
12.2. Configuration File Quick Reference

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A list of definitions of each of the XML elements attributes used above, and their bean counterparts for programmatic configuration. If the description of an attribute states that it is dynamic, that means it can be changed after the cache is created and started.
Table 12.1. The <jbosscache /> Element
The <jbosscache /> Element  
This is the root element for the JBoss Cache configuration file. This is the only mandatory element in a valid JBoss Cache configuration file.
none (is root element)
Bean Equivalent
Table 12.2. <jbosscache /> Attributes
<jbosscache /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
xmlns - urn:jboss:jbosscache-core:config:3.1 urn:jboss:jbosscache-core:config:3.1 Defines the XML namespace for all configuration entries.
xmlns:xsi - Defines the XML schema instance for the configuration.
Table 12.3. The <locking /> Element
The <locking /> Element  
This element specifies locking behavior on the cache.
Bean equivalent
Table 12.4. <locking /> Attributes
<locking /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
isolationLevel isolationLevel READ_COMMITTED, REPEATABLE_READ REPEATABLE_READ The isolation level used for transactions.
lockParentForChildInsertRemove lockParentForChildInsertRemove true, false false Specifies whether parent nodes are locked when inserting or removing children. This can also be configured on a per-node basis (see Node.setLockForChildInsertRemove()
lockAcquisitionTimeout lockAcquisitionTimeout (dynamic) Any positive long value 10000 Length of time, in milliseconds, that a thread will try and acquire a lock. A TimeoutException is usually thrown if a lock cannot be acquired in this given timeframe. Can be overridden on a per-invocation basis using Option.setLockAcquisitionTimeout()
nodeLockingScheme (deprecated) nodeLockingScheme mvcc, pessimistic, optimistic mvcc Specifies the node locking scheme to be used.
writeSkewCheck writeSkewCheck true, false false Specifies whether to check for write skews. Only used if nodeLockingScheme is mvcc and isolationLevel is REPEATABLE_READ. See the Section, “Concurrent Writers and Write-Skews” for a more detailed discussion.
useLockStriping useLockStriping true, false true Specifies whether lock striping is used. Only used if nodeLockingScheme is mvcc. Lock striping usually offers greater performance and better memory usage, although in certain cases deadlocks may occur where several Fqns map to the same shared lock. This can be mitigated by increasing your concurrency level, though the only concrete solution is to disable lock striping altogether.
concurrencyLevel concurrencyLevel Any positive integer; 0 not allowed. 500 Specifies the number of shared locks to use for write locks acquired. Only used if nodeLockingScheme is mvcc. See the Section, “MVCC Implementation” for a more detailed discussion.
Table 12.5. The <transaction /> Element
The <transaction /> Element  
This element specifies transactional behavior on the cache.
Bean equivalent
Table 12.6. <transaction /> Attributes
<transaction /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
transactionManagerLookupClass transactionManagerLookupClass A valid class that is available on the classpath none Specifies the TransactionManagerLookupClass implementation to use to obtain a transaction manager. If not specified (and a TransactionManager is not injected using RuntimeConfig.setTransactionManager()), the cache will not be able to participate in any transactions.
syncCommitPhase syncCommitPhase (dynamic) true, false false If enabled, commit messages that are broadcast around a cluster are done so synchronously. This is usually of little value since detecting a failure in broadcasting a commit means little else can be done except log a message, since some nodes in a cluster may have already committed and cannot rollback.
syncRollbackPhase syncRollbackPhase (dynamic) true, false false If enabled, rollback messages that are broadcast around a cluster are done so synchronously. This is usually of little value since detecting a failure in broadcasting a rollback means little else can be done except log a message, since some nodes in a cluster may have already committed and cannot rollback.
Table 12.7. The <jmxStatistics /> Element
The <jmxStatistics /> Element  
This element specifies whether cache statistics are gathered and reported via JMX.
Bean equivalent
Table 12.8. <jmxStatistics /> Attributes
<jmxStatistics /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
enabled exposeManagementStatistics true, false true Controls whether cache statistics are gathered and exposed via JMX.
Table 12.9. The <startup /> Element
The <startup /> Element  
This element specifies behavior when the cache starts up.
Bean equivalent
Table 12.10. <startup /> Attributes
<startup /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
regionsInactiveOnStartup inactiveOnStartup true, false false If Section 7.6, “Class Loading and Regions” is enabled, this attribute controls whether new regions created are inactive on start up.
Table 12.11. The <shutdown /> Element
The <shutdown /> Element  
This element specifies behavior when the cache shuts down.
Bean equivalent
Table 12.12. <shutdown /> Attributes
<shutdown /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
hookBehavior shutdownHookBehavior DEFAULT, DONT_REGISTER, REGISTER DEFAULT This attribute determines whether the cache registers a JVM shutdown hook so that it can clean up resources if the JVM is receives a shutdown signal. By default a shutdown hook is registered if no MBean server (apart from the JDK default) is detected. REGISTER forces the cache to register a shutdown hook even if an MBean server is detected, and DONT_REGISTER forces the cache NOT to register a shutdown hook, even if no MBean server is detected.
Table 12.13. The <listeners /> Element
The <listeners /> Element  
This element specifies behavior of registered cache listeners.
Bean equivalent
Table 12.14. <listeners /> Attributes
<listeners /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
asyncPoolSize listenerAsyncPoolSize integer 1 The size of the thread pool used to dispatch events to cache listeners that have registered as asynchronous listeners. If this number is less than 1, all asynchronous listeners will be treated as synchronous listeners and notified synchronously.
asyncQueueSize listenerAsyncQueueSize positive integer 50000 The size of the bounded queue used by the async listener thread pool. Only considered if asyncPoolSize is greater than 0. Increase this if you see a lot of threads blocking trying to add events to this queue.
Table 12.15. The <invocationBatching /> Element
The <invocationBatching /> Element  
This element specifies behavior of invocation batching.
Bean equivalent
Table 12.16. <invocationBatching /> Attributes
<invocationBatching /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
enabled invocationBatchingEnabled true, false false Whether invocation batching is enabled or not. See the chapter on Chapter 4, Batching API for details.
Table 12.17. The <serialization /> Element
The <serialization /> Element  
This element specifies behavior of object serialization in JBoss Cache.
Bean equivalent
Table 12.18. <serialization /> Attributes
<serialization /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
marshallerClass marshallerClass A valid class that is available on the classpath VersionAwareMarshaller Specifies the marshaler to use when serializing and deserializing objects, either for replication or persistence.
useLazyDeserialization useLazyDeserialization true, false false A mechanism by which serialization and deserialization of objects is deferred till the point in time in which they are used and needed. This typically means that any deserialization happens using the thread context class loader of the invocation that requires deserialization, and is an effective mechanism to provide classloader isolation.
useRegionBasedMarshalling (deprecated) useRegionBasedMarshalling true, false false An older mechanism by which classloader isolation was achieved, by registering classloaders on specific regions.
version replicationVersion Valid JBoss Cache version string Current version Used by the VersionAwareMarshaller in determining which version stream parser to use by default when initiating communications in a cluster. Useful when you need to run a newer version of JBoss Cache in a cluster containing older versions, and can be used to perform rolling upgrades.
objectInputStreamPoolSize objectInputStreamPoolSize Positive integer 50 Not used at the moment.
objectOutputStreamPoolSize objectOutputStreamPoolSize Positive integer 50 Not used at the moment.
Table 12.19. The <eviction /> Element
The <eviction /> Element  
This element controls how eviction works in the cache.
Bean equivalent
Table 12.20. <eviction /> Attributes
<eviction /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
wakeUpInterval wakeupInterval integer 5000 The frequency with which the eviction thread runs, in milliseconds. If set to less than 1, the eviction thread never runs and is effectively disabled.
Table 12.21. The <default /> Element
The <default /> Element  
This element defines the default eviction region.
Bean equivalent
Table 12.22. <default /> Attributes
<default /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
algorithmClass evictionAlgorithmConfig A valid class that is available on the classpath none This attribute needs to be specified if this tag is being used. Note that if being configured programmatically, the eviction algorithm's corresponding EvictionAlgorithmConfig file should be used instead. E.g., where you would use LRUAlgorithm in XML, you would use an instance of LRUAlgorithmConfig programmatically.
actionPolicyClass evictionActionPolicyClassName A valid class that is available on the classpath DefaultEvictionActionPolicy The eviction action policy class, defining what happens when a node needs to be evicted.
eventQueueSize eventQueueSize (dynamic integer 200000 The size of the bounded eviction event queue.
Table 12.23. The <region /> Element
The <region /> Element  
This element defines an eviction region. Multiple instances of this tag can exist provided they have unique name attributes.
Bean equivalent
Table 12.24. <region /> Attributes
<region /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
name regionFqn A String that could be parsed using Fqn.fromString() none This should be a unique name that defines this region. See the Section 10.2, “Eviction Regions” for details of eviction regions.
algorithmClass evictionAlgorithmConfig A valid class that is available on the classpath none This attribute needs to be specified if this tag is being used. Note that if being configured programmatically, the eviction algorithm's corresponding EvictionAlgorithmConfig file should be used instead. E.g., where you would use LRUAlgorithm in XML, you would use an instance of LRUAlgorithmConfig programmatically.
actionPolicyClass evictionActionPolicyClassName A valid class that is available on the classpath DefaultEvictionActionPolicy The eviction action policy class, defining what happens when a node needs to be evicted.
eventQueueSize eventQueueSize (dynamic integer 200000 The size of the bounded eviction event queue.
Table 12.25. The <property /> Element
The <property /> Element  
A mechanism of passing in name-value properties to the enclosing configuration element.
Bean equivalent
Either direct setters or setProperties() enclosing bean
Table 12.26. <property /> Attributes
<property /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
name Either direct setters or setProperties() enclosing bean String none Property name
value Either direct setters or setProperties() enclosing bean String none Property value
Table 12.27. The <loaders /> Element
The <loaders /> Element  
Defines any cache loaders.
Table 12.29, “The <preload /> Element”, Table 12.32, “The <loader /> Element”
Bean equivalent
Table 12.28. <loaders /> Attributes
<loaders /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
passivation passivation true, false false If true, cache loaders are used in passivation mode. See the Chapter 9, Cache Loaders for a detailed discussion on this.
shared shared true, false false If true, cache loaders are used in shared mode. See the Chapter 9, Cache Loaders for a detailed discussion on this.
Table 12.29. The <preload /> Element
The <preload /> Element  
Defines preloading of Fqn subtrees when a cache starts up. This element has no attributes.
Table 12.30, “The <node /> Element”
Bean equivalent
Table 12.30. The <node /> Element
The <node /> Element  
This element defines a subtree under which all content will be preloaded from the cache loaders when the cache starts. Multiple subtrees can be preloaded, although it only makes sense to define more than one subtree if they do not overlap.
Bean equivalent
Table 12.31. <node /> Attributes
<node /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
fqn preload String none An Fqn to preload. This should be a String that can be parsed with Fqn.fromString(). When doing this programmatically, you should create a single String containing all of the Fqns you wish to preload, separated by spaces, and pass that into CacheLoaderConfig.setPreload().
Table 12.32. The <loader /> Element
The <loader /> Element  
This element defines a cache loader. Multiple elements may be used to create cache loader chains.
Table 12.34, “The <properties /> Element”, Table 12.35, “The <singletonStore /> Element”
Bean equivalent
Table 12.33. <loader /> Attributes
<loader /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
class className A valid class that is available on the classpath none A cache loader implementation to use.
async async true, false false All modifications to this cache loader happen asynchronously, on a separate thread.
fetchPersistentState fetchPersistentState true, false false When a cache starts up, retrieve persistent state from the cache loaders in other caches in the cluster. Only one loader element may set this to true. Also, only makes sense if the Table 12.40, “The <clustering /> Element” tag is present.
purgeOnStartup purgeOnStartup true, false false Purges this cache loader when it starts up.
Table 12.34. The <properties /> Element
The <properties /> Element  
This element contains a set of properties that can be read by a java.util.Properties instance. This tag has no attributes, and the contents of this tag will be parsed by Properties.load().
Bean equivalent
Table 12.35. The <singletonStore /> Element
The <singletonStore /> Element  
This element configures the enclosing cache loader as a Section 9.2.1, “Singleton Store Configuration”.
Table 12.34, “The <properties /> Element”
Bean equivalent
Table 12.36. <singletonStore /> Attributes
<singletonStore /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
class className A valid class that is available on the classpath SingletonStoreCacheLoader A singleton store wrapper implementation to use.
enabled enabled true, false false If true, the singleton store cache loader is enabled.
Table 12.37. The <customInterceptors /> Element
The <customInterceptors /> Element  
This element allows you to define custom interceptors for the cache. This tag has no attributes.
Table 12.38, “The <interceptor /> Element”
Bean equivalent
None. At runtime, instantiate your own interceptor and pass it in to the cache using Cache.addInterceptor().
Table 12.38. The <interceptor /> Element
The <interceptor /> Element  
This element allows you configure a custom interceptor. This tag may appear multiple times.
Table 12.25, “The <property /> Element”
Bean equivalent
None. At runtime, instantiate your own interceptor and pass it in to the cache using Cache.addInterceptor().
Table 12.39. <interceptor /> Attributes
<interceptor /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
class - A valid class that is available on the classpath none An implementation of CommandInterceptor.
position - first, last A position at which to place this interceptor in the chain. First is the first interceptor encountered when an invocation is made on the cache, last is the last interceptor before the call is passed on to the data structure. Note that this attribute is mutually exclusive with before, after and index.
before - Fully qualified class name of an interceptor Will place the new interceptor directly before the instance of the named interceptor. Note that this attribute is mutually exclusive with position, after and index.
after - Fully qualified class name of an interceptor Will place the new interceptor directly after the instance of the named interceptor. Note that this attribute is mutually exclusive with position, before and index.
index - Positive integers A position at which to place this interceptor in the chain, with 0 being the first position. Note that this attribute is mutually exclusive with position, before and after.
Table 12.40. The <clustering /> Element
The <clustering /> Element  
If this element is present, the cache is started in clustered mode. Attributes and child elements define clustering characteristics.
Table 12.46, “The <stateRetrieval /> Element”, Table 12.42, “The <sync /> Element”, Table 12.44, “The <async /> Element”, Table 12.48, “The <buddy /> Element”, Table 12.54, “The <jgroupsConfig /> Element”
Bean equivalent
Table 12.41. <clustering /> Attributes
<clustering /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
mode cacheMode replication, invalidation, r, i replication See the Chapter 8, Cache Modes and Clustering for the differences between replication and invalidation. When using the bean, synchronous and asynchronous communication is combined with clustering mode to give you the enumberation Configuration.CacheMode.
clusterName clusterName String JBossCache-cluster A cluster name which is used to identify the cluster to join.
Table 12.42. The <sync /> Element
The <sync /> Element  
If this element is present, all communications are synchronous, in that whenever a thread sends a message sent over the wire, it blocks until it receives an acknowledgement from the recipient. This element is mutually exclusive with the Table 12.44, “The <async /> Element” element.
Bean equivalent
Table 12.43. <sync /> Attributes
<sync /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
replTimeout syncReplTimeout (dynamic) positive integer 15000 This is the timeout used to wait for an acknowledgement when making a remote call, after which an exception is thrown.
Table 12.44. The <async /> Element
The <async /> Element  
If this element is present, all communications are asynchronous, in that whenever a thread sends a message sent over the wire, it does not wait for an acknowledgement before returning. This element is mutually exclusive with the Table 12.42, “The <sync /> Element” element.
Bean equivalent
Table 12.45. <async /> Attributes
<async /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
serializationExecutorPoolSize serializationExecutorPoolSize positive integer 25 In addition to replication happening asynchronously, even serialization of contents for replication happens in a separate thread to allow the caller to return as quickly as possible. This setting controls the size of the serializer thread pool. Setting this to any value less than 1 means serialization does not happen asynchronously.
serializationExecutorQueueSize serializationExecutorQueueSize positive integer 50000 This is used to define the size of the bounded queue that holds tasks for the serialization executor. This is ignored if a serialization executor is not used, such as when serializationExecutorPoolSize is less than 1.
useReplQueue useReplQueue true, false false If true, this forces all async communications to be queued up and sent out periodically as a batch.
replQueueInterval replQueueInterval positive integer 5000 If useReplQueue is set to true, this attribute controls how often the asynchronous thread used to flush the replication queue runs. This should be a positive integer which represents thread wake time in milliseconds.
replQueueMaxElements replQueueMaxElements positive integer 1000 If useReplQueue is set to true, this attribute can be used to trigger flushing of the queue when it reaches a specific threshold.
Table 12.46. The <stateRetrieval /> Element
The <stateRetrieval /> Element  
This tag controls ho state is retrieved from neighboring caches when this cache instance starts.
Bean equivalent
Table 12.47. <stateRetrieval /> Attributes
<stateRetrieval /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
fetchInMemoryState fetchInMemoryState true, false true If true, this will cause the cache to ask neighboring caches for state when it starts up, so the cache starts "warm".
timeout stateRetrievalTimeout positive integer 10000 This is the maximum amount of time - in milliseconds - to wait for state from neighboring caches, before throwing an exception and aborting start up.
nonBlocking useNonBlockingStateTransfer true, false false This configuration switch enables the Non-Blocking State Transfer mechanism, new in 3.1.0. Note that this requires MVCC as a node locking scheme, and that STREAMING_STATE_TRANSFER is present in the JGroups stack used.
Table 12.48. The <buddy /> Element
The <buddy /> Element  
If this tag is present, then state is not replicated across the entire cluster. Instead, buddy replication is used to select cache instances to maintain backups on. See Section, “Buddy Replication” for details. Note that this is only used if the clustering mode is replication, and not if it is invalidation.
Table 12.50, “The <dataGravitation /> Element”, Table 12.52, “The <locator /> Element”,
Bean equivalent
Table 12.49. <buddy /> Attributes
<buddy /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
enabled enabled true, false false If true, buddy replication is enabled.
communicationTimeout buddyCommunicationTimeout positive integer 10000 This is the maximum amount of time - in milliseconds - to wait for buddy group organization communications from buddy caches.
poolName buddyPoolName String This is used as a means to identify cache instances and provide hints to the buddy selection algorithms. More information on Section, “Buddy Replication”.
Table 12.50. The <dataGravitation /> Element
The <dataGravitation /> Element  
This tag configures how data gravitation is conducted. See Section, “Buddy Replication” for details.
Bean equivalent
Table 12.51. <dataGravitation /> Attributes
<dataGravitation /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
auto autoDataGravitation true, false true If true, when a get() is performed on a cache and nothing is found, a gravitation from neighboring caches is attempted. If this is false, then gravitations can only occur if the Option.setForceDataGravitation() option is provided.
removeOnFind dataGravitationRemoveOnFind true, false true If true, when gravitation occurs, the instance that requests the gravitation takes ownership of the state and requests that all other instances remove the gravitated state from memory.
searchBackupTrees dataGravitationSearchBackupTrees true, false true If true, incoming gravitation requests will cause the cache to search not just its primary data structure but its backup structure as well.
Table 12.52. The <locator /> Element
The <locator /> Element  
This tag provides a pluggable mechanism for providing buddy location algorithms.
Table 12.34, “The <properties /> Element”
Bean equivalent
Table 12.53. <locator /> Attributes
<locator /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
class className A valid class that is available on the classpath NextMemberBuddyLocator A BuddyLocator implementation to use when selecting buddies from the cluster. Please refer to BuddyLocator javadocs for details.
Table 12.54. The <jgroupsConfig /> Element
The <jgroupsConfig /> Element  
This tag provides a configuration which is used with JGroups to create a network communication channel.
A series of elements representing JGroups protocols (see JGroups documentation). Note that there are no child elements if any of the element attributes are used instead. See section on attributes.
Bean equivalent
Table 12.55. <jgroupsConfig /> Attributes
<jgroupsConfig /> Attributes     
Attribute Bean Field Allowed Default Description
configFile clusterConfig A JGroups configuration file on the classpath udp.xml If this attribute is used, then any JGroups elements representing protocols within this tag are ignored. Instead, JGroups settings are read from the file specified. Note that this cannot be used with the multiplexerStack attribute.
multiplexerStack muxStackName A valid multiplexer stack name that exists in the channel factory passed in to the RuntimeConfig This can only be used with the RuntimeConfig, where you pass in a JGroups ChannelFactory instance using RuntimeConfig.setMuxChannelFactory(). If this attribute is used, then any JGroups elements representing protocols within this tag are ignored. Instead, the JGroups channel is created using the factory passed in. Note that this cannot be used with the configFile attribute.
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