19.5. Installing and Configuring Red Hat Single Sign-On
To use Red Had Single Sign-On as your authorization method, you need to:
- Install Red Hat SSO.
- Configure the LDAP group mapper.
- Configure Apache on the Manager.
- Configure OVN provider credentials.
If Red Hat SSO is configured, previous LDAP sign ons will not work, as only a single authorization protocol may be used at a time.
19.5.1. Installing Red Hat Single Sign-On
You can install Red Hat Single Sign-On by downloading a ZIP file and unpacking it, or by using an RPM file.
Follow the installation instructions at Red Hat SSO Installation
Prepare the following information:
Path/location of the
Open ID Connect
server. - The subscription channel for the correct repositories.
- Valid Red Hat subscription login credentials.
19.5.2. Configuring the LDAP group mapper
Add the LDAP groups mapper with the following information:
: ldapgroups -
Mapper Type
: group-ldap-mapper -
LDAP Groups DN
: ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com -
Group Object Classes
: groupofuniquenames (adapt this class according to your LDAP server setup) -
Membership LDAP Attribute
: uniquemember (adapt this class according to your LDAP server setup)
. -
Sync LDAP Groups to KeyCloak
. -
At the bottom of the
User Federation Provider
page, clickSynchronize all users
. -
In the
tab, underAdd Client
, addovirt-engine
as theClient ID
, and enter the engine url as theRoot URL
. -
Modify the
Client Protocol
and theAccess Type
. -
In the
tab, underOvirt-engine
>Advanced Settings
, increase theAccess Token Lifespan
. -
as a valid redirect URI. - The client secret is generated, and can be viewed in the Credentials tab.
In the
tab underCreate Mapper Protocol
, create a mapper with the following settings:-
: groups -
Mapper Type
: Group Membership -
Token Claim Name
: groups -
Full group path
Add to ID token
Add to access token
Add to userinfo
Add the
Builtin Protocol Mapper
. -
Create the scopes needed by
. - Use the scopes created in the previous step to set up optional client scopes for the ovirt-engine client.
19.5.3. Configuring Apache in the Manager
Configure Apache in the Manager.
# yum install mod_auth_openidc
Create a new
config fileovirt-openidc.conf
with the following content:LoadModule auth_openidc_module modules/mod_auth_openidc.so OIDCProviderMetadataURL https://SSO.example.com/auth/realms/master/.well-known/openid-configuration OIDCSSLValidateServer Off OIDCClientID ovirt-engine OIDCClientSecret <client_SSO _generated_key> OIDCRedirectURI https://rhvm.example.com/ovirt-engine/callback OIDCDefaultURL https://rhvm.example.com/ovirt-engine/login?scope=ovirt-app-admin+ovirt-app-portal+ovirt-ext%3Dauth%3Asequence-priority%3D%7E # maps the prefered_username claim to the REMOTE_USER environment variable: OIDCRemoteUserClaim <preferred_username> OIDCCryptoPassphrase <random1234> <LocationMatch ^/ovirt-engine/sso/(interactive-login-negotiate|oauth/token-http-auth)|^/ovirt-engine/callback> <If "req('Authorization') !~ /^(Bearer|Basic)/i"> Require valid-user AuthType openid-connect ErrorDocument 401 "<html><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url=/ovirt-engine/sso/login-unauthorized\"/><body><a href=\"/ovirt-engine/sso/login-unauthorized\">Here</a></body></html>" </If> </LocationMatch> OIDCOAuthIntrospectionEndpoint https://SSO.example.com/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token/introspect OIDCOAuthSSLValidateServer Off OIDCOAuthIntrospectionEndpointParams token_type_hint=access_token OIDCOAuthClientID ovirt-engine OIDCOAuthClientSecret <client_SSO _generated_key> OIDCOAuthRemoteUserClaim sub <LocationMatch ^/ovirt-engine/(api$|api/)> AuthType oauth20 Require valid-user </LocationMatch>
To save the configuration changes, restart httpd and ovirt-engine:
# systemctl restart httpd # systemctl restart ovirt-engine
Create the file
with the following content:ovirt.engine.extension.name = openidc-authn ovirt.engine.extension.bindings.method = jbossmodule ovirt.engine.extension.binding.jbossmodule.module = org.ovirt.engine-extensions.aaa.misc ovirt.engine.extension.binding.jbossmodule.class = org.ovirt.engineextensions.aaa.misc.http.AuthnExtension ovirt.engine.extension.provides = org.ovirt.engine.api.extensions.aaa.Authn ovirt.engine.aaa.authn.profile.name = openidchttp ovirt.engine.aaa.authn.authz.plugin = openidc-authz ovirt.engine.aaa.authn.mapping.plugin = openidc-http-mapping config.artifact.name = HEADER config.artifact.arg = OIDC_CLAIM_preferred_username
Create the file
with the following content:ovirt.engine.extension.name = openidc-http-mapping ovirt.engine.extension.bindings.method = jbossmodule ovirt.engine.extension.binding.jbossmodule.module = org.ovirt.engine-extensions.aaa.misc ovirt.engine.extension.binding.jbossmodule.class = org.ovirt.engineextensions.aaa.misc.mapping.MappingExtension ovirt.engine.extension.provides = org.ovirt.engine.api.extensions.aaa.Mapping config.mapAuthRecord.type = regex config.mapAuthRecord.regex.mustMatch = false config.mapAuthRecord.regex.pattern = ^(?<user>.*?)((\\\\(?<at>@)(?<suffix>.*?)@.*)|(?<realm>@.*))$ config.mapAuthRecord.regex.replacement = ${user}${at}${suffix}
Create the file
with the following content:ovirt.engine.extension.name = openidc-authz ovirt.engine.extension.bindings.method = jbossmodule ovirt.engine.extension.binding.jbossmodule.module = org.ovirt.engine-extensions.aaa.misc ovirt.engine.extension.binding.jbossmodule.class = org.ovirt.engineextensions.aaa.misc.http.AuthzExtension ovirt.engine.extension.provides = org.ovirt.engine.api.extensions.aaa.Authz config.artifact.name.arg = OIDC_CLAIM_preferred_username config.artifact.groups.arg = OIDC_CLAIM_groups
Create the file
with the following content:ENGINE_SSO_ENABLE_EXTERNAL_SSO=true ENGINE_SSO_EXTERNAL_SSO_LOGOUT_URI="${ENGINE_URI}/callback" EXTERNAL_OIDC_USER_INFO_END_POINT=https://SSO.example.com/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo EXTERNAL_OIDC_TOKEN_END_POINT=https://SSO.example.com/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token EXTERNAL_OIDC_LOGOUT_END_POINT=https://SSO.example.com/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/logout EXTERNAL_OIDC_CLIENT_ID=ovirt-engine EXTERNAL_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET="<client_SSO _generated_key>" EXTERNAL_OIDC_HTTPS_PKI_TRUST_STORE="/etc/pki/java/cacerts" EXTERNAL_OIDC_HTTPS_PKI_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD="" EXTERNAL_OIDC_SSL_VERIFY_CHAIN=false EXTERNAL_OIDC_SSL_VERIFY_HOST=false
19.5.4. Configuring OVN
If you configured the ovirt-ovn-provider in the Manager, you need to configure the OVN provider credentials.
Create the file
with the following content, where user1 belongs to the LDAP group ovirt-administrator, and openidchttp is the profile configured for aaa-ldap-misc.[OVIRT] # ovirt-admin-user-name=user1@openidchttp
Restart the
:# systemctl restart ovirt-provider-ovn
Log in to the Administration Portal, navigate to
, select ovirt-provider-ovn, and click to update the password for the ovn provider.