
Chapter 3. Updating JBoss EAP using the jboss-eap-installation-manager

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3.1. Updating JBoss EAP using the jboss-eap-installation-manager

You can update JBoss EAP periodically if new updates are available after you have downloaded and installed it.


  • You have access to the internet.
  • You have created an account on the Red Hat customer portal and are logged in.
  • You have downloaded the jboss-eap-installation-manager.


  1. Navigate to the directory containing the downloaded jboss-eap-installation-manager by using your terminal emulator.
  2. Check for available updates:

    ./ update list --dir eap-8
  3. Update JBoss EAP by running the following command


    ./ update perform --dir eap-8


    ./ update perform --dir eap-8
    Updates found:
      org.wildfly.galleon-plugins:wildfly-galleon-plugins    6.3.1.Final-redhat-00001 ==>  6.3.2.Final-redhat-00001
      org.wildfly.wildfly-http-client:wildfly-http-transaction-client    2.0.1.Final-redhat-00001 ==>  2.0.2.Final-redhat-00001

    Follow the rest of the prompts to update JBoss EAP.

    Continue with update [y/N]: y
    Building updates
    Feature-packs resolved.
    Packages installed.
    Downloaded artifacts.
    JBoss modules installed.
    Configurations generated.
    JBoss examples installed.
    Build update complete!
    Applying updates
    Update complete!
    Operation completed in 60.49 seconds.

3.2. Updating JBoss EAP offline using the jboss-eap-installation-manager

You can update your JBoss EAP installation without access to the internet if new updates are available locally on your machine. This offline update capability gives you more control over the update process and can be useful in scenarios where access to external Maven repositories is not possible or if you prefer to manage updates manually.


  • You have created an account on the Red Hat customer portal.
  • You have downloaded the JBoss EAP jboss-eap-installation-manager.


  1. Download the offline repository from Red Hat customer portal.
  2. Extract the downloaded archive file.
  3. Stop the server.


    Before continuing, ensure you have correctly set the path to point to the extracted Maven-repository sub-folder.

  4. Perform the update.

    $ ./ update perform \
      --dir jboss-eap-8.0 \
      --repositories mrrc::file:<PATH_TO_EXTRACTED_REPOSITORY>/jboss-eap-8.0.1.GA-maven-repository/maven-repository \

    Follow the remaining prompts to complete the update process for JBoss EAP.

    Updates found:
      io.undertow:undertow-core                             2.3.7.SP1-redhat-00001 ==>  2.3.8.Final-redhat-00001
    Continue with update [y/N]: y
    Building updates
    Feature-packs resolved.
    Packages installed.
    Downloaded artifacts.
    JBoss modules installed.
    Configurations generated.
    JBoss examples installed.
    Build update complete!
    Applying updates
    Update complete!
    Operation completed in 46.35 seconds.

3.3. Reverting JBoss EAP updates using the jboss-eap-installation-manager

After installing an update, you can revert back to a previously installed version of JBoss EAP.


  • You have access to the internet.
  • You have created an account on the Red Hat customer portal and are logged in.
  • You have downloaded the jboss-eap-installation-manager.
  • You have updated JBoss EAP.


  1. Navigate to the directory containing the jboss-eap-installation-manager by using your terminal emulator.
  2. View the history of all versions of JBoss EAP, which you have installed:

    ./ history --dir eap-8

    This command displays all JBoss EAP installations and updates with their respective installation state ID.

  3. Investigate specific changes made to JBoss EAP during an update:

    ./ history --dir eap-8 --revision <Installation state>

    This command displays specific JBoss EAP components that have been updated

  4. Revert JBoss EAP by specifying the installation state of the JBoss EAP version in the following command:


    ./ revert perform --dir eap-8 --revision <Installation state>


    You must specify the installation state of the JBoss EAP version.


    ./ revert perform --dir eap-8 --revision 6a6f55eb
    Feature-packs resolved.
    Packages installed.
    Downloaded artifacts.
    JBoss modules installed.
    Configurations generated.
    JBoss examples installed.
    Reverted server prepared, comparing changes
    No changes found

    Follow the rest of the prompts to revert JBoss EAP updates.

    Continue with revert [y/N]: y
    Applying changes
    Server reverted to state ea768519.
    Operation completed in 55.39 seconds.

3.4. Managing JBoss EAP installation channels

After successfully setting up JBoss EAP, you can change the channels to which your JBoss EAP installation is subscribed.



  1. Managing JBoss EAP installation channels

    1. Investigate the channels your JBoss EAP installation is currently subscribed to by using the following command:

      ./ channel list --dir eap-8
    2. Subscribe your JBoss EAP installation to a new channel by using the following command:

      ./ channel add --channel-name <CHANNEL_NAME> --manifest <GROUP_ID:ARTIFACT_ID> --repositories <ID::REPOSITORY_URL> --dir eap-8
    3. unsubscribe your JBoss EAP installation from a channel using the following command:

      ./ channel remove --channel-name <CHANNEL_NAME> --dir eap-8
    4. Export a server snapshot by using the following command:

      ./ clone export --dir=<directory> --path=<target_archive>

Any modifications you have made to configuration files will not be exported.

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