
2. Dynamic Searches for Resources and Groups

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The inventory area has a dynamic search to look for resources and groups.
The dynamic search is an additional tool that can help manage your JBoss ON resources. Dynamic searches in JBoss ON can be saved to provide fast and reproducible snapshots of your JBoss ON deployment that match criteria that are relevant to your infrastructure, a kind of quick report.
A dynamic search checks both resources and groups (recursively into group members, as well) much more effectively than either a subsystem views search or a quick search. A search can begin against a specific identifying attribute of a resource (such as its name, parent, type, or JBoss ON category) and then has rules that can set how the search handles the string. Multiple search parameters can be strung together to make precise and complex searches. Dynamic searches can be saved and reused later so their results are reliably reproducible. (Section 2.2, “About the Dynamic Search Syntax” covers the details more.)
There are other aspects of dynamic searches like the autocomplete, hints, and highlight search strings that make it easier to use effectively than the limited substring and quick searches. These are covered in Section 2.1, “About Search Suggestions”.

2.1. About Search Suggestions

Dynamic searches are extremely powerful, past simply finding resources. Dynamic searches can run through values in a number of different resource traits, not only the resource name. Dynamic searches can even be saved, so they're repeatable and can be used as ad hoc reporting.
Dynamic searches are easy to use because of search suggestions. A drop-down menu for every search provides three different types of suggestions:
  • Saved searches, which contain previous custom search strings and a count of resources which match that search
  • Query searches, which provide prompts for available resource traits
  • Text searches, which provide a list of resources based on some property in the resource which matches the text prompt
Types of Search Suggestions

Figure 22. Types of Search Suggestions

When search terms are entered in the field, the matching substrings in possible matching resources are highlighted. By default, the suggestions can match any substring in the resource or in resource configuration traits. The suggestions can be limited to match the string at the beginning or end of the matching attribute using different operators (covered in Section 2.2, “About the Dynamic Search Syntax”).
Highlighting Search Terms

Figure 23. Highlighting Search Terms

2.2. About the Dynamic Search Syntax

JBoss ON has its own search syntax for dynamic searches. The syntax is supposed to be relatively simple while covering a wide array of search-able items and allowing different phrases to be coupled together.
The basic dynamic search matched whatever text is entered in the search box in a general substring search. The search can allow a more detailed and targeted syntax, in this form:
[search_area].[search_property] operator value operator additional_search
The search_area identifies what type of entry — resource or group — is being searched for. This is an optional value because the search area is implied by the location of the search; i.e., searching in the Resources area implies a resource search, so it's not necessary to include the resource. part of the search.
Searching by Resources Traits

Figure 24. Searching by Resources Traits

2.2.2. Property Searches

The search can be narrowed by looking for a specific value or type of attribute in the entry by using a search property. For example, looking for a resource with a CPU usage of 80% (trait) is different than looking for an entry with an ID that includes 80 (id). The available properties are listed in Table 2, “Resource Search Contexts” and Table 3, “Group Search Contexts”.


It's possible to search using group criteria in the resource search, and the reverse, by specifying the search area and the appropriate properties. For example, it's possible to do a search in the groups area to return the list of groups that a specific resource belongs to. This is done by explicitly passing the search context and search property. For example, in the Groups page, to list any group which contains a resource managed by the Postgres plug-in:
resource.type.plugin = Postgres


The parameter suggestions for connection, configuration, and trait use the internal property names for the property names (connection[property_name]) rather than the names used in the JBoss ON GUI.
Table 2. Resource Search Contexts
Property Description The resource ID number assigned by JBoss ON. The resource name, which is displayed in the UI.
resource.version The version number of the resource.
resource.type.plugin The resource type, defined by the plug-in used to manage the resource. The resource type, by name.
resource.type.category The resource type category (platform, server, or service).
resource.availability The resource availability, either UP or DOWN.
resource.pluginConfiguration[property-name] The value of any possible configuration entry in a plug-in.
resource.resourceConfiguration[property-name] The value of any possible configuration entry in a resource.
resource.trait[property-name] The value of any possible measurement trait for a resource.
There are slightly fewer search properties for groups, since groups have simpler entries than resources.
Table 3. Group Search Contexts
Property Description The name of the group.
group.plug-in For a compatible group, the plug-in which defines the resource type for this group.
group.type For a compatible group, the resource type for this group.
group.category The resource type category (platform, server, or service).
group.kind The type of group, either mixed or compatible.
group.availability The availability of resource in the group, either UP or DOWN.
The operator first refers to how the results should match the search string (value). This can require an exact match, every value but the one given in the search string. The operator then refers to how multiple search strings relate to each other (AND or OR); both explicit AND and OR statements and parenthetical statements are allowed. Complex searches are covered in Section 2.2.3, “Complex AND and OR Searches”.
Table 4. Search String Operators
Operator Description
= Case-insensitive match.
== Case-exact match.
!= Case-insensitive negative match (meaning, the value is not the string).
!== Case-exact negative match (meaning, the value is not the string).

2.2.3. Complex AND and OR Searches

The dynamic search bar assumes that each individual word is a search term (unless terms are defined using quotation marks). Implicitly, multi-word searches are treated as AND searches. For example:
postgres server myserver
This is treated as a series of AND terms:
postgres AND server AND myserver
The dynamic search also allows OR searches, with terms separated by a pipe (|). For example:
postgres | jbossas
Both AND and OR searches can be entered, and complex searches can be written by stringing multiple search strings together. When there are both AND and OR search criteria, the AND terms are processed first. For example, this search term searches for both B and C, and then either A or B/C.
a | b c


When there are both AND and OR terms used in a complex search, AND terms are given preference. However, terms in parenthesis are evaluated even before AND expressions, so parentheses can be used to override the natural search preference.
Search phrases can be nested to multiple levels using parentheses to group search terms. These parentheses can also be used to override the preferences for AND matches, forcing at least some OR expressions to be processed first. For example, this expression searches for the OR terms first, matching a OR b and c OR d, and then running an AND search on the results of the two OR searches:
(a | b) (c | d)
The results will contain several combinations of values: a c, a d, b c, and b d.
Multiple levels of nesting are allows. For example, this expression requires a AND either b OR c AND d:
(a) (b | (c d))
The matching resources, then, can contain values matching a c d or a b.
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