
Chapter 4. Multi-machine cluster installation

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You can install Ansible Automation Platform as clustered automation controller with automation hub with an external managed database. In this mode, multiple automation controller nodes are installed and active. Any node can receive HTTP requests and all nodes can execute jobs. This installs the Ansible Automation Platform server in a cluster and configures it to talk to a remote instance of PostgreSQL as its database. This remote PostgreSQL can be a server you manage, or can be provided by a cloud service such as Amazon RDS.


The Ansible Automation Platform installer allows you to deploy only one automation hub per inventory. You can use the Ansible Automation Platform installer for a standalone instance of automation hub and run the installer any number of times with any number of different inventories to deploy multiple automation hub nodes.

4.1. Installing a multi-node Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform with an external managed database

You can use these instructions to install Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform as multiple automation controller nodes and automation hub with an external managed database.

4.1.1. Prerequisites


You may experience errors if you do not fully upgrade your RHEL nodes prior to your Ansible Automation Platform installation.

4.1.2. Editing the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform installer inventory file

You can use the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform installer inventory file to specify your installation scenario.


  1. Navigate to the installer

    1. [bundled installer]

      $ cd ansible-automation-platform-setup-bundle-<latest-version>
    2. [online installer]

      $ cd ansible-automation-platform-setup-<latest-version>
  2. Open the inventory file with a text editor.
  3. Edit inventory file parameters to specify your installation scenario. Follow the example below.

4.1.3. Example Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform multi-node inventory file

This example describes how you can populate the inventory file for a multi-node cluster installation of automation controller.

  • You cannot install automation controller and automation hub on the same node.
  • Provide a reachable IP address for the [automationhub] host to ensure users can sync content from Private Automation Hub from a different node.
  • Do not use special characters for pg_password. It may cause the setup to fail.
  • Enter your Red Hat Registry Service Account credentials in registry_username and registry_password to link to the Red Hat container registry.







registry_username='<registry username>'
registry_password='<registry password>'
Field should be empty.

4.1.4. Setup script flags and extra variables

You can also pass flags and extra variables when running the setup script to install automation controller:

Table 4.1. Flags


Show this help message and exit


Path to Ansible inventory file (default: inventory)


Set additional Ansible variables as key=value or YAML/JSON


Perform a database backup in lieu of installing


Perform a database restore in lieu of installing


Generate and distribute a SECRET_KEY.

When you run the script using this argument, by default, a new secret key is generated and distributed for the automation controller but not for the automation services catalog.

To generate and distribute a new secret key for both the automation controller and the automation services catalog, specify the variable rekey_catalog: true.

Use the -- separator to add any Ansible arguments you wish to apply. For example: ./ -i my_awesome_inventory.yml -e matburt_is_country_gold=True — -K.

  • When passing -r to perform a database restore default restore path is used unless EXTRA_VARS are provided with a non-default path. See the example below that passed an EXTRA_VAR specifying the restore path:

    ./ -e 'restore_backup_file=/path/to/nondefault/location' -r
  • You can force an online installation by passing -e bundle_install=false:

    $ ./ -e bundle_install=false
Table 4.2. Extra variables


When installing automation controller make sure Ansible is also up to date



When installing Tower also create the Demo Org, project, credential, Job Template, etc.



When installing from a bundle where to put the bundled repos



Disable HTTPS traffic through nginx, this is useful if offloading HTTPS to a load balancer



Disable HSTS web-security policy mechanism



Port to configure nginx to listen to for HTTP



Port to configure nginx to listen to for HTTPS



A temp location to use when backing up



Specify an alternative backup file to restore from



The minimum RAM required to install Tower (should only be changed for test installation)



The minimum open file descriptions (should only be changed for test installations)



Ignore preflight checks, useful when installing into a template or other non-system image (overrides required_ram and min_open_fds)



When you run the script using this variable set to true, by default, a new secret key is generated and distributed for both the automation controller and the automation services catalog.



  • To upgrade core:
./ -e upgrade_ansible_with_tower=1
  • To disable https handling at nginx:
./ -e nginx_disable_https=true
  • To specify a non-default path when restoring from a backup file:
./ -e 'restore_backup_file=/path/to/nondefault/location' -r

4.1.5. Running the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform installer setup script

You can run the setup script once you finish updating the inventory file with required parameters for installing your Private Automation Hub.


  1. Run the script

    $ ./

The installation will begin.

4.1.6. Verifying automation controller installation

Once the installation completes, you can verify your automation controller has been installed successfully by logging in with the admin credentials you inserted into the inventory file.


  1. Navigate to the IP address specified for the automation controller node in the inventory file.
  2. Log in with the Admin credentials you set in the inventory file.

The automation controller server is accessible from port 80 (https://<TOWER_SERVER_NAME>/) but will redirect to port 443 so 443 needs to be available also.


If the installation fails and you are a customer who has purchased a valid license for Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, please contact Ansible via the Red Hat Customer portal at

Upon a successful login to automation controller, your installation of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.2 is now complete. Additional automation controller configuration and resources

See the following resources to explore additional automation controller configurations.

Table 4.3. Resources to configure automation controller

Automation Controller Quick Setup Guide

Set up automation controller and run your first playbook

Automation Controller Administration Guide

Configure automation controller administration through customer scripts, management jobs, etc.

Configuring proxy support for Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform

Set up automation controller with a proxy server

Managing usability analytics and data collection from automation controller

Manage what automation controller information you share with Red Hat

Automation Controller User Guide

Review automation controller functionality in more detail

4.1.7. Verifying automation hub installation

Once the installation completes, you can verify your automation hub has been installed successfully by logging in with the admin credentials you inserted into the inventory file.


  1. Navigate to the IP address specified for the automation hub node in the inventory file.
  2. Log in with the Admin credentials you set in the inventory file.

If the installation fails and you are a customer who has purchased a valid license for Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, please contact Ansible via the Red Hat Customer portal at

Upon a successful login to automation hub, your installation of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.2 is now complete. Additional automation hub configuration and resources

See the following resources to explore additional automation hub configurations.

Table 4.4. Resources to configure automation controller

Managing user access in private automation hub

Configure user access for automation hub

Managing Red Hat Certified and Ansible Galaxy collections in automation hub

Add content to your automation hub

Publishing proprietary content collections in automation hub

Publish internally developed collections on your automation hub

4.1.8. What’s next with Ansible Automation Platform 2.2

Whether you are a new Ansible Automation Platform user looking to start automating, or an existing administrator looking to migrate old Ansible content to your latest installed version of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, explore the next steps to begin leveraging the new features of Ansible Automation Platform 2.2: Migrating data to Ansible Automation Platform 2.2

For platform administrators looking to complete an upgrade to the Ansible Automation Platform 2.2, there may be additional steps needed to migrate data to a new instance: Migrating from legacy virtual environments (venvs) to automation execution environments

Ansible Automation Platform 2.2 moves you away from custom Python virtual environments (venvs) in favor of automation execution environments - containerized images that packages the necessary components needed to run and scale your Ansible automation. This includes Ansible Core, Ansible Content Collections, Python dependencies, Red Hat Enterprise Linux UBI 8, and any additional package dependencies.

If you are looking to migrate your venvs to execution environments, you will (1) need to use the awx-manage command to list and export a list of venvs from your original instance, then (2) use ansible-builder to create execution environments. For more information, see the Upgrading to Automation Execution Environments guide and the Creating and Consuming Execution Environments. Migrating to Ansible Engine 2.9 images using Ansible Builder

To migrate Ansible Engine 2.9 images for use with Ansible Automation Platform 2.2, the ansible-builder tool automates the process of rebuilding images (including its custom plugins and dependencies) for use with automation execution environments. For more information on using Ansible Builder to build execution environments, see the Creating and Consuming Execution Environments. Migrating to Ansible Core 2.13

When upgrading to Ansible Core 2.13, you need to update your playbooks, plugins, or other parts of your Ansible infrastructure in order to be supported by the latest version of Ansible Core. For instructions on updating your Ansible content for Ansible Core 2.13 compatibility, see the Ansible-core 2.13 Porting Guide. Scale up your automation using automation mesh

The automation mesh component of the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform simplifies the process of distributing automation across multi-site deployments. For enterprises with multiple isolated IT environments, automation mesh provides a consistent and reliable way to deploy and scale up automation across your execution nodes using a peer-to-peer mesh communication network.

When upgrading from version 1.x to the latest version of the Ansible Automation Platform, you will need to migrate the data from your legacy isolated nodes into execution nodes necessary for automation mesh. You can implement automation mesh by planning out a network of hybrid and control nodes, then editing the inventory file found in the Ansible Automation Platform installer to assign mesh-related values to each of your execution nodes.

For instructions on how to migrate from isolated nodes to execution nodes, see the upgrade & migration guide.

For information about automation mesh and the various ways to design your automation mesh for your environment, see the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform automation mesh guide.

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