
Chapter 22. KafkaAuthorizationOpa schema reference

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Used in: KafkaClusterSpec

Full list of KafkaAuthorizationOpa schema properties

To use Open Policy Agent authorization, set the type property in the authorization section to the value opa, and configure OPA properties as required. Streams for Apache Kafka uses Open Policy Agent plugin for Kafka authorization as the authorizer. For more information about the format of the input data and policy examples, see Open Policy Agent plugin for Kafka authorization.

22.1. url

The URL used to connect to the Open Policy Agent server. The URL has to include the policy which will be queried by the authorizer. Required.

22.2. allowOnError

Defines whether a Kafka client should be allowed or denied by default when the authorizer fails to query the Open Policy Agent, for example, when it is temporarily unavailable. Defaults to false - all actions will be denied.

22.3. initialCacheCapacity

Initial capacity of the local cache used by the authorizer to avoid querying the Open Policy Agent for every request. Defaults to 5000.

22.4. maximumCacheSize

Maximum capacity of the local cache used by the authorizer to avoid querying the Open Policy Agent for every request. Defaults to 50000.

22.5. expireAfterMs

The expiration of the records kept in the local cache to avoid querying the Open Policy Agent for every request. Defines how often the cached authorization decisions are reloaded from the Open Policy Agent server. In milliseconds. Defaults to 3600000 milliseconds (1 hour).

22.6. tlsTrustedCertificates

Trusted certificates for TLS connection to the OPA server.

22.7. superUsers

A list of user principals treated as super users, so that they are always allowed without querying the open Policy Agent policy.

An example of Open Policy Agent authorizer configuration

kind: Kafka
  name: my-cluster
  namespace: myproject
    # ...
      type: opa
      url: http://opa:8181/v1/data/kafka/allow
      allowOnError: false
      initialCacheCapacity: 1000
      maximumCacheSize: 10000
      expireAfterMs: 60000
        - CN=fred
        - sam
        - CN=edward
    # ...

22.8. KafkaAuthorizationOpa schema properties

The type property is a discriminator that distinguishes use of the KafkaAuthorizationOpa type from KafkaAuthorizationSimple, KafkaAuthorizationKeycloak, KafkaAuthorizationCustom. It must have the value opa for the type KafkaAuthorizationOpa.

PropertyProperty typeDescription



Must be opa.



The URL used to connect to the Open Policy Agent server. The URL has to include the policy which will be queried by the authorizer. This option is required.



Defines whether a Kafka client should be allowed or denied by default when the authorizer fails to query the Open Policy Agent, for example, when it is temporarily unavailable). Defaults to false - all actions will be denied.



Initial capacity of the local cache used by the authorizer to avoid querying the Open Policy Agent for every request Defaults to 5000.



Maximum capacity of the local cache used by the authorizer to avoid querying the Open Policy Agent for every request. Defaults to 50000.



The expiration of the records kept in the local cache to avoid querying the Open Policy Agent for every request. Defines how often the cached authorization decisions are reloaded from the Open Policy Agent server. In milliseconds. Defaults to 3600000.


CertSecretSource array

Trusted certificates for TLS connection to the OPA server.


string array

List of super users, which is specifically a list of user principals that have unlimited access rights.



Defines whether the Open Policy Agent authorizer plugin should provide metrics. Defaults to false.

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