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Chapter 1. Custom triggers

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The Cryostat 2.4 agent supports custom triggers that are based on MBean metric values. You can configure the Cryostat agent to start JFR recordings dynamically when these custom trigger conditions are met.

You can define a custom trigger condition that dynamically starts a JFR recording when this condition is met. A custom trigger condition is based on MBean counters that can cover a range of runtime, memory, thread, and operating system metrics. You can include one or more MBean counter types as part of the custom trigger condition for a JFR recording. You can also specify a duration or time period as part of the trigger condition, which means the conditional values must persist for the specified duration before the condition is met.

The Cryostat agent supports smart triggers that continually listen to the value of the specified MBean counters. Triggering occurs if the current values of the specified counters match the configured values in the custom trigger for the specified duration. If triggering occurs, the Cryostat agent dynamically starts the JFR recording at that point.


A JFR recording will not start dynamically if the custom trigger condition associated with this recording is not met.

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