
Chapter 8. Cache Modes and Clustering

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This chapter talks about aspects around clustering JBoss Cache.

8.1. Cache Replication Modes

JBoss Cache can be configured to be either local (standalone) or clustered. If in a cluster, the cache can be configured to replicate changes, or to invalidate changes. A detailed discussion on this follows.

8.1.1. Local Mode

Local caches do not join a cluster and do not communicate with other caches in a cluster. The dependency on the JGroups library is still there, although a JGroups channel is not started.

8.1.2. Replicated Caches

Replicated caches replicate all changes to some or all of the other cache instances in the cluster. Replication can either happen after each modification (no transactions or batches), or at the end of a transaction or batch.
Replication can be synchronous or asynchronous. Use of either one of the options is application dependent. Synchronous replication blocks the caller (e.g. on a put() ) until the modifications have been replicated successfully to all nodes in a cluster. Asynchronous replication performs replication in the background (the put() returns immediately). JBoss Cache also offers a replication queue, where modifications are replicated periodically (i.e. interval-based), or when the queue size exceeds a number of elements, or a combination thereof. A replication queue can therefore offer much higher performance as the actual replication is performed by a background thread.
Asynchronous replication is faster (no caller blocking), because synchronous replication requires acknowledgments from all nodes in a cluster that they received and applied the modification successfully (round-trip time). However, when a synchronous replication returns successfully, the caller knows for sure that all modifications have been applied to all cache instances, whereas this is not be the case with asynchronous replication. With asynchronous replication, errors are simply written to a log. Even when using transactions, a transaction may succeed but replication may not succeed on all cache instances. Replicated Caches and Transactions

When using transactions, replication only occurs at the transaction boundary - i.e., when a transaction commits. This results in minimizing replication traffic since a single modification is broadcast rather than a series of individual modifications, and can be a lot more efficient than not using transactions. Another effect of this is that if a transaction were to roll back, nothing is broadcast across a cluster.
Depending on whether you are running your cluster in asynchronous or synchronous mode, JBoss Cache will use either a single phase or two-phase commit protocol, respectively. One Phase Commits
Used when your cache mode is REPL_ASYNC. All modifications are replicated in a single call, which instructs remote caches to apply the changes to their local in-memory state and commit locally. Remote errors/rollbacks are never fed back to the originator of the transaction since the communication is asynchronous. Two Phase Commits
Used when your cache mode is REPL_SYNC. Upon committing your transaction, JBoss Cache broadcasts a prepare call, which carries all modifications relevant to the transaction. Remote caches then acquire local locks on their in-memory state and apply the modifications. Once all remote caches respond to the prepare call, the originator of the transaction broadcasts a commit. This instructs all remote caches to commit their data. If any of the caches fail to respond to the prepare phase, the originator broadcasts a rollback.
Note that although the prepare phase is synchronous, the commit and rollback phases are asynchronous. This is because Sun's JTA specification does not specify how transactional resources should deal with failures at this stage of a transaction; and other resources participating in the transaction may have indeterminate state anyway. As such, we do away with the overhead of synchronous communication for this phase of the transaction. That said, they can be forced to be synchronous using the SyncCommitPhase and SyncRollbackPhase configuration attributes. Buddy Replication

Buddy Replication allows you to suppress replicating your data to all instances in a cluster. Instead, each instance picks one or more 'buddies' in the cluster, and only replicates to these specific buddies. This greatly helps scalability as there is no longer a memory and network traffic impact every time another instance is added to a cluster.
One of the most common use cases of Buddy Replication is when a replicated cache is used by a servlet container to store HTTP session data. One of the pre-requisites to buddy replication working well and being a real benefit is the use of session affinity , more casually known as sticky sessions in HTTP session replication speak. What this means is that if certain data is frequently accessed, it is desirable that this is always accessed on one instance rather than in a round-robin fashion as this helps the cache cluster optimize how it chooses buddies, where it stores data, and minimizes replication traffic.
If this is not possible, Buddy Replication may prove to be more of an overhead than a benefit. Selecting Buddies

Figure 8.1. BuddyLocator

Buddy Replication uses an instance of a BuddyLocator which contains the logic used to select buddies in a network. JBoss Cache currently ships with a single implementation, NextMemberBuddyLocator, which is used as a default if no implementation is provided. The NextMemberBuddyLocator selects the next member in the cluster, as the name suggests, and guarantees an even spread of buddies for each instance.
The NextMemberBuddyLocator takes in 2 parameters, both optional.
  • numBuddies - specifies how many buddies each instance should pick to back its data onto. This defaults to 1.
  • ignoreColocatedBuddies - means that each instance will try to select a buddy on a different physical host. If not able to do so though, it will fall back to co-located instances. This defaults to true . BuddyPools
Also known as replication groups, a buddy pool is an optional construct where each instance in a cluster may be configured with a buddy pool name. Think of this as an 'exclusive club membership' where when selecting buddies, BuddyLocator s that support buddy pools would try and select buddies sharing the same buddy pool name. This allows system administrators a degree of flexibility and control over how buddies are selected. For example, a sysadmin may put two instances on two separate physical servers that may be on two separate physical racks in the same buddy pool. So rather than picking an instance on a different host on the same rack, BuddyLocator s would rather pick the instance in the same buddy pool, on a separate rack which may add a degree of redundancy. Failover
In the unfortunate event of an instance crashing, it is assumed that the client connecting to the cache (directly or indirectly, via some other service such as HTTP session replication) is able to redirect the request to any other random cache instance in the cluster. This is where a concept of Data Gravitation comes in.
Data Gravitation is a concept where if a request is made on a cache in the cluster and the cache does not contain this information, it asks other instances in the cluster for the data. In other words, data is lazily transferred, migrating only when other nodes ask for it. This strategy prevents a network storm effect where lots of data is pushed around healthy nodes because only one (or a few) of them die.
If the data is not found in the primary section of some node, it would (optionally) ask other instances to check in the backup data they store for other caches. This means that even if a cache containing your session dies, other instances will still be able to access this data by asking the cluster to search through their backups for this data.
Once located, this data is transferred to the instance which requested it and is added to this instance's data tree. The data is then (optionally) removed from all other instances (and backups) so that if session affinity is used, the affinity should now be to this new cache instance which has just taken ownership of this data.
Data Gravitation is implemented as an interceptor. The following (all optional) configuration properties pertain to data gravitation.
  • dataGravitationRemoveOnFind - forces all remote caches that own the data or hold backups for the data to remove that data, thereby making the requesting cache the new data owner. This removal, of course, only happens after the new owner finishes replicating data to its buddy. If set to false an evict is broadcast instead of a remove, so any state persisted in cache loaders will remain. This is useful if you have a shared cache loader configured. Defaults to true .
  • dataGravitationSearchBackupTrees - Asks remote instances to search through their backups as well as main data trees. Defaults to true . The resulting effect is that if this is true then backup nodes can respond to data gravitation requests in addition to data owners.
  • autoDataGravitation - Whether data gravitation occurs for every cache miss. By default this is set to false to prevent unnecessary network calls. Most use cases will know when it may need to gravitate data and will pass in an Option to enable data gravitation on a per-invocation basis. If autoDataGravitation is true this Option is unnecessary. Configuration
See the Chapter 12, Configuration References for details on configuring buddy replication.
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