
Chapter 16. GenericKafkaListenerConfigurationBroker schema reference

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Used in: GenericKafkaListenerConfiguration

Full list of GenericKafkaListenerConfigurationBroker schema properties

You can see example configuration for the nodePort, host, loadBalancerIP and annotations properties in the GenericKafkaListenerConfigurationBootstrap schema, which configures bootstrap service overrides.

Advertised addresses for brokers

By default, Streams for Apache Kafka tries to automatically determine the hostnames and ports that your Kafka cluster advertises to its clients. This is not sufficient in all situations, because the infrastructure on which Streams for Apache Kafka is running might not provide the right hostname or port through which Kafka can be accessed.

You can specify a broker ID and customize the advertised hostname and port in the configuration property of the listener. Streams for Apache Kafka will then automatically configure the advertised address in the Kafka brokers and add it to the broker certificates so it can be used for TLS hostname verification. Overriding the advertised host and ports is available for all types of listeners.

Example of an external route listener configured with overrides for advertised addresses

  - name: external1
    port: 9094
    type: route
    tls: true
      type: tls
      - broker: 0
        advertisedHost: example.hostname.0
        advertisedPort: 12340
      - broker: 1
        advertisedHost: example.hostname.1
        advertisedPort: 12341
      - broker: 2
        advertisedHost: example.hostname.2
        advertisedPort: 12342
# ...

16.1. GenericKafkaListenerConfigurationBroker schema properties

PropertyProperty typeDescription



ID of the kafka broker (broker identifier). Broker IDs start from 0 and correspond to the number of broker replicas.



The host name used in the brokers' advertised.listeners.



The port number used in the brokers' advertised.listeners.



The broker host. This field will be used in the Ingress resource or in the Route resource to specify the desired hostname. This field can be used only with route (optional) or ingress (required) type listeners.



Node port for the per-broker service. This field can be used only with nodeport type listener.



The loadbalancer is requested with the IP address specified in this field. This feature depends on whether the underlying cloud provider supports specifying the loadBalancerIP when a load balancer is created. This field is ignored if the cloud provider does not support the feature.This field can be used only with loadbalancer type listener.



Annotations that will be added to the Ingress or Service resource. You can use this field to configure DNS providers such as External DNS. This field can be used only with loadbalancer, nodeport, or ingress type listeners.



Labels that will be added to the Ingress, Route, or Service resource. This field can be used only with loadbalancer, nodeport, route, or ingress type listeners.

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