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Chapter 8. MBean counter types

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The MBean counter types that you can specify as part of a custom trigger definition are standard MBean metrics that are generally available in the JDK by default. These MBean counters cover a range of runtime, memory, thread, and operating system metrics.

The following is a full list of the MBean counter types that you can specify in a custom trigger definition:


The name of each MBean counter that you specify as part of a custom trigger definition must exactly match the spelling and capitalization of the MBean counter names in the following list.

Operating system metrics
  • Arch
  • AvailableProcessors
  • Name
  • SystemLoadAverage
  • Version
  • CommittedVirtualMemorySize
  • FreePhysicalMemorySize
  • FreeSwapSpaceSize
  • ProcessCpuLoad
  • ProcessCpuTime
  • SystemCpuLoad
  • TotalPhysicalMemorySize
  • TotalSwapSpaceSize
Thread metrics
  • AllThreadIds
  • CurrentThreadCpuTime
  • CurrentThreadUserTime
  • DaemonThreadCount
  • PeakThreadCount
  • ThreadCount
  • TotalStartedThreadCount
  • CurrentThreadCpuTimeSupported
  • ObjectMonitorUsageSupported
  • SynchronizerUsageSupported
  • ThreadContentionMonitoringEnabled
  • ThreadContentionMonitoringSupported
  • ThreadCpuTimeEnabled
  • ThreadCpuTimeSupported
Runtime metrics
  • BootClassPathSupported
  • BootClassPath
  • ClassPath
  • InputArguments
  • LibraryPath
  • ManagementSpecVersion
  • Name
  • SpecName
  • SpecVersion
  • SystemProperties
  • StartTime
  • Uptime
  • VmName
  • VmVendor
  • VmVersion
Memory metrics
  • HeapMemoryUsage
  • NonHeapMemoryUsage
  • ObjectPendingFinalizationCount
  • FreeHeapMemory
  • FreeNonHeapMemory
  • HeapMemoryUsagePercent
  • Verbose

Revised on 2023-12-08 09:01:56 UTC

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