- AMQPool, Using Apache ActiveMQ Connection Factories
- JCA, JCA pool
- simple, Simple pool
- XA, XA pool
- amqpool:jca-pool, JCA pool
- amqpool:pool, Simple pool
- id, Simple pool
- maxConnections, Simple pool
- maximumActive, Simple pool
- url, Simple pool
- amqpool:xa-pool, XA pool
- Bundle-Name, Setting a bundle's name
- Bundle-SymbolicName, Setting a bundle's symbolic name
- Bundle-Version, Setting a bundle's version
- bundles
- exporting packages, Specifying exported packages
- importing packages, Specifying imported packages
- name, Setting a bundle's name
- private packages, Specifying private packages
- symbolic name, Setting a bundle's symbolic name
- version, Setting a bundle's version
- componentName, Specifying the target components
- connection factory
- AMQPool (see AMQPool)
- Apache ActiveMQ, Using Apache ActiveMQ Connection Factories
- pooled (see AMQPool)
- ConnectionFactory, Procedure, Procedure, Procedure
- consumer, Types of consumer endpoints
- cacheLevel, Performace tuning using the listener container
- clientId, Performace tuning using the listener container
- concurrentConsumers, Performace tuning using the listener container
- connectionFactory, Procedure
- destination, Configuring a destination
- destinationChooser, Determining the reply destination, Configuring an endpoint to use a destination chooser
- destinationName, Configuring a destination
- destinationResolver, Configuring an endpoint to use a destination resolver
- durableSubscriberName, Using durable subscriptions
- endpoint, Procedure
- generic, Types of consumer endpoints
- JCA, Types of consumer endpoints
- jms102, Procedure
- listenerType, Specifying an endpoint's listener container
- marshaler, Configuring the consumer
- maxMessagesPerTask, Performace tuning using the listener container
- messageSelector, Using message selectors
- pubSubDomaim, Procedure
- receiveTimeout, Performace tuning using the listener container
- recoveryInterval, Performace tuning using the listener container
- replyDeliveryMode, Setting the reply message's persistence
- replyDestination, Determining the reply destination
- replyDestinationName, Determining the reply destination
- replyExplicitQosEnabled, Enforcing the configured values
- replyPriority, Setting the reply message's priority
- replyProperties, Setting custom JMS header properties
- replyTimeToLive, Setting a reply message's lifespan
- serverSessionFactory, Configuring the server session listener container's session factory
- service, Procedure
- soap, Types of consumer endpoints
- stateless, Activating statefullness
- storeFactory, Configuring the datastore
- subscriptionDurable, Using durable subscriptions
- targetEndpoint, Specifying the target endpoint
- targetInterface, Specifying the target endpoint
- targetService, Specifying the target endpoint
- transacted, Using transactions
- consumer endpoint
- DefaultConsumerMarshaler, Overview
- DefaultProviderMarshaler, Overview
- delivery mode, Setting the reply message's persistence, Setting a message's persistence
- destination chooser, Determining the reply destination
- implementing, Implementing a destination chooser
- destination resolver
- configuration, Configuring an endpoint to use a destination resolver
- implementing, Implementing a destination resolver
- DestinationChooser, Configuring a destination, Configuring the response destination, Implementing a destination chooser
- destinationChooser, Configuring an endpoint to use a destination chooser
- DestinationResolver, Implementing a destination resolver
- destinationResolver, Configuring an endpoint to use a destination resolver
- durable subscriptions, Using durable subscriptions
- Export-Package, Specifying exported packages
- Import-Package, Specifying imported packages
- java.util.Map, Defining the property map
- JBI wrapper, Using the JBI wrapper, Using the JBI wrapper
- jbi.xml, Contents of a JMS service unit
- jca-consumer, Types of consumer endpoints
- activationSpec, Procedure
- connectionFactory, Procedure
- destination, Configuring a destination
- destinationChooser, Determining the reply destination, Configuring an endpoint to use a destination chooser
- destinationName, Configuring a destination
- destinationResolver, Configuring an endpoint to use a destination resolver
- endpoint, Procedure
- marshaler, Configuring the consumer
- pubSubDomaim, Procedure
- replyDeliveryMode, Setting the reply message's persistence
- replyDestination, Determining the reply destination
- replyDestinationName, Determining the reply destination
- replyExplicitQosEnabled, Enforcing the configured values
- replyPriority, Setting the reply message's priority
- replyProperties, Setting custom JMS header properties
- replyTimeToLive, Setting a reply message's lifespan
- resourceAdapter, Procedure
- service, Procedure
- stateless, Activating statefullness
- storeFactory, Configuring the datastore
- targetEndpoint, Specifying the target endpoint
- targetInterface, Specifying the target endpoint
- targetService, Specifying the target endpoint
- JdbcStore, Configuring the datastore
- JdbcStoreFactory, Configuring the datastore
- jee:environment, Spring JEE JNDI lookup
- jee:jndi-lookup, Spring JEE JNDI lookup
- id, Spring JEE JNDI lookup
- jndi-name, Spring JEE JNDI lookup
- Jencks AMQPool (see AMQPool)
- JmsConsumerMarshaler, Implementing the marshaler
- JMSDeliveryMode, Setting the reply message's persistence, Setting a message's persistence
- JMSExpirary, Setting a reply message's lifespan, Setting a message's life span
- JMSPriority, Setting the reply message's priority, Setting a message's priority
- JmsProviderMarshaler, Implementing the marshaler
- JmsSoapConsumerMarshaler, Overview
- JmsSoapProviderMarshaler, Overview
- JndiObjectFactoryBean, Spring JNDI Templates
- JndiTemplate, Spring JNDI Templates
- listener container
- map, Defining the property map
- marshaler, Configuring the consumer
- Maven archetypes, Useful Maven archetypes
- Maven tooling
- adding the bundle plug-in, Adding a bundle plug-in
- servicemix-jms-consumer-endpoint, Using the Maven JBI tooling
- servicemix-jms-provider-endpoint, Using the Maven JBI tooling
- set up, Setting up the Maven tools
- MemoryStore, Configuring the datastore
- message persistence, Setting the reply message's persistence, Setting a message's persistence
- message priority, Setting a message's priority
- message selectors, Using message selectors
- persistence, Setting the reply message's persistence, Setting a message's persistence
- priority, Setting a message's priority
- Private-Package, Specifying private packages
- provider, Types of providers
- connectionFactory, Procedure
- deliveryMode, Setting a message's persistence
- destination, Configuring a destination
- destinationChooser, Configuring a destination, Configuring the response destination, Configuring an endpoint to use a destination chooser
- destinationName, Configuring a destination
- destinationResolver, Configuring an endpoint to use a destination resolver
- endpoint, Procedure
- explicitQosEnabled, Enforcing configured values
- generic, Types of providers
- jms102, Procedure
- marshaler, Configuring the provider
- messageIdEnabled, Message IDs
- messageTimeStampEnabled, Time stamps
- priority, Setting a message's priority
- pubSubDomaim, Procedure
- recieveTimeout, Configuring the timeout interval
- replyDestination, Configuring the response destination
- replyDestinationName, Configuring the response destination
- service, Procedure
- soap, Types of providers
- stateless, Activating statefullness
- storeFactory, Configuring the datastore
- timeToLive, Setting a message's life span
- provider endpoint
- connection factory, Procedure
- replyProperties, Setting custom JMS header properties
- service assembly
- seeding, Seeding a project using a Maven artifact
- specifying the service units, Specifying the target components
- service unit
- seeding, Seeding a project using a Maven artifact
- specifying the target component, Specifying the target components
- smx-arch, Seeding a project using a Maven artifact, Seeding a project using a Maven artifact
- soap-consumer, Types of consumer endpoints
- cacheLevel, Performace tuning using the listener container
- clientId, Performace tuning using the listener container
- concurrentConsumers, Performace tuning using the listener container
- connectionFactory, Procedure
- destination, Configuring a destination
- destinationChooser, Determining the reply destination, Configuring an endpoint to use a destination chooser
- destinationName, Configuring a destination
- destinationResolver, Configuring an endpoint to use a destination resolver
- durableSubscriberName, Using durable subscriptions
- endpoint, Procedure
- jms102, Procedure
- listenerType, Specifying an endpoint's listener container
- marshaler, Configuring the consumer
- maxMessagesPerTask, Performace tuning using the listener container
- messageSelector, Using message selectors
- pubSubDomaim, Procedure
- receiveTimeout, Performace tuning using the listener container
- recoveryInterval, Performace tuning using the listener container
- replyDeliveryMode, Setting the reply message's persistence
- replyDestination, Determining the reply destination
- replyDestinationName, Determining the reply destination
- replyExplicitQosEnabled, Enforcing the configured values
- replyPriority, Setting the reply message's priority
- replyProperties, Setting custom JMS header properties
- replyTimeToLive, Setting a reply message's lifespan
- serverSessionFactory, Configuring the server session listener container's session factory
- service, Procedure
- stateless, Activating statefullness
- storeFactory, Configuring the datastore
- subscriptionDurable, Using durable subscriptions
- targetEndpoint, Specifying the target endpoint
- targetInterface, Specifying the target endpoint
- targetService, Specifying the target endpoint
- transacted, Using transactions
- useJbiWrapper, Using the JBI wrapper
- validateWsdl, WSDL verification
- wsdl, Procedure
- soap-provider, Types of providers
- connectionFactory, Procedure
- deliveryMode, Setting a message's persistence
- destination, Configuring a destination
- destinationChooser, Configuring a destination, Configuring the response destination, Configuring an endpoint to use a destination chooser
- destinationName, Configuring a destination
- destinationResolver, Configuring an endpoint to use a destination resolver
- endpoint, Procedure
- explicitQosEnabled, Enforcing configured values
- jms102, Procedure
- marshaler, Configuring the provider
- messageIdEnabled, Message IDs
- messageTimeStampEnabled, Time stamps
- priority, Setting a message's priority
- pubSubDomaim, Procedure
- recieveTimeout, Configuring the timeout interval
- replyDestination, Configuring the response destination
- replyDestinationName, Configuring the response destination
- service, Procedure
- stateless, Activating statefullness
- storeFactory, Configuring the datastore
- timeToLive, Setting a message's life span
- useJbiWrapper, Using the JBI wrapper
- validateWsdl, WSDL verification
- wsdl, Procedure
- Spring map, Defining the property map
- time to live, Setting a message's life span
- transactions, Using transactions
- util:map, Defining the property map
- WS-I basic profile, WSDL verification, WSDL verification
- xbean.xml, Contents of a JMS service unit