Red Hat AMQ 6
As of February 2025, Red Hat is no longer supporting Red Hat AMQ 6. If you are using AMQ 6, please upgrade: Migrating to AMQ 7.5.2. Messaging - 6.2.0
Table 5.2, “Messaging Enhancements in 6.2.0” lists the enhancements in version 6.2.0.
Enhancement | Description |
ENTMQ-1024 | In the logs add remote IP address in case of authentication failure |
ENTMQ-673 | Please add an additional check to slave broker to check if lock file exists |
ENTMQ-809 | Update ActiveMQ RAR to take TLS parameters truststore/keystore details and use TLS when they are present |
ENTMQ-948 | Support Jasypt encryption in Spring XML files, particularly etc/broker.xml |
ENTMQ-981 | ensure all connections to broker timeout if not used. |
AMQ-2354 | Default the ServerUrl to vm://brokerName?create=false when an embedded broker is specified with brokerXmlConfig |
AMQ-2388 | improve logging configuration for broker & examples |
AMQ-4399 | jdbcPersistenceAdapter takes a long time to shutdown, causing journal recovery |
AMQ-4818 | Update JMX views for transport connector |
AMQ-4999 | Disable jar indexing |
AMQ-5015 | Temp Queue gets deleted on close of wrong connection |
AMQ-5122 | Unnecessary log of Stacktrace within DiscoveryNetworkConnector |
AMQ-5171 | Boreker configured as zeroconf service is not discovered by Bonjour browser running in ios |
AMQ-5175 | exclude bouncycastle dependency from unit tests run |
AMQ-5183 | Switch to using Proton's Event logic for detecting AMQP state changes |
AMQ-5209 | Add additional properties to advisory for consumed, delivered and discarded |
AMQ-5229 | Queue; be able to pause/resume dispatch of message to all consumers |
AMQ-5231 | Failover Transport timeout option causes connection failures in some cases where it shouldn't |
AMQ-5239 | Enable access to BrokerService instances |
AMQ-5289 | Track forwards across a network in destination statistics |
AMQ-5290 | MQTT clients using durable subscriptions on networked brokers received duplicates |
AMQ-5294 | Unify client and sampler timings in activemq-perf-maven-plugin |
AMQ-5301 | Destination should not have numerical suffix for single-dest perf tests |
AMQ-5305 | runtime configuration - allow changes to <destinations> configuration elements |
AMQ-5308 | MQTT NIO and NIO+SSL transports can be slow when reading in larger messages |
AMQ-5312 | activemq-pool - Should not log expired connection when the pool is stopped as that causes log floods during shutdown |
AMQ-5346 | Update Proton to version 0.8 |
AMQ-5371 | ignoreNetworkConsumers should be available in AbortSlowConsumerStrategy |
AMQ-5378 | Initscript refactoring: setup function seems to be broken, removal of uneccessary files, fix various problems |
AMQ-5402 | enable support for using byte values in destination type annotations |
AMQ-5405 | Update the AMQP JMS client used in tests from 0.26 to 0.30 |
AMQ-5406 | Support of jms.consumerExpiryCheck=false to avoid JMS Consumers ignoring some messages in case of out-of-synch clocks |
AMQ-5436 | Performance Test does not cater for temporary destinations |
AMQ-5464 | enable use of 'Configuration' TerminusDurability to signal a DurableSubscription |
AMQ-5479 | bin/activemq batch script error message prints wrong variable |
AMQ-5480 | Provider fine-grained control for SelectorManager's threadpool |
AMQ-5481 | Trace logs in MQTT Protocol Converter |
AMQ-5495 | ActiveMQSslConnectionFactory should support different keystore and key passwords |
AMQ-5499 | Add means to dynamically allocate port number for integration testing using maven plugin |
AMQ-5505 | Add support for the BrokerView MBean to get the up-time in milliseconds |
AMQ-5515 | upgrade to jetty 8 |
AMQ-5521 | Average message size attribute on destination mbean should not have decimals |
AMQ-5523 | Average message size attribute on statistics plugin should not have decimals |
AMQ-5526 | upgrade to karaf 2.4.1 |
AMQ-5530 | Change default mqtt subscription prefetch |
AMQ-5541 | Support preemptive redelivery flag for non persistent messages |
AMQ-5573 | Configurable messages size for Stomp producer |
AMQ-5578 | preallocate journal files |
AMQ-5587 | AMQP shutdown transport if no connection attempt received after a configurable delay. |
AMQ-5589 | AMQP Module tests run much longer than necessary. |
AMQ-5590 | Reduce the time to run STOMP tests where possible. |
AMQ-5591 | AMQP Implement the JMS Mapping spec as it evolves. |
AMQ-5607 | MQTT Tests can be sped up with some minimal changes |
AMQ-5614 | Support message expiration in DLQ |
AMQ-5616 | Declare variables as ConcurrentMap not ConcurrentHashMap to avoid issues after compiling on Java 8 |
AMQ-5621 | Unit tests cleanup |
AMQ-5636 | Upgrade the bundled DBCP component. The current one is very old and buggy. |
AMQ-5639 | Allow advisory messages to traverse a broker network |
AMQ-5640 | negative TotalMessageCount in JMX Broker MBean |
AMQ-5642 | Add ActiveMQXAConnectionFactory to ra.xml |
AMQ-5656 | Support selective MBean creation |
AMQ-5657 | Upgrade to Camel 2.15.0 |
AMQ-5672 | Add an option to virtual topic selector cache to enforce only a single selector at a given time |
AMQ-5693 | Expose camel component meta model like camel-catalog does |
AMQ-5709 | Logging of "Database ... is locked" should be done on level DEBUG |
AMQ-5719 | Add clientId and subscriptionName to all durable-related exceptions and log messages within TopicRegion |
AMQ-5734 | Support MQTT 3.1 silent subscription fail |
AMQ-5737 | AMQP: Receiver uses case sensitive string compare to lookup transformer. |
AMQ-5750 | Add exception handler to TaskRunnerFactory |
AMQ-5754 | Disable /fileserver feature by default |
AMQ-5755 | Add some tests for STOMP over WebSockets and fix and improve close handling |
AMQ-5760 | ActiveMQ - Output url to the rest api when starting AMQ |
AMQ-5768 | Exclude Advisory Topics from expired message processing. |
AMQ-5772 | Improve removeConnection() |
AMQ-5794 | Cleanup connections that open but don't initiate a protocol handshake. |
AMQ-5795 | AMQP: Allow delivery transformer to fallback to lower level transformer when transformation fails |
AMQ-5799 | AMQP: Return a more complete Source when client looks up an existing durable subscription |
AMQ-3758 | Recover scheduler database option |
AMQ-5008 | Support for certificate revocation checking (with patch) |
AMQ-5176 | Support building ActiveMQ using Java 8 JDK |
AMQ-5213 | Allow for changing logger levels via JMX |
AMQ-5218 | Provide a way to export/import destinations created during runtime |
AMQ-5271 | Add an in-memory JobSchedulerStore implementation |
AMQ-5351 | Create a Camel routes plugin to load routes dynamically into the broker |
AMQ-5391 | Support for anonymous style producers in AMQP |
AMQ-5458 | MBean to help testing replicated levelDB |
AMQ-5491 | Standalone Web console Session timeout with user/password input |
AMQ-5558 | Make some activemq jar executable and able to send/receive messages |
AMQ-5630 | Provide a way to disable durable subscriptions from configuration. |
AMQ-5757 | AMQP: Add support for heartbeats and inactivity monitoring. |
AMQ-5771 | In the logs add remote IP address in case of authentication failure |
AMQ-5776 | Implement and test maxFrameSize across all protocols |
AMQ-5366 | Upgrade to Camel 2.14 |
AMQ-5596 | Remove the deprecated JMS streams code |
AMQ-5699 | AMQP: Update to released Proton-J 0.9.1 |
AMQ-5707 | AMQP: Investigate the affact of abort slow consumer strategy on sender links |
ENTESB-1556 | Align dependency versions |