
Chapter 13. JMX References

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13.1. JBoss Cache Statistics

There is a whole wealth of information being gathered and exposed on to JMX for monitoring the cache. Some of these are detailed below:
Table 13.1. JBoss Cache JMX MBeans
MBean Attribute/Operation Name Description
DataContainerImpl getNumberOfAttributes() Returns the number of attributes in all nodes in the data container
getNumberOfNodes() Returns the number of nodes in the data container
printDetails() Prints details of the data container
RPCManagerImpl localAddressString String representation of the local address
membersString String representation of the cluster view
statisticsEnabled Whether RPC statistics are being gathered
replicationCount Number of successful replications
replicationFailures Number of failed replications
successRatio RPC call success ratio
RegionManagerImpl dumpRegions() Dumps a String representation of all registered regions, including eviction regions depicting their event queue sizes
numRegions Number of registered regions
BuddyManager buddyGroup A String representation of the cache's buddy group
buddyGroupsIParticipateIn String representations of all buddy groups the cache participates in
TransactionTable numberOfRegisteredTransactions The number of registered, ongoing transactions
transactionMap A String representation of all currently registered transactions mapped to internal GlobalTransaction instances
MVCCLockManager concurrencyLevel The configured concurrency level
numberOfLocksAvailable Number of locks in the shared lock pool that are not used
numberOfLocksHeld Number of locks in the shared lock pool that are in use
testHashing(String fqn) Tests the spreading of locks across Fqns. For a given (String based) Fqn, this method returns the index in the lock array that it maps to.
ActivationInterceptor Activations Number of passivated nodes that have been activated.
CacheLoaderInterceptor CacheLoaderLoads Number of nodes loaded through a cache loader.
CacheLoaderMisses Number of unsuccessful attempts to load a node through a cache loader.
CacheMgmtInterceptor Hits Number of successful attribute retrievals.
Misses Number of unsuccessful attribute retrievals.
Stores Number of attribute store operations.
Evictions Number of node evictions.
NumberOfAttributes Number of attributes currently cached.
NumberOfNodes Number of nodes currently cached.
ElapsedTime Number of seconds that the cache has been running.
TimeSinceReset Number of seconds since the cache statistics have been reset.
AverageReadTime Average time in milliseconds to retrieve a cache attribute, including unsuccessful attribute retrievals.
AverageWriteTime Average time in milliseconds to write a cache attribute.
HitMissRatio Ratio of hits to hits and misses. A hit is a get attribute operation that results in an object being returned to the client. The retrieval may be from a cache loader if the entry is not in the local cache.
ReadWriteRatio Ratio of read operations to write operations. This is the ratio of cache hits and misses to cache stores.
CacheStoreInterceptor CacheLoaderStores Number of nodes written to the cache loader.
InvalidationInterceptor Invalidations Number of cached nodes that have been invalidated.
PassivationInterceptor Passivations Number of cached nodes that have been passivated.
TxInterceptor Prepares Number of transaction prepare operations performed by this interceptor.
Commits Number of transaction commit operations performed by this interceptor.
Rollbacks Number of transaction rollbacks operations performed by this interceptor.
numberOfSyncsRegistered Number of synchronizations registered with the transaction manager pending completion and removal.
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