
Chapter 14. Fabric Perspective

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When you log in to the Management Console, you use the Fabric perspective to configure and manage containers, profiles, and general fabric properties.


The Fabric perspective contains a toolbar that you use to manage and monitor fabric areas. The toolbar contains the following buttons:
Fabric The Fabric tab has a drop down menu which enables you to select a Fabric perspective, or a container perspective.
This view shows all the containers available in the Fabric.
This tab shows the profiles that are available to the Fabric. This page can be used to manage the profiles.
WikiExplorer view of the fabric configuration repository and wiki content. The repository contains files that affect the behavior of the fabric during runtime.
This tab shows the services available to the Fabric. The options on this page include:
  • Containers - view the containers in this Fabric
  • Profiles - view the currently active profiles in this Fabric
  • MQ - view the Fabric-based MQ brokers
  • APIs - view the APIs in the Fabric
  • EIPs - view the Camel Enterprise Integration Patterns in the Fabric
  • Registry - view the contents of the Fabric's runtime registry
  • Map - view the location of the Fabric on Google Maps
ScalingIncrease or decrease the number of instances of a profile and reveiw the effect on the health of the profile. You can also set up SSH or Docker Configurations.
DashboardOverview of the Management Console status, services status, and system performance. You can add views to the dashboard and create additional dashboards.
HealthList and status of running health mbeans. This page shows any available container or fabric health mbeans.
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