
Chapter 24. KafkaAuthorizationCustom schema reference

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Used in: KafkaClusterSpec

Full list of KafkaAuthorizationCustom schema properties

To use custom authorization in Streams for Apache Kafka, you can configure your own Authorizer plugin to define Access Control Lists (ACLs).

ACLs allow you to define which users have access to which resources at a granular level.

Configure the Kafka custom resource to use custom authorization. Set the type property in the authorization section to the value custom, and configure a list of super users.


The custom authorizer must implement the org.apache.kafka.server.authorizer.Authorizer interface, and support configuration of super users using the super.users configuration property.

24.1. authorizerClass

(Required) Java class that implements the org.apache.kafka.server.authorizer.Authorizer interface to support custom ACLs.

24.2. superUsers

A list of user principals treated as super users, so that they are always allowed without querying ACL rules.


The super.user configuration option in the config property in Kafka.spec.kafka is ignored. Designate super users in the authorization property instead. For more information, see Kafka broker configuration.

24.3. Additional configuration options

You can add additional configuration for initializing the custom authorizer using Kafka.spec.kafka.config.

An example of custom authorization configuration under Kafka.spec

kind: Kafka
  name: my-cluster
  namespace: myproject
    # ...
      type: custom
      authorizerClass: io.mycompany.CustomAuthorizer
        - CN=client_1
        - user_2
        - CN=client_3
    # ...
    # ...

24.4. Adding custom authorizer JAR files to the container image

In addition to the Kafka custom resource configuration, the JAR files containing the custom authorizer class along with its dependencies must be available on the classpath of the Kafka broker.

You can add them by building Streams for Apache Kafka from the source-code. The Streams for Apache Kafka build process provides a mechanism to add custom third-party libraries to the generated Kafka broker container image by adding them as dependencies in the pom.xml file under the docker-images/artifacts/kafka-thirdparty-libs directory. The directory contains different folders for different Kafka versions. Choose the appropriate folder. Before modifying the pom.xml file, the third-party library must be available in a Maven repository, and that Maven repository must be accessible to the Streams for Apache Kafka build process.

Alternatively, you can add the JARs to an existing Streams for Apache Kafka container image:

USER root:root
COPY ./my-authorizer/ /opt/kafka/libs/
USER 1001

24.5. Using custom authorizers with OAuth authentication

When using oauth authentication with a groupsClaim configuration to extract user group information from JWT tokens, group information can be used in custom authorization calls. Groups are accessible through the OAuthKafkaPrincipal object during custom authorization calls, as follows:

    public List<AuthorizationResult> authorize(AuthorizableRequestContext requestContext, List<Action> actions) {

        KafkaPrincipal principal = requestContext.principal();
        if (principal instanceof OAuthKafkaPrincipal) {
            OAuthKafkaPrincipal p = (OAuthKafkaPrincipal) principal;

            for (String group: p.getGroups()) {
                System.out.println("Group: " + group);

24.6. KafkaAuthorizationCustom schema properties

The type property is a discriminator that distinguishes use of the KafkaAuthorizationCustom type from KafkaAuthorizationSimple, KafkaAuthorizationOpa, KafkaAuthorizationKeycloak. It must have the value custom for the type KafkaAuthorizationCustom.

PropertyProperty typeDescription



Must be custom.



Authorization implementation class, which must be available in classpath.


string array

List of super users, which are user principals with unlimited access rights.



Indicates whether the custom authorizer supports the APIs for managing ACLs using the Kafka Admin API. Defaults to false.

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