
Chapter 6. Setting up the relational database

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Red Hat Single Sign-On comes with its own embedded Java-based relational database called H2. This is the default database that Red Hat Single Sign-On will use to persist data and really only exists so that you can run the authentication server by default.

The H2 database is intended only for example purposes. It is not a supported database, so it is not tested for database migration. We highly recommend that you replace it with a more production ready external database. The H2 database is not very viable in high concurrency situations and should not be used in a cluster either. The purpose of this chapter is to show you how to connect Red Hat Single Sign-On to a more mature database.

Red Hat Single Sign-On uses two layered technologies to persist its relational data. The bottom layered technology is JDBC. JDBC is a Java API that is used to connect to a RDBMS. There are different JDBC drivers per database type that are provided by your database vendor. This chapter discusses how to configure Red Hat Single Sign-On to use one of these vendor-specific drivers.

The top layered technology for persistence is Hibernate JPA. This is an object to relational mapping API that maps Java Objects to relational data. Most deployments of Red Hat Single Sign-On will never have to touch the configuration aspects of Hibernate, but we will discuss how that is done if you run into that rare circumstance.


Datasource configuration is covered much more thoroughly in the datasource configuration chapter in the JBoss EAP Configuration Guide.

6.1. Database setup checklist

Following are the steps you perform to get an RDBMS configured for Red Hat Single Sign-On.

  1. Locate and download a JDBC driver for your database
  2. Package the driver JAR into a module and install this module into the server
  3. Declare the JDBC driver in the configuration profile of the server
  4. Modify the datasource configuration to use your database’s JDBC driver
  5. Modify the datasource configuration to define the connection parameters to your database

This chapter will use PostgresSQL for all its examples. Other databases follow the same steps for installation.

6.2. Packaging the JDBC driver

Find and download the JDBC driver JAR for your RDBMS. Before you can use this driver, you must package it up into a module and install it into the server. Modules define JARs that are loaded into the Red Hat Single Sign-On classpath and the dependencies those JARs have on other modules.


  1. Create a directory structure to hold your module definition within the …​/modules/ directory of your Red Hat Single Sign-On distribution.

    The convention is use the Java package name of the JDBC driver for the name of the directory structure. For PostgreSQL, create the directory org/postgresql/main.

  2. Copy your database driver JAR into this directory and create an empty module.xml file within it too.

    Module Directory

    Module Directory

  3. Open up the module.xml file and create the following XML:

    Module XML

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.3" name="org.postgresql">
            <resource-root path="postgresql-VERSION.jar"/>
            <module name="javax.api"/>
            <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>

    • The module name should match the directory structure of your module. So, org/postgresql maps to org.postgresql.
    • The resource-root path attribute should specify the JAR filename of the driver.
    • The rest are just the normal dependencies that any JDBC driver JAR would have.

6.3. Declaring and loading the JDBC driver

You declare your JDBC into your deployment profile so that it loads and becomes available when the server boots up.


You have packaged the JDBC driver.


  1. Declare your JDBC driver by editing one of these files based on your deployment mode:

    • For standalone mode, edit …​/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml.
    • For standalone clustering mode, edit …​/standalone/configuration/standalone-ha.xml.
    • For domain mode, edit …​/domain/configuration/domain.xml.

      In domain mode, make sure you edit the profile you are using: either auth-server-standalone or auth-server-clustered

  2. Within the profile, search for the drivers XML block within the datasources subsystem.

    You should see a pre-defined driver declared for the H2 JDBC driver. This is where you’ll declare the JDBC driver for your external database.

    JDBC Drivers

      <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:datasources:6.0">
              <driver name="h2" module="com.h2database.h2">

  3. Within the drivers XML block, declare an additional JDBC driver.

    • Assign any name to this driver.
    • Specify the module attribute which points to the module package that you created earlier for the driver JAR.
    • Specify the driver’s Java class.

      Here’s an example of installing a PostgreSQL driver that lives in the module example defined earlier in this chapter.

      Declare Your JDBC Drivers

        <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:datasources:6.0">
                <driver name="postgresql" module="org.postgresql">
                <driver name="h2" module="com.h2database.h2">

6.4. Modifying the Red Hat Single Sign-On datasource

You modify the existing datasource configuration that Red Hat Single Sign-On uses to connect it to your new external database. You’ll do this within the same configuration file and XML block that you registered your JDBC driver in. Here’s an example that sets up the connection to your new database:

Declare Your JDBC Drivers

  <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:datasources:6.0">
       <datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/datasources/KeycloakDS" pool-name="KeycloakDS" enabled="true" use-java-context="true">


  • You have already declared your JDBC driver.


  1. Search for the datasource definition for KeycloakDS.

    You’ll first need to modify the connection-url. The documentation for your vendor’s JDBC implementation should specify the format for this connection URL value.

  2. Define the driver you will use.

    This is the logical name of the JDBC driver you declared in the previous section of this chapter.

    It is expensive to open a new connection to a database every time you want to perform a transaction. To compensate, the datasource implementation maintains a pool of open connections. The max-pool-size specifies the maximum number of connections it will pool. You may want to change the value of this depending on the load of your system.

  3. Define the database username and password that is needed to connect to the database. This step is necessary for at least PostgreSQL. You may be concerned that these credentials are in clear text in the example. Methods exist to obfuscate these credentials, but these methods are beyond the scope of this guide.

For more information about datasource features, see the datasource configuration chapter in the JBoss EAP Configuration Guide.

6.5. Database Configuration

The configuration for this component is found in the standalone.xml, standalone-ha.xml, or domain.xml file in your distribution. The location of this file depends on your operating mode.

Database Config

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:keycloak-server:1.2">
    <spi name="connectionsJpa">
     <provider name="default" enabled="true">
             <property name="dataSource" value="java:jboss/datasources/KeycloakDS"/>
             <property name="initializeEmpty" value="false"/>
             <property name="migrationStrategy" value="manual"/>
             <property name="migrationExport" value="${jboss.home.dir}/keycloak-database-update.sql"/>

Possible configuration options are:

JNDI name of the dataSource
boolean property to specify if datasource is JTA capable
Value of database dialect. In most cases you don’t need to specify this property as dialect will be autodetected by Hibernate.
Initialize database if empty. If set to false the database has to be manually initialized. If you want to manually initialize the database set migrationStrategy to manual which will create a file with SQL commands to initialize the database. Defaults to true.
Strategy to use to migrate database. Valid values are update, manual and validate. Update will automatically migrate the database schema. Manual will export the required changes to a file with SQL commands that you can manually execute on the database. Validate will simply check if the database is up-to-date.
Path for where to write manual database initialization/migration file.
Specify whether Hibernate should show all SQL commands in the console (false by default). This is very verbose!
Specify whether Hibernate should format SQL commands (true by default)
Will log global statistics from Hibernate about executed DB queries and other things. Statistics are always reported to server log at specified interval (in seconds) and are cleared after each report.
Specify the database schema to use

These configuration switches and more are described in the JBoss EAP Development Guide.

6.6. Unicode considerations for databases

Database schema in Red Hat Single Sign-On only accounts for Unicode strings in the following special fields:

  • Realms: display name, HTML display name, localization texts (keys and values)
  • Federation Providers: display name
  • Users: username, given name, last name, attribute names and values
  • Groups: name, attribute names and values
  • Roles: name
  • Descriptions of objects

Otherwise, characters are limited to those contained in database encoding which is often 8-bit. However, for some database systems, it is possible to enable UTF-8 encoding of Unicode characters and use full Unicode character set in all text fields. Often, this is counterbalanced by shorter maximum length of the strings than in case of 8-bit encodings.

Some of the databases require special settings to database and/or JDBC driver to be able to handle Unicode characters. Please find the settings for your database below. Note that if a database is listed here, it can still work properly provided it handles UTF-8 encoding properly both on the level of database and JDBC driver.

Technically, the key criterion for Unicode support for all fields is whether the database allows setting of Unicode character set for VARCHAR and CHAR fields. If yes, there is a high chance that Unicode will be plausible, usually at the expense of field length. If it only supports Unicode in NVARCHAR and NCHAR fields, Unicode support for all text fields is unlikely as Keycloak schema uses VARCHAR and CHAR fields extensively.

6.6.1. Oracle database

Unicode characters are properly handled provided the database was created with Unicode support in VARCHAR and CHAR fields (e.g. by using AL32UTF8 character set as the database character set). No special settings is needed for JDBC driver.

If the database character set is not Unicode, then to use Unicode characters in the special fields, the JDBC driver needs to be configured with the connection property oracle.jdbc.defaultNChar set to true. It might be wise, though not strictly necessary, to also set the oracle.jdbc.convertNcharLiterals connection property to true. These properties can be set either as system properties or as connection properties. Please note that setting oracle.jdbc.defaultNChar may have negative impact on performance. For details, please refer to Oracle JDBC driver configuration documentation.

6.6.2. Microsoft SQL Server database

Unicode characters are properly handled only for the special fields. No special settings of JDBC driver or database is necessary.

6.6.3. MySQL database

Unicode characters are properly handled provided the database was created with Unicode support in VARCHAR and CHAR fields in the CREATE DATABASE command (e.g. by using utf8 character set as the default database character set in MySQL 5.5. Please note that utf8mb4 character set does not work due to different storage requirements to utf8 character set [1]). Note that in this case, length restriction to non-special fields does not apply because columns are created to accommodate given amount of characters, not bytes. If the database default character set does not allow storing Unicode, only the special fields allow storing Unicode values.

At the side of JDBC driver settings, it is necessary to add a connection property characterEncoding=UTF-8 to the JDBC connection settings.

6.6.4. PostgreSQL database

Unicode is supported when the database character set is UTF8. In that case, Unicode characters can be used in any field, there is no reduction of field length for non-special fields. No special settings of JDBC driver is necessary.

The character set of a PostgreSQL database is determined at the time it is created. You can determine the default character set for a PostgreSQL cluster with the SQL command

show server_encoding;

If the default character set is not UTF 8, then you can create the database with UTF8 as its character set like this:

create database keycloak with encoding 'UTF8';
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