
Chapter 13. GenericKafkaListenerConfiguration schema reference

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Used in: GenericKafkaListener

Full list of GenericKafkaListenerConfiguration schema properties

Configuration for Kafka listeners.

13.1. brokerCertChainAndKey

The brokerCertChainAndKey property is only used with listeners that have TLS encryption enabled. You can use the property to provide your own Kafka listener certificates.

Example configuration for a loadbalancer external listener with TLS encryption enabled

  - name: external3
    port: 9094
    type: loadbalancer
    tls: true
      type: tls
        secretName: my-secret
        certificate: my-listener-certificate.crt
        key: my-listener-key.key
# ...

When the certificate or key in the brokerCertChainAndKey secret is updated, the operator will automatically detect it in the next reconciliation and trigger a rolling update of the Kafka brokers to reload the certificate.

13.2. externalTrafficPolicy

The externalTrafficPolicy property is used with loadbalancer and nodeport listeners. When exposing Kafka outside of OpenShift you can choose Local or Cluster. Local avoids hops to other nodes and preserves the client IP, whereas Cluster does neither. The default is Cluster.

13.3. loadBalancerSourceRanges

The loadBalancerSourceRanges property is only used with loadbalancer listeners. When exposing Kafka outside of OpenShift use source ranges, in addition to labels and annotations, to customize how a service is created.

Example source ranges configured for a loadbalancer listener

  - name: external3
    port: 9094
    type: loadbalancer
    tls: false
      externalTrafficPolicy: Local
      # ...
# ...

13.4. class

The class property is only used with ingress listeners. You can configure the Ingress class using the class property.

Example of an external listener of type ingress using Ingress class nginx-internal

  - name: external2
    port: 9094
    type: ingress
    tls: true
      class: nginx-internal
    # ...
# ...

13.5. preferredNodePortAddressType

The preferredNodePortAddressType property is only used with nodeport listeners.

Use the preferredNodePortAddressType property in your listener configuration to specify the first address type checked as the node address. This property is useful, for example, if your deployment does not have DNS support, or you only want to expose a broker internally through an internal DNS or IP address. If an address of this type is found, it is used. If the preferred address type is not found, Streams for Apache Kafka proceeds through the types in the standard order of priority:

  1. ExternalDNS
  2. ExternalIP
  3. Hostname
  4. InternalDNS
  5. InternalIP

Example of an external listener configured with a preferred node port address type

  - name: external4
    port: 9094
    type: nodeport
    tls: false
      preferredNodePortAddressType: InternalDNS
      # ...
# ...

13.6. useServiceDnsDomain

The useServiceDnsDomain property is only used with internal and cluster-ip listeners. It defines whether the fully-qualified DNS names that include the cluster service suffix (usually .cluster.local) are used. With useServiceDnsDomain set as false, the advertised addresses are generated without the service suffix; for example, With useServiceDnsDomain set as true, the advertised addresses are generated with the service suffix; for example, Default is false.

Example of an internal listener configured to use the Service DNS domain

  - name: plain
    port: 9092
    type: internal
    tls: false
      useServiceDnsDomain: true
      # ...
# ...

If your OpenShift cluster uses a different service suffix than .cluster.local, you can configure the suffix using the KUBERNETES_SERVICE_DNS_DOMAIN environment variable in the Cluster Operator configuration.

13.7. GenericKafkaListenerConfiguration schema properties

PropertyProperty typeDescription



Reference to the Secret which holds the certificate and private key pair which will be used for this listener. The certificate can optionally contain the whole chain. This field can be used only with listeners with enabled TLS encryption.


string (one of [Local, Cluster])

Specifies whether the service routes external traffic to node-local or cluster-wide endpoints. Cluster may cause a second hop to another node and obscures the client source IP. Local avoids a second hop for LoadBalancer and Nodeport type services and preserves the client source IP (when supported by the infrastructure). If unspecified, OpenShift will use Cluster as the default.This field can be used only with loadbalancer or nodeport type listener.


string array

A list of CIDR ranges (for example or from which clients can connect to load balancer type listeners. If supported by the platform, traffic through the loadbalancer is restricted to the specified CIDR ranges. This field is applicable only for loadbalancer type services and is ignored if the cloud provider does not support the feature. This field can be used only with loadbalancer type listener.



Bootstrap configuration.


GenericKafkaListenerConfigurationBroker array

Per-broker configurations.


string (one of [RequireDualStack, SingleStack, PreferDualStack])

Specifies the IP Family Policy used by the service. Available options are SingleStack, PreferDualStack and RequireDualStack. SingleStack is for a single IP family. PreferDualStack is for two IP families on dual-stack configured clusters or a single IP family on single-stack clusters. RequireDualStack fails unless there are two IP families on dual-stack configured clusters. If unspecified, OpenShift will choose the default value based on the service type.


string (one or more of [IPv6, IPv4]) array

Specifies the IP Families used by the service. Available options are IPv4 and IPv6. If unspecified, OpenShift will choose the default value based on the ipFamilyPolicy setting.



Whether to create the bootstrap service or not. The bootstrap service is created by default (if not specified differently). This field can be used with the loadBalancer type listener.



Configures a specific class for Ingress and LoadBalancer that defines which controller will be used. This field can only be used with ingress and loadbalancer type listeners. If not specified, the default controller is used. For an ingress listener, set the ingressClassName property in the Ingress resources. For a loadbalancer listener, set the loadBalancerClass property in the Service resources.


string array

A list of finalizers which will be configured for the LoadBalancer type Services created for this listener. If supported by the platform, the finalizer to make sure that the external load balancer is deleted together with the service.For more information, see This field can be used only with loadbalancer type listeners.



The maximum connection creation rate we allow in this listener at any time. New connections will be throttled if the limit is reached.



The maximum number of connections we allow for this listener in the broker at any time. New connections are blocked if the limit is reached.


string (one of [ExternalDNS, ExternalIP, Hostname, InternalIP, InternalDNS])

Defines which address type should be used as the node address. Available types are: ExternalDNS, ExternalIP, InternalDNS, InternalIP and Hostname. By default, the addresses will be used in the following order (the first one found will be used):

  • ExternalDNS
  • ExternalIP
  • InternalDNS
  • InternalIP
  • Hostname

This field is used to select the preferred address type, which is checked first. If no address is found for this address type, the other types are checked in the default order. This field can only be used with nodeport type listener.



Configures whether the OpenShift service DNS domain should be used or not. If set to true, the generated addresses will contain the service DNS domain suffix (by default .cluster.local, can be configured using environment variable KUBERNETES_SERVICE_DNS_DOMAIN). Defaults to false.This field can be used only with internal and cluster-ip type listeners.

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