Chapter 18. Backing up and restoring Red Hat Quay on a standalone deployment

Use the content within this section to back up and restore Red Hat Quay in standalone deployments.

18.1. Backing up Red Hat Quay on standalone deployments

This procedure describes how to create a backup of Red Hat Quay on standalone deployments.


  1. Create a temporary backup directory, for example, quay-backup:

    $ mkdir /tmp/quay-backup
  2. The following example command denotes the local directory that the Red Hat Quay was started in, for example, /opt/quay-install:

    $ podman run --name quay-app \
       -v /opt/quay-install/config:/conf/stack:Z \
       -v /opt/quay-install/storage:/datastorage:Z \

    Change into the directory that bind-mounts to /conf/stack inside of the container, for example, /opt/quay-install, by running the following command:

    $ cd /opt/quay-install
  3. Compress the contents of your Red Hat Quay deployment into an archive in the quay-backup directory by entering the following command:

    $ tar cvf /tmp/quay-backup/quay-backup.tar.gz *

    Example output:

  4. Back up the Quay container service by entering the following command:

    $ podman inspect quay-app | jq -r '.[0].Config.CreateCommand | .[]' | paste -s -d ' ' -
      /usr/bin/podman run --name quay-app \
      -v /opt/quay-install/config:/conf/stack:Z \
      -v /opt/quay-install/storage:/datastorage:Z \
  5. Redirect the contents of your conf/stack/config.yaml file to your temporary quay-config.yaml file by entering the following command:

    $ podman exec -it quay cat /conf/stack/config.yaml > /tmp/quay-backup/quay-config.yaml
  6. Obtain the DB_URI located in your temporary quay-config.yaml by entering the following command:

    $ grep DB_URI /tmp/quay-backup/quay-config.yaml

    Example output:

    $ postgresql://<username>:test123@
  7. Extract the PostgreSQL contents to your temporary backup directory in a backup .sql file by entering the following command:

    $ pg_dump -h  -p 5432 -d quay  -U  <username>   -W -O > /tmp/quay-backup/quay-backup.sql
  8. Print the contents of your DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_CONFIG by entering the following command:

        - S3Storage
        - s3_bucket: <bucket_name>
          storage_path: /registry
          s3_access_key: <s3_access_key>
          s3_secret_key: <s3_secret_key>
          host: <host_name>
  9. Export the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID by using the access_key credential obtained in Step 7:

    $ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key>
  10. Export the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY by using the secret_key obtained in Step 7:

    $ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<secret_key>
  11. Sync the quay bucket to the /tmp/quay-backup/blob-backup/ directory from the hostname of your DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_CONFIG:

    $ aws s3 sync s3://<bucket_name>  /tmp/quay-backup/blob-backup/ --source-region us-east-2

    Example output:

    download: s3://<user_name>/registry/sha256/9c/9c3181779a868e09698b567a3c42f3744584ddb1398efe2c4ba569a99b823f7a to registry/sha256/9c/9c3181779a868e09698b567a3c42f3744584ddb1398efe2c4ba569a99b823f7a
    download: s3://<user_name>/registry/sha256/e9/e9c5463f15f0fd62df3898b36ace8d15386a6813ffb470f332698ecb34af5b0d to registry/sha256/e9/e9c5463f15f0fd62df3898b36ace8d15386a6813ffb470f332698ecb34af5b0d

It is recommended that you delete the quay-config.yaml file after syncing the quay bucket because it contains sensitive information. The quay-config.yaml file will not be lost because it is backed up in the quay-backup.tar.gz file.

18.2. Restoring Red Hat Quay on standalone deployments

This procedure describes how to restore Red Hat Quay on standalone deployments.


  • You have backed up your Red Hat Quay deployment.


  1. Create a new directory that will bind-mount to /conf/stack inside of the Red Hat Quay container:

    $ mkdir /opt/new-quay-install
  2. Copy the contents of your temporary backup directory created in Backing up Red Hat Quay on standalone deployments to the new-quay-install1 directory created in Step 1:

    $ cp /tmp/quay-backup/quay-backup.tar.gz /opt/new-quay-install/
  3. Change into the new-quay-install directory by entering the following command:

    $ cd /opt/new-quay-install/
  4. Extract the contents of your Red Hat Quay directory:

    $ tar xvf /tmp/quay-backup/quay-backup.tar.gz *

    Example output:

  5. Recall the DB_URI from your backed-up config.yaml file by entering the following command:

    $ grep DB_URI config.yaml

    Example output:

  6. Run the following command to enter the PostgreSQL database server:

    $ sudo postgres
  7. Enter psql and create a new database in to restore the quay databases, for example, example_restore_registry_quay_database, by entering the following command:

    $ psql "host=  port=5432 dbname=postgres user=<username>  password=test123"
    postgres=> CREATE DATABASE example_restore_registry_quay_database;

    Example output:

  8. Connect to the database by running the following command:

    postgres=# \c "example-restore-registry-quay-database";

    Example output:

    You are now connected to database "example-restore-registry-quay-database" as user "postgres".
  9. Create a pg_trmg extension of your Quay database by running the following command:

    example_restore_registry_quay_database=> CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm;

    Example output:

  10. Exit the postgres CLI by entering the following command:

  11. Import the database backup to your new database by running the following command:

    $ psql "host= port=5432 dbname=example_restore_registry_quay_database user=<username> password=test123"  -W <  /tmp/quay-backup/quay-backup.sql

    Example output:


    Update the value of DB_URI in your config.yaml from postgresql://<username>:test123@ to postgresql://<username>:test123@ before restarting the Red Hat Quay deployment.


    The DB_URI format is DB_URI postgresql://<login_user_name>:<login_user_password>@<postgresql_host>/<quay_database>. If you are moving from one PostgreSQL server to another PostgreSQL server, update the value of <login_user_name>, <login_user_password> and <postgresql_host> at the same time.

  12. In the /opt/new-quay-install directory, print the contents of your DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_CONFIG bundle:

    $ cat config.yaml | grep DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_CONFIG -A10

    Example output:

        - S3Storage
        - s3_bucket: <bucket_name>
          storage_path: /registry
          s3_access_key: <s3_access_key>
          s3_secret_key: <s3_secret_key>
          host: <host_name>

    Your DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_CONFIG in /opt/new-quay-install must be updated before restarting your Red Hat Quay deployment.

  13. Export the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID by using the access_key credential obtained in Step 13:

    $ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key>
  14. Export the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY by using the secret_key obtained in Step 13:

    $ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<secret_key>
  15. Create a new s3 bucket by entering the following command:

    $ aws s3 mb s3://<new_bucket_name>  --region us-east-2

    Example output:

    $ make_bucket: quay
  16. Upload all blobs to the new s3 bucket by entering the following command:

    $ aws s3 sync --no-verify-ssl \
    --endpoint-url <example_endpoint_url> 1
    /tmp/quay-backup/blob-backup/. s3://quay/
    The Red Hat Quay registry endpoint must be the same before backup and after restore.

    Example output:

    upload: ../../tmp/quay-backup/blob-backup/datastorage/registry/sha256/50/505edb46ea5d32b5cbe275eb766d960842a52ee77ac225e4dc8abb12f409a30d to s3://quay/datastorage/registry/sha256/50/505edb46ea5d32b5cbe275eb766d960842a52ee77ac225e4dc8abb12f409a30d
    upload: ../../tmp/quay-backup/blob-backup/datastorage/registry/sha256/27/27930dc06c2ee27ac6f543ba0e93640dd21eea458eac47355e8e5989dea087d0 to s3://quay/datastorage/registry/sha256/27/27930dc06c2ee27ac6f543ba0e93640dd21eea458eac47355e8e5989dea087d0
    upload: ../../tmp/quay-backup/blob-backup/datastorage/registry/sha256/8c/8c7daf5e20eee45ffe4b36761c4bb6729fb3ee60d4f588f712989939323110ec to s3://quay/datastorage/registry/sha256/8c/8c7daf5e20eee45ffe4b36761c4bb6729fb3ee60d4f588f712989939323110ec
  17. Before restarting your Red Hat Quay deployment, update the storage settings in your config.yaml:

        - S3Storage
        - s3_bucket: <new_bucket_name>
          storage_path: /registry
          s3_access_key: <s3_access_key>
          s3_secret_key: <s3_secret_key>
          host: <host_name>
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