
15.2. Setting Limits

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  • Before setting quota limits on any directory, ensure that there is at least one brick available per replica set.
    To see the current status of bricks of a volume, run the following command:
    # gluster volume status VOLNAME status
  • If the Red Hat Gluster Storage volume is mounted at /mntglusterfs and you want to perform a certain function pertaining to Quota on /mntglusterfs/dir, then the path to be provided in any corresponding command should be /dir, where /dir is the absolute path relative to the Red Hat Gluster Storage volume mount point.
A Hard Limit is the maximum disk space you can utilize on a volume or directory.
Set the hard limit for a directory in the volume with the following command, specifying the hard limit size in MB, GB, TB or PB:
# gluster volume quota VOLNAME limit-usage path hard_limit
For example:
  • To set a hard limit of 100GB on /dir:
    # gluster volume quota VOLNAME limit-usage /dir 100GB
  • To set a hard limit of 1TB for the volume:
    # gluster volume quota VOLNAME limit-usage / 1TB
A Soft Limit is an attribute of a directory that is specified as a percentage of the hard limit. When disk usage reaches the soft limit of a given directory, the system begins to log this information in the logs of the brick on which data is written. The brick logs can be fount at:
By default, the soft limit is 80% of the hard limit.
Set the soft limit for a volume with the following command, specifying the soft limit size as a percentage of the hard limit:
# gluster volume quota VOLNAME limit-usage path hard_limit soft_limit
For example:
  • To set the soft limit to 76% of the hard limit on /dir:
    # gluster volume quota VOLNAME limit-usage /dir 100GB 76%
  • To set the soft limit to 68% of the hard limit on the volume:
    # gluster volume quota VOLNAME limit-usage / 1TB 68%


When setting the soft limit, ensure you retain the hard limit value previously created.
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