
Chapter 3. Workspaces overview

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Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces provides developer workspaces with everything needed to a code, build, test, run, and debug applications. To allow that, the developer workspaces provide four main components:

  1. The source code of a project.
  2. A web-based IDE.
  3. Tool dependencies, needed by developers to work on a project
  4. Application runtime: a replica of the environment where the application runs in production

Pods manage each component of a workspace. Therefore, everything running in a workspace is running inside containers. This makes a workspace highly portable.

The embedded browser-based IDE is the point of access for everything running in a workspace. This makes a workspace easily shareable.


By default, it is possible to run only one workspace at a time.

To change the default value, see the CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 Installation Guide.

Table 3.1. Features and benefits
FeaturesTraditional IDE workspacesRed Hat CodeReady Workspaces workspaces

Configuration and installation required



Embedded tools

Partial. IDE plug-ins need configuration. Dependencies need installation and configuration. Example: JDK, Maven, Node.

Yes. Plug-ins provide their dependencies.

Application runtime provided

No. Developers have to manage that separately.

Yes. Application runtime is replicated in the workspace.


No. Or not easily

Yes. Developer workspaces are shareable with a URL.



Yes. Devfiles exist with project source code.

Accessible from anywhere

No. Installation is needed.

Yes. Only requires a browser.

To start a workspace, following options are available:

Use the Dashboard to discover CodeReady Workspaces 2.0:

Use a devfile as the preferred way to start a CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 workspace:

See the CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 End-user Guide.

Use the browser-based IDE as the preferred way to interact with a CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 workspace. For an alternative way to interact with a CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 workspace, see: Section 3.8, “Remotely accessing workspaces”.

3.1. Creating and configuring a new CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 workspace

3.1.1. Creating a new workspace from the dashboard

This procedure describes how to create and edit a new CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 devfile using the Dashboard.



To edit the devfile:

  1. In the Workspaces window, click the Add Workspace button.
  2. In the SELECT STACK list, select one of the default stacks.

    stack list
  3. Click the Create & Proceed Editing button. The Workspaces Configs page is shown.

    workspaces config page
  4. Change the workspace name and click the Devfile tab.

    workspace devfile tab
  5. Delete all the components and commands in the devfile to get an empty devfile.

    workspace empty devfile

3.1.2. Adding projects to your workspace



To add a project to your workspace:

  1. Click the Projects tab, and then click the Add Project button.
  2. Select the type of the project. Choose from: Samples, Blank, Git, GitHub, or Zip.
  3. Fill in the required details for the project type that you selected, and click the Add button.

    projects add project
  4. To add another project to the workspace, click the Add Project button.
  5. After configuring the project for the workspace, check the change in the devfile, which is the configuration file of the workspace, by opening the Devfile tab.

    devfile tab to view

3.1.3. Configuring the workspace and adding tooling Adding plug-ins

CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 plug-ins replace CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 installers. The following table lists the CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 plug-ins that have replaced CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 installers.

Table 3.2. CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 plug-ins that have replaced CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 installers
CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 installerCodeReady Workspaces 2.0 plug-in

Deprecated and not necessary


Deprecated and not necessary anymore-


CodeReady Workspaces machine-exec Service

Language Support for Java



To add plug-ins to your workspace:

  1. Click the Plugins tab.
  2. Enable the plug-in that you want to add and click the Save button.

    adding pluggins to workspace Defining the workspace editor



To define the editor to use with the workspace:

  1. Click the Editors tab.


    The recommended editor for CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 is Che-Theia.

  2. Enable the editor to add and click the Save button.

    defining the workspace editor
  3. Click the Devfile tab to view the changes.

    workspace devfile Defining specific container images


To add a new container image:

  1. Copy the following section from the devfile into components:

    - mountSources: true
         - sleep
         - infinity
       memoryLimit: 1Gi
       alias: maven3-jdk11
       type: dockerimage
         - name: 8080/tcp
           port: 8080
         - name: projects
           containerPath: /projects
       image: 'maven:3.6.0-jdk-11'
  2. When using type: kubernetes or type: openshift, you must:

    • Use seperate recipe files.


      To use separate recipe files, the paths can be relative or absolute. For example:

          type: kubernetes
          reference: deploy_k8s.yaml
          type: openshift
          reference: deploy_openshift.yaml
    • Alternatively, add the content as referenceContent (the referenceContent field replaces the CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 recipe content).

      che 6 workspace configuration
  3. Add a CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 recipe content to the CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 devfile as referenceContent:

    1. Click the Containers tab (Workspace Details Containers).

      edit the container
    2. Copy the CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 recipe, and paste it into the separate CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 component as a referenceContent.

      component as a referenceContent
    3. Set the type from the original CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 configuration. The following is an example of the resulting file:

        type: kubernetes
        referenceContent: |
          apiVersion: v1
          kind: Pod
           name: ws
             image: 'rhche/centos_jdk8:latest'
             name: dev
               memory: 512Mi
  4. Copy the required fields from the old workspace (image, volumes, endpoints). For example:

    workspace configuration che 6
    workspace devfile che 7
    Table 3.3. Сhe 6 and Сhe 7 equivalence table
    CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 workspace configurationCodeReady Workspaces 2.0 workspace devfile









  5. Change the memoryLimit and alias variables, if needed. Here, the field alias is used to set a name for the component. It is generated automatically from the image field, if not set.

      image: 'maven:3.6.0-jdk-11'
      alias: maven3-jdk11
  6. Change the memoryLimit field to specify the RAM required for the component.

      alias: maven3-jdk11
      memoryLimit: 256M
  7. Open the Devfile tab to see the changes.

    devfile tab
  8. Repeat the steps to add additional container images. Adding commands to your workspace

The following is a comparison between workspace configuration commands in CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 (Figure 1) and CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 (Figure 2):

Figure 3.1. An example of the Workspace configuration commands in CodeReady Workspaces 1.2

che 6 workspace configuration

Figure 3.2. An example of the Workspace configuration commands in CodeReady Workspaces 2.0

workspace devfile
Table 3.4. Сhe 6 and Сhe 7 equivalence table
CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 workspace configurationCodeReady Workspaces 2.0 workspace devfile






To define commands to your workspace, edit the workspace devfile:

  1. Add (or replace) the commands section with the first command. Change the name and the command fields from the original workspace configuration (see the preceding equivalence table).

      - name: build
          - type: exec
            command: mvn clean install
  2. Copy the following YAML code into the commands section to add a new command. Change the name and the command fields from the original workspace configuration (see the preceding equivalence table).

      - name: build and run
          - type: exec
            command: mvn clean install && java -jar
  3. Optionally, add the component field into actions. This indicates the component alias where the command will be performed.
  4. Repeat step 2 to add more commands to the devfile.
  5. Click the Devfile tab to view the changes.

    workspace devfile changes
  6. Save changes and start the new CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 workspace.

    save and start the new che workspace

3.2. Configuring a workspace using a devfile

To quickly and easily configure a workspace, use a devfile. For an introduction to devfiles and instructions for their use, see below.

3.2.1. What is a devfile

A devfile is a file that describes and define a development environment:

  • the source code
  • the development components (browser IDE tools and application runtimes)
  • a list of pre-defined commands
  • projects to clone

Devfiles are YAML files that CodeReady Workspaces consumes and transforms into a cloud workspace composed of multiple containers. The devfile can be saved in the root folder of a Git repository, a feature branch of a Git repository, a publicly accessible destination, or as a separate, locally stored artifact.

When creating a workspace, CodeReady Workspaces uses that definition to initiate everything and run all the containers for the required tools and application runtimes. CodeReady Workspaces also mounts file-system volumes to make source code available to the workspace.

Devfiles can be versioned with the project source code. When there is a need for a workspace to fix an old maintenance branch, the project devfile provides a definition of the workspace with the tools and the exact dependencies to start working on the old branch. Use it to instantiate workspaces on demand.

CodeReady Workspaces maintains the devfile up-to-date with the tools used in the workspace:

  • Projects of the workspace (path, Git location, branch)
  • Commands to perform daily tasks (build, run, test, debug)
  • Runtime environment (container images to run the application)
  • Che-Theia plug-ins with tools, IDE features, and helpers that a developer would use in the workspace (Git, Java support, Sonarlint, Pull Request)

3.2.2. Disambiguation between stacks and devfiles

This section describes differences between stacks in CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 and devfiles in CodeReady Workspaces 2.0

Starting with CodeReady Workspaces 2.0:

  • A stack is a pre-configured workspace.
  • A devfile is a configuration YAML file that CodeReady Workspaces consumes and transforms in a cloud workspace composed of multiple containers.

In CodeReady Workspaces 1.2, stacks were defined by a stacks.json file that was included with the che server. In contrast, in CodeReady Workspaces 2.0, the stacks.json file does not exist. Instead, a stack is defined in the devfile registry, which is a separate service. Every single devfile in the registry corresponds to a stack.

Note that in CodeReady Workspaces 1.2, stacks and workspaces were defined using two different formats. However, with CodeReady Workspaces 2.0, the devfile format is used to define both. Nevertheless, a user opening the user dashboard does not notice any difference: in CodeReady Workspaces 2.0, a list of stacks is still present to choose from as a starting point to create a workspace.

3.2.3. Creating a workspace from the default branch of a Git repository

A workspace can be created by pointing to a devfile that is stored in a Git source repository. The CodeReady Workspaces instance then uses the discovered devfile.yaml file to build a workspace using the /f?url= API.



Run the workspace by opening the following URL: https://<CheHost>/f?url=https://<GitRepository>


3.2.4. Creating a workspace from a feature branch of a Git repository

A workspace can be created by pointing to devfile that is stored in a Git source repository on a feature branch of the user’s choice. The CodeReady Workspaces instance then uses the discovered devfile to build a workspace.



Execute the workspace by opening the following URL: https://<CheHost>/f?url=<GitHubBranch>


Use following URL format to open an experimental quarkus-quickstarts branch hosted on

3.2.5. Creating a workspace from a publicly accessible standalone devfile using HTTP

A workspace can be created using a devfile, the URL of which is pointing to the raw content of the devfile. The CodeReady Workspaces instance then uses the discovered devfile to build a workspace.



  1. Execute the workspace by opening the following URL: https://<your-che-host>/f?url=https://<yourhosturl>/devfile.yaml


3.2.6. Overriding devfile values using factory parameters

Values in the following sections of a remote devfile can be overridden using specially constructed additional factory parameters:

  • apiVersion
  • metadata
  • projects



  1. Open the workspace by navigating to the following URL: https://<che-host>/f?url=https://<hostURL>/devfile.yaml&override.<parameter.path>=<value>

Example of overriding the generateName property

Example of overriding project source branch property

3.2.7. Creating a workspace using crwctl and a local devfile

A workspace can be created by pointing the crwctl tool to a locally stored devfile. The CodeReady Workspaces instance then uses the discovered devfile to build a workspace.



  1. Run a workspace from a devfile using the workspace:start parameter with the crwctl tool as follows:
$ crwctl workspace:start --devfile=devfile.yaml

3.3. Creating a workspace from code sample

Every stack includes a sample codebase, which is defined by the devfile of the stack. This section explains how to create a workspace from this code sample in a sequence of three procedures.

For more information on devfiles, see Section 3.2, “Configuring a workspace using a devfile”.

3.3.1. Creating a workspace from User Dashboard

This section describes how to create a workspace from the User Dashboard.



  1. Navigate to the CodeReady Workspaces Dashboard. See Chapter 1, Navigating CodeReady Workspaces using the Dashboard.
  2. In the left navigation panel, navigate to Workspaces.
  3. Click on the Add Workspace button.
  4. Define a Name for the workspace. A generated name is proposed. It can be modified.
  5. In the Stack section, select the workspace runtime environment that will be used to build and run projects from the list.

    Select a stack from the list
    Viewing the compute resource limits

    The memory needed by the stack is pre-calculated and displayed on the stack description line. Changing the memory requirements is only possible from the devfile.

  6. Start the workspace: click on the Create & Open button at the top or bottom of the form:

    Create and Open
Configuring the workspace before start

Instead of configuring the workspace once it has started, it is possible to configure the workspace before start.

  1. From the top of the page, click the down arrow next to the Create & Open button.
  2. Select the menu item below to edit the workspace configuration.
Create and Edit
Devfile’s name is ignored

The dashboard always use name specified in step 4. as a workspace name. The stack’s underlying devfile’s name and generateName are overriden by it.

3.3.2. Changing the configuration of an existing workspace from the User Dashboard

This section describes how to change the configuration of an existing workspace from the User Dashboard.



  1. Navigate to the CodeReady Workspaces Dashboard. See Chapter 1, Navigating CodeReady Workspaces using the Dashboard.
  2. In the left navigation panel, navigate to Workspaces.
  3. Click on the name of a workspace to navigate to the configuration overview page.
  4. Click on the Overview tab, to execute following actions:

    • Change the Workspace name.
    • Toggle Ephemeral mode.
    • Export the workspace configuration to a file or private cloud.
    • Delete the workspace.

      Worksapce configuration overview
  1. In the Projects section, choose the projects to integrate in the workspace.

    1. Click on the Add Project button
    2. Select the projects to integrate in the workspace.
    3. Click on th Add button.

      Add projects to workspace
  2. In the Plugins section, choose the plugins to integrate in the workspace.


    Start with a generic Java-based stack, then later add support for Node or Python.

  3. In the Editors section, choose the editors to integrate in the workspace. The CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 editor is based on Che-Theia.

    Example: Switch to the CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 editor
    • To Switch to the CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 editor, select the GWT IDE.
  1. From the Devfile tab, edit the workspace’s YAML configuration. See Section 3.5.5, “Devfile reference”.

    Example: add commands
    YAML configuration
    Example: add a project

    To add a project into the workspace, add or edit the following section:

      - name: che
          type: git
          location: ''

3.3.3. Running an existing workspace from the User Dashboard

This section describes how to run an existing workspace from the User Dasboard Running an existing workspace from the User Dashboard with the Run button

This section describes how to run an existing workspace from the User Dashboard using the Run button.



  1. Navigate to the CodeReady Workspaces Dashboard. See Chapter 1, Navigating CodeReady Workspaces using the Dashboard.
  2. In the left navigation panel, navigate to Workspaces.
  3. Click on the name of a non-running workspace to navigate to the overview page.
  4. Click on the Run button in the top right corner of the page.
  5. The workspace is started.
  6. The browser does not navigates to the workspace. Running an existing workspace from the User Dashboard using the Open button

This section describes how to run an existing workspace from the User Dashboard using the Open button.



  1. Navigate to the CodeReady Workspaces Dashboard. See Chapter 1, Navigating CodeReady Workspaces using the Dashboard.
  2. In the left navigation panel, navigate to Workspaces.
  3. Click on the name of a non-running workspace to navigate to the overview page.
  4. Click on the Open button in the top right corner of the page.
  5. The workspace is started.
  6. The browser navigates to the workspace. Running an existing workspace from the User Dashboard using the Recent Workspaces

This section describes how to run an existing workspace from the User Dashboard using the Recent Workspaces.



  1. Navigate to the CodeReady Workspaces Dashboard. See Chapter 1, Navigating CodeReady Workspaces using the Dashboard.
  2. In the left navigation panel, in the Recent Workspaces section, right-click on the name of a non-running workspace and click on Start in the contextual menu to start it.

    Run from Recent Workspaces

3.4. Creating a workspace by importing the source code of a project

This section describes how to create a new workspace to edit an existing codebase.


There are two ways to do that before starting a workspace:

To create a new workspace to edit an existing codebase, use one of the following three methods after you have started the workspace:

3.4.1. Importing from the Dashboard into an existing workspace

  1. Import the project. There are at least two ways to import a project via the Dashboard.

    • From the Dashboard, select Workspaces, then select your workspace by clicking on its name. This will link you to the workspace’s Overview tab.
    • Or, use the gear icon. This will link to the Devfile tab where you can enter your own YAML configuration.
  2. Click the Projects tab.
  3. Click Add Project. You can then import a sample project, create a blank project, import from a Git project, or import from a zip file.
Add projects to workspace

You can add a project to a non-running workspace, but you must start the workspace to delete it. Creating a new repository

To add a blank project:

  1. Type a name and a description in the Name and Description fields.

    Add blank project
  2. Click Open to open your workspace.
Your empty project Editing an existing repository

To edit an existing repository:

  1. Choose the Git project or zip file, and CodeReady Workspaces will load it into your workspace.

    Add existing git project
  2. To open the workspace, click the Open button.
Your git project Editing the commands after importing a project

After you have a project in your workspace, you can add commands to it. Adding commands to your projects allows you to run, debug, or launch your application in a browser.

To add commands to the project:

  1. Open the workspace configuration in the Dashboard, then select the Devfile tab.

    Add commands to workspace
  2. Open the workspace.
  3. To run a command, select Terminal > Run Task from the main menu.

    Run task
  4. To configure commands, select Terminal > Configure Tasks from the main menu.

    Configure tasks

3.4.2. Importing to a running workspace using the Git: Clone command

To import to a running workspace using the Git: Clone command:

  1. Start a workspace, then use the Git: Clone command from the command palette or the Welcome screen to import a project to a running workspace.

    Welcome screen
  2. Open the command palette using F1 or CTRL-SHIFT-P, or from the link in the Welcome screen.

    Invoke git clone command
  3. Enter the path to the project you want to clone.

    Configure git clone command

3.4.3. Importing to a running workspace with git clone in a terminal

In addition to the approaches above, you can also start a workspace, open a Terminal, and type git clone to pull code.

Run git clone in a terminal

Importing or deleting workspace projects in the terminal does not update the workspace configuration, and the change is not reflected in the Project and Devfile tabs in the dashboard.

Similarly, if you add a project via the Dashboard, then delete it with rm -fr myproject, it may still appear in the Projects or Devfile tab.

3.5. Making a workspace portable using a devfile

To transfer a configured CodeReady Workspaces workspace, create and export the devfile of the workspace and load the devfile on a different host to initialize a new instance of the workspace. For detailed instructions on how to create such a devfile, see below.

3.5.1. What is a devfile

A devfile is a file that describes and define a development environment:

  • the source code
  • the development components (browser IDE tools and application runtimes)
  • a list of pre-defined commands
  • projects to clone

Devfiles are YAML files that CodeReady Workspaces consumes and transforms into a cloud workspace composed of multiple containers. The devfile can be saved in the root folder of a Git repository, a feature branch of a Git repository, a publicly accessible destination, or as a separate, locally stored artifact.

When creating a workspace, CodeReady Workspaces uses that definition to initiate everything and run all the containers for the required tools and application runtimes. CodeReady Workspaces also mounts file-system volumes to make source code available to the workspace.

Devfiles can be versioned with the project source code. When there is a need for a workspace to fix an old maintenance branch, the project devfile provides a definition of the workspace with the tools and the exact dependencies to start working on the old branch. Use it to instantiate workspaces on demand.

CodeReady Workspaces maintains the devfile up-to-date with the tools used in the workspace:

  • Projects of the workspace (path, Git location, branch)
  • Commands to perform daily tasks (build, run, test, debug)
  • Runtime environment (container images to run the application)
  • Che-Theia plug-ins with tools, IDE features, and helpers that a developer would use in the workspace (Git, Java support, Sonarlint, Pull Request)

3.5.2. A minimal devfile

The following is the minimum content required in a devfile.yaml file:

apiVersion: 1.0.0
  name: che-in-che-out
  - name: che
      type: git
      location: ''

For a complete devfile example, see Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces in CodeReady Workspaces devfile.yaml.

name or generateName must be defined

Both name and generateName are optional parameters, but at least one of them must be defined. See Section 3.5.3, “Generating workspace names”.

3.5.3. Generating workspace names

To specify a prefix for automatically generated workspace names, set the generateName parameter in the devfile.yaml file:

apiVersion: 1.0.0
  generateName: che-

The workspace name will be in the <generateName>YYYYY format (for example, che-2y7kp). Y is random [a-z0-9] character.

The following naming rules apply when creating workspaces:

  • When name is defined, it is used as the workspace name: <name>
  • When only generateName is defined, it is used as the base of the generated name: <generateName>YYYYY

For workspaces created using a factory, defining name or generateName has the same effect. The defined value is used as the name prefix: <name>YYYYY or <generateName>YYYYY. The generateName has precedence over name when both are defined.

3.5.4. Writing a devfile for a project

This section describes how to create a minimal devfile for your project and how to include more than one projects in a devfile. Preparing a minimal devfile

A minimal devfile sufficient to run a workspace consists of the following parts:

  • Specification version
  • Name

Example of a minimal devfile with no project

apiVersion: 1.0.0
  name: minimal-workspace

Without any further configuration, a workspace with the default editor is launched along with its default plug-ins, which are configured on the CodeReady Workspaces Server. Che-Theia is configured as the default editor along with the CodeReady Workspaces Machine Exec plug-in.

Add the following parts for a more functional workspace:

  • List of components: Development components and user runtimes
  • List of projects: Source code repositories
  • List of commands: Actions to manage the workspace components, such as running the development tools, starting the runtime environments, and others

Example of a minimal devfile with a project

apiVersion: 1.0.0
  name: petclinic-dev-environment
  - name: petclinic
      type: git
      location: ''
  - type: chePlugin
    id: redhat/java/latest Specifying multiple projects in a devfile

A single devfile can specify multiple projects. For each project, specify the type of the source repository, its location, and optionally also the directory to which the project should be cloned to.

Example of a devfile with two projects

apiVersion: 1.0.0
  name: example-devfile
- name: frontend
    type: git
- name: backend
  clonePath: src/
    type: git

In the preceding example, there are two projects defined, frontend and backend. Each project is located in its own repository. The backend project has a specific requirement to be cloned into the src/ directory under the source root (implicitly defined by the CodeReady Workspaces runtime) while the frontend project will be cloned into the frontend/ directory under the source root.

Additional resources

For a detailed explanation of all devfile component assignments and possible values, see:

These sample devfiles are a good source of inspiration:

3.5.5. Devfile reference

This section contains devfile reference and instructions on how to use the various elements that devfiles consist of. Adding projects to a devfile

In most cases, a devfile contains one or more projects. A workspace is created to develop those projects. Projects are added in the projects section of devfiles.

Each project in a single devfile must have:

  • Unique name
  • Source specified

Project source consists of two mandatory values: type and location.

The kind of project-source provider.
The URL of project source.

CodeReady Workspaces supports the following project types:

Projects with sources in Git. The location points to a clone link.
Same as git but for projects hosted on GitHub only. Use git for projects that do not use GitHub-specific features.
Projects with sources in a ZIP archive. Location points to a ZIP file. Project-source type: git
    type: git
    startPoint: master           1
    tag: 7.2.0
    commitId: 36fe587
    branch: master
    sparseCheckoutDir: wsmaster  2
startPoint is the general value for tag, commitId, and branch. The startPoint, tag, commitId, and branch parameters are mutually exclusive. When more than one is supplied, the following order is used: startPoint, tag, commitId, branch.
sparseCheckoutDir the template for the sparse checkout Git feature. This is useful when only a part of a project (typically only a single directory) is needed.

Example 3.1. sparseCheckoutDir parameter settings

  • Set to /my-module/ to create only the root my-module directory (and its content).
  • Omit the leading slash (my-module/) to create all my-module directories that exist in the project. Including, for example, /addons/my-module/.

    The trailing slash indicates that only directories with the given name (including their content) should be created.

  • Use wildcards to specify more than one directory name. For example, setting module-* checks out all directories of the given project that start with module-.

For more information, see Sparse checkout in Git documentation. Project-source type: zip
    type: zip
    location: Project clone-path parameter: clonePath

The clonePath parameter specifies the path into which the project is to be cloned. The path must be relative to the /projects/ directory, and it cannot leave the /projects/ directory. The default value is the project name.

Example devfile with projects

apiVersion: 1.0.0
  name: my-project-dev
  - name: my-project-resourse
    clonePath: resources/my-project
      type: zip
  - name: my-project
      type: git
      branch: develop

See Section, “Adding components to a devfile” for instructions on how to add tooling to a devfile. Adding components to a devfile

Each component in a single devfile must have a unique name. Component type: cheEditor

Describes the editor used in the workspace by defining its id. A devfile can only contain one component of the cheEditor type.

  - alias: theia-editor
    type: cheEditor
    id: eclipse/che-theia/next

When cheEditor is missing, a default editor is provided along with its default plug-ins. The default plug-ins are also provided for an explicitly defined editor with the same id as the default one (even if it is a different version). Che-Theia is configured as default editor along with the CodeReady Workspaces Machine Exec plug-in.

To specify that a workspace requires no editor, use the editorFree:true attribute in the devfile attributes. Component type: chePlugin

Describes plug-ins in a workspace by defining their id. It is allowed to have several chePlugin components.

   - alias: exec-plugin
     type: chePlugin
     id: eclipse/che-machine-exec-plugin/0.0.1

Both types above use an ID, which is slash-separated publisher, name and version of plug-in from the CodeReady Workspaces Plug-in registry.
List of available CodeReady Workspaces plugins and more information about registry can be found in the CodeReady Workspaces plug-in registry GitHub repository. Specifying an alternative component registry

To specify an alternative registry for the cheEditor and chePlugin component types, use the registryUrl parameter:

   - alias: exec-plugin
     type: chePlugin
     id: eclipse/che-machine-exec-plugin/0.0.1 Specifying a component by linking to its descriptor

An alternative way of specifying cheEditor or chePlugin, instead of using the editor or plug-in id (and optionally an alternative registry), is to provide a direct link to the component descriptor (typically named meta.yaml) by using the reference field:

   - alias: exec-plugin
     type: chePlugin

It is not possible to mix the id and reference fields in a single component definition; they are mutually exclusive. Tuning chePlugin component configuration

A chePlugin component may need to be precisely tuned, and in such case, component preferences can be used. The example shows how to configure JVM using plug-in preferences.

  id: redhat/java/0.38.0
  type: chePlugin
  preferences: '-noverify -Xmx1G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication' Component type: kubernetes

A complex component type that allows to apply configuration from a list of OpenShift components.

The content can be provided either via the reference attribute, which points to the file with the component content.

    - alias: mysql
      type: kubernetes
      reference: petclinic.yaml
      selector: mysql database petclinic

Alternatively, to post a devfile with such components to REST API, the contents of the OpenShift list can be embedded into the devfile using the referenceContent field:

    - alias: mysql
      type: kubernetes
      reference: petclinic.yaml
      referenceContent: |
           kind: List
             apiVersion: v1
             kind: Pod
              name: ws
              ... etc Overriding container entrypoints

As with the understood by OpenShift).

There can be more containers in the list (contained in pods or pod templates of deployments). To select which containers to apply the entrypoint changes to.

The entrypoints can be defined as follows:

    - alias: appDeployment
      type: kubernetes
      reference: app-deployment.yaml
      - parentName: mysqlServer
        command: ['sleep']
        args: ['infinity']
      - parentSelector:
          app: prometheus
        args: ['-f', '/opt/app/prometheus-config.yaml']

The entrypoints list contains constraints for picking the containers along with the command and args parameters to apply to them. In the example above, the constraint is parentName: mysqlServer, which will cause the command to be applied to all containers defined in any parent object called mysqlServer. The parent object is assumed to be a top level object in the list defined in the referenced file, which is app-deployment.yaml in the example above.

Other types of constraints (and their combinations) are possible:

the name of the container
the name of the parent object that (indirectly) contains the containers to override
the set of labels the parent object needs to have

A combination of these constraints can be used to precisely locate the containers inside the referenced OpenShift list. Overriding container environment variables

To provision or override entrypoints in a OpenShift or OpensShift component, configure it in the following way:

    - alias: appDeployment
      type: kubernetes
      reference: app-deployment.yaml
        - name: ENV_VAR
          value: value

This is useful for temporary content or without access to editing the referenced content. The specified environment variables are provisioned into each init container and containers inside all Pods and Deployments. Specifying mount-source option

To specify a project sources directory mount into container(s), use the mountSources parameter:

      - alias: appDeployment
        type: kubernetes
        reference: app-deployment.yaml
        mountSources: true

If enabled, project sources mounts will be applied to every container of the given component. This parameter is also applicable for chePlugin type components. Component type: dockerimage

A component type that allows to define a container image-based configuration of a container in a workspace. A devfile can only contain one component of the dockerimage type. The dockerimage type of component brings in custom tooling into the workspace. The component is identified by its image.

   - alias: maven
     type: dockerimage
     image: eclipe/maven-jdk8:latest
       - name: mavenrepo
         containerPath: /root/.m2
       - name: ENV_VAR
         value: value
       - name: maven-server
         port: 3101
           protocol: http
           secure: 'true'
           public: 'true'
           discoverable: 'false'
     memoryLimit: 1536M
     command: ['tail']
     args: ['-f', '/dev/null']

Example of a minimal dockerimage component

apiVersion: 1.0.0
    name: MyDevfile
type: dockerimage
image: golang
memoryLimit: 512Mi
command: ['sleep', 'infinity']

It specifies the type of the component, dockerimage and the image attribute names the image to be used for the component using the usual docker naming conventions, that is, the above type attribute is equal to

A dockerimage component has many features that enable augmenting the image with additional resources and information needed for meaningful integration of the tool provided by the image with Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces. Mounting project sources

For the dockerimage component to have access to the project sources, you must set the mountSources attribute to true.

apiVersion: 1.0.0
    name: MyDevfile
type: dockerimage
image: golang
memoryLimit: 512Mi
mountSources: true
command: ['sleep', 'infinity']

The sources is mounted on a location stored in the CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT environment variable that is made available in the running container of the image. This location defaults to /projects. Container Entrypoint

The command attribute of the dockerimage along with other arguments, is used to modify the entrypoint command of the container created from the image. In Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces the container is needed to run indefinitely so that you can connect to it and execute arbitrary commands in it at any time. Because the availability of the sleep command and the support for the infinity argument for it is different and depends on the base image used in the particular images, CodeReady Workspaces cannot insert this behavior automatically on its own. However, you can take advantage of this feature to, for example, start up necessary servers with modified configurations, etc. Persistent Storage

Docker image tools can specify the custom volumes to be mounted on specific locations within the image. Note that the volume names are shared across all components and therefore this mechanism can also be used to share file systems between components.

apiVersion: 1.0.0
  name: MyDevfile
  - type: dockerimage
    image: golang
    memoryLimit: 512Mi
    mountSources: true
    command: ['sleep', 'infinity']
      - name: cache
        containerPath: /.cache Specifying container memory limit for components

To specify a container(s) memory limit for dockerimage, chePlugin, cheEditor, kubernetes, openshift, use the memoryLimit parameter:

   - alias: exec-plugin
     type: chePlugin
     id: eclipse/che-machine-exec-plugin/0.0.1
     memoryLimit: 1Gi
   - type: kubernetes
     reference: ../relative/path/postgres.yaml
     memoryLimit: 512M

This limit will be applied to every container of the given component. Environment variables

Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces allows you to configure Docker containers by modifying the environment variables available in component’s configuration. Environment variables are supported by the following component types: dockerimage, chePlugin, cheEditor, kubernetes, openshift. In case component has multiple containers, environment variables will be provisioned to each container.

apiVersion: 1.0.0
  name: MyDevfile
  - type: dockerimage
    image: golang
    memoryLimit: 512Mi
    mountSources: true
    command: ['sleep', 'infinity']
      - name: GOPATH
        value: $(CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT)/go
  - type: cheEditor
    alias: theia-editor
    id: eclipse/che-theia/next
    memoryLimit: 2Gi
    - name: HOME
      value: $(CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT)
  • The variable expansion works between the environment variables, and it uses the OpenShift convention for the variable references.
  • The predefined variables are available for use in custom definitions.

The following environment variables are pre-set by the CodeReady Workspaces server:

  • CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT: The location of the projects directory (note that if the component does not mount the sources, the projects will not be accessible).
  • CHE_WORKSPACE_LOGS_ROOT__DIR: The location of the logs common to all the components. If the component chooses to put logs into this directory, the log files are accessible from all other components.
  • CHE_API_INTERNAL: The URL to the CodeReady Workspaces server API endpoint used for communication with the CodeReady Workspaces server.
  • CHE_WORKSPACE_ID: The ID of the current workspace.
  • CHE_WORKSPACE_NAME: The name of the current workspace.
  • CHE_WORKSPACE_NAMESPACE: The namespace of the current workspace.
  • CHE_MACHINE_TOKEN: The token used to authenticate the request against the CodeReady Workspaces server.
  • CHE_MACHINE_AUTH_SIGNATUREPUBLICKEY: The public key used to secure the communication with the CodeReady Workspaces server.
  • CHE_MACHINE_AUTH_SIGNATURE__ALGORITHM: The encryption algorithm used in the secured communication with the CodeReady Workspaces server.

A devfiles may only need the CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT environment variable to locate the cloned projects in the component’s container. More advanced devfiles might use the CHE_WORKSPACE_LOGS_ROOT__DIR environment variable to read the logs (for example as part of a devfile command). The environment variables used to securely access the CodeReady Workspaces server are mostly out of scope for devfiles and are present only for advanced use cases that are usually handled by the CodeReady Workspaces plug-ins. Endpoints

You can specify the endpoints that the docker image exposes. These endpoints can be made accessible to the users if the CodeReady Workspaces cluster is running using a OpenShift ingress or an OpenShift route and to the other components within the workspace. You can create an endpoint for your application or database, if your application or database server is listening on a port and you want to be able to directly interact with it yourself or you want other components to interact with it.

Endpoints have a number of properties as shown in the following example:

apiVersion: 1.0.0
  name: MyDevfile
  - name: my-go-project
    clonePath: go/src/
      type: git
  - type: dockerimage
    image: golang
    memoryLimit: 512Mi
    mountSources: true
    command: ['sleep', 'infinity']
      - name: GOPATH
        value: $(CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT)/go
      - name: GOCACHE
        value: /tmp/go-cache
     - name: web
       port: 8080
         discoverable: false
         public: true
         protocol: http
  - type: dockerimage
    image: postgres
    memoryLimit: 512Mi
      - name: POSTGRES_USER
        value: user
        value: password
      - name: POSTGRES_DB
        value: database
      - name: postgres
        port: 5432
          discoverable: true
          public: false

Here, there are two dockerimages, each defining a single endpoint. Endpoint is an accessible port that can be made accessible inside the workspace or also publicly (example, from the UI). Each endpoint has a name and port, which is the port on which certain server running inside the container is listening. The following are a few attributes that you can set on the endpoint:

  • discoverable: If an endpoint is discoverable, it means that it can be accessed using its name as the hostname within the workspace containers (in the OpenShift parlance, a service is created for it with the provided name).
  • public: The endpoint will be accessible outside of the workspace, too (such endpoint can be accessed from the CodeReady Workspaces user interface). Such endpoints are publicized always on port 80 or 443 (depending on whether tls is enabled in CodeReady Workspaces).
  • protocol: For public endpoints the protocol is a hint to the UI on how to construct the URL for the endpoint access. Typical values are http, https, ws, wss.
  • secure: A boolean (defaulting to false) specifying whether the endpoint is put behind a JWT proxy requiring a JWT workspace token to grant access.
  • path: The URL of the endpoint
  • unsecuredPaths: A comma-separated list of paths in the endpoint that should not be secured, even if the secure attribute is set to true
  • cookiesAuthEnabled: When set to true (the default is false), the JWT workspace token is automatically fetched and included in a workspace-specific cookie to allow requests to pass through the JWT proxy.


    This setting potentially allows a CSRF attack when used in conjunction with a server using POST requests.

When starting a new server within a component, CodeReady Workspaces autodetects this, and the UI offers to automatically expose this port as a public port. This is useful for debugging a web application, for example. It is not possible to do this for servers that autostart with the container (for example, a database server). For such components, specify the endpoints explicitly. OpenShift resources

Complex deployments can be described using OpenShift resource lists that can be referenced in the devfile. This makes them a part of the workspace.

  • Because a workspace is internally represented as a single deployment, all resources from the OpenShift list are merged into that single deployment.
  • Be careful when designing such lists because this can result in name conflicts and other problems.
  • Only the following subset of the OpenShift objects are supported: deployments, pods, services, persistent volume claims, secrets, and config maps. Kubernetes Ingresses are ignored, but OpenShift routes are supported. A workspace created from a devfile using any other object types fails to start.
  • When running CodeReady Workspaces on a OpenShift cluster, only OpenShift lists are supported. When running CodeReady Workspaces on an OpenShift cluster, both OpenShift lists are supported.
apiVersion: 1.0.0
  name: MyDevfile
  - name: my-go-project
    clonePath: go/src/
      type: git
  -  type: kubernetes
     reference: ../relative/path/postgres.yaml

The preceding component references a file that is relative to the location of the devfile itself. Meaning, this devfile is only loadable by a CodeReady Workspaces factory to which you supply the location of the devfile and therefore it is able to figure out the location of the referenced OpenShift resource list.

The following is an example of the postgres.yaml file.

apiVersion: v1
kind: List
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Deployment
        name: postgres
            app: postgres
            name: postgres
                name: postgres
            - image: postgres
              name: postgres
              - name: postgres
                containerPort: 5432
                - name: pg-storage
                  mountPath: /var/lib/postgresql/data
            - name: pg-storage
                  claimName: pg-storage
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
        name: postgres
            app: postgres
            name: postgres
            - port: 5432
              targetPort: 5432
            app: postgres
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
        name: pg-storage
        app: postgres
         - ReadWriteOnce
                storage: 1Gi

For a basic example of a devfile with an associated OpenShift list, see web-nodejs-with-db-sample on redhat-developer GitHub.

If you use generic or large resource lists from which you will only need a subset of resources, you can select particular resources from the list using a selector (which, as the usual OpenShift selectors, works on the labels of the resources in the list).

apiVersion: 1.0.0
  name: MyDevfile
  - name: my-go-project
    clonePath: go/src/
      type: git
  - type: kubernetes
    reference: ../relative/path/postgres.yaml
      app: postgres

Additionally, it is also possible to modify the entrypoints (command and arguments) of the containers present in the resource list. For details of the advanced use case, see the reference (TODO: link). Adding commands to a devfile

A devfile allows to specify commands to be available for execution in a workspace. Every command can contain a subset of actions, which are related to a specific component in whose container it will be executed.

   - name: build
       - type: exec
         component: mysql
         command: mvn clean
         workdir: /projects/spring-petclinic

You can use commands to automate the workspace. You can define commands for building and testing your code, or cleaning the database.

The following are two kinds of commands:

  • CodeReady Workspaces specific commands: You have full control over what component executes the command.
  • Editor specific commands: You can use the editor-specific command definitions (example: tasks.json and launch.json in Che-Theia, which is equivalent to how these files work in VS Code). CodeReady Workspaces-specific commands

Each che-specific command has an action attribute that is a command to execute and a component attribute that specifies the container in which the command should be executed. The commands are run using the default shell in the container.

apiVersion: 1.0.0
  name: MyDevfile
  - name: my-go-project
    clonePath: go/src/
      type: git
  - type: dockerimage
    image: golang
    alias: go-cli
    memoryLimit: 512Mi
    mountSources: true
    command: ['sleep', 'infinity']
      - name: GOPATH
        value: $(CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT)/go
      - name: GOCACHE
        value: /tmp/go-cache
  - name: compile and run
     - type: exec
       component: go-cli
       command: “go get -d && go run main.go”
       workdir: “${CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT}/src/”


  • If a component to be used in a command must have an alias. This alias is used to reference the component in the command definition. Example: alias: go-cli in the component definition and component: go-cli in the command definition. This ensures that Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces can find the correct container to run the command in.
  • A command can have only one action. Editor-specific commands

If the editor in the workspace supports it, the devfile can specify additional configuration in the editor-specific format. This is dependent on the integration code present in the workspace editor itself and so is not a generic mechanism. However, the default Che-Theia editor within Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces is equipped to understand the tasks.json and launch.json files provided in the devfile.

apiVersion: 1.0.0
  name: MyDevfile
  - name: my-go-project
    clonePath: go/src/
      type: git
  - name: tasks
      - type: vscode-task
        referenceContent: >
                "version": "2.0.0",
                "tasks": [
                        "label": "create test file",
                        "type": "shell",
                        "command": "touch ${workspaceFolder}/test.file"

This example shows association of a tasks.json file with a devfile. Notice the vscode-task type that instructs the Che-Theia editor to interpret this command as a tasks definition and referenceContent attribute that contains the contents of the file itself. You can also save this file separately from the devfile and use reference attribute to specify a relative or absolute URL to it.

In addition to the vscode-task commands, the Che-Theia editor understands vscode-launch type using which you can specify the launch configurations. Command preview URL

This is a Beta feature. Definition may change in future releases without any warning. It’s available in devfile version 1.0.1-beta.

It is possible to specify a preview URL for commands that expose web UI. This URL is offered for opening when the command is executed.

apiVersion: 1.0.1-beta

    - name: tasks
        port: 8080     1
        path: /myweb   2
      - type: exec
        component: go-cli
        command: "go run webserver.go"
        workdir: ${CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT}/webserver
TCP port where the application listens. Mandatory parameter.
The path part of the URL to the UI. Optional parameter. The default is root (/).

The example above opens http://__<server-domain>__/myweb, where <server-domain> is the URL to the dynamically created OpenShift Ingress or OpenShift Route. Setting the default way of opening preview URLs

By default, a notification is displayed to ask the user how the URL should be opened. To specify the preferred way of previewing a service URL, use preferences.

  1. Open CodeReady Workspaces preferences in File Settings Open Preferences and find che.task.preview.notifications in the Che section.
  2. Choose from the list of possible values:

    • on — enables a notification to ask the user how the URL should be opened
    • alwaysPreview — the preview URL opens automatically in the Preview panel as soon as a task is running
    • alwaysGoTo — the preview URL opens automatically in a separate browser tab as soon as a task is running
    • off — disables opening the preview URL (automatically and with a notification) Devfile attributes

Devfile attributes can be used to configure various features. Attribute: editorFree

When an editor is not specified in a devfile, a default is provided. When no editor is needed, the editorFree attribute should be used. The default value is false, and it means that the devfile needs the default editor to be provisioned.

Example of a devfile without an editor

apiVersion: 1.0.0
  name: petclinic-dev-environment
  - alias: myApp
    type: kubernetes
    local: my-app.yaml
  editorFree: true Attribute: persistVolumes (ephemeral mode)

By default, volumes and PVCs specified in a devfile are bound to a host folder to persist data even after a container restart. Sometimes, it may be necessary to disable data persistence, such as when volume backend is slow, and it is needed to make workspace faster. To achieve it, the persistVolumes devfile attribute should be used. The default value is true, and in case of false, emptyDir volumes will be used for configured volumes and PVC.

Example of a devfile with ephemeral mode enabled

apiVersion: 1.0.0
  name: petclinic-dev-environment
  - name: petclinic
      type: git
      location: ''
  persistVolumes: false

3.5.6. Objects supported in Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces 2.0

The following table lists the objects that are partially supported in Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces 2.0:

ObjectAPIOpenShift InfraOpenShift InfraNotes



































Minishift allows you to create Ingress and it works when the host is specified (OpenShift creates a route for it). But, the loadBalancer IP is not provisioned. To add Ingress support for the OpenShift infrastructure node, generate routes based on the provided Ingress.





The OpenShift recipe must be made compatible with the OpenShift Infrastructure and, instead of the provided route, generate Ingress.





The OpenShift API does not support templates. A workspace with a template in the recipe starts successfully and the default parameters are resolved.

Additional resources

3.6. Converting a CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 workspace to a CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 devfile

This section describes how to manually convert an old CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 workspace configuration to a CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 devfile. The following are the benefits of using a CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 devfile:

  • Using a portable file that works with any installation of CodeReady Workspaces; nothing needs to be changed on the server to start a workspace.
  • Configuration can be stored in project repository and automatically used by CodeReady Workspaces to start a workspace. To start a workspace, specify a devfile using the following format: <che-instance-domain>/f?url=path, for example:

This creates and starts a new workspace based on the devfile defined in the URL attribute. * A human-readable YAML format for all content.

Below, there is a comparison of a CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 workspace configuration and a CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 devfile. Both are Java Vert.x stacks with a default project and default settings:

CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 configuration file

  "defaultEnv": "default",
  "environments": {
    "default": {
      "machines": {
        "dev-machine": {
          "attributes": {
            "memoryLimitBytes": "2147483648"
          "servers": {
            "8080/tcp": {
              "attributes": {},
              "port": "8080",
              "protocol": "http"
          "volumes": {},
          "installers": [
          "env": {}
      "recipe": {
        "type": "dockerimage",
        "content": ""
  "projects": [
      "links": [],
      "name": "vertx-http-booster",
      "attributes": {
        "language": [
      "type": "maven",
      "source": {
        "location": "",
        "type": "git",
        "parameters": {}
      "path": "/vertx-http-booster",
      "description": "HTTP Vert.x Booster",
      "problems": [],
      "mixins": []
  "name": "wksp-jhwp",
  "commands": [
      "commandLine": "scl enable rh-maven33 'mvn compile vertx:debug -f ${current.project.path} -Dvertx.disableDnsResolver=true'",
      "name": "debug",
      "attributes": {
        "goal": "Debug",
        "previewUrl": "${server.8080/tcp}"
      "type": "custom"
      "commandLine": "scl enable rh-maven33 'mvn compile vertx:run -f ${current.project.path} -Dvertx.disableDnsResolver=true'",
      "name": "run",
      "attributes": {
        "goal": "Run",
        "previewUrl": "${server.8080/tcp}"
      "type": "custom"
      "commandLine": "scl enable rh-maven33 'mvn clean install -f ${current.project.path}'",
      "name": "build",
      "attributes": {
        "goal": "Build",
        "previewUrl": ""
      "type": "mvn"
      "commandLine": "mvn -Duser.home=${HOME} -f ${CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT}/vertx-http-booster clean package",
      "name": "vertx-http-booster:build",
      "attributes": {
        "goal": "Build",
        "previewUrl": ""
      "type": "mvn"
      "commandLine": "mvn -Duser.home=${HOME} -f ${CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT}/vertx-http-booster vertx:run",
      "name": "vertx-http-booster:run",
      "attributes": {
        "goal": "Run",
        "previewUrl": "${server.8080/tcp}"
      "type": "mvn"
  "links": []

CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 devfile

  name: testing-workspace
  - name: java-web-vertx
      location: ''
      type: git
  - id: redhat/java/latest
    type: chePlugin
  - mountSources: true
      - name: 8080/tcp
        port: 8080
    memoryLimit: 512Mi
    type: dockerimage
      - name: m2
        containerPath: /home/user/.m2
    alias: maven
    image: ''
apiVersion: 1.0.0
  - name: maven build
      - workdir: '${CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT}/java-web-vertx'
        type: exec
        command: 'mvn -Duser.home=${HOME} clean install'
        component: maven
  - name: run app
      - workdir: '${CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT}/java-web-vertx'
        type: exec
        command: >
          JDBC_URL=jdbc:h2:/tmp/db \

          java -jar -Xdebug
          -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005 \

        component: maven
  - name: Debug remote java application
      - referenceContent: |
          "version": "0.2.0",
          "configurations": [
              "type": "java",
              "name": "Debug (Attach) - Remote",
              "request": "attach",
              "hostName": "localhost",
              "port": 5005
        type: vscode-launch

3.6.1. Converting a CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 workspace to a basic CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 devfile

This section describes how to convert a CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 workspace to a CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 devfile. The result is a basic CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 devfile that can be used for further workspace creation.



To convert a CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 workspace to a CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 devfile:

  1. Open an old CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 configuration file to identify which CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 stack is used in the workspace. Below, there is a detailed guide for Section 3.6.2, “Accessing a CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 workspace configuration”.
  2. Create a new workspace from the CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 devfile that corresponds to the CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 stack.

    Table 3.5. CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 devfile corresponding to the respective CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 stacks.
    CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 stacksCodeReady Workspaces 2.0 devfile

    Apache Camel based projects,
    Apache Camel based projects on CodeReady Workspaces 2.0

    Apache Camel based on Spring Boot

    .NET Core with Che-Theia IDE

    .NET Core

    CentOS Go,
    Go with Che-Theia IDE


    Java Gradle

    Java Gradle

    Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces,
    Java CentOS

    Java Maven

    CentOS nodejs

    NodeJS Express Web Application

    Python with Che-Theia IDE


    Eclipse Vert.x

    Java Vert.x


    PHP Simple

    Spring Boot

    Java Spring Boot

    1. By default, the example project is added to the workspace. To remove the default project, click the Remove button:

      remove default project
    2. To import a custom project that was used in CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 workspace, click the Add or Import Project and select Git or GitHub option:

      add custom project
    3. Various commands can be added to devfiles of imported projects, for example, run, build, and test. The commands are then accessible from the IDE when a workspace is started. Custom commands and other devfile components can be added in the Devfile configuration.
    4. Click the Create & Proceed Editing button.

      create and edit

      Select the Devfile tab to update the configuration. Machine servers in CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 workspaces can be specified as components endpoints in a Devfile and CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 installers as components of type chePlugin. See the Devfile specification for the detailed information about the supported properties and attributes.

      update devfile configuration
    5. Once the Devfile configuration is completed, click the Open button to start a newly created CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 workspace.

3.6.2. Accessing a CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 workspace configuration

CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 workspace configuration is not supported in CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 but can be accessed for further conversion to a devfile.



To access the CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 workspace configuration:

  1. In the Dashboard, click the Workspaces menu to open the workspaces list and locate the workspace to migrate to CodeReady Workspaces 2.0.
  2. In the Actions column, click the Configure workspace icon. The raw workspace configuration is available under the Config tab.

    configure workspace button
    config workspace code

3.7. Importing a OpenShift application into a workspace

This section describes how to import a OpenShift application into a workspace.

For demonstration purposes, the section uses a sample OpenShift application having the following two pods:

To run the application on a OpenShift cluster:

$ node= && \
mongo= && \
oc apply -f ${mongo} && \
oc apply -f ${node}

To deploy a new instance of this application in a workspace, use one of the following three scenarios:

3.7.1. Including a OpenShift application in a workspace devfile definition

This procedure demonstrates how to define the CodeReady Workspaces 2.0 workspace devfile by OpenShift application.


The devfile format is used to define a workspace, and its format is described in the Section 3.5, “Making a workspace portable using a devfile” section. The following is an example of the simplest devfile:

apiVersion: 1.0.0
 name: minimal-workspace

Only the name (minimal-workspace) is specified. After the CodeReady Workspaces server processes this devfile, the devfile is converted to a minimal workspace that only has the default editor (Che-Theia) and the default editor plug-ins (example: the terminal).

Use the OpenShift type of components in the devfile to add OpenShift applications to a workspace.

For example, the user can embed the NodeJS-Mongo application in the minimal-workspace defined in this paragraph by adding a components section.

apiVersion: 1.0.0
 name: minimal-workspace
 - type: kubernetes
 - alias: nodejs-app
   type: kubernetes
     - command: ['sleep']
       args: ['infinity']

Note that the sleep infinity command is added as the entrypoint of the Node.js application. This prevents the application from starting at the workspace start phase. It allows the user to start it when needed for testing or debugging purposes.

To make it easier for a developer to test the application, add the commands in the devfile:

apiVersion: 1.0.0
 name: minimal-workspace
 - type: kubernetes
 - alias: nodejs-app
   type: kubernetes
     - command: ['sleep']
       args: ['infinity']
 - name: run
     - type: exec
       component: nodejs-app
       command: cd ${CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT}/nodejs-mongo-app/EmployeeDB/ && npm install && sed -i -- ''s/localhost/mongo/g'' app.js && node app.js

Use this devfile to create and start a workspace with the crwctl command:

$ crwctl worspace:start --devfile <devfile-path>

The run command added to the devfile is available as a task in Che-Theia from the command palette. When executed, the command starts the NodeJS application.

3.7.2. Adding a OpenShift application to an existing workspace using the dashboard

This procedure demonstrates how to modify an existing workspace and import the OpenShift application using the newly created devfile.



  1. After the creation of a workspace, use the Workspace menu and then the Configure workspace icon to manage the workspace.

    configure workspace
  2. To modify the workspace details, use the Devfile tab. The workspace details are displayed in this tab in the devfile format.

    configure workspace devfile
  3. To add a OpenShift component, use the Devfile editor on the dashboard.
  4. For the changes to take effect, save the devfile and restart the workspace.

3.7.3. Generating a devfile from an existing OpenShift application

This procedure demonstrates how to generate a devfile from an existing OpenShift application using the crwctl tool.



  1. Use the crwctl devfile:generate command to generate a devfile:

    $ crwctl devfile:generate
    • The user can also use the crwctl devfile:generate command to generate a devfile from, for example, the NodeJS-MongoDB application.

      The following example generates a devfile that includes the NodeJS component:

      $ crwctl devfile:generate --selector="app=nodejs"
      apiVersion: 1.0.0
        name: crwctl-generated
        - type: kubernetes
          alias: app=nodejs
          referenceContent: |
            kind: List
            apiVersion: v1
              name: app=nodejs
              - apiVersion: apps/v1
                kind: Deployment
                    app: nodejs
                  name: web

      The NodeJS application YAML definition is included in the devfile, inline, using the referenceContent attribute.

    • To include support for a language, use the --language parameter:

      $ crwctl devfile:generate --selector="app=nodejs" --language="typescript"
      apiVersion: 1.0.0
        name: crwctl-generated
        - type: kubernetes
          alias: app=nodejs
          referenceContent: |
            kind: List
            apiVersion: v1
        - type: chePlugin
          alias: typescript-ls
          id: che-incubator/typescript/latest
  2. Use the generated devfile to start a workspace with crwctl.

3.8. Remotely accessing workspaces

This section describes how to remotely access workspaces outside of the browser.

workspaces exist as containers and are, by default, modified from a browser window. In addition to this, there are the following methods of interacting with a workspace:

  • Opening a command line in the workspace container using the OpenShift command-line tool, kubectl
  • Uploading and downloading files using the kubectl tool

3.8.1. Remotely accessing workspaces using the OpenShift command-line tool

To access workspaces remotely using OpenShift command-line tool (kubectl), follow the instructions in this section.


The kubectl tool is used in this section to open a shell and manage files in a workspace. Alternatively, it is possible to use the oc OpenShift command-line tool.


  • The kubectl binary from the OpenShift website.
  • Verify the installation of kubectl using the oc version command:

    $ oc version
    Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"15", GitVersion:"v1.15.0", GitCommit:"e8462b5b5dc2584fdcd18e6bcfe9f1e4d970a529", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-06-19T16:40:16Z", GoVersion:"go1.12.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"}
    Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"15", GitVersion:"v1.15.0", GitCommit:"e8462b5b5dc2584fdcd18e6bcfe9f1e4d970a529", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-06-19T16:32:14Z", GoVersion:"go1.12.5", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}

    For versions 1.5.0 or higher, proceed with the steps in this section.


  1. Use the exec command to open a remote shell.
  2. To find the name of the OpenShift namespace and pod that runs the workspace:

    $ oc get pod -l che.workspace_id --all-namespaces
    NAMESPACE   NAME                                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    che         workspace7b2wemdf3hx7s3ln.maven-74885cf4d5-kf2q4   4/4     Running   0          6m4s

In the example above, the pod name is workspace7b2wemdf3hx7s3ln.maven-74885cf4d5-kf2q4, and the namespace is workspaces.

  1. To find the name of the container:

    $ NAMESPACE=che
    $ POD=workspace7b2wemdf3hx7s3ln.maven-74885cf4d5-kf2q4
    $ oc get pod ${POD} -o custom-columns=CONTAINERS:.spec.containers[*].name
  2. When you have the namespace, pod name, and the name of the container, use the kubectl command to open a remote shell:

    $ NAMESPACE=che
    $ POD=workspace7b2wemdf3hx7s3ln.maven-74885cf4d5-kf2q4
    $ CONTAINER=maven
    $ oc exec -ti -n ${NAMESPACE} ${POD} -c ${CONTAINER} bash
    user@workspace7b2wemdf3hx7s3ln $
  3. From the container, execute the build and run commands (as if from the workspace terminal):

    user@workspace7b2wemdf3hx7s3ln $ mvn clean install
    [INFO] Scanning for projects...

Additional resources

3.8.2. Downloading and uploading a file to a workspace using the command-line interface

This procedure describes how to use the kubectl tool to download or upload files remotely from or to an Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces workspace.



  • To download a local file named downloadme.txt from a workspace container to the current home directory of the user, use the following in the CodeReady Workspaces remote shell.

    $ REMOTE_FILE_PATH=/projects/downloadme.txt
    $ NAMESPACE=che
    $ POD=workspace7b2wemdf3hx7s3ln.maven-74885cf4d5-kf2q4
    $ CONTAINER=maven
    $ oc cp ${NAMESPACE}/${POD}:${REMOTE_FILE_PATH} ~/downloadme.txt -c ${CONTAINER}
  • To upload a local file named uploadme.txt to a workspace container in the /projects directory:
$ LOCAL_FILE_PATH=./uploadme.txt
$ POD=workspace7b2wemdf3hx7s3ln.maven-74885cf4d5-kf2q4
$ oc cp ${LOCAL_FILE_PATH} ${NAMESPACE}/${POD}:/projects -c ${CONTAINER}

Using the preceding steps, the user can also download and upload directories.

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