
19.4. MQ Page

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You view and manage Apache ActiveMQ brokers in the Services > MQ page. You can create and organize ActiveMQ brokers in topologies, and monitor broker status during runtime.


The following image shows an example of the MQ Configuration Topology page:
The MQ page contains the following sections:
Action Bar
Options to filter the topology viewer, add brokers and containers.
Topology Viewer
Graphical overview of Apache ActiveMQ brokers, profiles, and topologies.

Action Bar

The Action Bar contains the following options:
Filters the topology viewer to show only brokers that match a string that you enter in the text box. The topology viewer refreshes as you type. To clear the filter, you click the X icon.
Opens the Master Slave Broker page. In this page, you create a broker configuration that acts as a fabric profile. If you create a broker from the Action Bar, you must manually specify in which group to create the broker.
Opens the Create New Container page. The new container appears in the container list.
Toggles between the Configuration view, as shown above, and the Diagram view.

Configuration Topology Viewer

The Configuration topology viewer contains the following elements:
Broker group with one or more profiles. Each group appears as a box that shows the name of the group. You can click the + to create a broker in the group. When you create a broker in the group, you can choose to assign the broker to an existing profile in the group or choose a different profile.
Profile with one or more brokers. Each profile appears as a box that shows the name of the profile and one or more nested boxes that represent brokers. You can click the profile name to drill down to the profile details. You can also click the + icon to create a broker in the group. The broker is assigned to the existing profile.
Apache ActiveMQ broker with one or more containers. Each broker appears as a box that shows the name of the broker and icons that represent the containers of the broker. You can click the broker name to view the configuration properties of the broker.
One or more active containers that run with the parent profile and broker. Each container appears as a box that shows the container icon. You can hover over the container icon to view the container name, and click the icon to drill down to container details.

Diagram Viewer

The Diagram topology viewer shows a diagrammatic representation of the AMQ topology. It shows links between components. The Diagram page contains the following elements:
The Filter field allows you to focus your diagram on specific parts or specific versions of the system.
The View drop-down menu allows you to select the components you want to see in your diagram. You can include or exclude a number of components, and configure how the diagram is presented.
The following image shows an example of the MQ Diagram page:
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