
Chapter 13. Configuring time synchronization

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Accurate timekeeping in an IT environment is important. A consistent time across all network devices improves the traceability of log files and certain protocols rely on synchronized clocks. For example, Kerberos uses time stamps to prevent replay attacks.

13.1. Using the Chrony suite to configure NTP

Accurate timekeeping is important for several reasons in IT. In networking for example, accurate time stamps in packets and logs are required. In Linux systems, the NTP protocol is implemented by a daemon running in user space.

The user space daemon updates the system clock running in the kernel. The system clock can keep time by using various clock sources. Usually, the Time Stamp Counter (TSC) is used. The TSC is a CPU register which counts the number of cycles since it was last reset. It is very fast, has a high resolution, and there are no interruptions.

Starting with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, the NTP protocol is implemented by the chronyd daemon, available from the repositories in the chrony package.

The following sections describe how to use the chrony suite to configure NTP.

13.1.1. Introduction to chrony suite

chrony is an implementation of the Network Time Protocol (NTP). You can use chrony:

  • To synchronize the system clock with NTP servers
  • To synchronize the system clock with a reference clock, for example a GPS receiver
  • To synchronize the system clock with a manual time input
  • As an NTPv4(RFC 5905) server or peer to provide a time service to other computers in the network

chrony performs well in a wide range of conditions, including intermittent network connections, heavily congested networks, changing temperatures (ordinary computer clocks are sensitive to temperature), and systems that do not run continuously, or run on a virtual machine.

Typical accuracy between two machines synchronized over the Internet is within a few milliseconds, and for machines on a LAN within tens of microseconds. Hardware timestamping or a hardware reference clock may improve accuracy between two machines synchronized to a sub-microsecond level.

chrony consists of chronyd, a daemon that runs in user space, and chronyc, a command line program which can be used to monitor the performance of chronyd and to change various operating parameters when it is running.

The chrony daemon, chronyd, can be monitored and controlled by the command line utility chronyc. This utility provides a command prompt which allows entering a number of commands to query the current state of chronyd and make changes to its configuration. By default, chronyd accepts only commands from a local instance of chronyc, but it can be configured to accept monitoring commands also from remote hosts. The remote access should be restricted.

13.1.2. Using chronyc to control chronyd

You can control chronyd by using the chronyc command line utility.


  1. To make changes to the local instance of chronyd using the command line utility chronyc in interactive mode, enter the following command as root:

    # chronyc

    chronyc must run as root if some of the restricted commands are to be used.

    The chronyc command prompt will be displayed as follows:

  2. To list all of the commands, type help.
  3. Alternatively, the utility can also be invoked in non-interactive command mode if called together with a command as follows:

    chronyc command

Changes made using chronyc are not permanent, they will be lost after a chronyd restart. For permanent changes, modify /etc/chrony.conf.

13.2. Using Chrony

The following sections describe how to install, start, and stop chronyd, and how to check if chrony is synchronized. Sections also describe how to manually adjust System Clock.

13.2.1. Managing chrony

The following procedure describes how to install, start, stop, and check the status of chronyd.


  1. The chrony suite is installed by default on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. To ensure that it is, run the following command as root:

    # dnf install chrony

    The default location for the chrony daemon is /usr/sbin/chronyd. The command line utility will be installed to /usr/bin/chronyc.

  2. To check the status of chronyd, issue the following command:

    $  systemctl status chronyd
    chronyd.service - NTP client/server
       Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/chronyd.service; enabled)
       Active: active (running) since Wed 2013-06-12 22:23:16 CEST; 11h ago
  3. To start chronyd, issue the following command as root:

    # systemctl start chronyd

    To ensure chronyd starts automatically at system start, issue the following command as root:

    # systemctl enable chronyd
  4. To stop chronyd, issue the following command as root:

    # systemctl stop chronyd

    To prevent chronyd from starting automatically at system start, issue the following command as root:

    # systemctl disable chronyd

13.2.2. Checking if chrony is synchronized

The following procedure describes how to check if chrony is synchronized with the use of the tracking, sources, and sourcestats commands.


  1. To check chrony tracking, issue the following command:

    $  chronyc tracking
    Reference ID    : CB00710F (
    Stratum         : 3
    Ref time (UTC)  : Fri Jan 27 09:49:17 2017
    System time     :  0.000006523 seconds slow of NTP time
    Last offset     : -0.000006747 seconds
    RMS offset      : 0.000035822 seconds
    Frequency       : 3.225 ppm slow
    Residual freq   : 0.000 ppm
    Skew            : 0.129 ppm
    Root delay      : 0.013639022 seconds
    Root dispersion : 0.001100737 seconds
    Update interval : 64.2 seconds
    Leap status     : Normal
  2. The sources command displays information about the current time sources that chronyd is accessing. To check chrony sources, issue the following command:

    $ chronyc sources
    	210 Number of sources = 3
    MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample
    #* GPS0                          0   4   377    11   -479ns[ -621ns] /-  134ns
    ^? a.b.c                         2   6   377    23   -923us[ -924us] +/-   43ms
    ^ d.e.f                         1   6   377    21  -2629us[-2619us] +/-   86ms

    You can specify the optional -v argument to print more verbose information. In this case, extra caption lines are shown as a reminder of the meanings of the columns.

  3. The sourcestats command displays information about the drift rate and offset estimation process for each of the sources currently being examined by chronyd. To check chrony source statistics, issue the following command:

    $  chronyc sourcestats
    210 Number of sources = 1
    Name/IP Address            NP  NR  Span  Frequency  Freq Skew  Offset  Std Dev
    abc.def.ghi                11   5   46m     -0.001      0.045      1us    25us

    The optional argument -v can be specified, meaning verbose. In this case, extra caption lines are shown as a reminder of the meanings of the columns.

Additional resources

  • chronyc(1) man page

13.2.3. Manually adjusting the System Clock

The following procedure describes how to manually adjust the System Clock.


  1. To step the system clock immediately, bypassing any adjustments in progress by slewing, issue the following command as root:

    # chronyc makestep

If the rtcfile directive is used, the real-time clock should not be manually adjusted. Random adjustments would interfere with chrony's need to measure the rate at which the real-time clock drifts.

13.2.4. Disabling a chrony dispatcher script

The chrony dispatcher script manages the online and offline state of the NTP servers. As a system administrator, you can disable the dispatcher script to keep chronyd polling the servers constantly.

If you enable NetworkManager on your system to manage networking configuration, the NetworkManager executes the chrony dispatcher script during interface reconfiguration, stop or start operations. However, if you configure certain interfaces or routes outside of NetworkManager, you can encounter the following situation:

  1. The dispatcher script might run when no route to the NTP servers exists, causing the NTP servers to switch to the offline state.
  2. If you establish the route later, the script does not run again by default, and the NTP servers remain in the offline state.

To ensure that chronyd can synchronize with your NTP servers, which have separately managed interfaces, disable the dispatcher script.


  • You installed NetworkManager on your system and enabled it.
  • Root access


  1. To disable the chrony dispatcher script, create a symlink to /dev/null:

    # ln -s /dev/null /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/20-chrony-onoffline

    After this change, the NetworkManager cannot execute the dispatcher script, and the NTP servers remain in the online state at all times.

13.2.5. Setting up chrony for a system in an isolated network

For a network that is never connected to the Internet, one computer is selected to be the primary timeserver. The other computers are either direct clients of the server, or clients of clients. On the server, the drift file must be manually set with the average rate of drift of the system clock. If the server is rebooted, it will obtain the time from surrounding systems and calculate an average to set its system clock. Thereafter it resumes applying adjustments based on the drift file. The drift file will be updated automatically when the settime command is used.

The following procedure describes how to set up chrony for a system in an isolated network.


  1. On the system selected to be the server, using a text editor running as root, edit /etc/chrony.conf as follows:

    driftfile /var/lib/chrony/drift
    commandkey 1
    keyfile /etc/chrony.keys
    initstepslew 10 client1 client3 client6
    local stratum 8

    Where is the network or subnet address from which the clients are allowed to connect. For more details, see chrony.conf(7) man page

  2. On the systems selected to be direct clients of the server, using a text editor running as root, edit the /etc/chrony.conf as follows:

    driftfile /var/lib/chrony/drift
    logdir /var/log/chrony
    log measurements statistics tracking
    keyfile /etc/chrony.keys
    commandkey 24
    local stratum 10
    initstepslew 20

    Where is the address of the server, and is the host name of the server. Clients with this configuration will resynchronize with the server if it restarts.

On the client systems which are not to be direct clients of the server, the /etc/chrony.conf file should be the same except that the local and allow directives should be omitted.

In an isolated network, you can also use the local directive that enables a local reference mode, which allows chronyd operating as an NTP server to appear synchronized to real time, even when it was never synchronized or the last update of the clock happened a long time ago.

To allow multiple servers in the network to use the same local configuration and to be synchronized to one another, without confusing clients that poll more than one server, use the orphan option of the local directive which enables the orphan mode. Each server needs to be configured to poll all other servers with local. This ensures that only the server with the smallest reference ID has the local reference active and other servers are synchronized to it. When the server fails, another one will take over.

13.2.6. Configuring remote monitoring access

chronyc can access chronyd in two ways:

  • Internet Protocol, IPv4 or IPv6.
  • Unix domain socket, which is accessible locally by the root or chrony user.

By default, chronyc connects to the Unix domain socket. The default path is /var/run/chrony/chronyd.sock. If this connection fails, which can happen for example when chronyc is running under a non-root user, chronyc tries to connect to and then ::1.

Only the following monitoring commands, which do not affect the behavior of chronyd, are allowed from the network:

  • activity
  • manual list
  • rtcdata
  • smoothing
  • sources
  • sourcestats
  • tracking
  • waitsync

The set of hosts from which chronyd accepts these commands can be configured with the cmdallow directive in the configuration file of chronyd, or the cmdallow command in chronyc. By default, the commands are accepted only from localhost ( or ::1).

All other commands are allowed only through the Unix domain socket. When sent over the network, chronyd responds with a Not authorised error, even if it is from localhost.

The following procedure describes how to access chronyd remotely with chronyc.


  1. Allow access from both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses by adding the following to the /etc/chrony.conf file:



    bindcmdaddress ::
  2. Allow commands from the remote IP address, network, or subnet by using the cmdallow directive.

    Add the following content to the /etc/chrony.conf file:

  3. Open port 323 in the firewall to connect from a remote system:

    # firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=323/udp

    Optionally, you can open port 323 permanently using the --permanent option:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=323/udp
  4. If you opened port 323 permanently, reload the firewall configuration:

    # firewall-cmd --reload

Additional resources

  • chrony.conf(5) man page

13.2.7. Managing time synchronization using RHEL system roles

You can manage time synchronization on multiple target machines using the timesync role. The timesync role installs and configures an NTP or PTP implementation to operate as an NTP or PTP client to synchronize the system clock.


The timesync role replaces the configuration of the given or detected provider service on the managed host. Previous settings are lost, even if they are not specified in the role variables. The only preserved setting is the choice of provider if the timesync_ntp_provider variable is not defined.

The following example shows how to apply the timesync role in a situation with just one pool of servers.

Example 13.1. An example playbook applying the timesync role for a single pool of servers

- hosts: timesync-test
      - hostname:
        pool: yes
        iburst: yes
    - rhel-system-roles.timesync

For a detailed reference on timesync role variables, install the rhel-system-roles package, and see the or README.html files in the /usr/share/doc/rhel-system-roles/timesync directory.

13.2.8. Additional resources

13.3. Chrony with HW timestamping

Hardware timestamping is a feature supported in some Network Interface Controller (NICs) which provides accurate timestamping of incoming and outgoing packets. NTP timestamps are usually created by the kernel and chronyd with the use of the system clock. However, when HW timestamping is enabled, the NIC uses its own clock to generate the timestamps when packets are entering or leaving the link layer or the physical layer. When used with NTP, hardware timestamping can significantly improve the accuracy of synchronization. For best accuracy, both NTP servers and NTP clients need to use hardware timestamping. Under ideal conditions, a sub-microsecond accuracy may be possible.

Another protocol for time synchronization that uses hardware timestamping is PTP.

Unlike NTP, PTP relies on assistance in network switches and routers. If you want to reach the best accuracy of synchronization, use PTP on networks that have switches and routers with PTP support, and prefer NTP on networks that do not have such switches and routers.

The following sections describe how to:

  • Verify support for hardware timestamping
  • Enable hardware timestamping
  • Configure client polling interval
  • Enable interleaved mode
  • Configure server for large number of clients
  • Verify hardware timestamping
  • Configure PTP-NTP bridge

13.3.1. Verifying support for hardware timestamping

To verify that hardware timestamping with NTP is supported by an interface, use the ethtool -T command. An interface can be used for hardware timestamping with NTP if ethtool lists the SOF_TIMESTAMPING_TX_HARDWARE and SOF_TIMESTAMPING_TX_SOFTWARE capabilities and also the HWTSTAMP_FILTER_ALL filter mode.

Example 13.2. Verifying support for hardware timestamping on a specific interface

# ethtool -T eth0


Timestamping parameters for eth0:
        hardware-transmit     (SOF_TIMESTAMPING_TX_HARDWARE)
        software-transmit     (SOF_TIMESTAMPING_TX_SOFTWARE)
        hardware-receive      (SOF_TIMESTAMPING_RX_HARDWARE)
        software-receive      (SOF_TIMESTAMPING_RX_SOFTWARE)
        software-system-clock (SOF_TIMESTAMPING_SOFTWARE)
        hardware-raw-clock    (SOF_TIMESTAMPING_RAW_HARDWARE)
PTP Hardware Clock: 0
Hardware Transmit Timestamp Modes:
        off                   (HWTSTAMP_TX_OFF)
        on                    (HWTSTAMP_TX_ON)
Hardware Receive Filter Modes:
        none                  (HWTSTAMP_FILTER_NONE)
        all                   (HWTSTAMP_FILTER_ALL)
        ptpv1-l4-sync         (HWTSTAMP_FILTER_PTP_V1_L4_SYNC)
        ptpv1-l4-delay-req    (HWTSTAMP_FILTER_PTP_V1_L4_DELAY_REQ)
        ptpv2-l4-sync         (HWTSTAMP_FILTER_PTP_V2_L4_SYNC)
        ptpv2-l4-delay-req    (HWTSTAMP_FILTER_PTP_V2_L4_DELAY_REQ)
        ptpv2-l2-sync         (HWTSTAMP_FILTER_PTP_V2_L2_SYNC)
        ptpv2-l2-delay-req    (HWTSTAMP_FILTER_PTP_V2_L2_DELAY_REQ)
        ptpv2-event           (HWTSTAMP_FILTER_PTP_V2_EVENT)
        ptpv2-sync            (HWTSTAMP_FILTER_PTP_V2_SYNC)
        ptpv2-delay-req       (HWTSTAMP_FILTER_PTP_V2_DELAY_REQ)

13.3.2. Enabling hardware timestamping

To enable hardware timestamping, use the hwtimestamp directive in the /etc/chrony.conf file. The directive can either specify a single interface, or a wildcard character can be used to enable hardware timestamping on all interfaces that support it. Use the wildcard specification in case that no other application, like ptp4l from the linuxptp package, is using hardware timestamping on an interface. Multiple hwtimestamp directives are allowed in the chrony configuration file.

Example 13.3. Enabling hardware timestamping by using the hwtimestamp directive

hwtimestamp eth0
hwtimestamp eth1
hwtimestamp *

13.3.3. Configuring client polling interval

The default range of a polling interval (64-1024 seconds) is recommended for servers on the Internet. For local servers and hardware timestamping, a shorter polling interval needs to be configured in order to minimize offset of the system clock.

The following directive in /etc/chrony.conf specifies a local NTP server using one second polling interval:

server ntp.local minpoll 0 maxpoll 0

13.3.4. Enabling interleaved mode

NTP servers that are not hardware NTP appliances, but rather general purpose computers running a software NTP implementation, like chrony, will get a hardware transmit timestamp only after sending a packet. This behavior prevents the server from saving the timestamp in the packet to which it corresponds. In order to enable NTP clients receiving transmit timestamps that were generated after the transmission, configure the clients to use the NTP interleaved mode by adding the xleave option to the server directive in /etc/chrony.conf:

server ntp.local minpoll 0 maxpoll 0 xleave

13.3.5. Configuring server for large number of clients

The default server configuration allows a few thousands of clients at most to use the interleaved mode concurrently. To configure the server for a larger number of clients, increase the clientloglimit directive in /etc/chrony.conf. This directive specifies the maximum size of memory allocated for logging of clients' access on the server:

clientloglimit 100000000

13.3.6. Verifying hardware timestamping

To verify that the interface has successfully enabled hardware timestamping, check the system log. The log should contain a message from chronyd for each interface with successfully enabled hardware timestamping.

Example 13.4. Log messages for interfaces with enabled hardware timestamping

chronyd[4081]: Enabled HW timestamping on eth0
chronyd[4081]: Enabled HW timestamping on eth1

When chronyd is configured as an NTP client or peer, you can have the transmit and receive timestamping modes and the interleaved mode reported for each NTP source by the chronyc ntpdata command:

Example 13.5. Reporting the transmit, receive timestamping and interleaved mode for each NTP source

# chronyc ntpdata


Remote address  : (CB00710F)
Remote port     : 123
Local address   : (CB00714A)
Leap status     : Normal
Version         : 4
Mode            : Server
Stratum         : 1
Poll interval   : 0 (1 seconds)
Precision       : -24 (0.000000060 seconds)
Root delay      : 0.000015 seconds
Root dispersion : 0.000015 seconds
Reference ID    : 47505300 (GPS)
Reference time  : Wed May 03 13:47:45 2017
Offset          : -0.000000134 seconds
Peer delay      : 0.000005396 seconds
Peer dispersion : 0.000002329 seconds
Response time   : 0.000152073 seconds
Jitter asymmetry: +0.00
NTP tests       : 111 111 1111
Interleaved     : Yes
Authenticated   : No
TX timestamping : Hardware
RX timestamping : Hardware
Total TX        : 27
Total RX        : 27
Total valid RX  : 27

Example 13.6. Reporting the stability of NTP measurements

# chronyc sourcestats

With hardware timestamping enabled, stability of NTP measurements should be in tens or hundreds of nanoseconds, under normal load. This stability is reported in the Std Dev column of the output of the chronyc sourcestats command:


210 Number of sources = 1
Name/IP Address            NP  NR  Span  Frequency  Freq Skew  Offset  Std Dev
ntp.local                  12   7    11     +0.000      0.019     +0ns    49ns

13.3.7. Configuring PTP-NTP bridge

If a highly accurate Precision Time Protocol (PTP) primary timeserver is available in a network that does not have switches or routers with PTP support, a computer may be dedicated to operate as a PTP client and a stratum-1 NTP server. Such a computer needs to have two or more network interfaces, and be close to the primary timeserver or have a direct connection to it. This will ensure highly accurate synchronization in the network.

Configure the ptp4l and phc2sys programs from the linuxptp packages to use one interface to synchronize the system clock using PTP.

Configure chronyd to provide the system time using the other interface:

Example 13.7. Configuring chronyd to provide the system time using the other interface

hwtimestamp eth1
local stratum 1

13.4. Overview of Network Time Security (NTS) in chrony

Network Time Security (NTS) is an authentication mechanism for Network Time Protocol (NTP), designed to scale substantial clients. It verifies that the packets received from the server machines are unaltered while moving to the client machine. Network Time Security (NTS) includes a Key Establishment (NTS-KE) protocol that automatically creates the encryption keys used between the server and its clients.


NTS is not compatible with the FIPS and OSPP profile. When you enable the FIPS and OSPP profile, chronyd that is configured with NTS can abort with a fatal message. You can disable the OSPP profile and FIPS mode for chronyd service by adding the GNUTLS_FORCE_FIPS_MODE=0 to the /etc/sysconfig/chronyd file.

13.4.1. Enabling Network Time Security (NTS) in the client configuration file

By default, Network Time Security (NTS) is not enabled. You can enable NTS in the /etc/chrony.conf. For that, perform the following steps:


  • Server with the NTS support


In the client configuration file:

  1. Specify the server with the nts option in addition to the recommended iburst option.

    For example:
    server iburst nts
    server iburst nts
    server iburst nts
  2. To avoid repeating the Network Time Security-Key Establishment (NTS-KE) session during system boot, add the following line to chrony.conf, if it is not present:

    ntsdumpdir /var/lib/chrony
  3. To disable synchronization with Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers provided by DHCP, comment out or remove the following line in chrony.conf, if it is present:

    sourcedir /run/chrony-dhcp
  4. Save your changes.
  5. Restart the chronyd service:

    systemctl restart chronyd


  • Verify if the NTS keys were successfully established:

    # chronyc -N authdata
    Name/IP address  Mode KeyID Type KLen Last Atmp  NAK Cook CLen
    ================================================================  NTS     1   15  256  33m    0    0    8  100   NTS     1   15  256  33m    0    0    8  100   NTS     1   15  256  33m    0    0    8  100

    The KeyID, Type, and KLen should have non-zero values. If the value is zero, check the system log for error messages from chronyd.

  • Verify the client is making NTP measurements:

    # chronyc -N sources
    MS Name/IP address Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample
    =========================================================   3        6   377    45   +355us[ +375us] +/-   11ms    1        6   377    44   +237us[ +237us] +/-   23ms    1        6   377    44   -170us[ -170us] +/-   22ms

    The Reach column should have a non-zero value; ideally 377. If the value rarely gets 377 or never gets to 377, it indicates that NTP requests or responses are getting lost in the network.

Additional resources

  • chrony.conf(5) man page

13.4.2. Enabling Network Time Security (NTS) on the server

If you run your own Network Time Protocol (NTP) server, you can enable the server Network Time Security (NTS) support to facilitate its clients to synchronize securely.

If the NTP server is a client of other servers, that is, it is not a Stratum 1 server, it should use NTS or symmetric key for its synchronization.


  • Server private key in PEM format
  • Server certificate with required intermediate certificates in PEM format


  1. Specify the private key and the certificate file in chrony.conf. For example:

    ntsserverkey /etc/pki/tls/private/<>.key
    ntsservercert /etc/pki/tls/certs/<>.crt
  2. Ensure that both the key and certificate files are readable by the chrony system user, by setting the group ownership. For example:

    # chown :chrony /etc/pki/tls//<>.
  3. Ensure the ntsdumpdir /var/lib/chrony directive is present in the chrony.conf.
  4. Restart the chronyd service:

    # systemctl restart chronyd

    If the server has a firewall, it needs to allow both the UDP 123 and TCP 4460 ports for NTP and Network Time Security-Key Establishment (NTS-KE).


  • Perform a quick test from a client machine with the following command:

    $ chronyd -Q -t 3 'server iburst nts maxsamples 1'
    2021-09-15T13:45:26Z chronyd version 4.1 starting (+CMDMON +NTP +REFCLOCK +RTC +PRIVDROP +SCFILTER +SIGND +ASYNCDNS +NTS +SECHASH +IPV6 +DEBUG)
    2021-09-15T13:45:26Z Disabled control of system clock
    2021-09-15T13:45:28Z System clock wrong by 0.002205 seconds (ignored)
    2021-09-15T13:45:28Z chronyd exiting

    The System clock wrong message indicates the NTP server is accepting NTS-KE connections and responding with NTS-protected NTP messages.

  • Verify the NTS-KE connections and authenticated NTP packets observed on the server:

    # chronyc serverstats
    NTP packets received       : 7
    NTP packets dropped        : 0
    Command packets received   : 22
    Command packets dropped    : 0
    Client log records dropped : 0
    NTS-KE connections accepted: 1
    NTS-KE connections dropped : 0
    Authenticated NTP packets: 7

    If the value of the NTS-KE connections accepted and Authenticated NTP packets field is a non-zero value, it means that at least one client was able to connect to the NTS-KE port and send an authenticated NTP request.

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