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Chapter 7. Backing Up and Restoring Data Grid Clusters

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Create archives of Data Grid resources that include cached entries, cache configurations, Protobuf schemas, and server scripts. You can then use the backup archives to restore Data Grid Server clusters after a restart or migration.


  • Start the Data Grid CLI.
  • Connect to a running Data Grid cluster.

7.1. Backing Up Data Grid Clusters

Create backup archives in .zip format that you can download or store on Data Grid Server.


Backup archives should reflect the most recent cluster state. For this reason you should ensure the cluster is no longer accepting write requests before you create backup archives.


  1. Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.
  2. Run the backup create command with the appropriate options, for example:

    • Back up all resources with an automatically generated name.

      backup create
    • Back up all resources in a backup archive named example-backup.

      backup create -n example-backup
    • Back up all resources to the /some/server/dir path on the server.

      backup create -d /some/server/dir
    • Back up only caches and cache templates.

      backup create --caches=* --templates=*
    • Back up named Protobuf schemas only.

      backup create --proto-schemas=schema1,schema2
  3. List available backup archives on the server.

    backup ls
  4. Download the example-backup archive from the server.

    If the backup operation is still in progress, the command waits for it to complete.

    backup get example-backup
  5. Optionally delete the example-backup archive from the server.

    backup delete example-backup

7.2. Restoring Data Grid Clusters from Backup Archives

Apply the content of backup archives to Data Grid clusters to restore them to the backed up state.


  • Create a backup archive that is either local to the Data Grid CLI or stored on Data Grid Server.
  • Ensure that the target container matches the container name in the backup archive. You cannot restore backups if the container names do not match.


  1. Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.
  2. Run the backup restore command with the appropriate options.

    • Restore all content from a backup archive accessible on the server.

      backup restore /some/path/on/the/server
    • Restore all content from a local backup archive.

      backup restore -u /some/local/path
    • Restore only cache content from a backup archive on the server.

      backup restore /some/path/on/the/server --caches=*
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