
2.4. Security

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KVM virtual machines use the following features to improve their security:
Security-Enhanced Linux, or SELinux, provides Mandatory Access Control (MAC) for all Linux systems, and thus benefits also Linux guests. Under the control of SELinux, all processes and files are given a type, and their access on the system is limited by fine-grained controls of various types. SELinux limits the abilities of an attacker and works to prevent many common security exploits such as buffer overflow attacks and privilege escalation.
sVirt is a technology included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 that integrates SELinux and virtualization. It applies Mandatory Access Control (MAC) to improve security when using virtual machines, and hardens the system against hypervisor bugs that might be used to attack the host or another virtual machine.


For more information on security in virtualization, see the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Virtualization Security Guide.
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