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Chapter 1. Getting Started with Data Grid CLI

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The command line interface (CLI) lets you remotely connect to Data Grid Server to access data and perform administrative functions. Complete the following procedures to learn basic CLI usage such as creating users, connecting to Data Grid, and navigating resources.

1.1. Creating Data Grid users

Add credentials to authenticate with Data Grid Server deployments through Hot Rod and REST endpoints. Before you can access the Data Grid Console or perform cache operations you must create at least one user with the Data Grid command line interface (CLI).


Data Grid enforces security authorization with role-based access control (RBAC). Create an admin user the first time you add credentials to gain full ADMIN permissions to your Data Grid deployment.


  • Download and install Data Grid Server.


  1. Open a terminal in $RHDG_HOME.
  2. Create an admin user with the user create command.

    bin/ user create admin -p changeme

    Run help user from a CLI session to get complete command details.


Open and confirm the user exists.

cat server/conf/


Adding credentials to a properties realm with the CLI creates the user only on the server instance to which you are connected. You must manually synchronize credentials in a properties realm to each node in the cluster.

1.1.1. Granting roles to users

Assign roles to users and grant them permissions to perform cache operations and interact with Data Grid resources.


Grant roles to groups instead of users if you want to assign the same role to multiple users and centrally maintain their permissions.


  • Have ADMIN permissions for Data Grid.
  • Create Data Grid users.


  1. Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.
  2. Assign roles to users with the user roles grant command, for example:

    user roles grant --roles=deployer katie


List roles that you grant to users with the user roles ls command.

user roles ls katie

1.1.2. Adding users to groups

Groups let you change permissions for multiple users. You assign a role to a group and then add users to that group. Users inherit permissions from the group role.


You use groups as part of a property realm in the Data Grid Server configuration. Each group is a special type of user that also requires a username and password.


  • Have ADMIN permissions for Data Grid.
  • Create Data Grid users.


  1. Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.
  2. Use the user create command to create a group.

    1. Specify a group name with the --groups argument.
    2. Set a username and password for the group.

      user create --groups=developers developers -p changeme
  3. List groups.

    user ls --groups
  4. Grant a role to the group.

    user roles grant --roles=application developers
  5. List roles for the group.

    user roles ls developers
  6. Add users to the group one at a time.

    user groups john --groups=developers


Open and confirm the group exists.

cat server/conf/

1.1.3. Data Grid user roles and permissions

Data Grid includes several roles that provide users with permissions to access caches and Data Grid resources.




Superuser with all permissions including control of the Cache Manager lifecycle.



Can create and delete Data Grid resources in addition to application permissions.



Has read and write access to Data Grid resources in addition to observer permissions. Can also listen to events and execute server tasks and scripts.



Has read access to Data Grid resources in addition to monitor permissions.



Can view statistics via JMX and the metrics endpoint.

1.2. Connecting to Data Grid Servers

Establish CLI connections to Data Grid.


Add user credentials and have at least one running Data Grid server instance.


  1. Open a terminal in $RHDG_HOME.
  2. Start the CLI.

    • Linux:

    • Microsoft Windows:

  3. Run the connect command and enter your username and password when prompted.

    • Data Grid Server on the default port of 11222:

      [disconnected]> connect
    • Data Grid Server with a port offset of 100:

      [disconnected]> connect

1.4. Shutting down Data Grid Server

Stop individually running servers or bring down clusters gracefully.


  1. Create a CLI connection to Data Grid.
  2. Shut down Data Grid Server in one of the following ways:

    • Stop all nodes in a cluster with the shutdown cluster command, for example:

      shutdown cluster

      This command saves cluster state to the data folder for each node in the cluster. If you use a cache store, the shutdown cluster command also persists all data in the cache.

    • Stop individual server instances with the shutdown server command and the server hostname, for example:

      shutdown server <my_server01>

The shutdown server command does not wait for rebalancing operations to complete, which can lead to data loss if you specify multiple hostnames at the same time.


Run help shutdown for more details about using the command.


Data Grid logs the following messages when you shut down servers:

ISPN080002: Data Grid Server stopping
ISPN000080: Disconnecting JGroups channel cluster
ISPN000390: Persisted state, version=<$version> timestamp=YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
ISPN080003: Data Grid Server stopped

1.4.1. Shutdown and restart of Data Grid clusters

Prevent data loss and ensure consistency of your cluster by properly shutting down and restarting nodes.

Cluster shutdown

Data Grid recommends using the shutdown cluster command to stop all nodes in a cluster while saving cluster state and persisting all data in the cache. You can use the shutdown cluster command also for clusters with a single node.

When you bring Data Grid clusters back online, all nodes and caches in the cluster will be unavailable until all nodes rejoin. To prevent inconsistencies or data loss, Data Grid restricts access to the data stored in the cluster and modifications of the cluster state until the cluster is fully operational again. Additionally, Data Grid disables cluster rebalancing and prevents local cache stores purging on startup.

During the cluster recovery process, the coordinator node logs messages for each new node joining, indicating which nodes are available and which are still missing. Other nodes in the Data Grid cluster have the view from the time they join. You can monitor availability of caches using the Data Grid Console or REST API.

However, in cases where waiting for all nodes is not necessary nor desired, it is possible to set a cache available with the current topology. This approach is possible through the CLI, see below, or the REST API.


Manually installing a topology can lead to data loss, only perform this operation if the initial topology cannot be recreated.

Server shutdown

After using the shutdown server command to bring nodes down, the first node to come back online will be available immediately without waiting for other members. The remaining nodes join the cluster immediately, triggering state transfer but loading the local persistence first, which might lead to stale entries. Local cache stores configured to purge on startup will be emptied when the server starts. Local cache stores marked as purge=false will be available after a server restarts but might contain stale entries.

If you shutdown clustered nodes with the shutdown server command, you must restart each server in reverse order to avoid potential issues related to data loss and stale entries in the cache.
For example, if you shutdown server1 and then shutdown server2, you should first start server2 and then start server1. However, restarting clustered nodes in reverse order does not completely prevent data loss and stale entries.

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