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Chapter 3. Performing Batch Operations

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Process operations in groups, either interactively or using batch files.


  • A running Data Grid cluster.

3.1. Performing Batch Operations with Files

Create files that contain a set of operations and then pass them to the Data Grid CLI.


  1. Create a file that contains a set of operations.

    For example, create a file named batch that creates a cache named mybatch, adds two entries to the cache, and disconnects from the CLI.

    connect --username=<username> --password=<password> <hostname>:11222
    create cache --template=org.infinispan.DIST_SYNC mybatch
    put --cache=mybatch hello world
    put --cache=mybatch hola mundo
    ls caches/mybatch

    Configure the CLI with the autoconnect-url property instead of using the connect command directly in your batch files.

  2. Run the CLI and specify the file as input.

    bin/ -f batch

CLI batch files support system property expansion. Strings that use the ${property} format are replaced with the value of the property system property.

3.2. Performing Batch Operations Interactively

Use the standard input stream, stdin, to perform batch operations interactively.


  1. Start the Data Grid CLI in interactive mode.

    bin/ -c localhost:11222 -f -

    You can configure the CLI connection with the autoconnect-url property instead of using the -c argument.

  2. Run batch operations, for example:

    create cache --template=org.infinispan.DIST_SYNC mybatch
    put --cache=mybatch hello world
    put --cache=mybatch hola mundo
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