
Chapter 16. Ansible variables

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The following variables control how Ansible Automation Platform interacts with remote hosts.

Additional information on variables specific to certain plugins can be found at

A list of global configuration options can be found at



The connection plugin used for the task on the target host.

This can be the name of any of ansible connection plugin. SSH protocol types are smart, ssh or paramiko.

Default = smart


The ip or name of the target host to use instead of inventory_hostname.


The connection port number, if not, the default (22 for ssh).


The user name to use when connecting to the host.


The password to use to authenticate to the host.

Never store this variable in plain text.

Always use a vault.


Private key file used by ssh. Useful if using multiple keys and you do not want to use an SSH agent.


This setting is always appended to the default command line for sftp, scp, and ssh. Useful to configure a ProxyCommand for a certain host (or group).


This setting is always appended to the default sftp command line.


This setting is always appended to the default scp command line.


This setting is always appended to the default ssh command line.


Determines if SSH pipelining is used. This can override the pipelining setting in ansible.cfg.




This variable sets the SSH user for the installer to use and defaults to root. This user must allow SSH-based authentication without requiring a password. If using SSH key-based authentication, then the key must be managed by an SSH agent.


(added in version 2.2)

This setting overrides the default behavior to use the system ssh. This can override the ssh_executable setting in ansible.cfg.


The shell type of the target system. You should not use this setting unless you have set the ansible_shell_executable to a non-Bourne (sh) compatible shell. By default commands are formatted using sh-style syntax. Setting this to csh or fish causes commands executed on target systems to follow the syntax of those shells instead.


This sets the shell that the ansible controller uses on the target machine, and overrides the executable in ansible.cfg which defaults to /bin/sh.

You should only change if it is not possible to use /bin/sh, that is, if /bin/sh is not installed on the target machine or cannot be run from sudo.

The following variables cannot be set directly by the user. Ansible will always override them to reflect internal state.



Boolean that indicates if we are in check mode or not


The names of the roles currently imported into the current play as dependencies of other plays


Contents of the --limit CLI option for the current execution of Ansible


A dictionary or map containing extended loop information when enabled using loop_control.extended


The name of the value provided to loop_control.loop_var. Added in 2.8


The name of the value provided to loop_control.index_var. Added in 2.9


When the current role is being executed by means of an include_role or import_role action, this variable contains a list of all parent roles, with the most recent role. In other words, the role that included or imported this role is the first item in the list. When multiple inclusions occur, the first item in this list is the last role (the role that included this role). It is also possible for a specific role to exist more than once in this list.

For example: When role A includes role B, inside role B, ansible_parent_role_names will equal ['A']. If role B then includes role C, the list becomes ['B', 'A'].


When the current role is being executed by means of an include_role or import_role action, this variable contains a list of all parent roles paths, with the most recent role (in other words, the role that included/imported this role) being the first element in the list. See, ansible_parent_role_names for the order of items in this list.


List of active hosts in the current play run limited by the serial, aka batch. Failed or unreachable hosts are not considered active.


List of hosts in the current play run, not limited by the serial. Failed or unreachable hosts are excluded from this list.


List of all the hosts that were targeted by the play


The names of the roles currently imported into the current play. This list does not contain the role names that are implicitly included through dependencies.


The name of the currently executed play. Added in 2.8. (name attribute of the play, not file name of the playbook.)


Current search path for action plugins and lookups, in other words, where we search for relative paths when you do template: src=myfile


Dictionary or map that contains information about the current running version of ansible, it has the following keys: full, major, minor, revision and string.

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