Appendix A. Consumer Endpoint Properties
A.1. Common Properties
The attributes described in Table A.1, “Common Consumer Endpoint Property Attributes” can be used on all elements used to configure a consumer endpoint.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
connectionFactory | string | Specifies a reference to the bean configuring the connection factory which is to be used by the endpoint. | yes |
service | QName | Specifies the service name of the proxied endpoint. | yes |
endpoint | string | Specifies the endpoint name of the proxied endpoint. | yes |
interfaceName | QName | Specifies the interface name of the proxied endpoint. | no |
jms102 | boolean | Specifies if the consumer uses JMS 1.0.2 compliant APIs. | no (defaults to false ) |
pubSubDomaim | boolean | Specifies if the destination is a topic. | no |
replyDeliveryMode | int | Specifies the JMS delivery mode used for the reply. | no (defaults to PERSISTENT (2)) |
replyDestinationName | string | Specifies the name of the JMS destination to use for the reply. | no (if not set replyDestination or destinationChooser is used) |
replyExplicitQosEnabled | boolean | Specifies if the QoS values specified for the endpoint are explicitly used when the reply is sent. | no (default is false) |
replyPriority | int | Specifies the JMS message priority of the reply. | no (defaults to 4) |
replyTimeToLive | long | Specifies the number of milliseconds the reply message is valid. | no (defaults to unlimited) |
stateless | boolean | Specifies if the consumer retains state information about the message exchange while it is in process. | no |
synchronous | boolean | Specifies if the consumer will block while waiting for a response. This means the consumer can only process one message at a time. | no (defaults to true) |
targetEndpoint | string | Specifies the endpoint name of the target endpoint. | no (defaults to the endpoint attribute) |
targetInterface | QName | Specifies the interface name of the target endpoint. | no |
targetService | QName | Specifies the service name of the target endpoint. | no (defaults to the service attribute) |
targetUri | string | Specifies the URI of the target endpoint. | no |
useMessageIdInResponse | boolean | Specifies if the request message's ID is used as the reply's correlation ID. | no (defaults to false meaning the request's correlation ID is used) |
The elements described in Table A.2, “Common Consumer Endpoint Property Beans” can be used on all elements used to configure a consumer endpoint.
Name | Type | Description | Required |
marshaler | JmsConsumerMarshaler | Specifies the class implementing the message marshaler. | no (defaults to DefaultConsumerMarshaler ) |
destinationChooser | DestinationChooser | Specifies a class implementing logic for choosing reply destinations. | no |
destinationResolver | DestinationResolver | Specifies the class implementing logic for converting strings into destination IDs. | no (defaults to DynamicDestinationResolver ) |
replyDestination | Destination | Specifies the JMS destination for the replies. | no (if not set either the replyDestinationName or the destinationChooser is used) |
replyProperties | Map | Specifies custom properties to be placed in the reply's JMS header. | no |
storeFactory | StoreFactory | Specifies the factory class used to create the data store for state information. | no (defaults to MemoryStoreFactory ) |
store | Store | Specifies the data store used to store state information. | no |