5.3. Container - 6.2.0

Table 5.3, “Container Enhancements in 6.2.0” lists the enhancements in version 6.2.0.
Table 5.3. Container Enhancements in 6.2.0
KARAF-1080Spring feature repo for spring related features
KARAF-1563Support clean-all & clean-cache directly in karaf main jar
KARAF-1989Add CXF DOSGi feature uri to org.apache.karaf.features.repos.cfg
KARAF-1990Add Cellar feature URI in org.apache.karaf.features.repos.cfg
KARAF-2017Service wrapper should use and populate JAVA_HOME in conf file
KARAF-2024add @id for org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories urls
KARAF-2043Document caveats of Pax Url Wrap when used in Karaf Shell
KARAF-2049Instructions in welcome screen is a bit misleading with hit
KARAF-2072Spelling correction
KARAF-2094Include howto add additional jvm configurations (if using the wrapper) to the documentation
KARAF-2097endorse stax-api spec jar
KARAF-2108a feature depend itself will cause stackoverflow error
KARAF-2119upgrade pax.base to 1.4.0
KARAF-2163Add a jre-1.8 to jre.properties
KARAF-2175Add the sonatype standard snapshot repository to the karaf repositories
KARAF-2230Watch command - Add option to control if the console should clear or not
KARAF-2273Turn blueprint as synchronous by default
KARAF-2290should also endorse activation-api spec jar
KARAF-2298Karaf shell option for a "transient" bundle stop
KARAF-2320make kar deployer/service to support NoAutoRefreshBundles option
KARAF-2360Add password option to admin:connect and ssh:ssh commands
KARAF-2449Include heap dump in the zip created by dev:create-dump
KARAF-2453Using features to extend existing configuration
KARAF-2499Karaf should exit if the data directory is deleted
KARAF-2500Karaf should monitor the lock file existence
KARAF-2501Break some bundle dependencies in the console
KARAF-2517Add Spring or Blueprint state in the BundleMBean
KARAF-2535Introduce blueprint-web feature
KARAF-2569Introduce KARAF_ETC env variable
KARAF-2609Provides etc/org.apache.karaf.kar.cfg file in the distribution
KARAF-2610Update the comments in etc/users.properties (to include changes on groups/roles)
KARAF-2637Optimize the kar deployer to not read/write the status every time a bundle changes
KARAF-2638Speed up karaf startup a bit by setting the specs timeout to 0
KARAF-2639Provide a way to configure ciphers and macs and use only the secured one by default
KARAF-2649Add Spring Security features
KARAF-2660Upgrade to javax.annotation 1.2.0
KARAF-2666Provide hibernate features
KARAF-2691Karaf shell info command to display the pid
KARAF-2700Upgrade to Felix Metatype 1.0.10
KARAF-2746Hibernate feature enhancements
KARAF-2749BundleSelector should be more "selective"
KARAF-2751Add Hibernate-Validator feature
KARAF-2791AddFeaturesToRepoMojo should support read version from dependency features
KARAF-2801Fix camel-extras features repository URL
KARAF-2832Fix exception when using the features-maven-plugin with non osgi compliant features version
KARAF-2842Add an option to feature:install to install the bundles without starting it
KARAF-2855The config:list command should sort configurations and properties
KARAF-2857Add Solaris x86_64 support to wrapper
KARAF-2883Use better version range in Spring features
KARAF-2916Add fully qualified DN replacement for role search
KARAF-2918Provide ability to set a banner prior to user login via ssh
KARAF-2921bin/karaf selecting the wrong Java VM on a computer with Java 8 installed
KARAF-2941Let jdbc be more robust against broken data sources
KARAF-2974Mentioning of version number delimiter missing in obr:deploy command help
KARAF-2978RBAC-- recognize group configuration when use Publickey to Login
KARAF-2984Improve setenv script to include placeholder for extra java options
KARAF-2995RBAC - the shell command acl configuration modification can't take effect unless we restart the Karaf server
KARAF-3001RBAC - MBean Server RBAC guard should support wildcard role
KARAF-3002RBAC-add a jmx.acl.whitelist so that all ObjectName in this list will bypass the RBAC
KARAF-3020RBAC-put "type" right after the domain when generate the PID from JMX ObjectName
KARAF-3022RBAC - support the JMX operation match starts with a wildcard
KARAF-3024RBAC - Support wildcard in jmx.acl.....cfg filename
KARAF-3029Support encryption of Maven repo passwords
KARAF-3041Provide additional helper methods in OsgiCommandSupport
KARAF-3042Add a variable (false by default) to enable redirect to karaf.out
KARAF-3073Add jvisualvm config in monitoring documentation
KARAF-3075AdminService should avoid writing file in case just read instance status
KARAF-3111Instance/Admin Service should provide more options as part of instance settings
KARAF-3112make stopTimeout of AdminService configurable
KARAF-3119Do not allow empty passwords by default for ldap
KARAF-3124Provide shell:env command
KARAF-3125Add a possibility to cache LDAP credentials
KARAF-3126add more specific completer for admin:start|stop command
KARAF-3130add admin:change-ssh-host command
KARAF-3134Log executed shell commands at debug level
KARAF-3164Document exposing JAAS BackendEngineFactory services for the login module
KARAF-3166Add SyncopeLoginModule (including backend)
KARAF-3199Tone down system out logging when creating child instances
KARAF-3222Command description for osgi:shutdown could be improved
KARAF-3246Rename jpa features as jpa/jpa20 and jpa21
KARAF-3255Document jasypt property placeholder
KARAF-3268remove karaf.admin.role
KARAF-3293more fine-grained way to specify the jmx.acl.whitelist.cfg
KARAF-3367add additional configuration options when use wrapper:install
KARAF-3372only register HUP signal handler for non-windows platform
KARAF-3403bin/client Utility Throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
KARAF-3433when OBR resolver to resolve the bundles in a given feature, it should also take the dependency feature bundles into account
KARAF-3446avoid Karaf client script "logout" command throwing an exception
KARAF-3500NPE throws when executing "bin/client shutdown"
KARAF-3513JMXConnectorServer should be able to pick up the new KeystoreInstance available in container
KARAF-3576Optimize GuardProxyCatalog#getServiceInvocationRoles
KARAF-3577Optimize SecuredCommandConfigTransformer#generateServiceGuardConfig
KARAF-3583Add option to configure log level in the client script
KARAF-3673Align classmate version between hibernate and hibernate-validator features
KARAF-448Make scanning for MANIFEST.MF in jar consistent between osgi:install and feature:install
KARAF-1718Add support for support for conditional bundle and feature definition inside features
KARAF-2044Provide the ability to edit text resources from the Karaf shell
KARAF-2078Create the shell:date command
KARAF-2164Create shell:wc command
KARAF-2185Provide Spring 3.2.x support
KARAF-2370Add alias command
KARAF-2372Introduce boot features sync mode property (true|false)
KARAF-2567Add support for JAAS groups - backport to 2.x
KARAF-2568Add Role-based access to JMX - backport to 2.x
KARAF-2642CLONE - Provide additional enterprise features
KARAF-2658Include Pax CDI 0.6.0 repository in Karaf enterprise features
KARAF-2848Add MSSQL datasource type
KARAF-2917Command to display bundle id
KARAF-3058add backing engine serivce for org.apache.karaf.jaas.modules.publickey.PublickeyLoginModule
KARAF-3104Add the connector feature from ServiceMix
KARAF-3205Refactor create-dump to be more low level
KARAF-3207Provide an audit login module
KARAF-3579bundles in etc/startup.properties shouldn't be uninstalled through feature service
KARAF-3592Add jaas commands to create group and list group
KARAF-979access control for shell commands
ENTESB-1556Align dependency versions
ENTESB-2402Upgrade Hibernate version
ENTESB-2483Strip unsupported spring versions out of karaf 2.4
ENTESB-2508Update pax cdi version to 0.10.0
ENTESB-2788Only ship the Weld CDI impl in Fuse 6.2
ENTESB-2833Get rid of the felix web console
ENTESB-3169Upgrade to Jetty 8.1.17
KARAF-1934Release Apache Karaf 2.3.1
KARAF-2076Add a pojosr unit test to validate that we can use OSGI Config Admin with value encrypted (JAAS - Jasypt)
KARAF-2083Remove icu4j dependency
KARAF-2129more svn:ignores setttings
KARAF-2161Incorrect LGPL license info in Notices file
KARAF-2165Create karaf-2.x branch
KARAF-2222Add hawtio to features.repos
KARAF-2336Remove karaf-pax-exam and use pax-exam for itests
KARAF-2413Add features:chooseurl for camel-extra
KARAF-2934Role-based security for Shell/Console commands - backport to 2.x branch
KARAF-3231Release Apache Karaf 2.4.0
KARAF-3464Upgrade to Pax CDI 0.11.0
KARAF-1948Upgrade to Apache POM 11
KARAF-1955Upgrade to ServiceMix Specs 2.2.0
KARAF-1981Upgrade to Felix ConfigAdmin 1.6.0
KARAF-2002Upgrade to Pax Web 1.1.6
KARAF-2015Upgrade to Pax Web 1.1.7
KARAF-2036Upgrade to Pax Web 1.1.9
KARAF-2055Upgrade to Apache POM 12
KARAF-2061Upgrade to commons-codec 1.7
KARAF-2063Upgrade to Felix EventAdmin 1.3.2
KARAF-2064Upgrade to Felix Metatype 1.0.6
KARAF-2065Upgrade to Felix SCR 1.6.2
KARAF-2068Upgrade to ASM 4.1
KARAF-2079upgrade to pax web 1.1.10
KARAF-2080Upgrade to slf4j 1.7.2
KARAF-2081Upgrade to JUnit 4.11
KARAF-2088Upgrade to Jetty 7.6.8.v20121106
KARAF-2147Upgrade to Aries JMX 1.1.1
KARAF-2148Upgrade to Aries Proxy 1.0.1
KARAF-2149Upgrade to Aries Blueprint Core 1.1.0
KARAF-2150Upgrade to Aries Blueprint CM 1.0.1
KARAF-2157Upgrade to Aries Util 1.1.0
KARAF-2162Upgrade to Pax Web 1.1.12
KARAF-2177Upgrade to Felix Framework 4.2.1
KARAF-2197Upgrade to JLine 2.10
KARAF-2208Upgrade to Aries JPA Blueprint 1.0.1
KARAF-2232Upgrade to Aries Blueprint Core 1.2.0
KARAF-2235Upgrade to Pax-Web 2.1.x and Jetty 8
KARAF-2279Upgrade to OSGi Core 5.0.0
KARAF-2293Upgrade to Pax Web 2.1.3
KARAF-2327Upgrade to commons-codec 1.8
KARAF-2328Upgrade to guava 14.0.1
KARAF-2329Upgrade to jline 2.11
KARAF-2330Upgrade to Aries Transaction Blueprint 1.0.1
KARAF-2331Upgrade to XBean 3.13
KARAF-2332Upgrade to jansi 1.11
KARAF-2333Upgrade to Pax SwissBox 1.6.0
KARAF-2334Upgrade to slf4j 1.7.5
KARAF-2337Upgrade to Apache POM 13
KARAF-2350Upgrade to Pax Web 2.1.4
KARAF-2383Upgrade to XBean 3.14
KARAF-2389Upgrade to commons-compress 1.5
KARAF-2393Upgrade to Felix Maven Bundle plugin 2.4.0
KARAF-2394Upgrade to Felix WebConsole 4.2.0
KARAF-2398Upgrade to ServiceMix cglib bundle 3.0_1
KARAF-2422Upgrade to Pax Exam 3.2.0
KARAF-2510Upgrade to Aries Blueprint CM 1.0.2
KARAF-2534Upgrade to aries-proxy-impl 1.0.2, blueprint-core 1.3.0 and blueprint-cm 1.0.3
KARAF-2554Upgrade to Felix ConfigAdmin 1.8.0
KARAF-2555Upgrade to Felix Metatype 1.0.8
KARAF-2556Upgrade to Pax Web 3.0.x
KARAF-2559Upgrade to Felix SCR 1.8.0
KARAF-2560Upgrade to Felix Utils 1.4.0
KARAF-2564Upgrade to Felix WebConsole Event plugin 1.1.0
KARAF-2565Upgrade to OSGi Compendium 5.0.0
KARAF-2579Upgrade to Pax Exam 3.3.0
KARAF-2582Upgrade to json 20131018
KARAF-2583Upgrade to ServiceMix Specs 2.3.0
KARAF-2584Upgrade to XBean 3.16
KARAF-2590Upgrade to Pax Exam 3.4.0
KARAF-2608Upgrade to Pax Web 3.0.5
KARAF-2643Upgrade to Felix FileInstall 3.2.8
KARAF-2644Upgrade to Felix Utils 1.4.2
KARAF-2661Upgrade to ServiceMix Specs 2.4.0
KARAF-2681Upgrade to Pax Web 3.0.6
KARAF-2693Upgrade to Pax Logging 1.7.2
KARAF-2695Upgrade to commons-codec 1.9
KARAF-2697Upgrade to Aries Blueprint Core 1.4.0
KARAF-2702Upgrade to bndlib 2.2.0
KARAF-2703Upgrade to maven-assembly-plugin 2.4
KARAF-2704Upgrade to maven-compiler-plugin 3.1
KARAF-2705Upgrade to maven-dependency-plugin 2.8
KARAF-2706Upgrade to maven-deploy-plugin 2.8.1
KARAF-2708Upgrade to maven-enforcer-plugin 1.3.1
KARAF-2709Upgrade to maven-idea-plugin 2.2.1
KARAF-2711Upgrade to maven-javadoc-plugin 2.9.1
KARAF-2713Upgrade to maven-jxr-plugin 2.4
KARAF-2714Upgrade to maven-project-info-reports-plugin 2.7
KARAF-2715Upgrade to maven-release-plugin 2.4.2
KARAF-2716Upgrade to maven-remote-resources-plugin 1.5
KARAF-2717Upgrade to maven-resources-plugin 2.6
KARAF-2718Upgrade to maven-shade-plugin 2.2
KARAF-2719Upgrade to maven-site-plugin 3.3
KARAF-2720Upgrade to maven-source-plugin 2.2.1
KARAF-2721Upgrade to maven-surefire-report-plugin 2.16
KARAF-2722Upgrade to maven-war-plugin 2.4
KARAF-2723Upgrade to maven-rat-plugin 0.10 and fix rat issues
KARAF-2724Upgrade to build-helper-maven-plugin 1.8
KARAF-2733Upgrade to commons-beanutils 1.9.1
KARAF-2736Upgrade to Aries Transaction Manager 1.1.0
KARAF-2737Upgrade to Felix SCR 1.8.2
KARAF-2769Upgrade to Pax CDI 0.7.0
KARAF-2813Use EventAdmin to provide an audit trail of events, but it's lacking the authenticated Subject who performed the action
KARAF-2816upgrade to spring 3.2.8.RELEASE
KARAF-2853Upgrade to Apache POM 14
KARAF-2860Upgrade to Felix Framework 4.4.0/Felix Framework Security 2.4.0
KARAF-2861Upgrade to ASM 5.0.3
KARAF-2866Upgrade to Pax Web 3.0.7
KARAF-2868Upgrade to aries jmx core 1.1.2
KARAF-2874Upgrade to XBean 3.18
KARAF-2889Upgrade to Equinox 3.9.1-v20140110-1610
KARAF-2906Upgrade to fileinstall 3.4.0
KARAF-2932Upgrade to Felix WebConsole 4.2.2
KARAF-2933Upgrade to Jasypt 1.9.2
KARAF-2936Upgrade to slf4j 1.7.7 / Pax Logging 1.7.3
KARAF-2937Upgrade to json 20140107
KARAF-2945Upgrade to Aries Proxy 1.0.3 and Aries spifly 1.0.1 in order to support ASM5 and Java8
KARAF-3028Update Pax Web dependency to 3.1.1
KARAF-3031Upgrade to Pax URL 2.1.0
KARAF-3046Upgrade to gogo runtime 0.12.1
KARAF-3101Upgrade to Spring 4.0.5.RELEASE
KARAF-3106Upgrade to blueprint core 1.4.1
KARAF-3107Upgrade to maven-bundle-plugin 2.5.0
KARAF-3109Upgrade to Pax Exam 4.0.0
KARAF-3110Upgrade to felix utils 1.6.0
KARAF-3116Upgrade to Felix Framework 4.4.1
KARAF-3120Upgrade to Aries JPA 1.0.2
KARAF-3131Upgrade to Hibernate 4.2.15.Final/4.3.6.Final
KARAF-3140Upgrade to sshd 0.12.0
KARAF-3156Upgrade to Pax CDI 0.8.0
KARAF-3157Upgrade to Pax Exam 4.1.0
KARAF-3182Upgrade to Felix EventAdmin 1.4.0
KARAF-3183Upgrade to bndlib 2.3.0
KARAF-3185Upgrade to Felix BundleRepository 2.0.2
KARAF-3191Upgrade to Pax Web 3.1.2
KARAF-3198Cleanup Pax Swissbox dependencies
KARAF-3201Upgrade to pax-logging 1.7.4
KARAF-3206Upgrade to ConfigAdmin 1.8.0
KARAF-3226Upgrade to Spring 4.0.7.RELEASE
KARAF-3227Upgrade to Spring 3.2.11.RELEASE
KARAF-3229Upgrade to Felix EventAdmin 1.4.2
KARAF-3233Upgrade to Pax Exam 4.2.0
KARAF-3243Upgrade to Pax URL 2.2.0
KARAF-3265Upgrade to Aries Blueprint CM 1.0.5
KARAF-3281Upgrade to Pax Logging 1.8.0 (log4j v2 support)
KARAF-3291Upgrade to Pax Exam 4.3.0
KARAF-3305Upgrade to Aries Blueprint Core 1.4.2
KARAF-3306Upgrade to Aries JNDI API 1.1.0
KARAF-3308Upgade to Aries Proxy Impl 1.0.4
KARAF-3309Upgrade to Felix Maven Bundle Plugin 2.5.3
KARAF-3322Upgrade to exec-maven-plugin 1.3.2
KARAF-3470Upgrade to Pax Exam 4.4.0
KARAF-3510Upgrade to pax-web 3.1.4
KARAF-3586Upgrade to pax-logging 1.8.2
KARAF-3587Upgrade to pax-url 2.4.0
KARAF-3591Upgrade to pax-web 3.2.0
KARAF-3594Upgrade to Aries JMX Core 1.1.3
KARAF-3595Upgrade to Aries Transaction JDBC 2.1.1
KARAF-3598Upgrade to bundlerepository 2.0.4
KARAF-3599Upgrade to configadmin 1.8.2
KARAF-3600Upgrade to felix utils 1.8.0
KARAF-3657Upgrade to ServiceMix Specs 2.5.0
KARAF-3678Upgrade to Pax Web 3.2.2
KARAF-3724Upgrade to Pax Web 3.2.3
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