1.2. Creating projects, routes, and test cases
While you'll spend the majority of your time using the route editor, the tooling includes wizards that facilitate creating the following:
- Red Hat JBoss Fuse projects
- Apache Camel context files
- Apache Camel-specific JUnit tests
Fuse projects
The tooling leverages the m2e plug-in's ability to execute Maven archetypes to create starting point projects for working on Apache Camel routes. The New Fuse Project wizard displays the Apache Camel Maven archetype options. Selecting one creates a project that is properly configured for developing Apache Camel applications.
For more information, see Chapter 2, Creating a New Fuse Project.
Apache Camel context files
Apache Camel context files are the key piece of any project. They contain the routing rules that form the backbone of an Apache Camel application. The tooling has a simple wizard that creates new Apache Camel context files.
For more information, see Chapter 3, Creating a New Camel XML file.
Apache Camel test cases
The tooling provides a wizard that generates JUnit code for testing your routes. The wizard makes it easy to select the assertions to test. It also simplifies the process of testing particular endpoints in a route.
For more information, see Chapter 5, Creating a new Apache Camel JUnit test case.
Fuse messages
The tooling provides a wizard that creates a message that you can use to test a route. You drop the message on Camel endpoints or ActiveMQ destinations to track its progress through the route. The wizard creates a skeletal message, which you can edit to customize the content of both the message body and the message header.
For more information, see Section 14.1, “Creating test messages for route tracing”.