activator metrics

You can use the following metrics to understand how applications respond when traffic passes through the activator.

Metric nameDescriptionTypeTagsUnit


The number of concurrent requests that are routed to the activator, or average concurrency over a reporting period.


configuration_name, container_name, namespace_name, pod_name, revision_name, service_name

Integer (no units)


The number of requests that are routed to activator. These are requests that have been fulfilled from the activator handler.


configuration_name, container_name, namespace_name, pod_name, response_code, response_code_class, revision_name, service_name,

Integer (no units)


The response time in milliseconds for a fulfilled, routed request.


configuration_name, container_name, namespace_name, pod_name, response_code, response_code_class, revision_name, service_name

Milliseconds Autoscaler metrics

The autoscaler component exposes a number of metrics related to autoscaler behavior for each revision. For example, at any given time, you can monitor the targeted number of pods the autoscaler tries to allocate for a service, the average number of requests per second during the stable window, or whether the autoscaler is in panic mode if you are using the Knative pod autoscaler (KPA).

Metric nameDescriptionTypeTagsUnit


The number of pods the autoscaler tries to allocate for a service.


configuration_name, namespace_name, revision_name, service_name

Integer (no units)


The excess burst capacity served over the stable window.


configuration_name, namespace_name, revision_name, service_name

Integer (no units)


The average number of requests for each observed pod over the stable window.


configuration_name, namespace_name, revision_name, service_name

Integer (no units)


The average number of requests for each observed pod over the panic window.


configuration_name, namespace_name, revision_name, service_name

Integer (no units)


The number of concurrent requests that the autoscaler tries to send to each pod.


configuration_name, namespace_name, revision_name, service_name

Integer (no units)


The average number of requests-per-second for each observed pod over the stable window.


configuration_name, namespace_name, revision_name, service_name

Integer (no units)


The average number of requests-per-second for each observed pod over the panic window.


configuration_name, namespace_name, revision_name, service_name

Integer (no units)


The number of requests-per-second that the autoscaler targets for each pod.


configuration_name, namespace_name, revision_name, service_name

Integer (no units)


This value is 1 if the autoscaler is in panic mode, or 0 if the autoscaler is not in panic mode.


configuration_name, namespace_name, revision_name, service_name

Integer (no units)


The number of pods that the autoscaler has requested from the Kubernetes cluster.


configuration_name, namespace_name, revision_name, service_name

Integer (no units)


The number of pods that are allocated and currently have a ready state.


configuration_name, namespace_name, revision_name, service_name

Integer (no units)


The number of pods that have a not ready state.


configuration_name, namespace_name, revision_name, service_name

Integer (no units)


The number of pods that are currently pending.


configuration_name, namespace_name, revision_name, service_name

Integer (no units)


The number of pods that are currently terminating.


configuration_name, namespace_name, revision_name, service_name

Integer (no units) Go runtime metrics

Each Knative Serving control plane process emits a number of Go runtime memory statistics (MemStats).


The name tag for each metric is an empty tag.

Metric nameDescriptionTypeTagsUnit


The number of bytes of allocated heap objects. This metric is the same as heap_alloc.



Integer (no units)


The cumulative bytes allocated for heap objects.



Integer (no units)


The total bytes of memory obtained from the operating system.



Integer (no units)


The number of pointer lookups performed by the runtime.



Integer (no units)


The cumulative count of heap objects allocated.



Integer (no units)


The cumulative count of heap objects that have been freed.



Integer (no units)


The number of bytes of allocated heap objects.



Integer (no units)


The number of bytes of heap memory obtained from the operating system.



Integer (no units)


The number of bytes in idle, unused spans.



Integer (no units)


The number of bytes in spans that are currently in use.



Integer (no units)


The number of bytes of physical memory returned to the operating system.



Integer (no units)


The number of allocated heap objects.



Integer (no units)


The number of bytes in stack spans that are currently in use.



Integer (no units)


The number of bytes of stack memory obtained from the operating system.



Integer (no units)


The number of bytes of allocated mspan structures.



Integer (no units)


The number of bytes of memory obtained from the operating system for mspan structures.



Integer (no units)


The number of bytes of allocated mcache structures.



Integer (no units)


The number of bytes of memory obtained from the operating system for mcache structures.



Integer (no units)


The number of bytes of memory in profiling bucket hash tables.



Integer (no units)


The number of bytes of memory in garbage collection metadata.



Integer (no units)


The number of bytes of memory in miscellaneous, off-heap runtime allocations.



Integer (no units)


The target heap size of the next garbage collection cycle.



Integer (no units)


The time that the last garbage collection was completed in Epoch or Unix time.





The cumulative time in garbage collection stop-the-world pauses since the program started.





The number of completed garbage collection cycles.



Integer (no units)


The number of garbage collection cycles that were forced due to an application calling the garbage collection function.



Integer (no units)


The fraction of the available CPU time of the program that has been used by the garbage collector since the program started.



Integer (no units)

6.6. Using metering with OpenShift Serverless


Metering is a deprecated feature. Deprecated functionality is still included in OpenShift Container Platform and continues to be supported; however, it will be removed in a future release of this product and is not recommended for new deployments.

For the most recent list of major functionality that has been deprecated or removed within OpenShift Container Platform, refer to the Deprecated and removed features section of the OpenShift Container Platform release notes.

As a cluster administrator, you can use metering to analyze what is happening in your OpenShift Serverless cluster.

For more information about metering on OpenShift Container Platform, see About metering.


Metering is not currently supported for IBM Z and IBM Power Systems.

6.6.1. Installing metering

For information about installing metering on OpenShift Container Platform, see Installing Metering.

6.6.2. Data source reports for Knative Serving metering

The following data source reports are examples of how Knative Serving can be used with OpenShift Container Platform metering. Data source report for CPU usage in Knative Serving

This data source report provides the accumulated CPU seconds used per Knative service over the report time period.

Example YAML file

kind: ReportDataSource
  name: knative-service-cpu-usage
    query: >
            label_replace(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{container!="POD",container!="",pod!=""}[1m]), "pod", "$1", "pod", "(.*)")
            on(pod, namespace)
            group_left(label_serving_knative_dev_service, label_serving_knative_dev_revision)
          ) Data source report for memory usage in Knative Serving

This data source report provides the average memory consumption per Knative service over the report time period.

Example YAML file

kind: ReportDataSource
  name: knative-service-memory-usage
    query: >
            label_replace(container_memory_usage_bytes{container!="POD", container!="",pod!=""}, "pod", "$1", "pod", "(.*)")
            on(pod, namespace)
            group_left(label_serving_knative_dev_service, label_serving_knative_dev_revision)
          ) Applying data source reports for Knative Serving metering

You can apply data source reports by using the following command:

$ oc apply -f <data_source_report_name>.yaml

Example command

$ oc apply -f knative-service-memory-usage.yaml

6.6.3. Queries for Knative Serving metering

The following ReportQuery resources reference the example ReportDataSource resources provided:

Query for CPU usage in Knative Serving

kind: ReportQuery
  name: knative-service-cpu-usage
  - name: ReportingStart
    type: time
  - name: ReportingEnd
    type: time
  - default: knative-service-cpu-usage
    name: KnativeServiceCpuUsageDataSource
    type: ReportDataSource
  - name: period_start
    type: timestamp
    unit: date
  - name: period_end
    type: timestamp
    unit: date
  - name: namespace
    type: varchar
    unit: kubernetes_namespace
  - name: service
    type: varchar
  - name: data_start
    type: timestamp
    unit: date
  - name: data_end
    type: timestamp
    unit: date
  - name: service_cpu_seconds
    type: double
    unit: cpu_core_seconds
  query: |
      timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingStart .Report.Inputs.ReportingStart| prestoTimestamp |}' AS period_start,
      timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingEnd .Report.Inputs.ReportingEnd | prestoTimestamp |}' AS period_end,
      labels['namespace'] as project,
      labels['label_serving_knative_dev_service'] as service,
      min("timestamp") as data_start,
      max("timestamp") as data_end,
      sum(amount * "timeprecision") AS service_cpu_seconds
    FROM {| dataSourceTableName .Report.Inputs.KnativeServiceCpuUsageDataSource |}
    WHERE "timestamp" >= timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingStart .Report.Inputs.ReportingStart | prestoTimestamp |}'
    AND "timestamp" < timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingEnd .Report.Inputs.ReportingEnd | prestoTimestamp |}'
    GROUP BY labels['namespace'],labels['label_serving_knative_dev_service']

Query for memory usage in Knative Serving

kind: ReportQuery
  name: knative-service-memory-usage
  - name: ReportingStart
    type: time
  - name: ReportingEnd
    type: time
  - default: knative-service-memory-usage
    name: KnativeServiceMemoryUsageDataSource
    type: ReportDataSource
  - name: period_start
    type: timestamp
    unit: date
  - name: period_end
    type: timestamp
    unit: date
  - name: namespace
    type: varchar
    unit: kubernetes_namespace
  - name: service
    type: varchar
  - name: data_start
    type: timestamp
    unit: date
  - name: data_end
    type: timestamp
    unit: date
  - name: service_usage_memory_byte_seconds
    type: double
    unit: byte_seconds
  query: |
      timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingStart .Report.Inputs.ReportingStart| prestoTimestamp |}' AS period_start,
      timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingEnd .Report.Inputs.ReportingEnd | prestoTimestamp |}' AS period_end,
      labels['namespace'] as project,
      labels['label_serving_knative_dev_service'] as service,
      min("timestamp") as data_start,
      max("timestamp") as data_end,
      sum(amount * "timeprecision") AS service_usage_memory_byte_seconds
    FROM {| dataSourceTableName .Report.Inputs.KnativeServiceMemoryUsageDataSource |}
    WHERE "timestamp" >= timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingStart .Report.Inputs.ReportingStart | prestoTimestamp |}'
    AND "timestamp" < timestamp '{| default .Report.ReportingEnd .Report.Inputs.ReportingEnd | prestoTimestamp |}'
    GROUP BY labels['namespace'],labels['label_serving_knative_dev_service'] Applying Queries for Knative Serving metering
  1. Apply the ReportQuery resource:

    $ oc apply -f <query_name>.yaml

    Example command

    $ oc apply -f knative-service-memory-usage.yaml

6.6.4. Metering reports for Knative Serving

You can run metering reports against Knative Serving by creating Report resources. Before you run a report, you must modify the input parameter within the Report resource to specify the start and end dates of the reporting period.

Example Report resource

kind: Report
  name: knative-service-cpu-usage
  reportingStart: '2019-06-01T00:00:00Z' 1
  reportingEnd: '2019-06-30T23:59:59Z' 2
  query: knative-service-cpu-usage 3
runImmediately: true

Start date of the report, in ISO 8601 format.
End date of the report, in ISO 8601 format.
Either knative-service-cpu-usage for CPU usage report or knative-service-memory-usage for a memory usage report. Running a metering report
  1. Run the report:

    $ oc apply -f <report_name>.yml
  2. You can then check the report:

    $ oc get report

    Example output

    NAME                        QUERY                       SCHEDULE   RUNNING    FAILED   LAST REPORT TIME       AGE
    knative-service-cpu-usage   knative-service-cpu-usage              Finished            2019-06-30T23:59:59Z   10h

6.7. High availability

High availability (HA) is a standard feature of Kubernetes APIs that helps to ensure that APIs stay operational if a disruption occurs. In an HA deployment, if an active controller crashes or is deleted, another controller is readily available. This controller takes over processing of the APIs that were being serviced by the controller that is now unavailable.

HA in OpenShift Serverless is available through leader election, which is enabled by default after the Knative Serving or Eventing control plane is installed. When using a leader election HA pattern, instances of controllers are already scheduled and running inside the cluster before they are required. These controller instances compete to use a shared resource, known as the leader election lock. The instance of the controller that has access to the leader election lock resource at any given time is called the leader.

6.7.1. Configuring high availability replicas for Knative Serving

High availability (HA) is available by default for the Knative Serving activator, autoscaler, autoscaler-hpa, controller, webhook, kourier-control, and kourier-gateway components, which are configured to have two replicas each by default. You can change the number of replicas for these components by modifying the spec.high-availability.replicas value in the KnativeServing custom resource (CR).


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster with cluster administrator permissions.
  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on your cluster.
  • You have logged into the web console.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console Administrator perspective, navigate to OperatorHubInstalled Operators.
  2. Select the knative-serving namespace.
  3. Click Knative Serving in the list of Provided APIs for the OpenShift Serverless Operator to go to the Knative Serving tab.
  4. Click knative-serving, then go to the YAML tab in the knative-serving page.

    Knative Serving YAML
  5. Modify the number of replicas in the KnativeServing CR:

    Example YAML

    kind: KnativeServing
      name: knative-serving
      namespace: knative-serving
        replicas: 3

6.7.2. Configuring high availability replicas for Knative Eventing

High availability (HA) is available by default for the Knative Eventing eventing-controller, eventing-webhook, imc-controller, imc-dispatcher, and mt-broker-controller components, which are configured to have two replicas each by default. You can change the number of replicas for these components by modifying the spec.high-availability.replicas value in the KnativeEventing custom resource (CR).


For Knative Eventing, the mt-broker-filter and mt-broker-ingress deployments are not scaled by HA. If multiple deployments are needed, scale these components manually.


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster with cluster administrator permissions.
  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Eventing are installed on your cluster.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console Administrator perspective, navigate to OperatorHubInstalled Operators.
  2. Select the knative-eventing namespace.
  3. Click Knative Eventing in the list of Provided APIs for the OpenShift Serverless Operator to go to the Knative Eventing tab.
  4. Click knative-eventing, then go to the YAML tab in the knative-eventing page.

    Knative Eventing YAML
  5. Modify the number of replicas in the KnativeEventing CR:

    Example YAML

    kind: KnativeEventing
      name: knative-eventing
      namespace: knative-eventing
        replicas: 3

6.7.3. Configuring high availability replicas for Knative Kafka

High availability (HA) is available by default for the Knative Kafka kafka-controller and kafka-webhook-eventing components, which are configured to have two each replicas by default. You can change the number of replicas for these components by modifying the spec.high-availability.replicas value in the KnativeKafka custom resource (CR).


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster with cluster administrator permissions.
  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Kafka are installed on your cluster.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console Administrator perspective, navigate to OperatorHubInstalled Operators.
  2. Select the knative-eventing namespace.
  3. Click Knative Kafka in the list of Provided APIs for the OpenShift Serverless Operator to go to the Knative Kafka tab.
  4. Click knative-kafka, then go to the YAML tab in the knative-kafka page.

    Knative Kafka YAML
  5. Modify the number of replicas in the KnativeKafka CR:

    Example YAML

    kind: KnativeKafka
      name: knative-kafka
      namespace: knative-eventing
        replicas: 3

Chapter 7. Monitor

7.1. Using OpenShift Logging with OpenShift Serverless

7.1.1. About deploying cluster logging

OpenShift Container Platform cluster administrators can deploy cluster logging using the OpenShift Container Platform web console or CLI to install the Elasticsearch Operator and Cluster Logging Operator. When the operators are installed, you create a ClusterLogging custom resource (CR) to schedule cluster logging pods and other resources necessary to support cluster logging. The operators are responsible for deploying, upgrading, and maintaining cluster logging.

The ClusterLogging CR defines a complete cluster logging environment that includes all the components of the logging stack to collect, store and visualize logs. The Cluster Logging Operator watches the Cluster Logging CR and adjusts the logging deployment accordingly.

Administrators and application developers can view the logs of the projects for which they have view access.

7.1.2. About deploying and configuring cluster logging

OpenShift Container Platform cluster logging is designed to be used with the default configuration, which is tuned for small to medium sized OpenShift Container Platform clusters.

The installation instructions that follow include a sample ClusterLogging custom resource (CR), which you can use to create a cluster logging instance and configure your cluster logging environment.

If you want to use the default cluster logging install, you can use the sample CR directly.

If you want to customize your deployment, make changes to the sample CR as needed. The following describes the configurations you can make when installing your cluster logging instance or modify after installation. See the Configuring sections for more information on working with each component, including modifications you can make outside of the ClusterLogging custom resource. Configuring and Tuning Cluster Logging

You can configure your cluster logging environment by modifying the ClusterLogging custom resource deployed in the openshift-logging project.

You can modify any of the following components upon install or after install:

Memory and CPU
You can adjust both the CPU and memory limits for each component by modifying the resources block with valid memory and CPU values:
          memory: 16Gi
          cpu: 500m
          memory: 16Gi
      type: "elasticsearch"
        type: "fluentd"
     type: kibana
          memory: 200Mi
          cpu: 200m
          memory: 200Mi
      type: "curator"
Elasticsearch storage
You can configure a persistent storage class and size for the Elasticsearch cluster using the storageClass name and size parameters. The Cluster Logging Operator creates a persistent volume claim (PVC) for each data node in the Elasticsearch cluster based on these parameters.
      type: "elasticsearch"
        nodeCount: 3
          storageClassName: "gp2"
          size: "200G"

This example specifies each data node in the cluster will be bound to a PVC that requests "200G" of "gp2" storage. Each primary shard will be backed by a single replica.


Omitting the storage block results in a deployment that includes ephemeral storage only.

      type: "elasticsearch"
        nodeCount: 3
        storage: {}
Elasticsearch replication policy

You can set the policy that defines how Elasticsearch shards are replicated across data nodes in the cluster:

  • FullRedundancy. The shards for each index are fully replicated to every data node.
  • MultipleRedundancy. The shards for each index are spread over half of the data nodes.
  • SingleRedundancy. A single copy of each shard. Logs are always available and recoverable as long as at least two data nodes exist.
  • ZeroRedundancy. No copies of any shards. Logs may be unavailable (or lost) in the event a node is down or fails.
Curator schedule
You specify the schedule for Curator in the cron format.
    type: "curator"
      schedule: "30 3 * * *" Sample modified ClusterLogging custom resource

The following is an example of a ClusterLogging custom resource modified using the options previously described.

Sample modified ClusterLogging custom resource

apiVersion: ""
kind: "ClusterLogging"
  name: "instance"
  namespace: "openshift-logging"
  managementState: "Managed"
    type: "elasticsearch"
        maxAge: 1d
        maxAge: 7d
        maxAge: 7d
      nodeCount: 3
          memory: 32Gi
          cpu: 3
          memory: 32Gi
          storageClassName: "gp2"
          size: "200G"
      redundancyPolicy: "SingleRedundancy"
    type: "kibana"
          memory: 1Gi
          cpu: 500m
          memory: 1Gi
      replicas: 1
    type: "curator"
          memory: 200Mi
          cpu: 200m
          memory: 200Mi
      schedule: "*/5 * * * *"
      type: "fluentd"
            memory: 1Gi
            cpu: 200m
            memory: 1Gi

7.1.3. Using cluster logging to find logs for Knative Serving components


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Get the Kibana route:

    $ oc -n openshift-logging get route kibana
  2. Use the route’s URL to navigate to the Kibana dashboard and log in.
  3. Check that the index is set to .all. If the index is not set to .all, only the OpenShift Container Platform system logs will be listed.
  4. Filter the logs by using the knative-serving namespace. Enter kubernetes.namespace_name:knative-serving in the search box to filter results.

Knative Serving uses structured logging by default. You can enable the parsing of these logs by customizing the cluster logging Fluentd settings. This makes the logs more searchable and enables filtering on the log level to quickly identify issues.

7.1.4. Using cluster logging to find logs for services deployed with Knative Serving

With OpenShift Cluster Logging, the logs that your applications write to the console are collected in Elasticsearch. The following procedure outlines how to apply these capabilities to applications deployed by using Knative Serving.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Get the Kibana route:

    $ oc -n openshift-logging get route kibana
  2. Use the route’s URL to navigate to the Kibana dashboard and log in.
  3. Check that the index is set to .all. If the index is not set to .all, only the OpenShift system logs will be listed.
  4. Filter the logs by using the knative-serving namespace. Enter a filter for the service in the search box to filter results.

    Example filter

    kubernetes.namespace_name:default AND kubernetes.labels.serving_knative_dev\/service:{service_name}

    You can also filter by using /configuration or /revision.

  5. Narrow your search by using kubernetes.container_name:<user_container> to only display the logs generated by your application. Otherwise, you will see logs from the queue-proxy.

Use JSON-based structured logging in your application to allow for the quick filtering of these logs in production environments.

7.2. Serverless developer metrics

Metrics enable developers to monitor how Knative services are performing. You can use the OpenShift Container Platform monitoring stack to record and view health checks and metrics for your Knative services.

You can view different metrics for OpenShift Serverless by navigating to Dashboards in the OpenShift Container Platform web console Developer perspective.


If Service Mesh is enabled with mTLS, metrics for Knative Serving are disabled by default because Service Mesh prevents Prometheus from scraping metrics.

For information about resolving this issue, see Enabling Knative Serving metrics when using Service Mesh with mTLS.

Scraping the metrics does not affect autoscaling of a Knative service, because scraping requests do not go through the activator. Consequently, no scraping takes place if no pods are running.

7.2.1. Knative service metrics exposed by default

Table 7.1. Metrics exposed by default for each Knative service on port 9090
Metric name, unit, and typeDescriptionMetric tags


Metric unit: dimensionless

Metric type: gauge

Number of requests per second that hit the queue proxy.

Formula: stats.RequestCount / r.reportingPeriodSeconds

stats.RequestCount is calculated directly from the networking pkg stats for the given reporting duration.

destination_configuration="event-display", destination_namespace="pingsource1", destination_pod="event-display-00001-deployment-6b455479cb-75p6w", destination_revision="event-display-00001"


Metric unit: dimensionless

Metric type: gauge

Number of proxied requests per second.

Formula: stats.ProxiedRequestCount / r.reportingPeriodSeconds

stats.ProxiedRequestCount is calculated directly from the networking pkg stats for the given reporting duration.



Metric unit: dimensionless

Metric type: gauge

Number of requests currently being handled by this pod.

Average concurrency is calculated at the networking pkg side as follows:

  • When a req change happens, the time delta between changes is calculated. Based on the result, the current concurrency number over delta is computed and added to the current computed concurrency. Additionally, a sum of the deltas is kept.

    Current concurrency over delta is computed as follows:

    global_concurrency × delta

  • Each time a reporting is done, the sum and current computed concurrency are reset.
  • When reporting the average concurrency the current computed concurrency is divided by the sum of deltas.
  • When a new request comes in, the global concurrency counter is increased. When a request is completed, the counter is decreased.

destination_configuration="event-display", destination_namespace="pingsource1", destination_pod="event-display-00001-deployment-6b455479cb-75p6w", destination_revision="event-display-00001"


Metric unit: dimensionless

Metric type: gauge

Number of proxied requests currently being handled by this pod:


destination_configuration="event-display", destination_namespace="pingsource1", destination_pod="event-display-00001-deployment-6b455479cb-75p6w", destination_revision="event-display-00001"


Metric unit: seconds

Metric type: gauge

The number of seconds that the process has been up.

destination_configuration="event-display", destination_namespace="pingsource1", destination_pod="event-display-00001-deployment-6b455479cb-75p6w", destination_revision="event-display-00001"

Table 7.2. Metrics exposed by default for each Knative service on port 9091
Metric name, unit, and typeDescriptionMetric tags


Metric unit: dimensionless

Metric type: counter

The number of requests that are routed to queue-proxy.

configuration_name="event-display", container_name="queue-proxy", namespace_name="apiserversource1", pod_name="event-display-00001-deployment-658fd4f9cf-qcnr5", response_code="200", response_code_class="2xx", revision_name="event-display-00001", service_name="event-display"


Metric unit: milliseconds

Metric type: histogram

The response time in milliseconds.

configuration_name="event-display", container_name="queue-proxy", namespace_name="apiserversource1", pod_name="event-display-00001-deployment-658fd4f9cf-qcnr5", response_code="200", response_code_class="2xx", revision_name="event-display-00001", service_name="event-display"


Metric unit: dimensionless

Metric type: counter

The number of requests that are routed to user-container.

configuration_name="event-display", container_name="queue-proxy", namespace_name="apiserversource1", pod_name="event-display-00001-deployment-658fd4f9cf-qcnr5", response_code="200", response_code_class="2xx", revision_name="event-display-00001", service_name="event-display"


Metric unit: milliseconds

Metric type: histogram

The response time in milliseconds.

configuration_name="event-display", container_name="queue-proxy", namespace_name="apiserversource1", pod_name="event-display-00001-deployment-658fd4f9cf-qcnr5", response_code="200", response_code_class="2xx", revision_name="event-display-00001", service_name="event-display"


Metric unit: dimensionless

Metric type: gauge

The current number of items in the serving and waiting queue, or not reported if unlimited concurrency. breaker.inFlight is used.

configuration_name="event-display", container_name="queue-proxy", namespace_name="apiserversource1", pod_name="event-display-00001-deployment-658fd4f9cf-qcnr5", response_code="200", response_code_class="2xx", revision_name="event-display-00001", service_name="event-display"

7.2.2. Knative service with custom application metrics

You can extend the set of metrics exported by a Knative service. The exact implementation depends on your application and the language used.

The following listing implements a sample Go application that exports the count of processed events custom metric.

package main

import (

  "" 1

var (
  opsProcessed = promauto.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{ 2
     Name: "myapp_processed_ops_total",
     Help: "The total number of processed events",

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  log.Print("helloworld: received a request")
  target := os.Getenv("TARGET")
  if target == "" {
     target = "World"
  fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello %s!\n", target)
  opsProcessed.Inc() 3

func main() {
  log.Print("helloworld: starting server...")

  port := os.Getenv("PORT")
  if port == "" {
     port = "8080"

  http.HandleFunc("/", handler)

  // Separate server for metrics requests
  go func() { 4
     mux := http.NewServeMux()
     server := &http.Server{
        Addr: fmt.Sprintf(":%s", "9095"),
        Handler: mux,
     mux.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler())
     log.Printf("prometheus: listening on port %s", 9095)

   // Use same port as normal requests for metrics
  //http.Handle("/metrics", promhttp.Handler()) 5
  log.Printf("helloworld: listening on port %s", port)
  log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%s", port), nil))
Including the Prometheus packages.
Defining the opsProcessed metric.
Incrementing the opsProcessed metric.
Configuring to use a separate server for metrics requests.
Configuring to use the same port as normal requests for metrics and the metrics subpath.

7.2.3. Configuration for scraping custom metrics

Custom metrics scraping is performed by an instance of Prometheus purposed for user workload monitoring. After you enable user workload monitoring and create the application, you need a configuration that defines how the monitoring stack will scrape the metrics.

The following sample configuration defines the ksvc for your application and configures the service monitor. The exact configuration depends on your application and how it exports the metrics.

apiVersion: 1
kind: Service
  name: helloworld-go
        app: helloworld-go
      - image:
            cpu: "200m"
        - name: TARGET
          value: "Go Sample v1"
apiVersion: 2
kind: ServiceMonitor
  name: helloworld-go-sm
  - port: queue-proxy-metrics
    scheme: http
  - port: app-metrics
    scheme: http
  namespaceSelector: {}
       name:  helloworld-go-sm
apiVersion: v1 3
kind: Service
    name:  helloworld-go-sm
  name:  helloworld-go-sm
  - name: queue-proxy-metrics
    port: 9091
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 9091
  - name: app-metrics
    port: 9095
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 9095
  selector: helloworld-go
  type: ClusterIP
Application specification.
Configuration of which application’s metrics are scraped.
Configuration of the way metrics are scraped.

7.2.4. Examining metrics of a service

After you have configured the application to export the metrics and the monitoring stack to scrape them, you can examine the metrics in the web console.


  • You have logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving.


  1. Optional: Run requests against your application that you will be able to see in the metrics:

    $ hello_route=$(oc get ksvc helloworld-go -n ns1 -o jsonpath='{.status.url}') && \
        curl $hello_route

    Example output

    Hello Go Sample v1!

  2. In the web console, navigate to the MonitoringMetrics interface.
  3. In the input field, enter the query for the metric you want to observe, for example:

    revision_app_request_count{namespace="ns1", job="helloworld-go-sm"}

    Another example:

    myapp_processed_ops_total{namespace="ns1", job="helloworld-go-sm"}
  4. Observe the visualized metrics:

    Observing metrics of a service
    Observing metrics of a service Queue proxy metrics

Each Knative service has a proxy container that proxies the connections to the application container. A number of metrics are reported for the queue proxy performance.

You can use the following metrics to measure if requests are queued at the proxy side and the actual delay in serving requests at the application side.

Metric nameDescriptionTypeTagsUnit


The number of requests that are routed to queue-proxy pod.


configuration_name, container_name, namespace_name, pod_name, response_code, response_code_class, revision_name, service_name

Integer (no units)


The response time of revision requests.


configuration_name, container_name, namespace_name, pod_name, response_code, response_code_class, revision_name, service_name



The number of requests that are routed to the user-container pod.


configuration_name, container_name, namespace_name, pod_name, response_code, response_code_class, revision_name, service_name

Integer (no units)


The response time of revision app requests.


configuration_name, namespace_name, pod_name, response_code, response_code_class, revision_name, service_name



The current number of items in the serving and waiting queues. This metric is not reported if unlimited concurrency is configured.


configuration_name, event-display, container_name, namespace_name, pod_name, response_code_class, revision_name, service_name

Integer (no units)

7.2.5. Examining metrics of a service in the dashboard

You can examine the metrics using a dedicated dashboard that aggregates queue proxy metrics by namespace.


  • You have logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving.


  1. In the web console, navigate to the MonitoringMetrics interface.
  2. Select the Knative User Services (Queue Proxy metrics) dashboard.
  3. Select the Namespace, Configuration, and Revision that correspond to your application.
  4. Observe the visualized metrics:

    Observing metrics of a service using a dashboard

7.2.6. Additional resources

Chapter 8. Tracing requests

Distributed tracing records the path of a request through the various services that make up an application. It is used to tie information about different units of work together, to understand a whole chain of events in a distributed transaction. The units of work might be executed in different processes or hosts.

8.1. Distributed tracing overview

As a service owner, you can use distributed tracing to instrument your services to gather insights into your service architecture. You can use distributed tracing for monitoring, network profiling, and troubleshooting the interaction between components in modern, cloud-native, microservices-based applications.

With distributed tracing you can perform the following functions:

  • Monitor distributed transactions
  • Optimize performance and latency
  • Perform root cause analysis

Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing consists of two main components:

  • Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing platform - This component is based on the open source Jaeger project.
  • Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing data collection - This component is based on the open source OpenTelemetry project.

Both of these components are based on the vendor-neutral OpenTracing APIs and instrumentation.

8.2. Using Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing to enable distributed tracing

Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing is made up of several components that work together to collect, store, and display tracing data. You can use Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing with OpenShift Serverless to monitor and troubleshoot serverless applications.


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform account with cluster administrator access.
  • You have not yet installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving. These must be installed after the Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing installation.
  • You have installed Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing by following the OpenShift Container Platform "Installing distributed tracing" documentation.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. Create an OpenTelemetryCollector custom resource (CR):

    Example OpenTelemetryCollector CR

    kind: OpenTelemetryCollector
      name: cluster-collector
      namespace: <namespace>
      mode: deployment
      config: |
            endpoint: jaeger-all-in-one-inmemory-collector-headless.tracing-system.svc:14250
              ca_file: "/var/run/secrets/"
              receivers: [zipkin]
              processors: []
              exporters: [jaeger, logging]

  2. Verify that you have two pods running in the namespace where Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing is installed:

    $ oc get pods -n <namespace>

    Example output

    NAME                                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    cluster-collector-collector-85c766b5c-b5g99   1/1     Running   0          5m56s
    jaeger-all-in-one-inmemory-ccbc9df4b-ndkl5    2/2     Running   0          15m

  3. Verify that the following headless services have been created:

    $ oc get svc -n <namespace> | grep headless

    Example output

    cluster-collector-collector-headless            ClusterIP   None             <none>        9411/TCP                                 7m28s
    jaeger-all-in-one-inmemory-collector-headless   ClusterIP   None             <none>        9411/TCP,14250/TCP,14267/TCP,14268/TCP   16m

    These services are used to configure Jaeger and Knative Serving. The name of the Jaeger service may vary.

  4. Install the OpenShift Serverless Operator by following the "Installing the OpenShift Serverless Operator" documentation.
  5. Install Knative Serving by creating the following KnativeServing CR:

    Example KnativeServing CR

    kind: KnativeServing
        name: knative-serving
        namespace: knative-serving
          backend: "zipkin"
          zipkin-endpoint: "http://cluster-collector-collector-headless.tracing-system.svc:9411/api/v2/spans"
          debug: "true"
          sample-rate: "0.1" 1

    The sample-rate defines sampling probability. Using sample-rate: "0.1" means that 1 in 10 traces are sampled.
  6. Create a Knative service:

    Example service

    kind: Service
      name: helloworld-go
            app: helloworld-go
          - image:
            imagePullPolicy: Always
                cpu: "200m"
            - name: TARGET
              value: "Go Sample v1"

  7. Make some requests to the service:

    Example HTTPS request

    $ curl

  8. Get the URL for the Jaeger web console:

    Example command

    $ oc get route jaeger-all-in-one-inmemory  -o jsonpath='{}' -n <namespace>

    You can now examine traces by using the Jaeger console.

8.3. Using Jaeger to enable distributed tracing

If you do not want to install all of the components of Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing, you can still use distributed tracing on OpenShift Container Platform with OpenShift Serverless. To do this, you must install and configure Jaeger as a standalone integration.


  • You have access to an OpenShift Container Platform account with cluster administrator access.
  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving.
  • You have installed the Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing platform Operator.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. Create and apply a Jaeger custom resource (CR) that contains the following:

    Jaeger CR

    kind: Jaeger
      name: jaeger
      namespace: default

  2. Enable tracing for Knative Serving, by editing the KnativeServing CR and adding a YAML configuration for tracing:

    Tracing YAML example

    kind: KnativeServing
      name: knative-serving
      namespace: knative-serving
          sample-rate: "0.1" 1
          backend: zipkin 2
          zipkin-endpoint: "http://jaeger-collector.default.svc.cluster.local:9411/api/v2/spans" 3
          debug: "false" 4

    The sample-rate defines sampling probability. Using sample-rate: "0.1" means that 1 in 10 traces are sampled.
    backend must be set to zipkin.
    The zipkin-endpoint must point to your jaeger-collector service endpoint. To get this endpoint, substitute the namespace where the Jaeger CR is applied.
    Debugging should be set to false. Enabling debug mode by setting debug: "true" allows all spans to be sent to the server, bypassing sampling.


You can access the Jaeger web console to see tracing data, by using the jaeger route.

  1. Get the host name of the jaeger route:

    $ oc get route jaeger -n default

    Example output

    NAME     HOST/PORT                         PATH   SERVICES       PORT    TERMINATION   WILDCARD
    jaeger          jaeger-query   <all>   reencrypt     None

  2. Open the endpoint address in your browser to view the console.

8.4. Additional resources

Chapter 9. OpenShift Serverless support

If you experience difficulty with a procedure described in this documentation, visit the Red Hat Customer Portal at You can use the Red Hat Customer Portal to search or browse through the Red Hat Knowledgebase of technical support articles about Red Hat products. You can also submit a support case to Red Hat Global Support Services (GSS), or access other product documentation.

If you have a suggestion for improving this guide or have found an error, you can submit a Jira issue for the most relevant documentation component. Provide specific details, such as the section number, guide name, and OpenShift Serverless version so we can easily locate the content.

9.1. About the Red Hat Knowledgebase

The Red Hat Knowledgebase provides rich content aimed at helping you make the most of Red Hat’s products and technologies. The Red Hat Knowledgebase consists of articles, product documentation, and videos outlining best practices on installing, configuring, and using Red Hat products. In addition, you can search for solutions to known issues, each providing concise root cause descriptions and remedial steps.

9.2. Searching the Red Hat Knowledgebase

In the event of an OpenShift Container Platform issue, you can perform an initial search to determine if a solution already exists within the Red Hat Knowledgebase.


  • You have a Red Hat Customer Portal account.


  1. Log in to the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. In the main Red Hat Customer Portal search field, input keywords and strings relating to the problem, including:

    • OpenShift Container Platform components (such as etcd)
    • Related procedure (such as installation)
    • Warnings, error messages, and other outputs related to explicit failures
  3. Click Search.
  4. Select the OpenShift Container Platform product filter.
  5. Select the Knowledgebase content type filter.

9.3. Submitting a support case


  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have a Red Hat Customer Portal account.
  • You have access to OpenShift Cluster Manager.


  1. Log in to the Red Hat Customer Portal and select SUPPORT CASESOpen a case.
  2. Select the appropriate category for your issue (such as Defect / Bug), product (OpenShift Container Platform), and product version (4.6, if this is not already autofilled).
  3. Review the list of suggested Red Hat Knowledgebase solutions for a potential match against the problem that is being reported. If the suggested articles do not address the issue, click Continue.
  4. Enter a concise but descriptive problem summary and further details about the symptoms being experienced, as well as your expectations.
  5. Review the updated list of suggested Red Hat Knowledgebase solutions for a potential match against the problem that is being reported. The list is refined as you provide more information during the case creation process. If the suggested articles do not address the issue, click Continue.
  6. Ensure that the account information presented is as expected, and if not, amend accordingly.
  7. Check that the autofilled OpenShift Container Platform Cluster ID is correct. If it is not, manually obtain your cluster ID.

    • To manually obtain your cluster ID using the OpenShift Container Platform web console:

      1. Navigate to HomeDashboardsOverview.
      2. Find the value in the Cluster ID field of the Details section.
    • Alternatively, it is possible to open a new support case through the OpenShift Container Platform web console and have your cluster ID autofilled.

      1. From the toolbar, navigate to (?) HelpOpen Support Case.
      2. The Cluster ID value is autofilled.
    • To obtain your cluster ID using the OpenShift CLI (oc), run the following command:

      $ oc get clusterversion -o jsonpath='{.items[].spec.clusterID}{"\n"}'
  8. Complete the following questions where prompted and then click Continue:

    • Where are you experiencing the behavior? What environment?
    • When does the behavior occur? Frequency? Repeatedly? At certain times?
    • What information can you provide around time-frames and the business impact?
  9. Upload relevant diagnostic data files and click Continue. It is recommended to include data gathered using the oc adm must-gather command as a starting point, plus any issue specific data that is not collected by that command.
  10. Input relevant case management details and click Continue.
  11. Preview the case details and click Submit.

9.4. Gathering diagnostic information for support

When you open a support case, it is helpful to provide debugging information about your cluster to Red Hat Support. The must-gather tool enables you to collect diagnostic information about your OpenShift Container Platform cluster, including data related to OpenShift Serverless. For prompt support, supply diagnostic information for both OpenShift Container Platform and OpenShift Serverless.

9.4.1. About the must-gather tool

The oc adm must-gather CLI command collects the information from your cluster that is most likely needed for debugging issues, including:

  • Resource definitions
  • Service logs

By default, the oc adm must-gather command uses the default plug-in image and writes into ./must-gather.local.

Alternatively, you can collect specific information by running the command with the appropriate arguments as described in the following sections:

  • To collect data related to one or more specific features, use the --image argument with an image, as listed in a following section.

    For example:

    $ oc adm must-gather
  • To collect the audit logs, use the -- /usr/bin/gather_audit_logs argument, as described in a following section.

    For example:

    $ oc adm must-gather -- /usr/bin/gather_audit_logs

    Audit logs are not collected as part of the default set of information to reduce the size of the files.

When you run oc adm must-gather, a new pod with a random name is created in a new project on the cluster. The data is collected on that pod and saved in a new directory that starts with must-gather.local. This directory is created in the current working directory.

For example:

NAMESPACE                      NAME                 READY   STATUS      RESTARTS      AGE
openshift-must-gather-5drcj    must-gather-bklx4    2/2     Running     0             72s
openshift-must-gather-5drcj    must-gather-s8sdh    2/2     Running     0             72s

9.4.2. About collecting OpenShift Serverless data

You can use the oc adm must-gather CLI command to collect information about your cluster, including features and objects associated with OpenShift Serverless. To collect OpenShift Serverless data with must-gather, you must specify the OpenShift Serverless image and the image tag for your installed version of OpenShift Serverless.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  • Collect data by using the oc adm must-gather command:

    $ oc adm must-gather<image_version_tag>

    Example command

    $ oc adm must-gather

Chapter 10. Security

10.1. Configuring TLS authentication

You can use Transport Layer Security (TLS) to encrypt Knative traffic and for authentication.

TLS is the only supported method of traffic encryption for Knative Kafka. Red Hat recommends using both SASL and TLS together for Knative Kafka resources.


If you want to enable internal TLS with a Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh integration, you must enable Service Mesh with mTLS instead of the internal encryption explained in the following procedure. See the documentation for Enabling Knative Serving metrics when using Service Mesh with mTLS.

10.1.1. Enabling TLS authentication for internal traffic

OpenShift Serverless supports TLS edge termination by default, so that HTTPS traffic from end users is encrypted. However, internal traffic behind the OpenShift route is forwarded to applications by using plain data. By enabling TLS for internal traffic, the traffic sent between components is encrypted, which makes this traffic more secure.


If you want to enable internal TLS with a Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh integration, you must enable Service Mesh with mTLS instead of the internal encryption explained in the following procedure.


Internal TLS encryption support is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see


  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving.
  • You have installed the OpenShift (oc) CLI.


  1. Create a Knative service that includes the internal-encryption: "true" field in the spec:

          internal-encryption: "true"
  2. Restart the activator pods in the knative-serving namespace to load the certificates:

    $ oc delete pod -n knative-serving --selector app=activator

10.1.2. Enabling TLS authentication for cluster local services

For cluster local services, the Kourier local gateway kourier-internal is used. If you want to use TLS traffic against the Kourier local gateway, you must configure your own server certificates in the local gateway.


  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving.
  • You have administrator permissions.
  • You have installed the OpenShift (oc) CLI.


  1. Deploy server certificates in the knative-serving-ingress namespace:

    $ export san="knative"

    Subject Alternative Name (SAN) validation is required so that these certificates can serve the request to <app_name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local.

  2. Generate a root key and certificate:

    $ openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 \
        -subj '/O=Example/CN=Example' \
        -keyout ca.key \
        -out ca.crt
  3. Generate a server key that uses SAN validation:

    $ openssl req -out tls.csr -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout tls.key \
      -subj "/CN=Example/O=Example" \
      -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:$san"
  4. Create server certificates:

    $ openssl x509 -req -extfile <(printf "subjectAltName=DNS:$san") \
      -days 365 -in tls.csr \
      -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out tls.crt
  5. Configure a secret for the Kourier local gateway:

    1. Deploy a secret in knative-serving-ingress namespace from the certificates created by the previous steps:

      $ oc create -n knative-serving-ingress secret tls server-certs \
          --key=tls.key \
          --cert=tls.crt --dry-run=client -o yaml | oc apply -f -
    2. Update the KnativeServing custom resource (CR) spec to use the secret that was created by the Kourier gateway:

      Example KnativeServing CR

            cluster-cert-secret: server-certs

The Kourier controller sets the certificate without restarting the service, so that you do not need to restart the pod.

You can access the Kourier internal service with TLS through port 443 by mounting and using the ca.crt from the client.

10.1.3. Securing a service with a custom domain by using a TLS certificate

After you have configured a custom domain for a Knative service, you can use a TLS certificate to secure the mapped service. To do this, you must create a Kubernetes TLS secret, and then update the DomainMapping CR to use the TLS secret that you have created.


  • You configured a custom domain for a Knative service and have a working DomainMapping CR.
  • You have a TLS certificate from your Certificate Authority provider or a self-signed certificate.
  • You have obtained the cert and key files from your Certificate Authority provider, or a self-signed certificate.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Create a Kubernetes TLS secret:

    $ oc create secret tls <tls_secret_name> --cert=<path_to_certificate_file> --key=<path_to_key_file>
  2. If you are using Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh as the ingress for your OpenShift Serverless installation, label the Kubernetes TLS secret with the following:

    “": “<value>”

    If you are using a third-party secret provider such as cert-manager, you can configure your secret manager to label the Kubernetes TLS secret automatically. Cert-manager users can use the secret template offered to automatically generate secrets with the correct label. In this case, secret filtering is done based on the key only, but this value can carry useful information such as the certificate ID that the secret contains.


    The {cert-manager-operator} is a Technology Preview feature. For more information, see the Installing the {cert-manager-operator} documentation.

  3. Update the DomainMapping CR to use the TLS secret that you have created:

    kind: DomainMapping
      name: <domain_name>
      namespace: <namespace>
        name: <service_name>
        kind: Service
    # TLS block specifies the secret to be used
        secretName: <tls_secret_name>


  1. Verify that the DomainMapping CR status is True, and that the URL column of the output shows the mapped domain with the scheme https:

    $ oc get domainmapping <domain_name>

    Example output

    NAME                      URL                               READY   REASON                    True

  2. Optional: If the service is exposed publicly, verify that it is available by running the following command:

    $ curl https://<domain_name>

    If the certificate is self-signed, skip verification by adding the -k flag to the curl command.

10.1.4. Configuring TLS authentication for Kafka brokers

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is used by Apache Kafka clients and servers to encrypt traffic between Knative and Kafka, as well as for authentication. TLS is the only supported method of traffic encryption for Knative Kafka.


  • You have cluster administrator permissions on OpenShift Container Platform.
  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Eventing, and the KnativeKafka CR are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have a Kafka cluster CA certificate stored as a .pem file.
  • You have a Kafka cluster client certificate and a key stored as .pem files.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Create the certificate files as a secret in the knative-eventing namespace:

    $ oc create secret -n knative-eventing generic <secret_name> \
      --from-literal=protocol=SSL \
      --from-file=ca.crt=caroot.pem \
      --from-file=user.crt=certificate.pem \

    Use the key names ca.crt, user.crt, and user.key. Do not change them.

  2. Edit the KnativeKafka CR and add a reference to your secret in the broker spec:

    kind: KnativeKafka
      namespace: knative-eventing
      name: knative-kafka
        enabled: true
          authSecretName: <secret_name>

10.1.5. Configuring TLS authentication for Kafka channels

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is used by Apache Kafka clients and servers to encrypt traffic between Knative and Kafka, as well as for authentication. TLS is the only supported method of traffic encryption for Knative Kafka.


  • You have cluster administrator permissions on OpenShift Container Platform.
  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Eventing, and the KnativeKafka CR are installed on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have a Kafka cluster CA certificate stored as a .pem file.
  • You have a Kafka cluster client certificate and a key stored as .pem files.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Create the certificate files as secrets in your chosen namespace:

    $ oc create secret -n <namespace> generic <kafka_auth_secret> \
      --from-file=ca.crt=caroot.pem \
      --from-file=user.crt=certificate.pem \

    Use the key names ca.crt, user.crt, and user.key. Do not change them.

  2. Start editing the KnativeKafka custom resource:

    $ oc edit knativekafka
  3. Reference your secret and the namespace of the secret:

    kind: KnativeKafka
      namespace: knative-eventing
      name: knative-kafka
        authSecretName: <kafka_auth_secret>
        authSecretNamespace: <kafka_auth_secret_namespace>
        bootstrapServers: <bootstrap_servers>
        enabled: true
        enabled: true

    Make sure to specify the matching port in the bootstrap server.

    For example:

    kind: KnativeKafka
      namespace: knative-eventing
      name: knative-kafka
        authSecretName: tls-user
        authSecretNamespace: kafka
        bootstrapServers: eventing-kafka-bootstrap.kafka.svc:9094
        enabled: true
        enabled: true

10.2. Configuring JSON Web Token authentication for Knative services

OpenShift Serverless does not currently have user-defined authorization features. To add user-defined authorization to your deployment, you must integrate OpenShift Serverless with Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh, and then configure JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication and sidecar injection for Knative services.

10.2.1. Using JSON Web Token authentication with Service Mesh 2.x and OpenShift Serverless

You can use JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication with Knative services by using Service Mesh 2.x and OpenShift Serverless. To do this, you must create authentication requests and policies in the application namespace that is a member of the ServiceMeshMemberRoll object. You must also enable sidecar injection for the service.


Adding sidecar injection to pods in system namespaces, such as knative-serving and knative-serving-ingress, is not supported when Kourier is enabled.

If you require sidecar injection for pods in these namespaces, see the OpenShift Serverless documentation on Integrating Service Mesh with OpenShift Serverless natively.


  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Serving, and Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh on your cluster.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. Add the"true" annotation to your service:

    Example service

    kind: Service
      name: <service_name>
   "true" 1
   "true" 2

    Add the"true" annotation.
    You must set the annotation "true" in your Knative service, because OpenShift Serverless versions 1.14.0 and higher use an HTTP probe as the readiness probe for Knative services by default.
  2. Apply the Service resource:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>
  3. Create a RequestAuthentication resource in each serverless application namespace that is a member in the ServiceMeshMemberRoll object:

    kind: RequestAuthentication
      name: jwt-example
      namespace: <namespace>
      - issuer:
  4. Apply the RequestAuthentication resource:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>
  5. Allow access to the RequestAuthenticaton resource from system pods for each serverless application namespace that is a member in the ServiceMeshMemberRoll object, by creating the following AuthorizationPolicy resource:

    kind: AuthorizationPolicy
      name: allowlist-by-paths
      namespace: <namespace>
      action: ALLOW
      - to:
        - operation:
            - /metrics 1
            - /healthz 2
    The path on your application to collect metrics by system pod.
    The path on your application to probe by system pod.
  6. Apply the AuthorizationPolicy resource:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>
  7. For each serverless application namespace that is a member in the ServiceMeshMemberRoll object, create the following AuthorizationPolicy resource:

    kind: AuthorizationPolicy
      name: require-jwt
      namespace: <namespace>
      action: ALLOW
      - from:
        - source:
           requestPrincipals: [""]
  8. Apply the AuthorizationPolicy resource:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>


  1. If you try to use a curl request to get the Knative service URL, it is denied:

    Example command

    $ curl

    Example output

    RBAC: access denied

  2. Verify the request with a valid JWT.

    1. Get the valid JWT token:

      $ TOKEN=$(curl -s) && echo "$TOKEN" | cut -d '.' -f2 - | base64 --decode -
    2. Access the service by using the valid token in the curl request header:

      $ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

      The request is now allowed:

      Example output

      Hello OpenShift!

10.2.2. Using JSON Web Token authentication with Service Mesh 1.x and OpenShift Serverless

You can use JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication with Knative services by using Service Mesh 1.x and OpenShift Serverless. To do this, you must create a policy in the application namespace that is a member of the ServiceMeshMemberRoll object. You must also enable sidecar injection for the service.


Adding sidecar injection to pods in system namespaces, such as knative-serving and knative-serving-ingress, is not supported when Kourier is enabled.

If you require sidecar injection for pods in these namespaces, see the OpenShift Serverless documentation on Integrating Service Mesh with OpenShift Serverless natively.


  • You have installed the OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Serving, and Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh on your cluster.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  1. Add the"true" annotation to your service:

    Example service

    kind: Service
      name: <service_name>
   "true" 1
   "true" 2

    Add the"true" annotation.
    You must set the annotation "true" in your Knative service, because OpenShift Serverless versions 1.14.0 and higher use an HTTP probe as the readiness probe for Knative services by default.
  2. Apply the Service resource:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>
  3. Create a policy in a serverless application namespace which is a member in the ServiceMeshMemberRoll object, that only allows requests with valid JSON Web Tokens (JWT):


    The paths /metrics and /healthz must be included in excludedPaths because they are accessed from system pods in the knative-serving namespace.

    kind: Policy
      name: default
      namespace: <namespace>
      - jwt:
          jwksUri: ""
          - excludedPaths:
            - prefix: /metrics 1
            - prefix: /healthz 2
      principalBinding: USE_ORIGIN
    The path on your application to collect metrics by system pod.
    The path on your application to probe by system pod.
  4. Apply the Policy resource:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>


  1. If you try to use a curl request to get the Knative service URL, it is denied:

    $ curl

    Example output

    Origin authentication failed.

  2. Verify the request with a valid JWT.

    1. Get the valid JWT token:

      $ TOKEN=$(curl -s) && echo "$TOKEN" | cut -d '.' -f2 - | base64 --decode -
    2. Access the service by using the valid token in the curl request header:

      $ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

      The request is now allowed:

      Example output

      Hello OpenShift!

10.3. Configuring a custom domain for a Knative service

Knative services are automatically assigned a default domain name based on your cluster configuration. For example, <service_name>-<namespace> You can customize the domain for your Knative service by mapping a custom domain name that you own to a Knative service.

You can do this by creating a DomainMapping resource for the service. You can also create multiple DomainMapping resources to map multiple domains and subdomains to a single service.

10.3.1. Creating a custom domain mapping

You can customize the domain for your Knative service by mapping a custom domain name that you own to a Knative service. To map a custom domain name to a custom resource (CR), you must create a DomainMapping CR that maps to an Addressable target CR, such as a Knative service or a Knative route.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on your cluster.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You have created a Knative service and control a custom domain that you want to map to that service.


    Your custom domain must point to the IP address of the OpenShift Container Platform cluster.


  1. Create a YAML file containing the DomainMapping CR in the same namespace as the target CR you want to map to:

    kind: DomainMapping
     name: <domain_name> 1
     namespace: <namespace> 2
       name: <target_name> 3
       kind: <target_type> 4
    The custom domain name that you want to map to the target CR.
    The namespace of both the DomainMapping CR and the target CR.
    The name of the target CR to map to the custom domain.
    The type of CR being mapped to the custom domain.

    Example service domain mapping

    kind: DomainMapping
     namespace: default
       name: example-service
       kind: Service

    Example route domain mapping

    kind: DomainMapping
     namespace: default
       name: example-route
       kind: Route

  2. Apply the DomainMapping CR as a YAML file:

    $ oc apply -f <filename>

10.3.2. Creating a custom domain mapping by using the Knative CLI

You can customize the domain for your Knative service by mapping a custom domain name that you own to a Knative service. You can use the Knative (kn) CLI to create a DomainMapping custom resource (CR) that maps to an Addressable target CR, such as a Knative service or a Knative route.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on your cluster.
  • You have created a Knative service or route, and control a custom domain that you want to map to that CR.


    Your custom domain must point to the DNS of the OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.


  • Map a domain to a CR in the current namespace:

    $ kn domain create <domain_mapping_name> --ref <target_name>

    Example command

    $ kn domain create --ref example-service

    The --ref flag specifies an Addressable target CR for domain mapping.

    If a prefix is not provided when using the --ref flag, it is assumed that the target is a Knative service in the current namespace.

  • Map a domain to a Knative service in a specified namespace:

    $ kn domain create <domain_mapping_name> --ref <ksvc:service_name:service_namespace>

    Example command

    $ kn domain create --ref ksvc:example-service:example-namespace

  • Map a domain to a Knative route:

    $ kn domain create <domain_mapping_name> --ref <kroute:route_name>

    Example command

    $ kn domain create --ref kroute:example-route

10.3.3. Securing a service with a custom domain by using a TLS certificate

After you have configured a custom domain for a Knative service, you can use a TLS certificate to secure the mapped service. To do this, you must create a Kubernetes TLS secret, and then update the DomainMapping CR to use the TLS secret that you have created.


  • You configured a custom domain for a Knative service and have a working DomainMapping CR.
  • You have a TLS certificate from your Certificate Authority provider or a self-signed certificate.
  • You have obtained the cert and key files from your Certificate Authority provider, or a self-signed certificate.
  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Create a Kubernetes TLS secret:

    $ oc create secret tls <tls_secret_name> --cert=<path_to_certificate_file> --key=<path_to_key_file>
  2. If you are using Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh as the ingress for your OpenShift Serverless installation, label the Kubernetes TLS secret with the following:

    “": “<value>”

    If you are using a third-party secret provider such as cert-manager, you can configure your secret manager to label the Kubernetes TLS secret automatically. Cert-manager users can use the secret template offered to automatically generate secrets with the correct label. In this case, secret filtering is done based on the key only, but this value can carry useful information such as the certificate ID that the secret contains.


    The {cert-manager-operator} is a Technology Preview feature. For more information, see the Installing the {cert-manager-operator} documentation.

  3. Update the DomainMapping CR to use the TLS secret that you have created:

    kind: DomainMapping
      name: <domain_name>
      namespace: <namespace>
        name: <service_name>
        kind: Service
    # TLS block specifies the secret to be used
        secretName: <tls_secret_name>


  1. Verify that the DomainMapping CR status is True, and that the URL column of the output shows the mapped domain with the scheme https:

    $ oc get domainmapping <domain_name>

    Example output

    NAME                      URL                               READY   REASON                    True

  2. Optional: If the service is exposed publicly, verify that it is available by running the following command:

    $ curl https://<domain_name>

    If the certificate is self-signed, skip verification by adding the -k flag to the curl command.

Chapter 11. Functions

11.1. Setting up OpenShift Serverless Functions


OpenShift Serverless Functions is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see

To improve the process of deployment of your application code, you can use OpenShift Serverless to deploy stateless, event-driven functions as a Knative service on OpenShift Container Platform. If you want to develop functions, you must complete the set up steps.

11.1.1. Prerequisites

To enable the use of OpenShift Serverless Functions on your cluster, you must complete the following steps:

  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on your cluster.


    Functions are deployed as a Knative service. If you want to use event-driven architecture with your functions, you must also install Knative Eventing.

  • You have the oc CLI installed.
  • You have the Knative (kn) CLI installed. Installing the Knative CLI enables the use of kn func commands which you can use to create and manage functions.
  • You have installed Docker Container Engine or podman version 3.4.7 or higher, and have access to an available image registry, such as the OpenShift Container Registry.
  • If you are using as the image registry, you must ensure that either the repository is not private, or that you have followed the OpenShift Container Platform documentation on Allowing pods to reference images from other secured registries.
  • If you are using the OpenShift Container Registry, a cluster administrator must expose the registry.

11.1.2. Setting up podman

To use advanced container management features, you might want to use podman with OpenShift Serverless Functions. To do so, you need to start the podman service and configure the Knative (kn) CLI to connect to it.


  1. Start the podman service that serves the Docker API on a UNIX socket at ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/podman/podman.sock:

    $ systemctl start --user podman.socket

    On most systems, this socket is located at /run/user/$(id -u)/podman/podman.sock.

  2. Establish the environment variable that is used to build a function:

    $ export DOCKER_HOST="unix://${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/podman/podman.sock"
  3. Run the build command inside your function project directory with the -v flag to see verbose output. You should see a connection to your local UNIX socket:

    $ kn func build -v

11.1.3. Setting up podman on macOS

To use advanced container management features, you might want to use podman with OpenShift Serverless Functions. To do so on macOS, you need to start the podman machine and configure the Knative (kn) CLI to connect to it.


  1. Create the podman machine:

    $ podman machine init --memory=8192 --cpus=2 --disk-size=20
  2. Start the podman machine, which serves the Docker API on a UNIX socket:

    $ podman machine start
    Starting machine "podman-machine-default"
    Waiting for VM ...
    Mounting volume... /Users/myuser:/Users/user
    [...truncated output...]
    You can still connect Docker API clients by setting DOCKER_HOST using the
    following command in your terminal session:
    	export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///Users/myuser/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/podman-machine-default/podman.sock'
    Machine "podman-machine-default" started successfully

    On most macOS systems, this socket is located at /Users/myuser/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/podman-machine-default/podman.sock.

  3. Establish the environment variable that is used to build a function:

    $ export DOCKER_HOST='unix:///Users/myuser/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/podman-machine-default/podman.sock'
  4. Run the build command inside your function project directory with the -v flag to see verbose output. You should see a connection to your local UNIX socket:

    $ kn func build -v

11.1.4. Next steps

11.2. Getting started with functions

Function lifecycle management includes creating, building, and deploying a function. Optionally, you can also test a deployed function by invoking it. You can do all of these operations on OpenShift Serverless using the kn func tool.


OpenShift Serverless Functions is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see

11.2.1. Prerequisites

Before you can complete the following procedures, you must ensure that you have completed all of the prerequisite tasks in Setting up OpenShift Serverless Functions.

11.2.2. Creating functions

Before you can build and deploy a function, you must create it by using the Knative (kn) CLI. You can specify the path, runtime, template, and image registry as flags on the command line, or use the -c flag to start the interactive experience in the terminal.


OpenShift Serverless Functions is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.


  • Create a function project:

    $ kn func create -r <repository> -l <runtime> -t <template> <path>
    • Accepted runtime values include quarkus, node, typescript, go, python, springboot, and rust.
    • Accepted template values include http and cloudevents.

      Example command

      $ kn func create -l typescript -t cloudevents examplefunc

      Example output

      Created typescript function in /home/user/demo/examplefunc

    • Alternatively, you can specify a repository that contains a custom template.

      Example command

      $ kn func create -r -l node -t hello-world examplefunc

      Example output

      Created node function in /home/user/demo/examplefunc

11.2.3. Running a function locally

You can use the kn func run command to run a function locally in the current directory or in the directory specified by the --path flag. If the function that you are running has never previously been built, or if the project files have been modified since the last time it was built, the kn func run command builds the function before running it by default.

Example command to run a function in the current directory

$ kn func run

Example command to run a function in a directory specified as a path

$ kn func run --path=<directory_path>

You can also force a rebuild of an existing image before running the function, even if there have been no changes to the project files, by using the --build flag:

Example run command using the build flag

$ kn func run --build

If you set the build flag as false, this disables building of the image, and runs the function using the previously built image:

Example run command using the build flag

$ kn func run --build=false

You can use the help command to learn more about kn func run command options:

Build help command

$ kn func help run

11.2.4. Building functions

Before you can run a function, you must build the function project. If you are using the kn func run command, the function is built automatically. However, you can use the kn func build command to build a function without running it, which can be useful for advanced users or debugging scenarios.

The kn func build command creates an OCI container image that can be run locally on your computer or on an OpenShift Container Platform cluster. This command uses the function project name and the image registry name to construct a fully qualified image name for your function. Image container types

By default, kn func build creates a container image by using Red Hat Source-to-Image (S2I) technology.

Example build command using Red Hat Source-to-Image (S2I)

$ kn func build

You can use CNCF Cloud Native Buildpacks technology instead, by adding the --builder flag to the command and specifying the pack strategy:

Example build command using CNCF Cloud Native Buildpacks

$ kn func build --builder pack Image registry types

The OpenShift Container Registry is used by default as the image registry for storing function images.

Example build command using OpenShift Container Registry

$ kn func build

Example output

Building function image
Function image has been built, image:

You can override using OpenShift Container Registry as the default image registry by using the --registry flag:

Example build command overriding OpenShift Container Registry to use

$ kn func build --registry

Example output

Building function image
Function image has been built, image: Push flag

You can add the --push flag to a kn func build command to automatically push the function image after it is successfully built:

Example build command using OpenShift Container Registry

$ kn func build --push Help command

You can use the help command to learn more about kn func build command options:

Build help command

$ kn func help build

11.2.5. Deploying functions

You can deploy a function to your cluster as a Knative service by using the kn func deploy command. If the targeted function is already deployed, it is updated with a new container image that is pushed to a container image registry, and the Knative service is updated.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You must have already created and initialized the function that you want to deploy.


  • Deploy a function:

    $ kn func deploy [-n <namespace> -p <path> -i <image>]

    Example output

    Function deployed at:

    • If no namespace is specified, the function is deployed in the current namespace.
    • The function is deployed from the current directory, unless a path is specified.
    • The Knative service name is derived from the project name, and cannot be changed using this command.

11.2.6. Invoking a deployed function with a test event

You can use the kn func invoke CLI command to send a test request to invoke a function either locally or on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster. You can use this command to test that a function is working and able to receive events correctly. Invoking a function locally is useful for a quick test during function development. Invoking a function on the cluster is useful for testing that is closer to the production environment.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.
  • You must have already deployed the function that you want to invoke.


  • Invoke a function:

    $ kn func invoke
    • The kn func invoke command only works when there is either a local container image currently running, or when there is a function deployed in the cluster.
    • The kn func invoke command executes on the local directory by default, and assumes that this directory is a function project.

11.2.7. Deleting a function

You can delete a function by using the kn func delete command. This is useful when a function is no longer required, and can help to save resources on your cluster.


  • Delete a function:

    $ kn func delete [<function_name> -n <namespace> -p <path>]
    • If the name or path of the function to delete is not specified, the current directory is searched for a func.yaml file that is used to determine the function to delete.
    • If the namespace is not specified, it defaults to the namespace value in the func.yaml file.

11.2.8. Additional resources

11.3. On-cluster function building and deploying

Instead of building a function locally, you can build a function directly on the cluster. When using this workflow on a local development machine, you only need to work with the function source code. This is useful, for example, when you cannot install on-cluster function building tools, such as docker or podman.

11.3.1. Building and deploying functions on the cluster

You can use the Knative (kn) CLI to initiate a function project build and then deploy the function directly on the cluster. To build a function project in this way, the source code for your function project must exist in a Git repository branch that is accessible to your cluster.


OpenShift Serverless Functions is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see


  • Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines must be installed on your cluster.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.


  1. In each namespace where you want to run Pipelines and deploy a function, you must create the following resources:

    1. Create the s2i Tekton task to be able to use Source-to-Image in the pipeline:

      $ oc apply -f
    2. Create the kn func deploy Tekton task to be able to deploy the function in the pipeline:

      $ oc apply -f
  2. Create a function:

    $ kn func create <function_name> -l <runtime>
  3. After you have created a new function project, you must add the project to a Git repository and ensure that the repository is available to the cluster. Information about this Git repository is used to update the func.yaml file in the next step.
  4. Update the configuration in the func.yaml file for your function project to enable on-cluster builds for the Git repository:

      url: <git_repository_url> 1
      revision: main 2
      contextDir: <directory_path> 3
    Required. Specify the Git repository that contains your function’s source code.
    Optional. Specify the Git repository revision to be used. This can be a branch, tag, or commit.
    Optional. Specify the function’s directory path if the function is not located in the Git repository root folder.
  5. Implement the business logic of your function. Then, use Git to commit and push the changes.
  6. Deploy your function:

    $ kn func deploy --remote

    If you are not logged into the container registry referenced in your function configuration, you are prompted to provide credentials for the remote container registry that hosts the function image:

    Example output and prompts

    🕕 Creating Pipeline resources
    Please provide credentials for image registry used by Pipeline.
    ? Server:
    ? Username: my-repo
    ? Password: ********
       Function deployed at URL: http://test-function.default.svc.cluster.local

  7. To update your function, commit and push new changes by using Git, then run the kn func deploy --remote command again.

11.3.2. Specifying function revision

When building and deploying a function on the cluster, you must specify the location of the function code by specifying the Git repository, branch, and subdirectory within the repository. You do not need to specify the branch if you use the main branch. Similarly, you do not need to specify the subdirectory if your function is at the root of the repository. You can specify these parameters in the func.yaml configuration file, or by using flags with the kn func deploy command.


  • Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines must be installed on your cluster.
  • You have installed the OpenShift (oc) CLI.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.


  • Deploy your function:

    $ kn func deploy --remote \ 1
                     --git-url <repo-url> \ 2
                     [--git-branch <branch>] \ 3
                     [--git-dir <function-dir>] 4
    With the --remote flag, the build runs remotely.
    Substitute <repo-url> with the URL of the Git repository.
    Substitute <branch> with the Git branch, tag, or commit. If using the latest commit on the main branch, you can skip this flag.
    Substitute <function-dir> with the directory containing the function if it is different than the repository root directory.

    For example:

    $ kn func deploy --remote \
                     --git-url \
                     --git-branch my-feature \
                     --git-dir functions/example-func/

11.4. Developing Node.js functions


OpenShift Serverless Functions is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see

After you have created a Node.js function project, you can modify the template files provided to add business logic to your function. This includes configuring function invocation and the returned headers and status codes.

11.4.1. Prerequisites

11.4.2. Node.js function template structure

When you create a Node.js function using the Knative (kn) CLI, the project directory looks like a typical Node.js project. The only exception is the additional func.yaml file, which is used to configure the function.

Both http and event trigger functions have the same template structure:

Template structure

├── func.yaml 1
├── index.js 2
├── package.json 3
└── test 4
    ├── integration.js
    └── unit.js

The func.yaml configuration file is used to determine the image name and registry.
Your project must contain an index.js file which exports a single function.
You are not restricted to the dependencies provided in the template package.json file. You can add additional dependencies as you would in any other Node.js project.

Example of adding npm dependencies

npm install --save opossum

When the project is built for deployment, these dependencies are included in the created runtime container image.

Integration and unit test scripts are provided as part of the function template.

11.4.3. About invoking Node.js functions

When using the Knative (kn) CLI to create a function project, you can generate a project that responds to CloudEvents, or one that responds to simple HTTP requests. CloudEvents in Knative are transported over HTTP as a POST request, so both function types listen for and respond to incoming HTTP events.

Node.js functions can be invoked with a simple HTTP request. When an incoming request is received, functions are invoked with a context object as the first parameter. Node.js context objects

Functions are invoked by providing a context object as the first parameter. This object provides access to the incoming HTTP request information.

Example context object

function handle(context, data)

This information includes the HTTP request method, any query strings or headers sent with the request, the HTTP version, and the request body. Incoming requests that contain a CloudEvent attach the incoming instance of the CloudEvent to the context object so that it can be accessed by using context.cloudevent. Context object methods

The context object has a single method, cloudEventResponse(), that accepts a data value and returns a CloudEvent.

In a Knative system, if a function deployed as a service is invoked by an event broker sending a CloudEvent, the broker examines the response. If the response is a CloudEvent, this event is handled by the broker.

Example context object method

// Expects to receive a CloudEvent with customer data
function handle(context, customer) {
  // process the customer
  const processed = handle(customer);
  return context.cloudEventResponse(customer)
} CloudEvent data

If the incoming request is a CloudEvent, any data associated with the CloudEvent is extracted from the event and provided as a second parameter. For example, if a CloudEvent is received that contains a JSON string in its data property that is similar to the following:

  "customerId": "0123456",
  "productId": "6543210"

When invoked, the second parameter to the function, after the context object, will be a JavaScript object that has customerId and productId properties.

Example signature

function handle(context, data)

The data parameter in this example is a JavaScript object that contains the customerId and productId properties.

11.4.4. Node.js function return values

Functions can return any valid JavaScript type or can have no return value. When a function has no return value specified, and no failure is indicated, the caller receives a 204 No Content response.

Functions can also return a CloudEvent or a Message object in order to push events into the Knative Eventing system. In this case, the developer is not required to understand or implement the CloudEvent messaging specification. Headers and other relevant information from the returned values are extracted and sent with the response.


function handle(context, customer) {
  // process customer and return a new CloudEvent
  return new CloudEvent({
    source: 'customer.processor',
    type: 'customer.processed'
} Returning headers

You can set a response header by adding a headers property to the return object. These headers are extracted and sent with the response to the caller.

Example response header

function handle(context, customer) {
  // process customer and return custom headers
  // the response will be '204 No content'
  return { headers: { customerid: } };
} Returning status codes

You can set a status code that is returned to the caller by adding a statusCode property to the return object:

Example status code

function handle(context, customer) {
  // process customer
  if (customer.restricted) {
    return { statusCode: 451 }

Status codes can also be set for errors that are created and thrown by the function:

Example error status code

function handle(context, customer) {
  // process customer
  if (customer.restricted) {
    const err = new Error(‘Unavailable for legal reasons’);
    err.statusCode = 451;
    throw err;

11.4.5. Testing Node.js functions

Node.js functions can be tested locally on your computer. In the default project that is created when you create a function by using kn func create, there is a test folder that contains some simple unit and integration tests.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a function by using kn func create.


  1. Navigate to the test folder for your function.
  2. Run the tests:

    $ npm test

11.4.6. Next steps

11.5. Developing TypeScript functions


OpenShift Serverless Functions is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see

After you have created a TypeScript function project, you can modify the template files provided to add business logic to your function. This includes configuring function invocation and the returned headers and status codes.

11.5.1. Prerequisites

11.5.2. TypeScript function template structure

When you create a TypeScript function using the Knative (kn) CLI, the project directory looks like a typical TypeScript project. The only exception is the additional func.yaml file, which is used for configuring the function.

Both http and event trigger functions have the same template structure:

Template structure

├── func.yaml 1
├── package.json 2
├── package-lock.json
├── src
│   └── index.ts 3
├── test 4
│   ├── integration.ts
│   └── unit.ts
└── tsconfig.json

The func.yaml configuration file is used to determine the image name and registry.
You are not restricted to the dependencies provided in the template package.json file. You can add additional dependencies as you would in any other TypeScript project.

Example of adding npm dependencies

npm install --save opossum

When the project is built for deployment, these dependencies are included in the created runtime container image.

Your project must contain an src/index.js file which exports a function named handle.
Integration and unit test scripts are provided as part of the function template.

11.5.3. About invoking TypeScript functions

When using the Knative (kn) CLI to create a function project, you can generate a project that responds to CloudEvents or one that responds to simple HTTP requests. CloudEvents in Knative are transported over HTTP as a POST request, so both function types listen for and respond to incoming HTTP events.

TypeScript functions can be invoked with a simple HTTP request. When an incoming request is received, functions are invoked with a context object as the first parameter. TypeScript context objects

To invoke a function, you provide a context object as the first parameter. Accessing properties of the context object can provide information about the incoming HTTP request.

Example context object

function handle(context:Context): string

This information includes the HTTP request method, any query strings or headers sent with the request, the HTTP version, and the request body. Incoming requests that contain a CloudEvent attach the incoming instance of the CloudEvent to the context object so that it can be accessed by using context.cloudevent. Context object methods

The context object has a single method, cloudEventResponse(), that accepts a data value and returns a CloudEvent.

In a Knative system, if a function deployed as a service is invoked by an event broker sending a CloudEvent, the broker examines the response. If the response is a CloudEvent, this event is handled by the broker.

Example context object method

// Expects to receive a CloudEvent with customer data
export function handle(context: Context, cloudevent?: CloudEvent): CloudEvent {
  // process the customer
  const customer =;
  const processed = processCustomer(customer);
  return context.cloudEventResponse(customer)
} Context types

The TypeScript type definition files export the following types for use in your functions.

Exported type definitions

// Invokable is the expeted Function signature for user functions
export interface Invokable {
    (context: Context, cloudevent?: CloudEvent): any

// Logger can be used for structural logging to the console
export interface Logger {
  debug: (msg: any) => void,
  info:  (msg: any) => void,
  warn:  (msg: any) => void,
  error: (msg: any) => void,
  fatal: (msg: any) => void,
  trace: (msg: any) => void,

// Context represents the function invocation context, and provides
// access to the event itself as well as raw HTTP objects.
export interface Context {
    log: Logger;
    req: IncomingMessage;
    query?: Record<string, any>;
    body?: Record<string, any>|string;
    method: string;
    headers: IncomingHttpHeaders;
    httpVersion: string;
    httpVersionMajor: number;
    httpVersionMinor: number;
    cloudevent: CloudEvent;
    cloudEventResponse(data: string|object): CloudEventResponse;

// CloudEventResponse is a convenience class used to create
// CloudEvents on function returns
export interface CloudEventResponse {
    id(id: string): CloudEventResponse;
    source(source: string): CloudEventResponse;
    type(type: string): CloudEventResponse;
    version(version: string): CloudEventResponse;
    response(): CloudEvent;
} CloudEvent data

If the incoming request is a CloudEvent, any data associated with the CloudEvent is extracted from the event and provided as a second parameter. For example, if a CloudEvent is received that contains a JSON string in its data property that is similar to the following:

  "customerId": "0123456",
  "productId": "6543210"

When invoked, the second parameter to the function, after the context object, will be a JavaScript object that has customerId and productId properties.

Example signature

function handle(context: Context, cloudevent?: CloudEvent): CloudEvent

The cloudevent parameter in this example is a JavaScript object that contains the customerId and productId properties.

11.5.4. TypeScript function return values

Functions can return any valid JavaScript type or can have no return value. When a function has no return value specified, and no failure is indicated, the caller receives a 204 No Content response.

Functions can also return a CloudEvent or a Message object in order to push events into the Knative Eventing system. In this case, the developer is not required to understand or implement the CloudEvent messaging specification. Headers and other relevant information from the returned values are extracted and sent with the response.


export const handle: Invokable = function (
  context: Context,
  cloudevent?: CloudEvent
): Message {
  // process customer and return a new CloudEvent
  const customer =;
  return HTTP.binary(
    new CloudEvent({
      source: 'customer.processor',
      type: 'customer.processed'
}; Returning headers

You can set a response header by adding a headers property to the return object. These headers are extracted and sent with the response to the caller.

Example response header

export function handle(context: Context, cloudevent?: CloudEvent): Record<string, any> {
  // process customer and return custom headers
  const customer = as Record<string, any>;
  return { headers: { 'customer-id': } };
} Returning status codes

You can set a status code that is returned to the caller by adding a statusCode property to the return object:

Example status code

export function handle(context: Context, cloudevent?: CloudEvent): Record<string, any> {
  // process customer
  const customer = as Record<string, any>;
  if (customer.restricted) {
    return {
      statusCode: 451
  // business logic, then
  return {
    statusCode: 240

Status codes can also be set for errors that are created and thrown by the function:

Example error status code

export function handle(context: Context, cloudevent?: CloudEvent): Record<string, string> {
  // process customer
  const customer = as Record<string, any>;
  if (customer.restricted) {
    const err = new Error(‘Unavailable for legal reasons’);
    err.statusCode = 451;
    throw err;

11.5.5. Testing TypeScript functions

TypeScript functions can be tested locally on your computer. In the default project that is created when you create a function using kn func create, there is a test folder that contains some simple unit and integration tests.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a function by using kn func create.


  1. If you have not previously run tests, install the dependencies first:

    $ npm install
  2. Navigate to the test folder for your function.
  3. Run the tests:

    $ npm test

11.5.6. Next steps

11.6. Developing Go functions


OpenShift Serverless Functions is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see

After you have created a Go function project, you can modify the template files provided to add business logic to your function. This includes configuring function invocation and the returned headers and status codes.

11.6.1. Prerequisites

11.6.2. Go function template structure

When you create a Go function using the Knative (kn) CLI, the project directory looks like a typical Go project. The only exception is the additional func.yaml configuration file, which is used for specifying the image.

Go functions have few restrictions. The only requirements are that your project must be defined in a function module, and must export the function Handle().

Both http and event trigger functions have the same template structure:

Template structure

├── func.yaml 1
├── go.mod 2
├── go.sum
├── handle.go
└── handle_test.go

The func.yaml configuration file is used to determine the image name and registry.
You can add any required dependencies to the go.mod file, which can include additional local Go files. When the project is built for deployment, these dependencies are included in the resulting runtime container image.

Example of adding dependencies

$ go get

11.6.3. About invoking Go functions

When using the Knative (kn) CLI to create a function project, you can generate a project that responds to CloudEvents, or one that responds to simple HTTP requests. Go functions are invoked by using different methods, depending on whether they are triggered by an HTTP request or a CloudEvent. Functions triggered by an HTTP request

When an incoming HTTP request is received, functions are invoked with a standard Go Context as the first parameter, followed by the http.ResponseWriter and http.Request parameters. You can use standard Go techniques to access the request, and set a corresponding HTTP response for your function.

Example HTTP response

func Handle(ctx context.Context, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
  // Read body
  body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body)
  defer req.Body.Close()
  if err != nil {
	http.Error(res, err.Error(), 500)
  // Process body and function logic
  // ...
} Functions triggered by a cloud event

When an incoming cloud event is received, the event is invoked by the CloudEvents Go SDK. The invocation uses the Event type as a parameter.

You can leverage the Go Context as an optional parameter in the function contract, as shown in the list of supported function signatures:

Supported function signatures

Handle() error
Handle(context.Context) error
Handle(cloudevents.Event) error
Handle(context.Context, cloudevents.Event)
Handle(context.Context, cloudevents.Event) error
Handle(cloudevents.Event) *cloudevents.Event
Handle(cloudevents.Event) (*cloudevents.Event, error)
Handle(context.Context, cloudevents.Event) *cloudevents.Event
Handle(context.Context, cloudevents.Event) (*cloudevents.Event, error) CloudEvent trigger example

A cloud event is received which contains a JSON string in the data property:

  "customerId": "0123456",
  "productId": "6543210"

To access this data, a structure must be defined which maps properties in the cloud event data, and retrieves the data from the incoming event. The following example uses the Purchase structure:

type Purchase struct {
  CustomerId string `json:"customerId"`
  ProductId  string `json:"productId"`
func Handle(ctx context.Context, event cloudevents.Event) (err error) {

  purchase := &Purchase{}
  if err = event.DataAs(purchase); err != nil {
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to parse incoming CloudEvent %s\n", err)
  // ...

Alternatively, a Go encoding/json package could be used to access the cloud event directly as JSON in the form of a bytes array:

func Handle(ctx context.Context, event cloudevents.Event) {
  bytes, err := json.Marshal(event)
  // ...

11.6.4. Go function return values

Functions triggered by HTTP requests can set the response directly. You can configure the function to do this by using the Go http.ResponseWriter.

Example HTTP response

func Handle(ctx context.Context, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
  // Set response
  res.Header().Add("Content-Type", "text/plain")
  res.Header().Add("Content-Length", "3")
  _, err := fmt.Fprintf(res, "OK\n")
  if err != nil {
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error or response write: %v", err)

Functions triggered by a cloud event might return nothing, error, or CloudEvent in order to push events into the Knative Eventing system. In this case, you must set a unique ID, proper Source, and a Type for the cloud event. The data can be populated from a defined structure, or from a map.

Example CloudEvent response

func Handle(ctx context.Context, event cloudevents.Event) (resp *cloudevents.Event, err error) {
  // ...
  response := cloudevents.NewEvent()
  // Set the data from Purchase type
  response.SetData(cloudevents.ApplicationJSON, Purchase{
	CustomerId: custId,
	ProductId:  prodId,
  // OR set the data directly from map
  response.SetData(cloudevents.ApplicationJSON, map[string]string{"customerId": custId, "productId": prodId})
  // Validate the response
  resp = &response
  if err = resp.Validate(); err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("invalid event created. %v", err)

11.6.5. Testing Go functions

Go functions can be tested locally on your computer. In the default project that is created when you create a function using kn func create, there is a handle_test.go file, which contains some basic tests. These tests can be extended as needed.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a function by using kn func create.


  1. Navigate to the test folder for your function.
  2. Run the tests:

    $ go test

11.6.6. Next steps

11.7. Developing Python functions


OpenShift Serverless Functions is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see

After you have created a Python function project, you can modify the template files provided to add business logic to your function. This includes configuring function invocation and the returned headers and status codes.

11.7.1. Prerequisites

11.7.2. Python function template structure

When you create a Python function by using the Knative (kn) CLI, the project directory looks similar to a typical Python project. Python functions have very few restrictions. The only requirements are that your project contains a file that contains a main() function, and a func.yaml configuration file.

Developers are not restricted to the dependencies provided in the template requirements.txt file. Additional dependencies can be added as they would be in any other Python project. When the project is built for deployment, these dependencies will be included in the created runtime container image.

Both http and event trigger functions have the same template structure:

Template structure

├── 1
├── func.yaml 2
├── requirements.txt 3
└── 4

Contains a main() function.
Used to determine the image name and registry.
Additional dependencies can be added to the requirements.txt file as they are in any other Python project.
Contains a simple unit test that can be used to test your function locally.

11.7.3. About invoking Python functions

Python functions can be invoked with a simple HTTP request. When an incoming request is received, functions are invoked with a context object as the first parameter.

The context object is a Python class with two attributes:

  • The request attribute is always present, and contains the Flask request object.
  • The second attribute, cloud_event, is populated if the incoming request is a CloudEvent object.

Developers can access any CloudEvent data from the context object.

Example context object

def main(context: Context):
    The context parameter contains the Flask request object and any
    CloudEvent received with the request.
    print(f"Method: {context.request.method}")
    print(f"Event data {}")
    # ... business logic here

11.7.4. Python function return values

Functions can return any value supported by Flask. This is because the invocation framework proxies these values directly to the Flask server.


def main(context: Context):
    body = { "message": "Howdy!" }
    headers = { "content-type": "application/json" }
    return body, 200, headers

Functions can set both headers and response codes as secondary and tertiary response values from function invocation. Returning CloudEvents

Developers can use the @event decorator to tell the invoker that the function return value must be converted to a CloudEvent before sending the response.


@event("event_source"="/my/function", "event_type"="my.type")
def main(context):
    # business logic here
    data = do_something()
    # more data processing
    return data

This example sends a CloudEvent as the response value, with a type of "my.type" and a source of "/my/function". The CloudEvent data property is set to the returned data variable. The event_source and event_type decorator attributes are both optional.

11.7.5. Testing Python functions

You can test Python functions locally on your computer. The default project contains a file, which provides a simple unit test for functions.


The default test framework for Python functions is unittest. You can use a different test framework if you prefer.


  • To run Python functions tests locally, you must install the required dependencies:

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Navigate to the folder for your function that contains the file.
  2. Run the tests:

    $ python3

11.7.6. Next steps

11.8. Developing Quarkus functions


OpenShift Serverless Functions is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see

After you have created a Quarkus function project, you can modify the template files provided to add business logic to your function. This includes configuring function invocation and the returned headers and status codes.

11.8.1. Prerequisites

11.8.2. Quarkus function template structure

When you create a Quarkus function by using the Knative (kn) CLI, the project directory looks similar to a typical Maven project. Additionally, the project contains the func.yaml file, which is used for configuring the function.

Both http and event trigger functions have the same template structure:

Template structure

├── func.yaml 1
├── mvnw
├── mvnw.cmd
├── pom.xml 2
└── src
    ├── main
    │   ├── java
    │   │   └── functions
    │   │       ├── 3
    │   │       ├──
    │   │       └──
    │   └── resources
    │       └──
    └── test
        └── java
            └── functions 4

Used to determine the image name and registry.
The Project Object Model (POM) file contains project configuration, such as information about dependencies. You can add additional dependencies by modifying this file.

Example of additional dependencies


Dependencies are downloaded during the first compilation.

The function project must contain a Java method annotated with @Funq. You can place this method in the class.
Contains simple test cases that can be used to test your function locally.

11.8.3. About invoking Quarkus functions

You can create a Quarkus project that responds to cloud events, or one that responds to simple HTTP requests. Cloud events in Knative are transported over HTTP as a POST request, so either function type can listen and respond to incoming HTTP requests.

When an incoming request is received, Quarkus functions are invoked with an instance of a permitted type.

Table 11.1. Function invocation options
Invocation methodData type contained in the instanceExample of data

HTTP POST request

JSON object in the body of the request

{ "customerId": "0123456", "productId": "6543210" }

HTTP GET request

Data in the query string



JSON object in the data property

{ "customerId": "0123456", "productId": "6543210" }

The following example shows a function that receives and processes the customerId and productId purchase data that is listed in the previous table:

Example Quarkus function

public class Functions {
    public void processPurchase(Purchase purchase) {
        // process the purchase

The corresponding Purchase JavaBean class that contains the purchase data looks as follows:

Example class

public class Purchase {
    private long customerId;
    private long productId;
    // getters and setters
} Invocation examples

The following example code defines three functions named withBeans, withCloudEvent, and withBinary;


import io.quarkus.funqy.Funq;

public class Input {
    private String message;

    // getters and setters

public class Output {
    private String message;

    // getters and setters

public class Functions {
    public Output withBeans(Input in) {
        // function body

    public CloudEvent<Output> withCloudEvent(CloudEvent<Input> in) {
        // function body

    public void withBinary(byte[] in) {
        // function body

The withBeans function of the Functions class can be invoked by:

  • An HTTP POST request with a JSON body:

    $ curl "http://localhost:8080/withBeans" -X POST \
        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        -d '{"message": "Hello there."}'
  • An HTTP GET request with query parameters:

    $ curl "http://localhost:8080/withBeans?message=Hello%20there." -X GET
  • A CloudEvent object in binary encoding:

    $ curl "http://localhost:8080/" -X POST \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "Ce-SpecVersion: 1.0" \
      -H "Ce-Type: withBeans" \
      -H "Ce-Source: cURL" \
      -H "Ce-Id: 42" \
      -d '{"message": "Hello there."}'
  • A CloudEvent object in structured encoding:

    $ curl http://localhost:8080/ \
        -H "Content-Type: application/cloudevents+json" \
        -d '{ "data": {"message":"Hello there."},
              "datacontenttype": "application/json",
              "id": "42",
              "source": "curl",
              "type": "withBeans",
              "specversion": "1.0"}'

The withCloudEvent function of the Functions class can be invoked by using a CloudEvent object, similarly to the withBeans function. However, unlike withBeans, withCloudEvent cannot be invoked with a plain HTTP request.

The withBinary function of the Functions class can be invoked by:

  • A CloudEvent object in binary encoding:

    $ curl "http://localhost:8080/" -X POST \
      -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \
      -H "Ce-SpecVersion: 1.0"\
      -H "Ce-Type: withBinary" \
      -H "Ce-Source: cURL" \
      -H "Ce-Id: 42" \
      --data-binary '@img.jpg'
  • A CloudEvent object in structured encoding:

    $ curl http://localhost:8080/ \
      -H "Content-Type: application/cloudevents+json" \
      -d "{ \"data_base64\": \"$(base64 --wrap=0 img.jpg)\",
            \"datacontenttype\": \"application/octet-stream\",
            \"id\": \"42\",
            \"source\": \"curl\",
            \"type\": \"withBinary\",
            \"specversion\": \"1.0\"}"

11.8.4. CloudEvent attributes

If you need to read or write the attributes of a CloudEvent, such as type or subject, you can use the CloudEvent<T> generic interface and the CloudEventBuilder builder. The <T> type parameter must be one of the permitted types.

In the following example, CloudEventBuilder is used to return success or failure of processing the purchase:

public class Functions {

    private boolean _processPurchase(Purchase purchase) {
        // do stuff

    public CloudEvent<Void> processPurchase(CloudEvent<Purchase> purchaseEvent) {
        System.out.println("subject is: " + purchaseEvent.subject());

        if (!_processPurchase( {
            return CloudEventBuilder.create()
        return CloudEventBuilder.create()

11.8.5. Quarkus function return values

Functions can return an instance of any type from the list of permitted types. Alternatively, they can return the Uni<T> type, where the <T> type parameter can be of any type from the permitted types.

The Uni<T> type is useful if a function calls asynchronous APIs, because the returned object is serialized in the same format as the received object. For example:

  • If a function receives an HTTP request, then the returned object is sent in the body of an HTTP response.
  • If a function receives a CloudEvent object in binary encoding, then the returned object is sent in the data property of a binary-encoded CloudEvent object.

The following example shows a function that fetches a list of purchases:

Example command

public class Functions {
    public List<Purchase> getPurchasesByName(String name) {
      // logic to retrieve purchases

  • Invoking this function through an HTTP request produces an HTTP response that contains a list of purchases in the body of the response.
  • Invoking this function through an incoming CloudEvent object produces a CloudEvent response with a list of purchases in the data property. Permitted types

The input and output of a function can be any of the void, String, or byte[] types. Additionally, they can be primitive types and their wrappers, for example, int and Integer. They can also be the following complex objects: Javabeans, maps, lists, arrays, and the special CloudEvents<T> type.

Maps, lists, arrays, the <T> type parameter of the CloudEvents<T> type, and attributes of Javabeans can only be of types listed here.


public class Functions {
    public List<Integer> getIds();
    public Purchase[] getPurchasesByName(String name);
    public String getNameById(int id);
    public Map<String,Integer> getNameIdMapping();
    public void processImage(byte[] img);

11.8.6. Testing Quarkus functions

Quarkus functions can be tested locally on your computer. In the default project that is created when you create a function using kn func create, there is the src/test/ directory, which contains basic Maven tests. These tests can be extended as needed.


  • You have created a Quarkus function.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.


  1. Navigate to the project folder for your function.
  2. Run the Maven tests:

    $ ./mvnw test

11.8.7. Next steps

11.9. Function project configuration in func.yaml

The func.yaml file contains the configuration for your function project. Values specified in func.yaml are used when you execute a kn func command. For example, when you run the kn func build command, the value in the build field is used. In some cases, you can override these values with command line flags or environment variables.

11.9.1. Configurable fields in func.yaml

Many of the fields in func.yaml are generated automatically when you create, build, and deploy your function. However, there are also fields that you modify manually to change things, such as the function name or the image name. buildEnvs

The buildEnvs field enables you to set environment variables to be available to the environment that builds your function. Unlike variables set using envs, a variable set using buildEnv is not available during function runtime.

You can set a buildEnv variable directly from a value. In the following example, the buildEnv variable named EXAMPLE1 is directly assigned the one value:

- name: EXAMPLE1
  value: one

You can also set a buildEnv variable from a local environment variable. In the following example, the buildEnv variable named EXAMPLE2 is assigned the value of the LOCAL_ENV_VAR local environment variable:

- name: EXAMPLE1
  value: '{{ env:LOCAL_ENV_VAR }}' envs

The envs field enables you to set environment variables to be available to your function at runtime. You can set an environment variable in several different ways:

  1. Directly from a value.
  2. From a value assigned to a local environment variable. See the section "Referencing local environment variables from func.yaml fields" for more information.
  3. From a key-value pair stored in a secret or config map.
  4. You can also import all key-value pairs stored in a secret or config map, with keys used as names of the created environment variables.

This examples demonstrates the different ways to set an environment variable:

name: test
namespace: ""
runtime: go
- name: EXAMPLE1 1
  value: value
- name: EXAMPLE2 2
  value: '{{ env:LOCAL_ENV_VALUE }}'
- name: EXAMPLE3 3
  value: '{{ secret:mysecret:key }}'
- name: EXAMPLE4 4
  value: '{{ configMap:myconfigmap:key }}'
- value: '{{ secret:mysecret2 }}' 5
- value: '{{ configMap:myconfigmap2 }}' 6
An environment variable set directly from a value.
An environment variable set from a value assigned to a local environment variable.
An environment variable assigned from a key-value pair stored in a secret.
An environment variable assigned from a key-value pair stored in a config map.
A set of environment variables imported from key-value pairs of a secret.
A set of environment variables imported from key-value pairs of a config map. builder

The builder field specifies the strategy used by the function to build the image. It accepts values of pack or s2i. build

The build field indicates how the function should be built. The value local indicates that the function is built locally on your machine. The value git indicates that the function is built on a cluster by using the values specified in the git field. volumes

The volumes field enables you to mount secrets and config maps as a volume accessible to the function at the specified path, as shown in the following example:

name: test
namespace: ""
runtime: go
- secret: mysecret 1
  path: /workspace/secret
- configMap: myconfigmap 2
  path: /workspace/configmap
The mysecret secret is mounted as a volume residing at /workspace/secret.
The myconfigmap config map is mounted as a volume residing at /workspace/configmap. options

The options field enables you to modify Knative Service properties for the deployed function, such as autoscaling. If these options are not set, the default ones are used.

These options are available:

  • scale

    • min: The minimum number of replicas. Must be a non-negative integer. The default is 0.
    • max: The maximum number of replicas. Must be a non-negative integer. The default is 0, which means no limit.
    • metric: Defines which metric type is watched by the Autoscaler. It can be set to concurrency, which is the default, or rps.
    • target: Recommendation for when to scale up based on the number of concurrently incoming requests. The target option can be a float value greater than 0.01. The default is 100, unless the options.resources.limits.concurrency is set, in which case target defaults to its value.
    • utilization: Percentage of concurrent requests utilization allowed before scaling up. It can be a float value between 1 and 100. The default is 70.
  • resources

    • requests

      • cpu: A CPU resource request for the container with deployed function.
      • memory: A memory resource request for the container with deployed function.
    • limits

      • cpu: A CPU resource limit for the container with deployed function.
      • memory: A memory resource limit for the container with deployed function.
      • concurrency: Hard Limit of concurrent requests to be processed by a single replica. It can be integer value greater than or equal to 0, default is 0 - meaning no limit.

This is an example configuration of the scale options:

name: test
namespace: ""
runtime: go
    min: 0
    max: 10
    metric: concurrency
    target: 75
    utilization: 75
      cpu: 100m
      memory: 128Mi
      cpu: 1000m
      memory: 256Mi
      concurrency: 100 image

The image field sets the image name for your function after it has been built. You can modify this field. If you do, the next time you run kn func build or kn func deploy, the function image will be created with the new name. imageDigest

The imageDigest field contains the SHA256 hash of the image manifest when the function is deployed. Do not modify this value. labels

The labels field enables you to set labels on a deployed function.

You can set a label directly from a value. In the following example, the label with the role key is directly assigned the value of backend:

- key: role
  value: backend

You can also set a label from a local environment variable. In the following example, the label with the author key is assigned the value of the USER local environment variable:

- key: author
  value: '{{ env:USER }}' name

The name field defines the name of your function. This value is used as the name of your Knative service when it is deployed. You can change this field to rename the function on subsequent deployments. namespace

The namespace field specifies the namespace in which your function is deployed. runtime

The runtime field specifies the language runtime for your function, for example, python.

11.9.2. Referencing local environment variables from func.yaml fields

If you want to avoid storing sensitive information such as an API key in the function configuration, you can add a reference to an environment variable available in the local environment. You can do this by modifying the envs field in the func.yaml file.


  • You need to have the function project created.
  • The local environment needs to contain the variable that you want to reference.


  • To refer to a local environment variable, use the following syntax:

    {{ env:ENV_VAR }}

    Substitute ENV_VAR with the name of the variable in the local environment that you want to use.

    For example, you might have the API_KEY variable available in the local environment. You can assign its value to the MY_API_KEY variable, which you can then directly use within your function:

    Example function

    name: test
    namespace: ""
    runtime: go
    - name: MY_API_KEY
      value: '{{ env:API_KEY }}'

11.9.3. Additional resources

11.10. Accessing secrets and config maps from functions

After your functions have been deployed to the cluster, they can access data stored in secrets and config maps. This data can be mounted as volumes, or assigned to environment variables. You can configure this access interactively by using the Knative CLI, or by manually by editing the function configuration YAML file.


To access secrets and config maps, the function must be deployed on the cluster. This functionality is not available to a function running locally.

If a secret or config map value cannot be accessed, the deployment fails with an error message specifying the inaccessible values.

11.10.1. Modifying function access to secrets and config maps interactively

You can manage the secrets and config maps accessed by your function by using the kn func config interactive utility. The available operations include listing, adding, and removing values stored in config maps and secrets as environment variables, as well as listing, adding, and removing volumes. This functionality enables you to manage what data stored on the cluster is accessible by your function.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a function.


  1. Run the following command in the function project directory:

    $ kn func config

    Alternatively, you can specify the function project directory using the --path or -p option.

  2. Use the interactive interface to perform the necessary operation. For example, using the utility to list configured volumes produces an output similar to this:

    $ kn func config
    ? What do you want to configure? Volumes
    ? What operation do you want to perform? List
    Configured Volumes mounts:
    - Secret "mysecret" mounted at path: "/workspace/secret"
    - Secret "mysecret2" mounted at path: "/workspace/secret2"

    This scheme shows all operations available in the interactive utility and how to navigate to them:

    kn func config
       ├─> Environment variables
       │               ├─> Add
       │               │    ├─> ConfigMap: Add all key-value pairs from a config map
       │               │    ├─> ConfigMap: Add value from a key in a config map
       │               │    ├─> Secret: Add all key-value pairs from a secret
       │               │    └─> Secret: Add value from a key in a secret
       │               ├─> List: List all configured environment variables
       │               └─> Remove: Remove a configured environment variable
       └─> Volumes
               ├─> Add
               │    ├─> ConfigMap: Mount a config map as a volume
               │    └─> Secret: Mount a secret as a volume
               ├─> List: List all configured volumes
               └─> Remove: Remove a configured volume
  3. Optional. Deploy the function to make the changes take effect:

    $ kn func deploy -p test

11.10.2. Modifying function access to secrets and config maps interactively by using specialized commands

Every time you run the kn func config utility, you need to navigate the entire dialogue to select the operation you need, as shown in the previous section. To save steps, you can directly execute a specific operation by running a more specific form of the kn func config command:

  • To list configured environment variables:

    $ kn func config envs [-p <function-project-path>]
  • To add environment variables to the function configuration:

    $ kn func config envs add [-p <function-project-path>]
  • To remove environment variables from the function configuration:

    $ kn func config envs remove [-p <function-project-path>]
  • To list configured volumes:

    $ kn func config volumes [-p <function-project-path>]
  • To add a volume to the function configuration:

    $ kn func config volumes add [-p <function-project-path>]
  • To remove a volume from the function configuration:

    $ kn func config volumes remove [-p <function-project-path>]

11.10.3. Adding function access to secrets and config maps manually

You can manually add configuration for accessing secrets and config maps to your function. This might be preferable to using the kn func config interactive utility and commands, for example when you have an existing configuration snippet. Mounting a secret as a volume

You can mount a secret as a volume. Once a secret is mounted, you can access it from the function as a regular file. This enables you to store on the cluster data needed by the function, for example, a list of URIs that need to be accessed by the function.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a function.


  1. Open the func.yaml file for your function.
  2. For each secret you want to mount as a volume, add the following YAML to the volumes section:

    name: test
    namespace: ""
    runtime: go
    - secret: mysecret
      path: /workspace/secret
    • Substitute mysecret with the name of the target secret.
    • Substitute /workspace/secret with the path where you want to mount the secret.

      For example, to mount the addresses secret, use the following YAML:

      name: test
      namespace: ""
      runtime: go
      - configMap: addresses
        path: /workspace/secret-addresses
  3. Save the configuration. Mounting a config map as a volume

You can mount a config map as a volume. Once a config map is mounted, you can access it from the function as a regular file. This enables you to store on the cluster data needed by the function, for example, a list of URIs that need to be accessed by the function.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a function.


  1. Open the func.yaml file for your function.
  2. For each config map you want to mount as a volume, add the following YAML to the volumes section:

    name: test
    namespace: ""
    runtime: go
    - configMap: myconfigmap
      path: /workspace/configmap
    • Substitute myconfigmap with the name of the target config map.
    • Substitute /workspace/configmap with the path where you want to mount the config map.

      For example, to mount the addresses config map, use the following YAML:

      name: test
      namespace: ""
      runtime: go
      - configMap: addresses
        path: /workspace/configmap-addresses
  3. Save the configuration. Setting environment variable from a key value defined in a secret

You can set an environment variable from a key value defined as a secret. A value previously stored in a secret can then be accessed as an environment variable by the function at runtime. This can be useful for getting access to a value stored in a secret, such as the ID of a user.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a function.


  1. Open the func.yaml file for your function.
  2. For each value from a secret key-value pair that you want to assign to an environment variable, add the following YAML to the envs section:

    name: test
    namespace: ""
    runtime: go
    - name: EXAMPLE
      value: '{{ secret:mysecret:key }}'
    • Substitute EXAMPLE with the name of the environment variable.
    • Substitute mysecret with the name of the target secret.
    • Substitute key with the key mapped to the target value.

      For example, to access the user ID that is stored in userdetailssecret, use the following YAML:

      name: test
      namespace: ""
      runtime: go
      - value: '{{ configMap:userdetailssecret:userid }}'
  3. Save the configuration. Setting environment variable from a key value defined in a config map

You can set an environment variable from a key value defined as a config map. A value previously stored in a config map can then be accessed as an environment variable by the function at runtime. This can be useful for getting access to a value stored in a config map, such as the ID of a user.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a function.


  1. Open the func.yaml file for your function.
  2. For each value from a config map key-value pair that you want to assign to an environment variable, add the following YAML to the envs section:

    name: test
    namespace: ""
    runtime: go
    - name: EXAMPLE
      value: '{{ configMap:myconfigmap:key }}'
    • Substitute EXAMPLE with the name of the environment variable.
    • Substitute myconfigmap with the name of the target config map.
    • Substitute key with the key mapped to the target value.

      For example, to access the user ID that is stored in userdetailsmap, use the following YAML:

      name: test
      namespace: ""
      runtime: go
      - value: '{{ configMap:userdetailsmap:userid }}'
  3. Save the configuration. Setting environment variables from all values defined in a secret

You can set an environment variable from all values defined in a secret. Values previously stored in a secret can then be accessed as environment variables by the function at runtime. This can be useful for simultaneously getting access to a collection of values stored in a secret, for example, a set of data pertaining to a user.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a function.


  1. Open the func.yaml file for your function.
  2. For every secret for which you want to import all key-value pairs as environment variables, add the following YAML to the envs section:

    name: test
    namespace: ""
    runtime: go
    - value: '{{ secret:mysecret }}' 1
    Substitute mysecret with the name of the target secret.

    For example, to access all user data that is stored in userdetailssecret, use the following YAML:

    name: test
    namespace: ""
    runtime: go
    - value: '{{ configMap:userdetailssecret }}'
  3. Save the configuration. Setting environment variables from all values defined in a config map

You can set an environment variable from all values defined in a config map. Values previously stored in a config map can then be accessed as environment variables by the function at runtime. This can be useful for simultaneously getting access to a collection of values stored in a config map, for example, a set of data pertaining to a user.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a function.


  1. Open the func.yaml file for your function.
  2. For every config map for which you want to import all key-value pairs as environment variables, add the following YAML to the envs section:

    name: test
    namespace: ""
    runtime: go
    - value: '{{ configMap:myconfigmap }}' 1
    Substitute myconfigmap with the name of the target config map.

    For example, to access all user data that is stored in userdetailsmap, use the following YAML:

    name: test
    namespace: ""
    runtime: go
    - value: '{{ configMap:userdetailsmap }}'
  3. Save the file.

11.11. Adding annotations to functions

You can add Kubernetes annotations to a deployed Serverless function. Annotations enable you to attach arbitrary metadata to a function, for example, a note about the function’s purpose. Annotations are added to the annotations section of the func.yaml configuration file.

There are two limitations of the function annotation feature:

  • After a function annotation propagates to the corresponding Knative service on the cluster, it cannot be removed from the service by deleting it from the func.yaml file. You must remove the annotation from the Knative service by modifying the YAML file of the service directly, or by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
  • You cannot set annotations that are set by Knative, for example, the autoscaling annotations.

11.11.1. Adding annotations to a function

You can add annotations to a function. Similar to a label, an annotation is defined as a key-value map. Annotations are useful, for example, for providing metadata about a function, such as the function’s author.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • You have created a function.


  1. Open the func.yaml file for your function.
  2. For every annotation that you want to add, add the following YAML to the annotations section:

    name: test
    namespace: ""
    runtime: go
      <annotation_name>: "<annotation_value>" 1
    Substitute <annotation_name>: "<annotation_value>" with your annotation.

    For example, to indicate that a function was authored by Alice, you might include the following annotation:

    name: test
    namespace: ""
    runtime: go
      author: ""
  3. Save the configuration.

The next time you deploy your function to the cluster, the annotations are added to the corresponding Knative service.

11.12. Functions development reference guide


OpenShift Serverless Functions is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see

OpenShift Serverless Functions provides templates that can be used to create basic functions. A template initiates the function project boilerplate and prepares it for use with the kn func tool. Each function template is tailored for a specific runtime and follows its conventions. With a template, you can initiate your function project automatically.

Templates for the following runtimes are available:

11.12.1. Node.js context object reference

The context object has several properties that can be accessed by the function developer. Accessing these properties can provide information about HTTP requests and write output to the cluster logs. log

Provides a logging object that can be used to write output to the cluster logs. The log adheres to the Pino logging API.

Example log

function handle(context) {“Processing customer”);

You can access the function by using the kn func invoke command:

Example command

$ kn func invoke --target ''

Example output

{"level":30,"time":1604511655265,"pid":3430203,"hostname":"localhost.localdomain","reqId":1,"msg":"Processing customer"}

You can change the log level to one of fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace, or silent. To do that, change the value of logLevel by assigning one of these values to the environment variable FUNC_LOG_LEVEL using the config command. query

Returns the query string for the request, if any, as key-value pairs. These attributes are also found on the context object itself.

Example query

function handle(context) {
  // Log the 'name' query parameter;
  // Query parameters are also attached to the context;

You can access the function by using the kn func invoke command:

Example command

$ kn func invoke --target ''

Example output

{"level":30,"time":1604511655265,"pid":3430203,"hostname":"localhost.localdomain","reqId":1,"msg":"tiger"} body

Returns the request body if any. If the request body contains JSON code, this will be parsed so that the attributes are directly available.

Example body

function handle(context) {
  // log the incoming request body's 'hello' parameter;

You can access the function by using the curl command to invoke it:

Example command

$ kn func invoke -d '{"Hello": "world"}'

Example output

{"level":30,"time":1604511655265,"pid":3430203,"hostname":"localhost.localdomain","reqId":1,"msg":"world"} headers

Returns the HTTP request headers as an object.

Example header

function handle(context) {["custom-header"]);

You can access the function by using the kn func invoke command:

Example command

$ kn func invoke --target ''

Example output

{"level":30,"time":1604511655265,"pid":3430203,"hostname":"localhost.localdomain","reqId":1,"msg":"some-value"} HTTP requests
Returns the HTTP request method as a string.
Returns the HTTP version as a string.
Returns the HTTP major version number as a string.
Returns the HTTP minor version number as a string.

11.12.2. TypeScript context object reference

The context object has several properties that can be accessed by the function developer. Accessing these properties can provide information about incoming HTTP requests and write output to the cluster logs. log

Provides a logging object that can be used to write output to the cluster logs. The log adheres to the Pino logging API.

Example log

export function handle(context: Context): string {
    // log the incoming request body's 'hello' parameter
    if (context.body) { as Record<string, string>).hello);
    } else {'No data received');
    return 'OK';

You can access the function by using the kn func invoke command:

Example command

$ kn func invoke --target ''

Example output

{"level":30,"time":1604511655265,"pid":3430203,"hostname":"localhost.localdomain","reqId":1,"msg":"Processing customer"}

You can change the log level to one of fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace, or silent. To do that, change the value of logLevel by assigning one of these values to the environment variable FUNC_LOG_LEVEL using the config command. query

Returns the query string for the request, if any, as key-value pairs. These attributes are also found on the context object itself.

Example query

export function handle(context: Context): string {
      // log the 'name' query parameter
    if (context.query) { as Record<string, string>).name);
    } else {'No data received');
    return 'OK';

You can access the function by using the kn func invoke command:

Example command

$ kn func invoke --target '' --data '{"name": "tiger"}'

Example output

{"level":30,"time":1604511655265,"pid":3430203,"hostname":"localhost.localdomain","reqId":1,"msg":"tiger"} body

Returns the request body, if any. If the request body contains JSON code, this will be parsed so that the attributes are directly available.

Example body

export function handle(context: Context): string {
    // log the incoming request body's 'hello' parameter
    if (context.body) { as Record<string, string>).hello);
    } else {'No data received');
    return 'OK';

You can access the function by using the kn func invoke command:

Example command

$ kn func invoke --target '' --data '{"hello": "world"}'

Example output

{"level":30,"time":1604511655265,"pid":3430203,"hostname":"localhost.localdomain","reqId":1,"msg":"world"} headers

Returns the HTTP request headers as an object.

Example header

export function handle(context: Context): string {
    // log the incoming request body's 'hello' parameter
    if (context.body) { as Record<string, string>)['custom-header']);
    } else {'No data received');
    return 'OK';

You can access the function by using the curl command to invoke it:

Example command

$ curl -H'x-custom-header: some-value’'

Example output

{"level":30,"time":1604511655265,"pid":3430203,"hostname":"localhost.localdomain","reqId":1,"msg":"some-value"} HTTP requests
Returns the HTTP request method as a string.
Returns the HTTP version as a string.
Returns the HTTP major version number as a string.
Returns the HTTP minor version number as a string.

Chapter 12. Integrations

12.1. Integrating Serverless with the cost management service

Cost management is an OpenShift Container Platform service that enables you to better understand and track costs for clouds and containers. It is based on the open source Koku project.

12.1.1. Prerequisites

12.1.2. Using labels for cost management queries

Labels, also known as tags in cost management, can be applied for nodes, namespaces or pods. Each label is a key and value pair. You can use a combination of multiple labels to generate reports. You can access reports about costs by using the Red Hat hybrid console.

Labels are inherited from nodes to namespaces, and from namespaces to pods. However, labels are not overridden if they already exist on a resource. For example, Knative services have a default app=<revision_name> label:

Example Knative service default label

kind: Service
  name: example-service
        app: <revision_name>

If you define a label for a namespace, such as app=my-domain, the cost management service does not take into account costs coming from a Knative service with the tag app=<revision_name> when querying the application using the app=my-domain tag. Costs for Knative services that have this tag must be queried under the app=<revision_name> tag.

12.1.3. Additional resources

12.2. Using NVIDIA GPU resources with serverless applications

NVIDIA supports experimental use of GPU resources on OpenShift Container Platform. See OpenShift Container Platform on NVIDIA GPU accelerated clusters for more information about setting up GPU resources on OpenShift Container Platform.

12.2.1. Specifying GPU requirements for a service

After GPU resources are enabled for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster, you can specify GPU requirements for a Knative service using the Knative (kn) CLI.


  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator, Knative Serving and Knative Eventing are installed on the cluster.
  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.
  • GPU resources are enabled for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You have created a project or have access to a project with the appropriate roles and permissions to create applications and other workloads in OpenShift Container Platform.

Using NVIDIA GPU resources is not supported for IBM Z and IBM Power Systems.


  1. Create a Knative service and set the GPU resource requirement limit to 1 by using the --limit flag:

    $ kn service create hello --image <service-image> --limit

    A GPU resource requirement limit of 1 means that the service has 1 GPU resource dedicated. Services do not share GPU resources. Any other services that require GPU resources must wait until the GPU resource is no longer in use.

    A limit of 1 GPU also means that applications exceeding usage of 1 GPU resource are restricted. If a service requests more than 1 GPU resource, it is deployed on a node where the GPU resource requirements can be met.

  2. Optional. For an existing service, you can change the GPU resource requirement limit to 3 by using the --limit flag:

    $ kn service update hello --limit

12.2.2. Additional resources

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